2019-12-09 15:16:17

You stand in front of voldemort, Lord Voldemort. He is a player character. You raise your wand and cast,
Lord Voldemort yells, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
A bright green flash of lights heads for you.
dodge left.
Harry Potter dodges to the left.
Harry Potter Yells, "OBLIVIATE!"
Voldemort, Lord Voldemort, Has been obliviated. Lord Voldemort falls to the ground, gasping and unconsious.
Server Notification, The story of Lord Voldemort, event, by someone has been ended. Harry Potter, Player character, Has Just defeated Lord Voldemort. Watch out for new events.
Anyway, this is supposed to be after the fights and Voldemort's kills and stuff. Also, That'd be cool.
The idea of this topic is to give out ideas as to what way  could you defeat Voldemort. I mean this is not supposed to be a joking topic, so don't just say go up to him and slap him. Just looking for ideas.

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2019-12-09 16:58:29 (edited by Rastislav Kish 2019-12-09 17:01:40)

Hi there,
well, if we were following the book, the problem with the whole Harry Potter story is, that Harry would defeat Lord Voldemort even if he didn't do anything at all. The last expeliarmus formula was perhaps just for effect, but it wasn't that what caused Voldemort's death, but rather his own avada kedavra.
That's a thing I really dislike on Harry Potter, it breaks the entire world's logic, which could be otherwise quite good and interesting.
On the other hand, if we were trying to fix these mistakes, the fight would rather get somewhat more complicated than just one Obliviatte, although I get that was just an example.
It would require a good magic combat system, which would be capable of handling various fight difficulties, where voldemort would be the most challenging enemy. he's a boss after all, isn't he? smile

Best regards


2019-12-09 17:54:03

I personally didn't have a problem with voldemort essentially defeating himself via, AVADA KEDAVRa.

If Voldemort and Harry had had a normal duel, voldemort would've kicked Harry's bottom quite successfully, and the entire point of the plot in deathly hallows is that Voldemort put everything into getting the elder wand, only overreached himself because Draco had previously disarmed dumbledor, so the wand wasn't properly his.
It was both a nice restatement of the @bad guy defeats themselves@ trope, as well as a rather nice echo of Harry's original survival as a baby.

My one big problem with Deathly Hallows in terms of Harry vs voldemort was that hole business about Harry's wand being some how super powerful against voldemort, even when voldemort was using another wand than his own.

the twin cores wand thing was obviously planned from the beginning, and whilst Harry's survival in Goblet of fire felt a bit deus ex ish, I'll give Rowling a pass for at least having it based on a recognizable element of the series.
however, for this sudden "Harry's wand moves on it's own and blasts Voldemort" thing, that definitely felt out of left field and just like an unneeded addition to the plot.

Obviously Rowling needed a reason for Voldemort to realise he needed  more powerful wand to defeat Harry and go after the elder wand, thus leading to his downfall, however she could've done a better job in having Harry survive Voldemort's attack than by sticking in this random "Harry's wand moves by itself" rubbish.

As to magical combat, I don't actually mind combat in Harry Potter when it works on the established rules, that is, basically you just learn  and aim them, thus making it a combination of missile combat (particularly with fire arms), and performance art in terms of having the right emotions etc to get spells to work.

Not every writer needs to be Brandon sanderson and have a stupidly detailed set of mechanics, heck, battles are messy things and even in real life it's not always the most skilled person or the person who follows most of the rules of combat who comes out alive.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-12-09 17:56:10

I have read the whole book but the thing I didn't like was that we all knew that Voldemort was very powerful and all and even Dumbledore himself could not defeat him easily. This Harry, who didn't even have training was able to defeat him and that too happened because Voldemort's spell backfired on himself. I didn't really like the ending. I feel that the ending could've been more thrilling and interesting.

I am not someone who is ashamed of my past. I'm actually really proud. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but they, in turn, were my life lessons. Drew Barrymore
Follow me on Twitter, Discord and Instagram

2019-12-09 17:59:17 (edited by moaddye 2019-12-09 18:00:22)

Well, the magic system/mud combination would be awesome, but it would have to be offline considering that, what if Voldemort was killed before you? But I do think Obliviating Voldemort fully would solv the problem, as he wouldn't be able to remember anything at all. He may be able to dodge or something though.

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2019-12-09 18:37:53

I suspect obliviate wouldn't work because Voldemort has too strong a mind.
We are already told that he is very accomplished at both legelimensy and oclumensy.

