2019-11-02 15:37:51

I have an idea. Why don’t we all band together and host a crazy party tournament? The winners of this tournament will get copies of the game.

Hopefully, we'll get a fully accessible open world game someday.

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2019-11-02 15:49:42

hello. can someone please buy it for me? i don't have a job and i tried to use paypal in my country with my card but i failed.
i know that this kind of request is foolish and not allowed. but please guys, please think about cannot affordable persons.

hi. i am a dark matter miner. yeah, i am setting mines that when something steps on it, it will explode and release huge amount of dark matters. oh sorry... i am a slave miner, i am mining dark matters...

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2019-11-02 15:55:28

Thank you once more Cae Jones. I received my information.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

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2019-11-02 15:58:30

There are a ton of people asking for this game in a huge, huge wave. As someone on the outside looking in, it's...sort of disheartening. I get that there are financial restrictions and straight-up lack of money in some cases, and I'm sympathetic to those things, but it's also a whole lot of people asking for the game before it's even 24 hours old. If you wait a bit, you also might be able to get a better feel on whether or not you want the game. This isn't just five or ten bucks you're asking for, and wouldn't it suck to get someone to grab you the game only to realize it had as many or more issues as the last one?
Maybe give it some time? See if money opens up, or other options do? See if, given some time, more people host giveaways? Having the game is one thing, having the game right-here-right-now-please-kthxbai isn't necessary, and may be detrimental.

I dunno, just my two cents' worth.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

Thumbs up +1

2019-11-02 16:04:46

@Cae Jones: I send you a PM, thank you so much

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 17:09:58

@Jayde has a point. If you play the demo it will take you a while to get through, a while which may lead you to a giveaway of sorts - I know Liam is hosting another marathon on December 1st, so I'd definitely check that out and/r become a patron if youre able to. Or pass the stream around to your friends, that's just as effective.

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 17:28:44

I really want it to; can someone kind in uf to give me it? I don't want to crack this:

my new youtube channel. click subscribe if you like my stuff
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzL-l8 … YCkjOm3FIg

2019-11-02 17:41:33 (edited by the best in the world 2019-11-07 16:39:14)

Hey everyone, can someone buy it for me too? I live in Egypt and conversion rates aren't looking good, I'd have to pay like 700 Egyptian pounds, and don't really have that much money seeing that I'm still a student. email is, [email protected], first name is Amro, last name is Meero.
and thanks everyone. smile

Hi, my Skype name is, anr1235, feel free to add me if you wish, i love to make new friends, and thanks.

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 17:48:49

Hi, Phoenix here. I am interested in this game also. Only issue is, I am on a limited budget and will highly unlikely be able to purchase the game. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to gift it to me. My first name is Analis and my last name is Dannen. My email address is [email protected]. Thanks in advance!


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2019-11-02 17:51:31

Just remember, as some people posted, and as others have confirmed, the demo is freakishly long. Way longer than what one got from Manamon 1. I'd advise you to play that first, get through the multiple boss fights and I think 3 stadiums? before the demo ends. Gives you time to see if you really want to game, and something to do while waiting on a copy for those with issues purchasing it.

The answer to your question is forum.audiogames.net/search

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 17:51:49

If pocible, could someone try to purchase a copy of manamon 2 for me, too?
I don't live in the US and a dollar is currently worth 4 of my currence.
If its not pocible, I will understand, as I know noone is obliged to help me.
Feel free to send me a PM or an e-mail to [email protected]

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 18:06:14 (edited by RemusLupin 2019-11-02 18:09:08)

well this game dev is aaron but i think, if i was on aaron's place, i would say: hey dude i didn't released or updated this game so long time, and well i will make surprise for my users and i will make manamon 2 or any game discount.
So i want say, 39.5 dollar is too much for it, i think 1 week or 4 day must be discount.
edit: after i post words before that edit, i went on google and i just saw how much was 39.5 dolllar in to georgian lari, and hey! freaking horrible! 116.72 Georgian Lari! well 116 lari is so so much, and if in georgia that game would create, i never won't pay that much

Yours kindly

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 18:19:43 (edited by seb 2019-11-02 18:22:00)

Honestly, I would recommend to any of you who cannot afford it at the time to at least play the demo, see if you like the game or not and go from there. Also, take note that people are going to buy the game for themselves at first. The fact that you guys are asking for a copy on the second day the game came out is, according to me, simply wrong. Also, @post 40, do you realize that the game apparently took three years to develop? I'd rather not say more.

Thumbs up +1

2019-11-02 18:24:38

so i had an idea. But i don't think Aaron reads this topic but i'm going to suggest it anyways
keep in mind this could only work for pay pal users as i don't know what he could do for people that cant use it
but i think that he should make a subscription for it. For example 5 or $10 a month until they pay the full price. This could open more doors to people that want it but don't have $40 with them at the moment

2019-11-02 18:36:21

Welcome to the age of instant gratification.


Spill chuck you spots!

Thumbs up +1

2019-11-02 18:37:25

@seb2314 I think I forgot to mention this in my post but I've been playing the demo already, thats why I asked. Again it is as I said on my last post If I could buy the game by myself, I would not have asked for it here. I hope you all are having a wonderufl day

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 18:57:00

I have taken care of @Omer.
An important note about gifting: If you purchase this game for someone else, you the purchaser needs to contact Aaron so that he can update the email address associated with the license key. This is required in order for your recipient to have access to the full complement of net play services.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 19:03:47 (edited by Minionslayer 2019-11-02 19:04:10)

So, I've heard the demo is really long though I haven't played it myself. In that case, I wonder how long the actual game is for the demo to be as long as it is.

If you for whatever reason wish to contact me, the best way to do so is through Discord (@Minionslayer0). You'll get the quickest response times, and by extension, a higher priority. I also sometimes post my thoughts (for the better or worse) over on Mastodon at @Minionslayer.

2019-11-02 19:38:49

@Jepic: Pretty long, plus the demo is much more generous it seems. I"m getting mixed information as to whether it will let you go past the second stadium and into the third, but either way you've got quite a demo to play, tantamount to Entombed's demo. I feel like you may even get the pocket copter at some point in the demo as well, because the manual said you could not use it in-game.
Re, subscriptions: That's not very easy unless an online registration system were in play. Given that Trajectory has an online play server it would probably be an easier implementation than it would've been in previous titles, but that's still quite a code adjustment. You would need to make actual expiring keys, and if BGT doesn't allow one thing it's true trialware functionality, save for the dedicated drm solutions. WE really could use another Armadilo, or as it was newly named Software Passport (damn you Digital River). Alas, hardly any drm system exists with a perpetual license that you can actually trust that isn't obscenely expensive, otherwise you're stuck with a subscription model.

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 19:40:59

am nearly at the second stadiom and love it so far, wish i could buy it

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 20:07:15

I sent you a PM @CAE_Jones. I'm post 9.
Yeah, tought so about the email address. What information is needed sending to Aaron? Does the purchaser need to send it or the person with the actual licence?

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 20:08:32

CAE_jones, check your pm.

Best regards: Marco

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 20:18:16

Hi, I agree to post 31. I asked for the game because right now I have low funds and it can be great if one person can aford it for me. And why? Because it's a thing that I would do it for someone if I had the money, because has stated before, I gifted two copies of Manamon 1, and in the future if I can, one of Manamon 2.

Thumbs up

2019-11-02 20:39:17

thanks Trajectory!

2019-11-02 20:55:10

i love the demo and i would like someone to atlist think about buying it for me, havent got the money for this in a long time

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

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