2019-12-14 02:32:56

Hi all,
Sorry to be vague with the topic title, but I'm not sure what else to call it as it concerns more than one thing.
There's a few things happening around me lately that I am not too sure what to think about, and I am just looking for some advice.
Firstly, the UK electian happened today. I don't know what to think about Brexit, and I really hope the national health service is not sould off. Queue the snapping on social media, not at me, but seeing my friends and seeing the way some of the voters act. Wish people had more respect. I just don't know what to make of it all.
Secondly: you're probably wondering why I haven't responded in the topic that DanJero created. Partly because I am not gonna lie, after the whole UK electian thing, I was on edge anyway, and as a result, Ironcross's posts were actually starting to anger me. I actually came out on list and asked if some of the others could help, as I'd be worried if I tried to deal with it, my anger may get the better of me and I'd do something I'd regret. I have not felt like that for a while. It was quite a hard read for some reason. So I wish to apologize for not responding to the topic.
Thirdly, although this is more of a happier one, my Dad (who helps me a lot, both my parents do), today surprised me by saying that we could set up the xbox one x. Now, this was going to happen anyway at some point, but I'm not gonna lie it took me aback that it just... suddenly happened. So I hope I don't get woken up by the two consoles humming as they transfer their content to each other. My bedroom's been changed a little, so it'll take just a tiny bit of getting used to. I read a couple of stories of xbox one x's needing repairing, I hope mine will be OK. I'm excited. Just need to grab another controller and play and charge kit, as I'll be selling my other console. My other console, when in instant on mode, hummed and kept me awake a bit. Is the one x, in general, a bit quieter than the original xbox one?
Fourthly, my Dad had another surprise for me and this one I absolutely do not know what to think about. I've been told we've got a Ring doorbell, for those who don't know, a smart doorbell. Does anyone know anything about these? I kept on hearing mixed reviews. SOme people say they're great, others say they lag. Also, aparntly they integrate with Alexa, but how is this going to work? I've got my own Echo Dot coming as well, but if I set up ring on that, will my Dad be able to still use his phone to check the door or will it just go to my Alexa and ignore my Dad's phone? Is it going to end up being a, let's choose who uses this Ring, or can we all use it on our phones etc?
I've heard mixed feeligns about sometimes the doorbell rings a second or so after being pressed, and sometimes it completely lags! I... just hope my Dad has not rushed into this.
Thanks all in advance for anything that you might say, both advice wise and even criticism wise if necessary.

2019-12-14 03:39:39

It was truly Friday the 13th as the British clown they called Boris Johnson is now the Prime Minister,  hold onto your hats it’s going to be a rollercoaster of five years for the UK as a whole.
About your Xbox X question,  The new Xbox X is a lot quieter than the original with its liquid cooling .
And about the ring doorbell,  they are very handy and convenient for those households that don’t have a  intercom to see who is at your property..  this is what I mainly use it for which is a intercom that you can answer no matter where you are in the world as long as you have a Internet connection.
You can set up multiple people to be alerted when somebody is at your property or there is motion at your front door.
So once somebody rings the doorbell I will be alerted on my phone with a notification,  and then I will open the application where I will be confronted with a video with two buttons on either side one  which is to activate the outside microphone so I can listen to it through my device of choice, and the second one is to enable the microphone on my device to speak to the person outside the property.
The only thing you will have to check is if you still receive full Wi-Fi range when you are standing outside your front door.  As the device runs off your internal Wi-Fi at all times.
I hope that helped in some way catch you on Xbox soon buddy.

2019-12-14 04:18:52

Is Ring Doorbells safe though? I've read some articles online regarding this podcast, called NulledCast, who hacked into different Ring devices.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2019-12-14 04:33:04

Hey I don't think you need to apologize for not stepping in. I think it was a great decition to take a step back and let someone else handle it I respect that.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2019-12-14 05:13:12

Well, first of all, I see we have a Labour dominated forum here, smile
On that note, time to buck the trend, as always.
I am actually pleased that we have a conservative majority, for a number of reasons irrelevant to this topic.
@1 though, my advice is the following:
if you don't really care about politics EG are not going into it,
if you have no plans to run a business or are not already running a business,
if you live in the UK and are born here...
Don't worry about Brexit, it's probably not going to really affect you that much.

That's my advice! smile

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2019-12-14 12:14:05

@Aaron, I'd like to address all of your points in order, but in my mind one does take higher precedence over all the others, partly because I can relate to it, and partly because this community matters to me.  As such, let me just take the time to say that I highly admire your having owned up to not feeling able to tackle a situation like the depression topic on your own.  Such matters are absolutely serious and require many level heads with the abilityt o step back and examine such a situation from all angles.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2019-12-14 12:54:32


At Darder urmmm, one second sir, I would step in their and put something on the table.

