2020-01-17 12:18:18

One thing which I do think that writers in general should do is that see what they can come up with the combination of magic and technology.

I mean, we are in a immagenary world, right? who says that we can't do this, or that is impossible?

Anyway, I have picked up the laundry files, and some of the jokes are very funny to me, because of the programming.

But this line I won't forget concerning the computer security: Role at the floor laughing.

Also, this passed tuesday, Australia thrashed India pretty badly in cricket. today is the another match of the series, so we'll see whether we will have the revenge or not.

2020-01-20 12:49:22 (edited by Dark 2020-01-20 12:50:26)

Well I confess last week was ultra crappy, from the audio description headsets not working correctlyy at the cinema, to the guide dogs organisation deciding to be absolute Nazis (they seem to be going quite wrong these days), to Mrs. DArk being ill, and me still! having the cold and chest inffection I've had since Christmas (which also means I've had to stop lifting my weights and running with the zombies, which is down right annoying.

We did get to see an awesome  performance of Vaughn williams sixth symphony, which (to say how upbeat Vaughn williams usually is), was down right dark and disturbing! then again the thinking was that being written after the second world war it was stirring his PTSD from the first. Either way, something I've not heard before and something I really liked, indeed somehting I can recommend for any fans of intensively moody film score despite being written in 1948.
The general grimness did sort of suit last weeks mood though.

Hopefully this week will be better, even though mrs. Dark is starting radio and chemo therapy today, which probably means sitting around in hospital for a while (I'm planning to play through choice of zombies).
I also am going to have to almost completely fix my laptop from scratch, since it had a %100 crash a couple of weeks ago and needed to be completely blanked. Fortunately there wasn't anything on there that isn't backed up in several other places, but having to reinstall NVDA chrome, and thunderbird, get office working again and put all my documents back, not to mention  will be quite a pest, and very annoying since I'd like to go on with dreamy train and tempist season, and maybe play some more shadowrine too.

As to fantasy, I agree that messing with the world is a good thing Dark eagle, though I am less a fan of books in the absolute modern day   throw vampires, faeries etc into modern society, and prefer authors to create their own worlds, magic and  creatures with whatever level of tech. Indeed, this is one thing I've liked in a lot of brandon sanderson's writing, especially in the stormlight archive.

I've heard of the laundry files, but not read any of them, ditto with the iron druid chronicles,t hough I confess the iron druid ones I was slightly putoff by descriptions I've seen just talking about how awesome the main character is, since I'm really not a fan of super heroes or books where the protagonists can just get by on the awesome powers the author gives them, (I really did not enjoy Richard Cadry's sandman slim series).

still, I probably ought to give them a try before making up my own mind.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-20 13:11:58

Hey dark
Think of it this way, your lady is getting help to cure her cancer, that, in my opinion, makes everything better. Best of luck to you guys smile

2020-01-21 11:49:09

The main character of the Laundry files doesn't have any special powers, at least as far as I have observed.

What he does have, however is the training provided by the organization for which he works for, knowledge of computers, and support of the organization which I've just mentioned.

Considering that this is the first series after dresden files I am reading which takes place in the modern times, there are know vampires faeries or any such creatures. what it does have, are the eldretch abominations.

I also have to say that it is nice to see the main character not taking a beating all the time, like Harry Dresden did.

2020-01-21 20:37:50

@Msg, yep, your right about that, that is the thing I try to remember when waiting around in hospital for long periods, as indeed I needed to do yesterday, and to a lesser extent today (today was two hours rather than the five hours it was yesterday).

@Dark eagle: special powers doesn't necessarily mean magic, super strength etc, it could equally apply to martial training or the like, I personally prefer conflicts where the protagonist is really up against it, rather than books where you know the protagonist will succeed just because of how awesome they are.

Dresden, for all he started fairly underpowered and coming up agaisnt things tougher than him, really broke this rule, especially with how many new power sets he gained throughout the books, actually that  one reason I really enjoyed ghost story.

It's not just dresden that is guilty of this though, some of the october daye series have this problem too, still, if the laundry files are more lovecraftian, that could be interesting, since part of Lovecraft's ethos was always that humans are basically fodder for anything the least bit supernatural.

Oddly enough btw, I did enjoy Buffy the vampire slayer, which has a definitely super powered protagonist, though there more due to  very well written characters and the fact that the series always managed to up the anti with villains who were in some sense untouchable (glory in season 5 was especially fantastic for this).

today has been slightly better in as  much as we spent less time in hospital and setting up my laptop hasn't' been quite as tortuous as I expected, I do now have NVDA, chrome, thunderbird and office all working which is good, though now i need to start on various windows tweaks and reinstalling games.

