2019-12-11 09:10:21

I saw that early version of the playroom allowed for the server to be hosted, which I really want to do because I live far away from the server and it takes like 900ms ping and it's very hard for me to play fast games like uno, I want to be able to do that locally with bots or something like that. That's the only reason, for just private use, not for public hosting.
Thanks all!

2019-12-11 09:14:33

I'm not sure Aminiell gets convinced about this... Ya ya let's give the server to everyone,, and let's clone clone clone clone yeey. Oh damn.

2019-12-11 09:17:35

you again, always so  pesimistic and quick to react. did you even read the whole post?

2019-12-11 09:50:20

oh, I think when he talks about th server being updated I think he means his server, the server, has been updated, not the server program. whooops!

2019-12-11 10:59:31

i'm with moonwalker here

2019-12-11 14:41:11 (edited by Lawrence_McSu 2019-12-11 14:43:09)

So quick to cry clone. Well, you wont be robbed or raped cuz yule yell rape or rob so fast. Hope yure honest about those accusations and dont get innocent people in trouble. Rory, is not a cloner. He, like most of us, he plays clones like constant battle. I, proudly play clones.  Rory is a dev not a cloner. Disgust me all you want. But dont call people with good intensions cloners.. thats disgusting
In a car typing. Thats why my typing was shit

Pessimism is good
It keeps you from making stupid mistakes
And keeps you safe
The heck with optimism

2019-12-11 14:56:53

I swear, for some of you people the word clone should be forbidden. Can you explain your theory? What can you clone from a server app, which has no source code? Crazy party has a server app, where are the clones? Nowhere, so just stop, you are honestly boring. You are cloning your posts right now. As for the topic, as you have realized I do not think there was ever a server app. I'd like it too for private use across one country for example, but probably it is not that easy to create.

2019-12-11 17:14:05

Whether you play them or take part in them, you still support them and it's one and the same.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-12-11 17:24:02 (edited by defender 2019-12-11 17:32:23)

So I'm not supposed to be upset with Rorry for playing ripoffs, even though he publicly said he would stop for moral reasons and then three weeks later he was trying to get people to play constant battle
I don't care if someone wants the server program for the playroom, especially for the reason he talked about, but I find  this other thing quite disgusting, as you would say.

2019-12-11 17:37:45

@2 o got what is your got damn klone definition? You started a discussion about klones in a completely legit topic. Congratulations.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-11 17:43:33

Good luck finding a copy of the server. There was never a public copy available at any time and there probably will never be.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-12-11 17:52:25

How ever indead in the client is a server list box. I don't see in where these options make any difference but maybe they did earlier.

Lamas with hats, but with sponge bob as carl Stay tuned.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvAUQt … subscriber

2019-12-11 18:28:29

The server list box, or to be precise combo box is just to choose an alternative connection on the website. You can choose either the standard, SSL connection, the non secure one which is not using SSL, or one of the two alternative servers which just use a different port I believe in case you are having network firewall issues.

2019-12-11 20:01:26

A dev? I'll call someone a dev if I ever see something reasonable from them.

2019-12-11 22:28:51

and I'll allow you to speak about me like that when you've done better!

2019-12-11 22:41:31

Why, what have you done so far? Just asking, no offense.

2019-12-11 22:46:24

when people started to control other people's speach,

2019-12-11 23:03:58

@Defendah, I think he only said to get you guys off his back. Kids do this quite often.  Rory and Simter, lets just ignore moonwalker. He is just a bachinalist.

Pessimism is good
It keeps you from making stupid mistakes
And keeps you safe
The heck with optimism

2019-12-11 23:17:07

Half these people ain't devs though, they're just wanna be script kiddies. What makes them that is not a lack of skill or ability, it's the sheer unwillingness to put in the work and study it takes to learn the language enough to build such things as menus, player classes, weapons and ammo classes, and so on.

I would never disparage anyone for their efforts if it seemed like they were doing all of those things, even if the final result was less than good. I would of course be honest, and say it's bad if it really is, but I would say it in a way that would be without malice or animosity towards the developer(s).

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-12-11 23:19:09

Did that guy just say he is proud of playing clones?

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2019-12-11 23:31:49 (edited by Lawrence_McSu 2019-12-11 23:35:34)

Yes, 20. What I do with my sphere time is of no concern. I will not spread clones. People do all sorts of stuff in there sphere time.
Iron cross does ralise a good point, Rory
Plus, what are you gonna do? Report me for being honest?

Pessimism is good
It keeps you from making stupid mistakes
And keeps you safe
The heck with optimism

2019-12-11 23:37:30 (edited by DJWolfy 2019-12-11 23:37:52)

And what would you do if we did study player and weapon and ammo? Yes now I remember.
you would say
Make an original game! That's what. And for the record I am studying that.

2019-12-11 23:44:26

no. i will not report you. it just confirms what i already thought about you...

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

2019-12-12 00:27:20

Nope, it ain't against the rules to play, and the staff has no jurisdiction off the forum. It just means I know where you stand now. Also, sphere time? What?

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-12-12 00:28:19

OT anybody? Can't  you take that childish crap privately off the forum? It could not be any less pointless to discuss it in a topic about the Playroom's server.