The thing is if Britain leaves the EU and there is no brexit plan or any kind of agreement with the EU about trade and the like, you will certainly feel this as a person doesn't owning a business. Prices will rise at leased for some products, and some items might just not be available or very limited, just as it is now in Germany and different kinds of medication.

At Arron, I personally don't really like the ring devices. Firstly, they are from amazon and while I use this as a shopping platform, I wouldn't integrate an amazon device into my smart home.
Secondly, at leased to my nolledge they always require a cloud, so that's something as well I am worried about.

If I have a smart home system in my future flat I won't have any cloud saving in there, if data gets saved, it's either on a local SD Card or a USB stick or a local NAS Server.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-12-14 13:07:32

If I was so rich to get a new XBox, a new ring something, and all the other stuff, my smallest problem would be this community... Pff.

2019-12-14 13:10:19

I'll take the first point....

I'd rather have Boris than Corbin. In that, I'd rather have a party that traditionally gives the UK stability, and has a huge majorrity to actually get things done, over somebody who is wants to renationalize everything, is a proud Marxist (do you remember Labour singing the Red Flag song in Parliament Aaron?) and who was jumping on the trade papers, even though that's now been shown to have had foreign interference. Is Boris perfect? No. Not at all. But he's at least somebody who will not push voters away by being so far off the middle ground.

Was I happy with the election? No. Mostly since my area was held by Labour. When my MP has not once, in however many years since she got into the seat, been here once. Am I happy the Lib Dems wanted to go against a referendum result? Nah. Say what you want about the Brexit campaigning. Both sides lied, misled, call it what you want, but what's done is done, we had our vote, and we voted, now give the people what they want. What I don't like is the insinuation that if I voted to leave, I /must/ be a racist BNP supporter (yes, I've seen those exact words online or variations of). No. I voted leave because I see a lot of parallels between the EU and USSR/Yugoslavia, the EU modl is not tenable long term. I am not a racist for wanting my nation to stop paying into a union where we're governed by people who have little idea what's going on in one nation and sit on the Continent.

Also, Sturgeon has me on edge. She's going around screaming for indieref #2. Uh....Scotland had a referendum. They voted to stay in the UK. That's like Richard and Sander putting up a poll to move the site to another host, then we vote no, keep the site here, then Liam starts banging on about oh but we need another referendum because look who is on the staff team....

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-12-14 15:56:15

Hmm, if I was English, I would be definitely worried about Brexit. It seems that when things become too common, people tend to hazard with them just to eventually reinvent, how important they were. And in this special case even forget, that it wasn't their productivity what made UK the place as we know it today, just recall, what was the biggest income of the British empire.
So I'm lucky that at least our government chooses to stay.

Also, as a citizen of country, which was not directly under, but strongly influenced by Ussr, I can say, that they have absolutely nothing in common.
EU is a voluntary organization originally of six states, Germany, France, Italy and Benelux, which's intent was firstly to share resources, later also other things like intelligence, laws, markets etc. And UK was among first, who wanted to connect to gain all of those.
Ussr was nothing but a Russian plan to take over eastern Europe. They have never really helped with anything, only thing they were able to do was to unite an army from Germany, Poland and Ussr to attack Czechoslovakia in 68 to assure we were under control.

So at least from my perspective, voluntary trade organization and a military colos are two completely different things.

Best regards


2019-12-14 16:31:43

Yet there's sources, Rastislav, that do mention voluntary joining of the USSR. On the flip side, leaving it (see the Baltic states) was less trouble than Brexit however.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-12-15 01:51:16

Regarding the hacking of ring devices, I believe this happened due to people reusing usernames/passwords more than anything else. They weren't using 2FA either. Never reuse passwords, and if you have the ability to use 2FA that'll provide an extra layer of security in most cases. I say most cases, because I've heard of people stealing phone numbers and intercepting SMS-based verification. This may help as well.

https://blog.ring.com/2019/12/12/rings- … d-to-know/

2019-12-16 01:04:30

Thanks everyone so far.
@Draq this is the first I've heard of ring devices being hacked. I think that was back in 2016 anyway, and a fermware patch was put out pretty quick from what I read. INterestingly, no one used the doorbell at all toda, so I haven't actually had a chance to see it in action yet.
@Moonwalker I'm not too sure what you mean by your post. I don't have a problem with the community. If I did, I would have left by now. I think part of the issue with the topic and me not doing anything, was the timing. I think all the electian stuff put me on edge, then next thing you know, I saw that topic and wasn't entirely sure how to respond to the stuff going on in there.
@Nocturnus Thank you very much. I didn't want to go in there guns blazing. I look forward to the rest of your points.

