2020-01-08 12:32:07

In general I agree with lundin. We're not casting doubt for the sake of casting doubt, we're casting doubt because of a clear and obvious display of lazyness from someone who wants our money. If you were selling anywhere mainstream like ebay they wouldn't tollerate this crap. If you want people to take you at least a little bit seriously, put in a minimal amount of effert and detail the item you're selling. It would be like if I went and soled a laptop on ebay and said something to the effect of, laptop, HP, been owned for a little over a year, $400. Contact for more info.

2020-01-08 14:32:39

i don't care my post got warning or not
but i agree about LordLundin said he shouldn't deserve a warning
jayde i thought you are not touch stw much so you may think this trade is fare
so let's me explain some thing you can confirm with criticview
he is the one of administration team in stw and active often at agnet forum
correct me if other are active since i don't know their names in the forum unless they using same name as stw
you can get paid items by purchasing stw credit from samtupy site
stw credit let you purchase game item when you logon and type command to spend credit for item in return
there are two categories item in stw fre and paid items
free item is understandable most items are obtain for free you no need to purchase stw credit with real money and spend for in game item
paid item can be count as two sub categories item
paid from free that mean you can get these items as usual but if you need to much and don't want to spend all day for collecting paid for them
paid only that mean you can't get in the normal way unless you told your god for money i'm hungry for item then you get it there
as the topic jimmy want to sell his inventory but how can you know if buyer get is the same as he told in the private
we don't know since information is not public unless some sort of audio record i know it can edit but i think he don't want to change or cut every value for cheating
since it takes alot of time and effort for doing so
my point still stand if no audio record for proofing that his entire inventory is worth for hundred dollars no one buy or fully trust this curious stuff
since some paid item can obtain for free how do we know this stuff is worth it unless they put their transaction for evidence maybe sam or admin team can check those stuff for real prove
that said if some paid item can searching for free selling hundred dollars with a bunch of paid items is not worth it however you have a bunch free stuff as well
some free stuff still useless for example corpse muds sands dirts etc if it include these stuff also it decrease price alot

the bestest reward for people who are working so hard they should receive their experience of their own life.
everyone can collect in everyday.

2020-01-08 14:42:27

F*ck HP By the way.

2020-01-08 15:02:00

Quick question. What's STW?

2020-01-08 15:17:59

It's Survive the Wild created by SamTupy

Follow me on Mastodon.

2020-01-08 18:16:14

@49 / 51.
Yeh, hang on. Let me take 1 hour or so and do something like this, assuming that the forum window is open:
alt tab until stw.
down arrow
Copy text to NVDA clipboard.
alt tab to the forum
paste text
He already offered to provide item amounts upon request, what else do y'all want?
As for the Ebay example, it's a moot point. I can go on right now and find offers that are even less detailed if I really wanted to, I fail to see your point here.
Also, might I point out that, should Jimmy had actually provided his entire inventory, it would be equivalent to you posting the exact description for that laptop? I.e, has a slight dent on the top right corner, the left mouse button on the touchpad seems to work better than the right, the keys are made of plastic... you get the point. That is what is known as too much information.

@52, could you please, please, please put some punctuation into your future posts? Please?
To be clear, here's my stance on this:
Do I think that Jimmy should have provided more information? I do, only in regards to paid items. Anything else, again, you can just ask and receive an answer, it's that simple, guys.
Do I think that the inventory is overpriced? No doubt about it, I do. However, showing of paid items may change my mind. For all we know, Jimmy has amassed 7500 death free cards and 14583 teleporters, in which case he's losing a lot on this deal.

2020-01-08 18:22:08

Let me show you a better way though. Open a recorder, press the record button, go through the inventory, stop the recording and send the file. No, your analogy does not work. It would work if I said hey, I am selling a laptop for this price, nothing else you can ask for more info if you wish.

2020-01-08 19:47:16

@56, not even. If you were selling something like a laptop, you would generally be expected to at the very least list the specs, size, if there are any damage issues, etc. It's not that hard, the fact that this guy hasn't even given a basic description of what we can expect for such a price without contacting him just screams of lazyness, to me at least.