Hope everyone is having a slightly better January than I am.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-23 00:18:59

@Dark, the only reason I read them was for the dog. lol. I normally don't like tech in fantasy books, preferring the medieval setting, or at the latest, 1800s style. I've been trying to get into the Sanderson books, and I just keep forgetting to read them, but they aren't bad, just not necessarily what I'm looking for. I'm great at describing, i know. lol.

As for my month, it hasn't been terrible. I'm not feeling the best, but its not as bad as it usually is. I've also gotten my discord server set up, so I'm happy about that. And I've figured out virtual audio cable, something I've been struggling with for years now. I'm considering getting into audiogame streaming, even though its a small community. Hopefully I'll be able to take care of some financial things to be able to go back to college soon.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
Come say hi on Twitter

2020-01-24 11:34:43

So, I finally finished the atrocity archives, the first book of the laundry files. and I must say, I really liked it.

And at the end of the book, Charles, (Whose last name I can't remember for the life of me,) explained his various decisions and inspirations for the series.

He goes on to explain that during the cold war, the threat felt by the common people was a constant nightmare, and how spy fiction and horror did created various books with that fear.

I was introduced with the multiverse theory for the first time by the show called Through The Worm Hole. and ever since, I have seen various spins on that theory in the fiction. but this was the first time I saw something about the information leakage, and eldritch abominations right around in the corner to take advantage of it.

Also, I really thought of a departmental bureaucratic war, where they will be warring with each other in good fun, and as soon as they detected another enemy, all the departments would gather and take out the enemy, all the while taking shots at each other.

2020-01-24 14:27:32

Well. January has been great for me so far. Finally back in school again after almost 18 months at home and i am really enjoying it so far. I haven't felt this happy in a long long time I must say.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-01-24 19:22:33

@Sovs, glad your having a reasonable January so far, I confess mine is continuing to be extremely crappy due to aforesaid hospital visits and yet more fun chemo side effects, indeed ones so bad we'll be stopping the chemo again and just continuing with the radiotherapy.

As for me, I've not really been doing much other than basically running to hospital with MRs. Dark and playing a bit of dreamy train now my laptop is in working order.

@Dark eagle, again, I don't know if the Laundry files is as much my thing, since again, spy fiction I was never as much a fan of, though I'll bare your good report in mind next time I fancy something lovecraftian.

I've currently been finishing off the bbv doctor who audio series which I got a while ago. These were audios done by the same people who later became big finish, but before they had a doctor who license, so whilst some characters like the rani, the sontarans and so on turn up, the doctor himself doesn't, ---- although there was a rather suspect time traveller called first the professor and then the dominae played by Silvester MCCoy, and a transtemporal terrorist played by Colin baker aka the sixth doctor big_smile.

some were a bit lacking, but some, particularly the experimental ones have been kind of awesome, it's nice to remember a time in the early 2000's when audio was still a fringe medium and audio dramas could still do things that were wonderfully weird and off the usual track.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-24 20:40:44

Dark. Once again i am really sorry for you and your laidy, all though i suppose it is getting pritty tiresm to hear that all the time.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-01-24 21:08:04

Wait, a Doctor Who drama, without the Doctor? That sounds... not Doctor Who. lol. smile I'm working on catching up with Doctor Who, but have trouble with Peter Kapaldi, think I spelled that right. He just doesn't feel like the Doctor to me, but that's okay. I want to see what happens anyway.
I've had a pretty good passed few days. I found a dog breeder that I mostly like, so hopefully in the next few years, I'll be able to get a poodle, which for anyone who doesn't know me, knows that's my obsession, and the only time I'm allowing myself to go to a breeder.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
Come say hi on Twitter

2020-01-24 21:11:21 (edited by Dark 2020-01-24 21:12:10)

@Sovs, thanks, sympathy is appreciated rather than boring, since I freely admit, both due to my lady's cancer and due to other crappy things which just seem to keep happening , EG being chucked out of the young person's cancer support group because my lady is slightly over the age limit, when the only other support groups are for much older people, things are a bit dire at the moment for both my lady and I, indeed the hollywood cliche "At least we have each other" is rather ironically true at the second, given we don't have much else going for us.

Still, I'll try not to be too dismal online if I can help it, indeed this weekend I'll be opening my very belated birthday present and starting a complete watch of the entire game of thrones on dvd, and as we all know, there's nothing that cheers you up quite as much as watching war, death, blood and mayhem, or at least a complex story with likable characters which just happens to be full of war, death, blood and mayhem big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-24 21:31:02

Yes Dark. Watching other people suffer is always cheering me up. Actually i have never watched game of thrones myself. Yes yes i know i should be ashamed and all that.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-01-24 22:43:27

@Dark, probably not the style you two are looking for, but have you looked into any online support groups?