I also suspect for the same reason someone couldn't just put the imperius curse on him and tell him to walk off a cliff either.

Ironically, I'd have been more disappointed myself if Harry did out duel voldemort. When enemies are that powerful you have to find an achilles heel, just having the good guys bone up and punch them out would make either the bad guys feel wimpy, or the good guys feel like succeedinator characters with no challenge.

Ironically, in An unkindness of magicians by Kat Howard, which is a book entirely themed around a set of magical duels, the main character is so awesome she simply KO's all her opponents in one punch, even when her opponents are super powerful, which made the hole book quite disappointing.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-12-09 20:29:44

Fiendfire, Cruseo, other whise actually trying to fight. I find it very rediculous that nobody even atempted to help Harry...
Fiendfire, Cruseo etc would be good for the surprise factor. Also, I'm sure the Potters, being one of the most magically ong living families, probably had some insane family magic, but I digress.

“Yes, sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation.”
“You don’t tell me how to behave; you’re not my mother!”
“Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.” – Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

2019-12-09 20:41:44

Why, Don't use leathle force, harry. I find that to be one of the most rediculess things dumbledore ever says. Seriously? Hi tom. Stupefy?

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2019-12-09 21:36:46

Have to agree with Dark here. A real duel in which miraculously Harry wins against Voldemort would have disapointed me.

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2019-12-09 22:53:19 (edited by moaddye 2019-12-09 23:00:48)

Well, The current story is a disapointment for me. Seriously, Voldemort makes Harry scream like some guy being electrified while having himself on fire. Anyway, He does that and Voldemort doesn't even wince? Besides, Dumbledore is. A light wiz-ard, so he should have been able to try some. Light ritual or at least dammage Voldemort. I also find the Dumbledore character stupid. Putting harry for 10 and a half years with the Dursleys, and then have Hagrid come to his home, zoom him off to some new, fantastic world, while booming about how great Dumbledore is, great man, Dumbledore? Have the challenges be
Some dog that doesn't even do anything, a pair of stupid plants, some kind of keys game which harry is fully equipped to handle, a chess game, which ron can just do, a potions puzzle. Hermione, and the mirror, Harry? Too mutch of a set up.
Something that makes hissing noises, slithers around in walls, which are pipes, and hisses about killing, ripping, tearing, blood, feeding? And has the ability to petrify someone who has a mirror, or death gaze without one? Dumbledore and others would know, wouldn't they? They are light wizards, they are intelligent beings, Dumbledore is the god with the sun shining out of his intire body? They let the ministry accuse Hagrid without attempting anything? Oh sure, there may be other creatures like that. But where are they? Nothing. In the end, some teenage girl finds it out. In a book.
Isn't it Coincidence that everyone was holding mirrors, cameras. Or moaning Mertil accidentally had a fit and threw water out of the loo? Just in time to save, who was it, filch's cat?
Or, buckbeeck? Harry and friends usual thoughts were to tell it to Dumbledore. Why didn't they? so they could appear like some great treo, heros? Hogwarts has wards that Dumbledore can observ, doesn't it? Or is it the greatest school for nothing? What about the dragon? It makes fires. it roars, it sneezes. Hagrid, "Great man, Dumbledore would have let Dumbledore know!" but no, Harry is the saver once again. If you are what, a 12 year old and see a small dragon that may be able to eat you hole with a burp, wouldn't you be a little bit afraid? Draco Malfoy, he just seems like some random bully that is used just to make another scene, while having him be the one that enters the DE's in the end?
Isn't dumbledore a  legilemansy master? or was that Occlumancy? Why doesn't he know that, from his appearance and sucking up to attention lockhart is a frod? and Harry, saves the day onceMore by having lockhart obliviated.
It's really a surprise how everything seems to go good for the golden treo, doesn't it? Dumbledore is the great man that is really useless, but harry sucks up to.
What about. Third year? madeye moody, was it? Dumbledore is his friend, How could he not tell he wasn't the true moody? Crouch just started up on the job. He didn't know most of the things about how moody acts.
Dumbledore seems like someone who wants harry to respect him, like a loyal slave? A great wizard? I don't remember Dumbledore doing more than defeating Grendelwald. I bet I remember hearing he was in a love setion or something, and that's ewish. Maybe he took grendle by surprise. But he didn't try to defeat Voldemort. If he was so wise, so intelligent, why didn't he use force to take out the DE's? He knew Voldemort would break them out, didn't he? He was so light that he couldn't even defend himself, stupidly light that he just sat in his office while eating lemon drops?
What about the Horcruxes? I get it, the ring could reserect his syster Oriana, could do many things for him.
But he is Dumbledore, light wizard, strong, wise. He knew this may have been a compultion charm.
He still put it on, and no one forsably removed  said cursed arm why? If they liked Dumbledore, would morn him, they would save him...
That first begining with both, may qualify as harry dealing with a manipulative wizard and a killer and manipulative wizard, which should've lead to harry getting more aid from jk. She wrote Voldemort being strong towards the end, she wrote dumbledore as the greatest wizard, yet she didn't give harry some more power to even the field?
My views may be bius from the fanfiction, but they are certainly things that can truely happen in the true book series. It all adds up, fanfictions didn't make it up. I believe in this plot though, so I post my views here.

