2020-01-16 06:52:09 (edited by mastodont 2020-01-16 07:49:11)

Hello. I've been a smoker for almost 10 years now and I am trying to quit tobacko entirely. However, I don't think I can go cold turkey so I decided the best and cheapest option would be to buy an e-cig or a vape. Do any of you have any experience with those devices? I would like to ask some questions before buying one.
Is it easy for a blind individual to maintain the device, e.g. change the reserve, the batteries etc?
Can you please recommend me some good vaporizators that I can use and that have reserves that last for a while? I don't want to change it every day since that would mean spending the same money.
How can you guess when the reserve is over and that you have to get a new one?
I hope you guys can help since this habbit is putting a toll on my financial situation and I really need a way of relieving some of the pressure.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2020-01-16 09:16:07

I use a marijuana vape, but I can answer some of your questions, at least.
I am completely blind, and have no issues with maintenance. The device is essentially a self-contained battery though, and not sure if tobacco vapes are the same.
As for when the reserve is done, you can usually taste the difference. I like to ask a sighted person to be sure, I don't find it necessary all the time though.
Hopefully what I said helped a little, sorry I can't give more precise info.

Prier practice and preparation prevents piss poor performance!

2020-01-16 11:14:33

Well, I went ahead and bought the simplest one I could find on the market. It's the Joyetech eGo AIO, pretty cheap and good for the first time imo. I have a question though. On the specs it says that it has a 2 ml tank. From your experience, how long is it going to take untill I have to refill the tank considdering that I smoke pretty regularly, at about a 1 hour interval considdering that I am planning to have the session last about 5 minutes like a normal cigarette?
Yeah weed would've been my choice aswell if it would've been legal here lol.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2020-01-16 16:56:14

Sorry to hijack this a little but I'm curious. Anyone know of any good places we can get weed as blind people?

2020-01-16 21:50:56

Okay, so hope this helps.

I have a smok nord v8, i think, forgot the exact model. It's a battery, with a screw on tank at the top. The tank has a button, and when its pressed, the top swings open, and there is a small, oval shaped hole on the side, where you pour the juice into. just make sure the bigger hole in the center is covered. As for maintenance, its pretty easy. You'll get used to knowing when it needs to be charged, because it won't be as powerful. As for when the tank is empty, the taste changes, and its very noticeable. The tank size you said sounds tiny to me to be honest. Mine has a 8 ML tank, and that seems to be the standard, at least it was about a year ago when i was looking around.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
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2020-01-16 22:11:51

Honestly it's depressing how many people vape. It's awful for your health, and there's really no good reason to do it. Studies have shown that vaping is even worse than smoking when bringing nicotine directly into the brain.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2020-01-16 22:40:00

Here's the thing Mitch. You don't tell people that, like, at all. People know that vaping and smoking are bad for you. They know it's a bad habit and that they need to break it, and you're not helping a single bit by coming on here and telling them that they need to break it. They know. Trust me, I've got friends who vape, and I've tried telling them not to do it. Once you get into an addicting habit, it's damn near impossible to break it.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-01-16 23:01:30

Honestly, it's more the feeling it gives us we enjoy. It's increddibly relaxing, and there's just something about it you wouldn't know unless you did it yourself. I myself have vaped in the past, but a marijuana vape sounds like my idea of hevvon. I've always been curious how blindies smoke actual joints though, like, how do you know when the sig is burning low, which end to light, how do you make sure you don't acsidentally touch something flamible with it, etc?

2020-01-16 23:34:49

I understand that it's difficult to break out of those types of habits. But is it really right to ignore them and let them keep harming themselves? Is the regret down the line really worth the small bouts of relaxation, not to mention the money spent to buy those devices?

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2020-01-17 02:24:11 (edited by turtlepower17 2020-01-17 02:27:39)

Yes, yes it is. Telling people what to do with their lives is almost sure to backfire in some way. Unless the addiction in question is causing actual harm to others, i.e. drunk driving, or getting high causes someone to neglect or abuse their children, etc., leave them alone. No one quits a habit, not even something mundane like cutting down on the amount of caffeine or fast food they consume, if they feel their character is being judged for indulging in said habit.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-01-17 03:22:50

@10 Not wanting to start any fights, but he was not telling this person, "Stop vaping". Was he? He was just making a generalized statement

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2020-01-17 03:57:09

Does vaping have a sent? Have you ever tried the gum, to help with the cravings? Not to start a fight but I was just wondering?

2020-01-17 04:02:43

@12 it does. there's different flavored juices, and they each have their own smell/taste.

As for vaping beingg bad, yes, it is, but when it helps quit a worse habit, its risk vs reward.