2020-01-08 20:45:59

Haily, your comparison has a flaw in it.
Laptops can be described in a fairly modular way. I could list the specs of my laptop in a few lines, maximum. Jimmy cannot do this with his inventory. Thus, the two situations are not as comparable as you might think.
Could he have declared everything up front? Sure he could have. But he appears to be gauging interest first, setting a high price, waiting to see if anyone bites. If someone does, then it's up to the pair of them to both do their due diligence to ensure that 1. they aren't screwed over and 2. everything is fair and aboveboard. As far as I'm concerned, any objections to what Jimmy is doing right now amount to splitting of hairs.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-01-09 00:09:18

He does not have to list each single item, but giving a summary or as has been said tons of times recording an audio clip is not so hard to do. Both take a few minutes. It really seems silly to me, but your choice if you want to attract more potential buyers or not.

2020-01-09 00:18:58 (edited by amerikranian 2020-01-09 00:26:49)

Again, the recording is great, but why is it weighted more heavily than a textual description?  Did you not read my earlier post saying that recordings can be tampered with?  At this point we are all treading water here, neither side can really advance. I suggest laying off, as arguing would not get us anywhere.
As far as the laptop analogy, again, you failed to see my main point. You are comparing hundreds of items to a listing of specs.  The comparison is flawed at its core. Specs can be summarized in a brief statement. The game inventory cannot. A better comparison would be describing every single little thing about the laptop, where it came from, how much did you buy it for originally, what happened to it on a daily basis from the time you took it from the shop till now, what accidents have occurred, how much information it stored  day to day, what programs were downloaded, removed, and installed on it, do you  understand what I mean now when I say too much information?

2020-01-09 00:40:58

61's got it right. A recording is no more valuable than a text description when it comes to purchasing something. Same for videos or anything else. The "record it" argument is flawed because you canot guarantee that it wasn't tampered with either before, during, or after transit.
Here's the thing: Jimmy69 has set the terms of the deal. You either agree to it and do as he asks, or ignore the item(s). He has stated that upon request he will provide information to interested customers. You cannot come up to him and demand information that he is unwilling to provide. Stop splitting hairs and throwing around negativity.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-01-09 00:58:11

No, the analogy does not work at all. Most of those things are something you don't need to know, but you do need to know what items you are buying don't you? Besides, noone is demanding anything, it's his choice, the excuses just don't work. I have not said that a recording is any guarantee, even though most people would not bother editting an STW recording, I have simply said that if you cannot copy, recording is easy enough.

2020-01-09 01:06:16 (edited by Ethin 2020-01-09 01:10:17)

@63, um, yes, the analogy does work. Considering that this is not an automated platform capable of giving you the information that you seek, he would have to do it manually or record it. Since neither text or recording can be authentically verified, how precisely is a description of what your getting valuable when you cannot verify that you will get what your getting? If you do't like his terms, that's fine. But you and everyone else on here is demanding things, whether you say you are or aren't. If you weren't demanding to know, you would be fine with him being unwilling to provide that information to uninterested customers. The fact that you continuously persist on this point is the precise definition of a demand. And its not just you either... its practically everyone else. Should he have provided a summary? Sure, if a summary was possible. But perhaps a summary isn't possible. But continuing to ask for something that the author either clearly won't or can't provide will get you nowhere. (And, no, compairing this to -- say -- Laptop specifications is not an apt comparison. Compairing it to TMI, however, is a very good comparison. Deal with the fact that the seller will give you the information you want if you are *actually*interested. Its his terms, you like or dislike them. But its quite rare for a seller to alter their terms because people get too demanding on a particular peace of information.)

