2011-02-17 10:07:18

I made the action game.
I am translating it.
I translated readme today.
Please read this, and feedback.
I will upload the game one of these days.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-17 11:37:47

i am not understanding the concept here. I think that you want to destroy blocks with several kinds of a laser before someone else does?

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
If you like my posts, thumb me up!

2011-02-17 11:49:49

Yes, this game fights by two people.
Each other attacks the other party's block.
And, when all blocks are previously broken, you win.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-17 15:04:42

Would it be possible to make it playable against the computer? One of the biggest issues with something like the Snowball War is that without two people you might as well not have it to play at all.

Best Regards,

2011-02-17 15:08:27

wel, wow, i will try it out wen it comes out

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2011-02-17 20:32:04

hi hayden,
according to the readme it does have an AI.
Yuki or how ever you spell that, nice game. It sounds interesting although the readme as a little poorly translated, but otherwise it sounds fun. weapons of mass destruction rock!

2011-02-17 22:19:48

Cool; I hadn't relly had a chance to read it, it was more guessed on the basis of what was written here.

Best Regards,

2011-02-18 06:21:38

I do not think that this readme is understood easily.
I want to improve it.
Please teach to me when there is an opinion.
I will upload the game next week.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-18 09:04:37

yukionozawa wrote:

I made the action game.
I am translating it.
I translated readme today.
Please read this, and feedback.
I will upload the game one of these days.

I cant understand somethings.

2011-02-22 10:25:19

I am preparing the game.
I wanted to use SAPI5.
However, it failed.
Can jaws read the clipboard?

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-22 12:20:18

well, it can, ditto for nvda and window-eyes with a simple script. I think supernova also can do it. Now the problem is they can't do it automatically so feeding data via a clipboard isn't a good way to go about it. you'd have to have an external program like d-speech or some other utility that can do it running, even then it's not that fast.
You could make it self voicing or use something like
to feed the data to sapi or a screen reader. people would have to install the utility, but seeing it's small (and there's an executable you can call so you don't need to have it installed) it should work.

2011-02-22 13:09:48

This game was not originally self-voicing.
I could use SAPI5.
However, the response of the voice is bad.
I make an effort to use SAPI.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-22 15:09:24

That's probabluy just your SAPI voice. Recall that we are probably all going to use different voices. I'd say go for SAPI.

Best Regards,

2011-02-24 11:23:57

Yes, I know it.
However, the voice is accumulated.
Please listen to this.
The voice cannot catch up with the cursor.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-24 14:58:17

Well...I'm really not sure what language you are writing this in, but you need some kind of function that will interrupt speechwhen required; that's the only thing I can think might work.

Best Regards,

2011-02-25 15:25:34

yep, because i need something that i dont haftu wait until e-speak stoppes talking wen i press the controle key oare something

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2011-02-26 07:26:12

I translated normal mode of the game.
Please try this.
Next, I will translate the action mode.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-26 12:24:06

First of all I really love games with a lot of interface sounds, IE clicks for moving through menus and so on. THis game really delivers in that regard. makes it feel a little more mainstream.
After I selected everything it wasn't apparent what to do. I didn't realize that I had to type in my name and then press tab to continue, since there was no prompt or anything. I think that should be fixed.
The in-game music is a little loud. Is there a volume control for it?
When Both me and the computer target the game says that the attacking phaze will now begin. then it says "b". what does that mean? or is it a typo?
when I fire my short-range laser sometimes I'll get an untranslated message which I can't really type here since I am not sure how. lol.
Other than that I'm really enjoying this. The sound design is great with a lot of hitting sounds and such, so it's really fun.

2011-02-26 13:11:42

Please push page down to lower the volume of music.
After inputting the name, you should push TAB key.
I will investigate other problems.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2011-02-26 13:47:35

I believe Pitermach meant to say that he did realize what he should do at last, but that there should be some kind of a prompt to let you know that you are actually supposed to type in your name and confirm that.
I haven't tried the game yet but I will probably do so, it sounds worth it.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2011-02-26 15:03:23 (edited by harrylst 2011-02-26 15:08:27)

I would like to correct the read me.

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2011-02-26 15:29:23

I have fixed the readme, with the exception of the license agreement:
Laser breakout version: 1.01 Readme

In this game, your goal is to destroy the other person's blocks. If you beat the computer, you win.
1:About this game
2:System requirements
3:How to play the game
4:How to play the action mode
5:About the menu
7:contacting the author

1:About this game
In this game, you destroy the other player's blocks, and the one who destroys the other player's blocks first wins.
Each lazer has specific characteristics, and one must chose the correct weapon in each situation to win.
This game also can be played with a friend.
Of course, there exists an AI so that computer play is possible.
There is a normal mode and an action mode.
In the action mode, you use different skills that use attack points.

