2019-11-27 22:36:32

I have a forum if you guys want to check it out.

2019-11-27 22:52:39

you'll have so much fun when the spambots come, and make posts, by the ton. So I say delete it now, before the drama goes ka pow!
Why must people moderate,
Be on top, administrate
It's they who'll deal with all the spam, but well, I say it's already too late

2019-11-27 23:36:34

o no, not this again

best regards, muhammad chafid

2019-11-27 23:59:46

Nobody's forcing anyone to go on there. If you want to, then fine. If you don't, fine again. So yeah.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-11-28 00:09:39

It's not a law requiring you to register for my forum, it's just a thing to let you know of it's existence. If you want to say oh not this again and comments like that, I respectfully ask that you leave it out of this topic, unless you have something actually useful to say.
Thanks much.

2019-11-28 00:19:30

Yet another PunBB forum? Seriously, PunBB isn't the only forum software out there

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-11-28 00:26:22

Yes, I have a genuine question. Who thinks that saying something like, here is my forum, have fun is a good way to introduce a forum? What does it offer? What is the forum about? What advantages will you provide that you think are not present on other similar forums?

2019-11-28 00:50:58 (edited by JaceK 2019-11-28 00:52:02)

Well it looks like Patrick put up some gaming related categories, and based it on PunBB and said okay, forum's done, at least going by the link.

Just once, I'd like to see blindies use something other than PunBB. Just. Once. Mostly since there's some well designed forums out there using software that plays well with screenreaders and such that /isn't/ PunBB and is a lot more modern. I'd like to see that used for forums, and get away from PunBB for everything blindie forum related. Which'd also stop the idiotic 'omg clone forum' posts, too.

EDIT: Also the usual suspects joined there. Well then

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-11-28 01:49:21

Yeah what post 7 said.

best regards, muhammad chafid

2019-11-28 02:05:40

I've seen this far too many times.  My own irc server, Ventrilo server, TeamTalk server... I think the new thing now is discord and, by the looks of it, where blind people are concerned, or at least those on ag net, their own forum?  Because, you know, we're not divided into our little cliques enough as it is.
I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, but seriously!  Is it not enough that when you go game you almost always have to join clans?  Orgs?  Alliances?  Groups?  Then groups fall apart and all this drama...  If I were to honestly wish for anything, anything at all to end this year on, it would be that this forum, and those who have subscribed to it would come together in a way that would rival other communities and make us turn other people's heads because nothing could compare.  Am I wishing for a miracle?  Perhaps, but you know what?  I don't see that making multiple forums is doing any better than my wishful thinking...

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2019-11-28 07:20:47

Do you mind mentioning those forum softwares that work well with screen readers?  I'm curious.
I was part of a group trying to make a legit new forum before low quality ones started streaming in, but our web dev doesn't have allot of under the hood experience unfortunately, and all the other more modern BB forks had problems with captchas that couldn't be turned off properly.
I think we tried simple machines but it was incredibly complicated according to said web dev, and everything else good seems paid.
Honestly I think we should really just transition to reddit but not enough people know how to use it still, and to be fair to them it's not always that great and gets worse and better in cycles.

2019-11-28 07:29:24

Well post 8, what makes you a nonblindy? I'm just curious as it were. You are just bashing with nothing to show. How predictable, trying to be all mighty.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-11-28 07:35:21

@12, considering you know nothing about the guy, stay out of that area.
@11, some forum software that is accessible include:

* MyBB (I think)
* Discourse
* VBulletin

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-11-28 08:12:59

at least someone click the thumbs up for that little poem smile

2019-11-28 08:15:30 (edited by defender 2019-11-28 08:19:56)

What is special or useful about Patrick's forum?  Answer this simple question and maybe I will understand why you are defending it.  If not though...  It's hard to take you seriously if you have no arguments to support your point of view.
I'm sure you are aware of how many audiogames.net like forums have been posted and then taken down quickly afterwards lately, so you must also understand why people are getting annoyed right?
Without knowing the goals of this new one or what niche it is supposed to fill, it's hard not to just discount it like all the others.  Put your self in our shoes and you'll surely see that.

My BB was one of the ones we had the captcha issue with, but a bet a more experienced web dev may be able to pull it off.
Thanks for the rest of the suggestions though.

2019-11-28 08:24:37

I'd like to see you guys stop referring to blind people as blindies. LOL. It just looks so... uncouth? Not sure that's the right way to put it, but I am trying to be diplomatic, so can't say the word I'd actually want to. tongue


Spill chuck you spots!

2019-11-28 08:34:43

That's post eight, calling everyone blindie, then posting in a blindy place. Ethan, I may not know anything about the guy, but I know he's posting in a blindy place calling people blindies. So welcome to the world. And as it is, I already know enough about him. Just throwing things here and there. I not need know more.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-11-28 09:17:26

@16, I'll readily admit that I'll call someone a blindy just as quickly as I'd call someone a bastard or any number of insults if that's what I really think of them. It's a term that can be leveraged at will, and, sadly, a more and more apt one to use these days.