"900 years in time and space and I have never met someone who wasn't important." The Doctor.
Come say hi on Twitter

2020-01-17 04:37:21

The device should arrive soon, let's see how this goes.
I smoke weed too but only when I can afford it, which is just a few times per year. My suggestion is to get a bong, even a cheap one, you can find them for about 10 bucks. Get an acrylic one since it wont break that easily.
Trust me you will know which end to light since the end you must drag on to has a little hole in it and it's generally thinner. Also, The joints I used to make before purchasing the bong had the end you have to lit twisted so stuff wont fall out of it. You just rip the excess paper off and lit. Rolling them is a different matter, you're bound to lose some of that stuff sometimes because the paper is small and the filter even smaller so you gotta be really carefull.
Regarding telling people what to do, I believe, as you don't harm anyone, then you're free to have whatever addiction or habbit you desire. Patronizing people that vape or smoke wont get you anywhere, it will only make you look like a moralising mother. The best thing is to mind your business if the addiction in cause doesn't do you any harm. I got friends that do meth and other hard drugs and I never told them to quit because that's not my job, they know better what's best for them.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2020-01-17 04:46:53

I tend to just use a pipe it's easier

“The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” —

2020-01-17 05:11:03

@11, he kind of was. You don't need to directly say something to make your meaning perfectly clear.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2020-01-18 05:10:53

Mich, have you actually looked at the advantages of vaping as opposed to smoking?
In 2016, the Royal College of Physicians wrote:
“Large-scale substitution of e-cigarettes, or other non-tobacco nicotine products, for tobacco smoking has the potential to prevent almost all the harm from smoking in society. Promoting e-cigarettes…and other non-tobacco nicotine products as widely as possible, as a substitute for smoking, is therefore likely to generate significant health gains in the UK. E-cigarette vapour contains a far less extensive range of toxins, and those present are typically at much lower levels, than in tobacco smoke. In normal conditions of use, toxin levels in inhaled e-cigarette vapour are probably well below prescribed threshold limit values for occupational exposure, in which case significant long-term harm is unlikely. Some harm from sustained exposure to low levels of toxins over many years may yet emerge, but the magnitude of these risks relative to those of sustained tobacco smoking is likely to be small….Although it is not possible to quantify the long-term health risks associated with e-cigarettes precisely, the available data suggest that they are unlikely to exceed 5% of those associated with smoked tobacco products, and may well be substantially lower than this figure.”
Similarly, a 2015 report from Public Health England said “it has been previously estimated that electronic cigarettes are around 95% safer than smoking,” which “appears to remain a reasonable estimate.” [source]

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2020-01-18 05:17:03

I got the device a few hours ago and I'm experimenting with it since. I find it easy to use, it is nice looking and the feeling is the same, if not better lol. I actually had a nicotine buzz when vaping for the first time and I was pleasantly surprised by it lol. I find the hit to be stronger on the throat than cigarettes, a fact that I really like. If anyone want to quit smoking I really recommend vaping, it is really the way to go. I tried gums and patches before with no luck. Even when I used them the craving for a cigarette was there so imo they are useless.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2020-01-18 05:37:03

Damn you person who told me about this topic!
I wanted to clear up a few things. I use to smoke 2-3 packs a day and quit on accident when I tried vaping over a year ago. That and I have been working on a blog post about this topic for a couple weeks now, so most of this info is fresh in my head.

Vaping is not harmless, but it is the most successful form of harm reduction to smoking there is. According to the Royal College of Physicians it is 95% less harmful than smoking. Also according to a UK study published in the New England Journal of Medicine it is twice as effective as gums, patches, or sprays for helping smokers quit. In addition no one has ever gotten sick or died as a result of normal nicotine vaping, every single case of lung illness was directly linked to black market THC vapes which were cut with vitamin  E acetate. Nicotine vaping is not harmless, but is substantially better for you than any form of smoking. This is because it does not contain carcinogens caused by combustion which is how someone would smoke a cigarette. People who say otherwise are one of two things, lying or uninformed.

Now to the 2ml tank and if it will be enough. A 2ml tank is normally the standard for a Mouth To Lung(MTL) tank. Unless you live in the EU and have to deal with TPD restrictions, then 2ml is the max no matter what. A MTL vape is the same action as a cigarette, where you suck it into your mouth, then inhale as if smoking. They use an above ohm coil, which means above 1.0 ohms, and use a much lower wattage. the basic rule is the higher the ohms the lower the wattage. Right now you don't need to understand ohm's law, but down the road if you get deep into vaping you'll want a full understanding of it.
MTL vaping is typically most satisfying to those quitting smoking. MTL tanks also use an e-liquid with a higher nicotine level, normally 18mg free base, or up to 50mg salt nicotine. This is because the vapor production is quite low, and you don't get as much per hit. Do not ever vape a high nicotine level, above 6mg with a sub ohm tank or coil. Sub ohm produces a lot of vapor, and you should not vape higher than 6 at the absolute highest, unless you are 100% sure of what you are doing, getting nicotine sick is not fun from what I hear.
As you vape a higher mg free base nicotine you'll realize it starts to be harsher the longer you vape it. This normally happens After a few months. This is because your body is processing the nicotine, and it is becoming too much for you. This happens naturally and at different rates for everyone. When you notice your juices getting harsher it is time to step down in nicotine from 18 to 16 or 12. This will keep happening until you are done vaping, or until you find a nicotine level you want to stay at. I enjoy being at 1.5mg with sub ohm vaping, and I don't vape with my mtl tanks at all anymore.