2:system requirements
This game was made using HSP3.2.
This is what you need to run the game:
Windows 98/2000/xp/vista/7
Direct X 8 or later
speakers or headphones for sounds to play

3:How to play the game
When the game starts, you get a menu of options:
This chapter explains various fundamental concepts.
Fundamental concepts
Basically, if all blocks are destroyed, you win.
Each block starts with a durability of 100, and it is destroyed when that reaches 0.
When all blocks are broken, the game is won.
After player 2 decides his attack, both attacks happen at the same time.
Therefore, there is no advantage to player 1 attacking first.
If both players lose their last block the same round, it's a tie.
examining the blocks
The blocks can be examined by pushing the right and left arrow keys while on the game screen.
the voice says the number and durability of each block.
You are usually looking at the enemy's blocks.
To look at your blocks, press the tab key.
This cycles between looking at the enemy's blocks and looking at your blocks.
Basic method of attack
When enter is pressed on a block, it attacks the block.
The enter key only works in the enemy blocks screen.
Even if the enter key is pressed while viewing your own blocks, it can't be attacked.
Weapons can be selected when entering the attack mode.
The features of each weapon is as follows.
The minilazer always hits
However, there is not much damage
The middle lazer has a high probability of hitting.
And, blocks within a 3 block radius of the block attacked can be damaged.
Damage is greater the closer the block is to the specified block.
The lazer canon can deal good damage, but the hit accuracy  cannot be classified as good.
A short range laser can deal a large amount of damage to the specified block although the accuracy is bad.
Fire cannon can do damage in a 7 block radius, however the accuracy is quite bad.
The attack happens when both players make their move
Please advance the message with 'Enter'.

4:How to play the action mode
In the action mode, various skills besides a usual attack can be used.
To enter the skills menu, press space.
To use a skill requires an attack point.
You get more attack points as you continue play.
You can check how many attack points you have with the A key.
However, after you press the A key, it changes to the view of your own blocks, press tab again to get to the enemy blocks.
Here is a list of things you can do with an attack point
Special laser
Special lazer does damage depending on how many attack points you have.
Naturally, the hit rate is 100 percent.
Block recovery
You need 3 attack points, and you recover a bit of HP from a block.
You should be in the view of your own blocks before using it.
Super-block recovery
You need 6 attack points, and you recover all of the HP from a block.
You should be in the view of your own blocks before using it.
The drain takes away the same amount of damage the other person takes away on the same turn, plus an additional 50%
If the attack fails, no damage is done.
You need 8 points, and it makes it so the following attack always hits.
You need 8 points and using it sets a trap.
Damage is done when the trap is stepped on.

5:About the menu
You choose items with the up and down arrow keys.
After you input your name, press tab.
Even if it is empty, the computer will create a name for you.

6:License Agreement
It is a matter that I would like you to consent before software is used.
These notes might change, be added, and be deleted.
This software is what the author is privately making it.
Therefore, there might be a bug etc.
It would be greatly appreciated when it is possible to report by using either of the methods described in following "Where to make contact" if the one like the bug is discovered.
There might be a point that doesn't arrive though it confirms the operation as much as possible.
I will use the common procedure of the bug gotten from everybody for the correction from the one that it is possible to correct it.
This software is free software.
The one of the game author that it doesn't assume the responsibility at all will be all the damage caused by using or having tried to use this software.
Moreover, even if software includes the bug etc. , the author will assume the one that it is not compelled to be corrected.
It ..[nyanchan].. has the copyright of the source code and the manual of this main body of the game.
Moreover, there is a copyright in BGM and a part of sound effect material [monyanchan] used in the game.
Each author has the copyright about other sound effects and music.
It is prohibited to use these second files without permission.
4:This document is quick translated.
Please E-mail to me when there are some questions.

7:contacting the author
You can send feedback or oppinions to the author in one of the following ways:
For e-mail, we would appreciate it if you would be polite  when e-mailing:
[email protected]
8:Update history

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2011-02-26 16:48:52

Ok...I'm going to ignore that obvious spambot and ask a question; how do you choose a weapon tofire? I did not see that in the readme.

Best Regards,

2011-02-26 17:19:17

yuki, if you want please create a game with naruto.

2011-02-26 18:18:16

you just hit enter on the block you want to attack. it will give you the weapon selection menu.