I also am finding myself regretting advocating for more forums and/or other venues for blind folks, gaming or otherwise. I still stand by my original point that if a couple of strategically placed, well-run forums existed, it wouldn't harm anything, and would, in fact, most likely make the current stagnant climate more bearable, but this, kids making forums for bragging rights, is as counterproductive as anything can possibly get. For that, I have to apologize for possibly contributing to said forums' existance. Oh, I'm not naive or self-centered enough to think that my words in previous topics here, or anywhere else, encouraged someone to say "fuck it, I'll create a spam-filled, drama-infested space for 11-year-olds to get their kicks," but I do clearly recall standing firmly on the side of there being a little variety as far as the amount of forums for the blind expanding, so I do have to feel some indignation, because unfortunately, that came to pass in the worst way possible.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2019-11-28 09:29:35 (edited by defender 2019-11-28 09:34:31)

Reminds me of black people calling each other Nigga but if a white friend says it, suddenly it's a big nono.
If you think about it, it does make sense that a minority would usurp an insult used by the other side and either normalize it and or begin taking pride in it.  It turns that weapon against the enemy in an effective way.
But after it's run it's course, it's time to either give it up or let everyone use it IMO, otherwise your really just being a hypocrite for the most part.  Now that the average person isn't particularly racist in developed countries with significant black populations, there should probably not be any assumption of malice when the word is used in proper context by someone who didn't commit any crime, so to speak.
Then again, systemic racism still exists and impacts millions every day even in developed countries sooooo.

The thing with blindy though is that I don't know where it even came from.  It's obviously meant as a derogatory insult in many but not all use cases.  It just seems too casual to have been used by the sighted community in any significant capacity before this you know?
It seems like a word which was invented as a fun but somewhat cutting inside joke type thing, which now gets used more harshly by people who feel they are in some way above the community and want to show they are rejecting any association with the average blind person.
And used in that way, it is pretty nasty, so I have to agree that it would probably be for the best if we were to stop saying it.  But I don't like policing words in general, just the meaning behind the words and the context they are used in.  Your right about it looking bad to outsiders though, but any relatively smart person would assume it was just a colloquialism that naturally developed in this isolated community and let it be.

2019-11-28 11:35:41 (edited by JaceK 2019-11-28 11:38:42)


MyBB isn't accessible AFAIK. And which version of SMF? Last one I tried wasn't that good overall but that was like v2.0.0.0 so if things have changed I'll take a look Also, ditto for Vbulletin

The golden rule of forum software is: Don't be afraid to dig into the coding to /make? it accessible, I'll dig out my jcink topic since those hosting folks run a modified IPB and their community whipped up screenreader friendly skins when I asked (for instance)

EDIT: @Defender: Ironcross had a post on blindie vs other words ages ago, not got the link to hand right now however. But from what I recall, blindie's the equivalent of calling somebody a bastard, blink is like going up to them and dropping the C bomb on their toes, however.

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-11-28 11:44:20

Also @Audiogame:

I was saying oh another blindie making another forum. Yes, put all the sarcasm and snark and condescencion into my original post, because it deserves it. Another quickly made PunBB forum, another quickly made 'blind gaming' forum. At this point it's nothing special...

@Turtle: Problem with strategicallly placed is nobody can agree though

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-11-28 11:54:03


well, call me arogant, but I do use the term blindy when i see that someone who is, let's say in their 20s and is not able to comprehend the most basic tasks, things in house work, going shopping and so on.
I have been a student at a school for the blind since 2008 in a city which generally speaking has a very large population of blind or highly visual impaired people.
Since 2017 I'm doing a three year training with which I'm hopefully finished somewhere around July next year. So, give or take a few months, I have been living in this city for roundabout 12 years of my currently 22 year old existence.
Over the course of these 12 years I have met quite a number of blind people and yes, and yes, I'm slowly but surely getting mad around here.
the problems with the blind comunity, at leased with quite a large part are numerus, but I will point out some of them.
There is the limited amound of topics you can exchange about. Seams strange at first, but almost every blind person I've met is either very much into computers or music, two topics which are quite interesting, but after discussing the same old iPhone apps and games for the unteenth time, it's slowly getting stale.
Another point I despise is that everyone knows apparently everyone. Before short or long you start talking about your life experiences and, where you went to school and there it starts. Hey, do you know that guy. Yes, do you know that guy as well? No, not really. Ok, because my experiences with him are ... bla, bla bla.
It sometimes feels that if you are stuck in a bubble and you can't escape it, no matter what you tried.
It might be obvious that I hold a grudge against the big part of the blind comunity, that's why over the last few months I mostly pulled back out of any blind organisations I was in, deleted many groups on either WhatsApp or Facebook, and generally got more involved with the sighted comunity, because at leased in my eyes, this is more rewarding and you meat a bigger and different number of people.
When i hopefully finish my training I already decided that I will move away from the city and start fresh somewhere.
New faces, new places.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-11-28 12:59:53 (edited by Patrick 2019-11-28 13:00:31)

Hi guys.
Thank you all for the feedback.
I did not want this forum to be just about gaming, but I did put a gaming forum in there just in case someone wanted to talk about it, and I also did not want it to be a audiogames.net spin off.
With that said, does anyone have any forum ideas that I might include? And no, I do not plan on this going away any time soon.

2019-11-28 13:59:06

Problem is Patrick right now you got....gaming discussion, development, an off topic room. using PunBB.It sure on the surface looks like an ag.net spinoff. Same codebase (as every other quick made forum by some jumped up blindie going 'omg I hate the mods on the ag forum I will make my own', same general structure (but that's not your fault, that's more how forums are)

How about this. Ditch the PunBB. Try other forum software, Ethin mentioned up there ^ about diffrent forum softwares you can try. Hell if you make it in PhpBB or SMF it'll stand out. Because. My main issue is this: You jumped and went for PunBB, so it looks and feels like every other five minute made forum. It looks too similar to every other recent forum, they all use the same codebase and all have the same idea.

Humor me. Do something different.

You want ideas: Off the top of my head....

Make it stand out. Make it somewhere people /want/ to visit. Use different forum softwares, use diffrent styles

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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-11-28 14:21:44

And, perhaps revise your admin choices?