You will want to watch some videos, or read up some on your specific device, and general vaping terminology. Most importantly don't listen to people with their head up their asses who are going to tell you vaping is more dangerous than smoking. It simply is not and people have been vaping for over a decade. Over 10 million people in the states vape, and no one has ever gotten sick from it. That isn't even mentioning places like the UK and Canada where the government and doctors actively promote vaping to smokers because they understand it is the best option for people quitting. Also nicotine on it's own is not bad for you, at least no more so than normal every day items like caffeine.

There is a huge community of people who review and vape on youtube. If you go there and type in the device you have, you'll find lots of reviews for it along with how to use it. A lot of it is visual yes, but after you watch enough videos and learn the terminology you'll have a much better understanding. If you want to save the money you can get into DIY juice making, and rebuilding your own coils. I don't build my own coils but I do use an RDA which means I install a wire coil,and only have to change my cotton in it every couple days.

To the person who asked about vapor having a smell. It is different with every flavor. Right now I'm vaping a strawberry cheesecake milk flavor and it doesn't have much room note. However something with watermelon will make your place smell like cotton candy pretty fast. The same for a bakery vape, you're room will smell like the flavor. My favorite room notes come from a good apple vape, it smells like the best apple air freshener you could buy.

2020-01-18 08:21:24

@Smoke: I am using a 0.6 coil on my device and currently I am vaping a liquid with 6% nicotine in it. I find it quite satisfying because I love that harshness. I've got the dark tobacko flavour and it's amazing. Unfortunately I live in the EU and that's the tank I was able to get. I am still trying to get used to the device and I am experimenting with it. I am planning to buy some liquids with nic salts so I can get a higher concentration of nicotine.
Have you tried diy liquids? is it easy to make them and pour them in your device afterwards? I am considdering this option since the liquids containing nicotine I was able to find are expensive for their quantity and the largest was 10 ml. I want to save up on money by buying an 50 or 100 ml liquid along with one or two nicotine shots but I want to know if the diy process can be done by a blind person. I found some 50 ml at a very good price and they came with a nic shot. What do you recommend?

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2020-01-18 08:27:01

OP triggered my "fuck-off" button by the thread title for a split second. LOL.. In my state the minimum age for tobacco is being raised to 21, which IMO is super counterproductive to us general people but is very productive for the courts and cops trying to get more people arrested for stupid shit. I'm going to be 20 so it's not like I'm that annoyed by it. I've always been curious about how other blind people handled smoking, I grew up around smokers.

2020-01-18 13:48:05

Hi guys.
Before clicking into this topic, I thought this was one of these joke topics, wherein someone was making a call to arms for all the clouds or something.
Now that I know what vaping is, can someone please explain to me where the "electronic" comes in?
What does the electricity do in this device?
I can't emagine that it can play music or watch TV, so I'm not sure about this one.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

2020-01-18 14:29:00

To answer the question regarding weed, since THC is lipid soluble, when I've indulged I've had it in cream or butter with coffee.

Actually since my weedster friend is a big Dune fan, he's very amused at the idea of us creating our own coffee with melange big_smile.

It's not a thing I'd do every day, or even every week, but it's a pleasant thing to do now and again, albeit I've not had any since I last saw my friend in 16. Still I will if I get the chance again.

Since the damage done to lungs by marijuana is similar to tobacco and associated with smoking, ingesting weed is no health risk at all, and as a singer I personally wouldn't risk smoking, plus I confess I strongly dislike the smell of tobacco smoke, so to anyone wanting to try weed and  fancying smoking that would be my advice, indeed if cannabis were entirely legal in the UK (which it damn well should be), I probably would indulge a little more often.

I suspect legalisation will come sooner or later, indeed we're already at the point where the police don't really take much notice so long as people  aren't' doing hard drugs.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2020-01-18 15:40:21

I sure hope so. Right now the only way I can get weed is if I go through a friend of a friend of a friend kind of deal, and that still usually involves me shelling out a lot of money.

2020-01-18 16:06:51

@22 If you really know what vaping is then I'm sure you can figure out what electricity does. It heats the liquid inside the tank vaporising some of it so when you inhale you feel the flavour and the effects of the substances used inside, e.g. nicotine or weed. These devices work by using a coil that triggers when you inhale or when you hold down a button and inhale releasing the vapours into your mouth and into your lungs.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King