You see a signature that is 800 characters and 8 lines long. You quickly report it to the administrators

2019-12-09 23:56:57 (edited by targor 2019-12-10 00:27:56)

It's a story with at least the first books aimed at children. There will be plot conveniences, that's normal for something like that. Children and young teenagers love reading about solvable challenges and overcoming obstacles. Imagine the philosopher's stone just guarded by a door that can only be opened by Dumbledore or flamel. How boring would that be.

Dumbledore did not just leave Harry with the Dursleys for fun. It was necessary so that his mothers spell wouldn't break too early. He also can't speak parsel, so he couldn't get the biggest clue, the voice in the walls, and Harry didn't tell him when asked. I think Moody is not that hard to portrai correctly to be honest. And the whole thing with the ring, I honestly think that's one of Dumbledore's most memorable scenes, because that makes him human. That abnormal strong longing to see his sister again, and suddenly there is just a old, sad man.
Wow, I seem like a complete Potterhead that screams down every other opinion, and your opinion is fine, too, but I didn't really find those conveniences to troubling. There are other things in the books which I really don't like. As Dark said, the whole wand-attacks-voldemort-on-its-own-thing is one of those things. But basically I think searching for plotholes in books or movies often ruins everything for you.

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2019-12-10 02:32:36 (edited by Chris 2019-12-11 18:48:04)

I still think someone should have just said "You know what? Enough of this nonsense!" and pulled out a gun and just blew Voldemort's head apart. Seriously, there are so many things that drive me crazy about the series. It has its good points, but there's so much that irritates me.

1. The use of wands is odd. If you're born with magic, why is it that your powers are virtually gone if you don't have a wand? Just think how easy it would be for me to stand across the street and blow that wand out of Voldemort's hand with a well-placed bullet. Oh, that brings me to the second point.

2. This hatred of mortals or regular humans, or whatever you want to call them is ridiculous! They're lucky no one knows about the wizarding world, because it would be so easy to dismantle. You want to get rid of Voldemort and stop his insanity? Throw a grenade at the son of a bitch and watch him go boom before he has time to wave his silly little wand. Ahahahahahaha! Then again, you could always get an assassin or a real mage that can cast spells faster than you can raise your wand and utter some mumbo jumbo.

3. Voldemort is an idiot! Seriously, he is! Why did people fear this idiot for so long? Come on! His idiocracy lead to his downfall. I actually quite liked the final showdown. Harry beat him with logic. Brilliant!

So, there you have it. Maybe some of those aren't valid, considering the series isn't really about urban fantasy, but come on? Hating mortals even though they have superior technology? Waving wands around instead of being born with magic in your veins? Meh, maybe I read too many other better fantasy books, I don't know. All I'll say is let's see Voldemort or Harry go up against Darquesse or Lord Vile! Ahahahahahahaha!

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-12-10 12:45:02

I agree with targor here, character is one thing the series does well, one of the problems is that it often sacrifices plot for character, that is having to have awesome character moments created by bending the world around those moments, EG voldemort's wand in goblet of fire spewing out shadows of the people he killed.

How well this works for you likely depends upon whether you want strictly explainable magic of the brandon sanderson systematic variety, or are happy to just run with things in terms of the character as is.

For me, I'm mostly happy to run with things, it's just some of the stupider conveniences and blatant deus ex moments that tend to get on my nerves, but obviously everyone's mileage will be different, and the  said about crimes of grindlevalt the better big_smile.