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
Come say hi on Twitter

2020-01-24 23:39:28

Yeah. If you're going to look for anything online I'd highly recommend looking for some facebook groups. We found some pretty useful ones for my dad.
Going through chemotherapy is never easy or fun. Just hang in there and know that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. You seem to be handling things pretty well right now, much better than my mum ever did while my dad was undergoing treatment, so props for that.

2020-01-25 16:19:44

@Sovs, in fairness game of thrones is actually just a good story, though good as the series is, as with most things you should read the books first.

As regards online support groups, I'm guessing those are out there, but that's not really what either of us is looking for at the moment, since what we really need is some sort of contact with people who aren't my parents or each other in real time, heck, we've been needing that even before the cancer, given we're that rare thing, two people past thirty five with actual working brains who aren't obsessed either with our contributions to population increase, or spending time in crowded, noisy, spaces to imbibe neuro-toxins.

To an extent this is due to the area we live in, since we were forced to move back in September of 17, and we've ended up in a pretty small town full of much older people next to a huge, less than friendly crime ridden city (the one I grew up in and wanted  to move away from), to an extent it's our age, one good friend of mine in London and her husband are in exactly the same fix (shame they don't live closer), and to an extent it's all part of the jolly fun business of being visually impared in Britain.
Interestingly enough, my lady who grew up in America and lived in Germany for 17 years, as well as toured Europe, actually is of the opinion Britain has the most backward attitudes towards blind people she's noticed. Not in terms of legal equality, but in terms of people just being plane standoffish, or regarding blind people as a different species, or all those lovely little, "sorry we don't have room for you/you weren't good enough, which has nothing to do with prejudiced honest gov" occasions which I'm sure every blind person has experienced at some point, which seem a little more prevalent in Britain than elsewhere, at least according to my lady.

Again, at least we have each other, which is a good thing.

Okay, I'll stop complaining now big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-25 16:26:15

Part of the reason i haven't watched Game of thrones is because of my english. The storry might be great and all but i am finding it rather dificult to watch movies or read books in english all though books definitly are easyer. Well guess it is just a question about practice. At least it is getting better and better.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-01-25 17:34:45

@sovs, I don't know if there is a danish audiotrack for the dialogue, in game of thrones, let alone the audio description, but according to the song of ice and fire wiki, the books were translated into danish in 2011 under the title: "Kampen om tronen "

So if you fancied reading the books, (which I'd recommend before watching the series anyway), hopefully that would be possible.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-25 17:49:38

I actually didn't know they had been translated into to danish so thanks for letting me know. I might give them a try then.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-01-25 22:53:41

@Dark, Yeah, that's what I figured, thought I would at least put it out there. Either way, good luck to both of you. Hopefully you'll find something, or someone who can help you start your own.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
Come say hi on Twitter

2020-01-26 11:23:58

That is interesting to hear, since I have never gone outside of the India, I don't have any other country to compare in the first place.

Also, considering how big India is, and the different types of people everywhere, the experiences of blind people would also be different. in my case, it is usually isolation, not because I chose to be isolated, or the people with whom I am do wish to isolate me. its just the interest of me, and normal Indian people of my age are quite different.

Most of them do like to spend their time outside, going to this or that place for trip, watching movies, (to be fare, I do that too, just from the comfort of my home, rather than a theater,) and generally goof off.

I, on the other hand, like to read books, (it is a surprise for them how I despite various challenges always get the books which I want to read on my computer,) program, and of course watch movies or football, or cricket, which without the excilent commentary I would never watch, and play chess, can't forget chess.

2020-01-26 13:57:15

@dark eagle
When you say football, do you then mean american football or just football?
Cause i love football as well.
American football can just piss off lol.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2020-01-26 18:11:26

I could be wrong, but I'd guess Dark eagle probably means the same sort of football we have in the UK and the rest of Europe, since as far as I know the only countries where "football" means American football are the USA and perhaps Canada.

@Dark eagle, isolation I've found gets worse both as you get older and move out of university, and as you start to run into fewer people with interests and actual brains, since being alone out of choice is very different than being alone because most people around you simply treat you as if you don't exist.

It wasn't so bad when I was living up north with my friends from uni and doing a tabletop game every week, but these days things are rather difficult.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-27 12:30:46

I completely agree. but the thing is, I can't stay in a prolonged contact with people either, it just exhausts me. once in a while, let's say a month or so, is fine. but I can't stay with people for
everyday, it just tests my patience.

Dark is right, though I have never watched the american football, but I honestly doubt that the channels would air something like that here, I heard that it is very violent.

Not that I am opposed to violent things at television, but football doesn't strike me as something where people would fight with each other. if I do want to see a fight, I would watch UFC. if I do want to watch a choreographed fight, I would watch pro wrestling. but not football.

2020-01-27 13:51:24

@dark eagle
Yes I completely agree. Just wanted to make sure we were thinking about the same thing.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.