2020-01-07 03:58:30

Agreed with 24 and 25.  Once again as I said in 21 it really is an issue of balance on both sides.  It's hard, particularly when faced with incidents as described in 24 and 25 not to lash out.  I have had the overall wonderful fortune I've had and recognize that many people have not.  The other extreme side of things is that sighted people look up to you like you're some sort of freakish god who can do nothing wrong, so that when you do do something wrong you're an absolute screwup and you just let everyone down who ever believed in you and rot and burn and go to hell.
So one side allows you to self-justify a titanic mountain of egocentrism while the other extreme degrades you until you feel like you're not even human.  The sad thing we must remember even if they don't?  Sighted people are just as human, just as prone to mistakes, and when you're not the minority it's that much easier to get away with it because there's no one to speak for you accept yourself.  The problem is knowing how and when to speak.  No... I don't have the answers... I'm taking stabs in the dark just as much as any other blind person here; no puns intended.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2020-01-07 19:53:00 (edited by Chris 2020-01-07 19:54:46)

I don't understand the whole touching the face thing. That has never made sense to me. Sure, I can touch your face, but what does that do? All I get is that you have a nose, two eyes, etc. They might be bigger than mine, smaller, different shapes, but it doesn't really matter. The only thing I care about is the personality. Do I want to interact with that for hours on end, or does it immediately bore me? Everything else is just a shell, a vessel. When someone dies, the consciousness goes away and you're left with a rotting meatbag. I don't know about you, but when I think about where I am, I point to my head.

I completely agree that the praying for healing thing is a bunch of bullshit. If it makes you feel better, that's fine, but it doesn't impact me at all. The human eye doesn't heal. We don't know why, it just doesn't. Blame God, or the creator, or whatever created us. The fact is that we still don't know so much about the universe, hence why I think religion as a whole is a crock andj ust ignore it altogether.

As for sighted people, I don't know. I think most of the problem stems from the fact most people simply don't interest me, regardless of their disability. The other issue is that I can't do things like play video games on an equal level with someone with vision, or fully enjoy a TV program without audio description. Perhaps I simply haven't found the right person or group of people yet.

Oh, here's something else that irritates me. It is the assumption that just because you're blind, you should be really good at playing music, or love music in general. This is an unbelievably popular stereotype. If you like music and/or want to play an instrument, that's great, but this idea that every single blind person should be totally into it is beyond absurd! In my case, I really don't care about music, to the point where it wouldn't bother me too much if it completely vanished from the planet tomorrow. Sure, I'd miss a few good songs, but I'd continue living my life otherwise.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2020-01-07 20:29:22

There is one thing i realy realy realy like in a strange way.
Somehow sighted people allways think that stairs will kill a blind person emediately. So every time i come across a stairway, any one will surely start to scream: "Oooh! watch out! A stairway!"

2020-01-07 23:12:18

I had fun with a stranger I knew I'd never see again once. It was great. He said he wanted to pray for me, so I just smiled a slow smile and said, "Well, if it makes you feel better, go ahead. But I have to warn you that my patron deity...he's not so good with the whole Christian god thing. Tends to be...a little wee bit vengeful. Jealous, even." Then I cringed a little. "Probably shouldn't have even said that, but I wouldn't want a stranger getting hurt for getting in over his head." He got mad at me at that point. "The devil is not real!" he shouted. "Who said anything about the devil? As far as I'm concerned, what we're dealing with here is religious nonsense of multiple persuasions and someone who wants to violate not only my personal space but my stated beliefs." Then I turned and walked off.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2020-01-08 00:49:00

I had someone ask in a not-so-subtle way how I wipe my ass - and in total, I hadn't exchanged more than 50 words with the person in all the 5 minutes I'd known them. They didn't use that exact terminology, but I very well knew what they meant rofl.
I've not even asked my best friends or closest family members about that, much less someone I just met.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2020-01-09 08:48:41 (edited by turtlepower17 2020-01-09 09:35:19)

Speaking of that, I was flipping through radio stations one day at my grandparents' house when I was 8 or 9, and stumbled across a program. I believe it was Howard Stern, for who else would say what I'm about to tell you I heard in the 90's? He, whoever it was, mused that blind people must have the cleanest asses around, because they would have to spend extra time carefully going over it.

As for the music thing, I agree that it's stupid for sighted people to assume that we're all extraordinarily gifted in that area, or at least that we think it's the best thing since sliced bread. Just because imagining my life without music is an unfathomable level of suck doesn't mean everyone in a given group can or should feel that way.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.