As to Chris's question, interestingly enough, in the harry dresden series someone actually does! take out harry that way with a sniper rifle, however in Dresden magic is far more low key and based on devices rather  enate power.

I suspect if someone tried to shoot voldemort with a gun one of several things would happen.

Either A, the gun would simply backfire if it was too technologically complex, one reason wizarding technology is stuck in the nineteenth century is that electricity and magic don't tend to get on well.

2: Voldemort's mind would simply cause the shooter to drop their gun/hand grenade/rocket launcher before firing, since remember, muggles have no defense against mental powers at all, and we know how strong in mental magic voldemort is.

3: Even if the shot actually hit, we already know clothes can be magically enchanted, EG the weesley twins shield hats, so I'd be willing to bet the shot would just bounce off, indeed I suspect this is one reason for wand combat, since anything without a wand is likely to bounce off an experienced wizard.

I will say one thing which does bother me in a lot of urban fantasy novels, not just Harry Potter, is why exactly all the magical things have to hide from normal humans at all, since yes, wizards pretty much could rule the world if they tried.

It's unfortunately a catch 22 in the very concept of urban fantasy, if you have an alternative world of powerful magic going on under everyone's noses, there has to be a reason nobody knows about it and why the paranormal/magical things hid from humanity.

In some universes like Buffy they simply take the step that the vampires/demons etc actually don't! hide from humanity at all, but their activities are so specifically fringe that nobody really bothers about them accept their victims, EG all those people getting mugged in the park might not be getting mugged.

In some other worlds like Tim Powers alternative history, there is usually a big gaping flaw in magic, or something in modern tech that negates magic.
So for example, in his book on stranger tides, all the pirates use voodoo magic, however voodoo is completely negated by the touch of iron, whilst in his book the anubis gates, since all the magic is pretty evil necromantic stuff, it's actually been quite justifiably stamped out, ---- well mostly.

Then there's the other extreme, the lovecraftian, "well the demons and great old ones exist, and really don't care what most of humanity do" angle, which also works.

either way, this is I think more a weakness of the genre, than a specific complaint of Harry Potter, and one reason why i personally don't tend to enjoy urban fantasy as much as straight up fantasy set in completely other world where magic is a part of everyday life.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-12-10 16:23:44

I think the bit about the ending of that series that disappointed me the most was Harry not dying.

Also, have a read through this, it can be rather amusing:
https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Mis … tter_books

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2019-12-10 20:30:00

The biggest disapointment of the story for me was the coursed child. I try to forget all about this horrible book and let the story end with the ending of deadly hallows. That makes it easier smile

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2019-12-10 20:52:49

You know, I've never even read that, nor have I watched the Fantastic Beasts movies. Can't say I plan to anytime soon either. I might have been a big fan of the Harry Potter books back in the day, but there are so many other books out there that are much better, even for the intented age group.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2019-12-11 00:10:29


I have all the books and movies and think they're great to put on from time to time, I'm still a huge Harry Potter fan but love Fan Fiction a lot more than the books now.

Oh and BTW: obliviate would not knock the person out, the most it would do is make them forget why they're doing what they're doing.

I'm gone for real :)

2019-12-11 05:31:19

I agree with 15, that should not  exist and I'm going to pretend that it doesn't exist.

I only watched the first fantastic beasts film, and I might have to watch it again to remind myself of what happened before I watch the second film.

Honestly, while the main Harry Potter series was great the first time I read them, I don't think I can go back and re-read them.

I read a lot of fanfiction, and while most of them out there are crap, there are some pretty good ones out there that do a better job of telling the story compared to the original book.

You know how comics have parallel worlds? That's how I treat each fanfiction story.

In an alternate reality, these events happened differently.

2019-12-11 07:48:50 (edited by Chris 2019-12-11 07:57:42)

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a pile of garbage! Absolute garbage! That is all!

Yes, there are certainly better books out there. Skulduggery Pleasant is much better, even if it's targeted at the same group from what I can tell. Even though it's designed for children, I still find myself enjoying the series at 22. I can't say the same for Harry Potter. The only gripe I have with the series now is the constant onslot of politics and transexual crap being shoehorned into the latest books. I don't know about you, but comments about Donald Trump, gay sorcerers, etc are not necessary or welcome in a series that is ultimately about a skeleton detective and his sidekick fighting evil sorcerers and gods. As much as I don't like Harry Potter anymore, there wasn't any of that unnecessary crap in it as far as I know. It was a story about witches and wizards and their society. That's how all fiction should be. If you want a story about gays, or political matters, write your own! Don't force it into totally unrelated works of literature and television! Arrrrrgh! Now I want to start a topic about that particular issue.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-12-11 08:25:04

I hated everyting about the Deathly Hallows.  Terrible book.