2019-12-16 08:18:09

I mean, you do you, but thinking that brexit won't fuck you over is very short sighted and the entire reason the UK is in the mess it's in to begin with.
The EU might be rather shitty, fully agree there, but you know what's even shittier? Having to have emergency stockpiles of food because you can't buy them from anyone once January roles around and Bojoh drops you guys out with no plan.
The EU is not the most democratic organisation, and honestly as a leftist I fully understand how you can see it as the imbodyment of everything evil about capitalism, but just dropping out without a plan is not how you deal with any of that, and it was pretty clear even back in 2016 when the actual referendum happened that any deal you guys were going to get was going to be awful anyways. Much more effective to stay in and have at least some say in the regulations that affect your biggest trading partners (before you say the US will step in to fill that role might I suggest you get yourself a map and realize how much further away the US is).
I think the UK election is another huge reminder though that calling the other side dumb racists is not how you win elections and only serves to mobalise the opposition. The day of the election my facebook feed was full of my UK friends making pro Labor memes and acting like they'd already won and thank god now we can finally fix the mess those idiot leave voters left us, then were shocked when they woke up with a Con majority. This you are wrong and racist and I won't dirty my hands by interacting with you instead I'll just make sure you can't express your opinions anywhere I can see it and pretend that means they went away attitude is how the world got Trump, how the UK got Brexit and now Bojoh, and it needs to stop. Some day we on the left will need to learn, and I just hope that day comes before it's too late.

2019-12-16 22:08:13

@rashad, I agree. I feel like it's all a mess!

2019-12-16 22:28:01

Here's how I see it. I'll try and keep this on topic, and not rant about my personal political views. I believe in Brexit, that it's a positive movement for Britain, more control in our laws, our own trade agreements, ending the uncontrollable free movement levels, ETC, you've heard it all before. That's over anyway, the leave side won with the election on Thursday. The issues transcend Brexit now though. The voters dislike being patronised, being ignored, being mocked. That's why we won. There's so much noise out there now, it's difficult to tell what's real and what's not. All you can try and do is to formulate your own opinions from facts. The nightmare scenarios, whereby Britain runs low on all supplies, whereby the NHS is sold off, are stories that have been spun way out of proportion. They will not happen. Brexit will bring change, much positive, some turbulence yes, but I genuinely believe that our country is heading in the right direction. I know I won't convince many people on the internet, and that's fine, but the only argument that's needed is democracy. It's difficult for me to say, seeing as I only got involved in politics in the past 3/4 years, but confidence in democracy was at an all-time low, and the amount of scare-tactics, the amount of abuse and hate, from both sides I must say, was unprecedented. Logic doesn't seem to matter anymore, even facts are twisted. In an era where someone can tweet on social media that the Tories are going to sell off the NHS, with no proof but an outdated document that's not even from the current government,, in an era when that message will spread and mutate into anger and personal attacks just because a person has different views, is problematic to say the least. People, on all sides, have been worried by stories that have turned out to be untrue. People said the pound would crash, the economy would crumble if we choose Brexit, in fact it has thrived and risen. Equally, the extreme right said we needed a clean brake, which would have left us with little room to manoeuvre in terms of foreign relations, we really need a balance.
This is the nature of elections, things are taken to extremes, stories are spun, ETC. I'll admit, a Corbyn government would've worried me, just as a tory government will worry others. We have to accept democracy, and remember that everything is presented for a specific agender. The Tories are presented as heartless bastards (feel free to call me one if you wish it wouldn't be the first time) whilst the Labour party have been called racist lunatic socialists who would spend the country into bankruptcy. Both are probably too extreme. We could really do with some calm in the UK.

2019-12-16 23:56:09

Alright, so some updates.
Brexit and politics: we'll just have to see how things go.
Xbox one x: it's all working fine. Had a good go on Gears 5 today. Definitely quieter than the one.
Ring doorbell: I haven't set up the app yet, but that'll be my next step. I did hear it activate today for the first time, so it was quite interesting to hear the chime and the amazon echo both go off at once. The only thing I haven't figured out yet, is if there's any lag or not.

2019-12-17 00:43:43

@12, the ring hacks weren't just because people reused passwords. It was also because Ring is the furthest company who would care about your privacy. It also was because Ring devces come with default usernames and passwords. Most people don't change them (either because Ring doesn't ask them too or because they just don't want too) and Hackers use that information to their advantage. This is another case where IoT devices are terribly manufacturered because most companies (Amazon much) could care less about securing the physcal devices and the software running on them.

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