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-01-09 01:19:29

I persist because the excuses are completely stupid, simply said. Does any other platform have a way to authentically verify a description of something? Yet, all sellers still post it. Besides, how does him replying to you privately make that any more authentic than posting it on here? The inventory example can be compared with a bag of items that costs 100 dollars, but guess what? You don't know what's in it. How does that make any sense to anyone? Yes, you can ask, and I do not doubt that he will reply to you. But why would you reply to tens of people when you can just post the exact same thing once? How is that more convenient? As I said, your choice whether you want more people to be interested or to avoid buying because they are too lazy to contact you privately. That being said, good luck getting it sold at all with such a price tag more worth then buying Manamon 1 and 2 together.

2020-01-09 01:20:33

I'mc onfused.
I've seen listings around the web that say more information upon request. how is this any different?

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-01-09 01:29:17

@66, its not, per see. This kind of sell follows pretty much the same process of sell that any other does. However, the seller explicitly indicated, many times, that information would be available on request 'privately'. He explicitly indicated in the first post that if you wanted specifics to contact him privately. If your interested, you'd do so. But repeatedly demanding information that the author wishes to only give to interested buyers will get you nowhere (and therefore is completely useless to ask). I'd think that would be obvious by now; hell, it should've been obvious from the start. When purchasing an item, or collection of items, you have no choice but to do what the seller requires of you. Its in essence a mutual agreement between buyer and seller: if you play by my requirements, I'll sell you x, and you'll get x, nothing more, nothing less. In this instance, there's no legally binding agreement being signed by buyer or seller, so the authenticity, quality, etc. of the item(s) in question, whatever they may be, are up to the buyer to know after the transaction is complete, and cannot be guaranteed before that time. The seller is not responsible for any damages or consequences, etc., of you buying the item(s), because your not legally agreeing to such a thing. (As a side note, most purchases go this way: if you buy something, the seller is not responsible for what happens to that something after the transaction is done.) Really, it boils down to the old amage 'Caveat emptor. Buyers, beware.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2020-01-09 06:40:33

so then if yall are interested then contact him, otherwise go about your day. Hey cool. I solved your problem.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-01-09 07:10:38

I've been trying to do the same thing, Liam. Sometimes, though, silliness just doesn't listen to reason.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-01-09 07:12:47

Fair point.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2020-01-09 07:37:09

How could you, Jimmy! How could you only give information to people if they show interest to insure you're not wasting time and effort! That's so horrible! Everyone, let's stomp all over him because he didn't give us what we wanted. Yeah, that makes us look immature, but so what?
In case you guys couldn't tell, that was sarcasm. In all seriousness, you guys are blowing this way out of proportion. Jimmy isn't scamming you. All he's doing is withholding info until someone shows interest, because what's the point of giving exact details on something and spending all that time telling you guys about the product/s he's selling if none of you guys cared?

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2020-01-09 07:41:12

But how is everyone supposed to care when there is absolutely no evidence at all.

Hmm... The truth of mysteries. I truely wonder. Don't you wonder?
The wonder of all the human life. Who are you? Do you know?
Can you face yourself? Understand who you are?

2020-01-09 08:30:34

o!  k! dude! I saw jimmy69 yesterday in stw and he told me he lost everything what he had, counting dfcs.
This one topic got into big big hard unsolveble problem

Yours kindly

2020-01-09 08:56:19

Ugh. FrankZ, seriously, dude. There is evidence, of a sort. Jimmy is trying to offload his stuff for a hundred bucks. There's your first gate.
If a person is curious, all they'd have to do is ask Jimmy. If they get a stone wall for their efforts, then we know it was bogus. If Jimmy refuses to honour what he said, or comes back with a list of items that aren't worth anywhere near his asking price...then again, we'll have an answer. But if he provides a reasonable inventory and the conversation continues, then it's perfectly workable for all involved.
If you have only what you've got right now, you lose nothing more than, like, fifty seconds of your time reaching out to Jimmy if you want more info. Has anyone in this thread actually done this, BTW, or are you just arguing semantics to hear yourselves yowl?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-01-09 09:40:31


At 73 hmm well that's interesting, do you know if he just said that he did lose everything? If there are also items which can be purchased for real money, I would suppose losing those would be a bit harder than regular items you can find around the world or craft with some eford.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.