2019-12-11 10:29:18

My first audio book was Harry Potter, and allthough I'm over twenty now, I still come back every two years or so and listen to all seven books. No other book series for children works that strong for me, but that is maybe just huge nostalgia and the german voice for the audio books is great.

We are pleased, that you made it through the final challenge, where we pretended we were going to murder you. We are throwing a party in honor of your tremendous success. Place the device on the ground, then lay on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Assume the party submission position or you will miss the party.

2019-12-11 12:21:54


I'll always be a huge Harry Potter fan and will keep the audiobooks and movies as I love going back to them from time to time and as I said, I have a huge tun of fan fiction to keep me entertained for years.

I'm gone for real :)

2019-12-11 17:07:26

@20 I'll have to disagree with that sentiment. For me, I thought that the Deathly Hallows wrapped up everything nicely, unlike what it seems the weird shenanigans introduced by reading a Wikipedia summary for Cursed child.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2019-12-11 17:21:56

The trick is to think of a spell that goes through all of the protective spells he has already cast. For example, the protego incantation only rebounds simple spells and flashes that are designed to do him physical harm or bind him. There are more kinds of defensive spells, one of them probably against spells like obliviate. The thing is, all of these spells are, as mentioned before, used generally against an opponent, so we can be sure that Voldemort has figured out defenses for all of them, except avada kedavra, but Voldemort would simply jump aside, because he would here the words and see the green flash of light. So, let's cast a relatively simple spell, without words, that doesn't make as much noise or flashes as the fighting spells normally do. I have come up with a simple solution. In Half-Blood Prince, we see Dumbledore move Harry's trunk to the Weasleys' home, without words, with no flash of light mentioned in the book. We simply use that spell to move Voldemort's brain or heart outside his body. With all the horcruxes destroyed, Voldemort couldn't possibly survive, as he would only see Harry's wand flicking, because Harry's eyes would be fixed on the exact target, but not on Voldemort's eyes, so legilimency couldn't help Voldemort. Smart, isn't it?

2019-12-11 17:59:38 (edited by Chris 2019-12-11 18:46:26)

@24 That is interesting. I missed that detail in the books. If Voldemort's defenses are all magical, all it would take is an experienced mage to unravel his magic and destroy him. Darquesse could do it no problem. Is it a bit unfair? Perhaps, but it would be amusing to see Darquesse go up against the big bad Volde. How long would he survive?

As I said, the main problem I have with Voldemort is that he doesn't seem very intelligent. He thought he was all that when he got the Elder Wand and could never understand why it wouldn't work. How did he manage to go around killing potentially hundreds or thousands of Wizards unchallenged? Come on, you're telling me no one wanted to stand up to him? Come on! I don't know, maybe I'm too old for the series and think about it too critically now, but I just don't like Voldemort's whole plan. Oh, let's also not forget the idiot used Harry's blood to revive himself which also lead to his downfall. Idiot! Was the plan something along the lines of "I'm going to reincarnate myself by any means necessary and damn the consequences"? He should have realized that was a bad idea after getting burned by Harry at the end of Sorcerer's Stone. Never mind that using Harry's blood was a huge mistake, since that's where the protective charm from Lilly resided.

Let's talk about the Horcruxes. Good on Volde for deciding to make himself virtually immortal. Unfortunately, he stored pieces of his essence in objects that were fairly easy to destroy with the right tools. Why not split his soul up and make clones of himself? Imagine the damage 7 or 8 Voldemorts could do simultaneously if they worked together and you know, thought strategically?

Ugh, it just bothers me that such a feared sorcerer is such an idiot. Did he really have no strategy besides running around waving his wand and killing people? Maybe I should go back and read the series again now that I'm older. I may pick up on more things I missed as a 10-year-old.

I agree that Deathly Hallows nicely concluded everything. Harry finally realized it was time to stand up and do something about Voldemort and his idiocracy when everyone else was too scared. Don't get me wrong, I think the story has nice themes, I'm just bothered by some aspects of it. It's crazy how your perspective on certain things changes with age.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.