2019-10-11 04:15:09

hey jade
i'm gonna step in here and ask a question. Don't worry, i'm not going to blow up on you like i did last time. I have learned not to do that but here is my question
what exactly started this hole copyright thing in which you and the other mods started acting like this. and an observation from my end. Whenever you guys encounter a disagreement regarding movies and all that you and another mod who i shall not name for respect act. What's the word i'm looking for. I guess the word would be standoffish?

2019-10-11 04:29:01

The discussion of how copyrights should be handled was an on-going thing for a while. for the longest time, the forum was turning a blind eye to the distribution of certain materials. So where the distribution of cracked games was being harshly dealt with, people could pass around other types of materials with impunity.
there were several instances where the staff was called to task for this. how could one thing be okay while something else wasn't?
There were two choices. 1. Choose to allow people to pass around what ever they wanted irregardless of copyright law. or 2. Take a uniform stance on all copyrighted material.
the reason we are quote unquote so stand offish is because as the rule stands there is no wiggle room. We however take intent in ot every decision.  Mistakes can be made which is understandable, but when someone willingly attempts to dance around the rule by not linking directly, making passive aggressive comments towards the rule and the staff, or trying to use code words or mnemonics  to get around the rule they are goign to ge thandled harsher than those who don't do this. Notice that we tend to remove a link and move on. Please scroll back through this topic and see how it escalated.
Also making a comment like you and another mod who i shall not name for respect is extremely disrespectful vs. referencing that mod by name.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-10-11 04:50:01

when, in any of my posts, did I say I want something for nothing? Now you're just putting words in my mouth!

You called out ultimate blade, and he did like seriously nothing!
like I said before, I am anything but entitled. But if you say so, then so be it. Rite?

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-10-11 05:33:09

I called him out because he is giving a no-links way for people to engage in piracy. It's a fairly obvious way, but that's exactly what he's doing. There's no excuse, no defense. I stopped short of warning him because he did not actually provide links, but was sorely tempted to.

So, Juan, I take it, then, that you are perfectly okay with spreading or seeking out ways for the blind to get paid access to material like everyone else? That you don't, in fact, want to spread links to places where you can watch for free, particularly if that's not legal? If you're anti-piracy in this regard, and are honestly trying to make sure that that angle of the topic is handled properly, then cool. If that's the case, I will apologize, since then you will not, in fact, want something for nothing. But if you want to suggest that piracy is okay because there are supposedly no other options, then you're shooting yourself in the foot.

I would say "uncompromising" is a better word here than "stand-offish", but I take your point. The reason is because we're tired of being branded as hypocrites. Nothing we do is right. So as Liam said, we've decided a firm stance is in order, and that intent matters. Honest mistakes will be viewed differently than clear intention to skirt rules.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-10-11 10:35:52

Post54 wrote. "The reason is because we're tired of being branded as hypocrites. Nothing we do is right. So as Liam said, we've decided a firm stance is in order, and that intent matters. Honest mistakes will be viewed differently than clear intention to skirt rules."
First, before I start this, If you don't mind me asking, Who thought of you boath as hypocrites?
I'm pritty sure, from at least half of the comunity liked and had, alot of respect for you boath, you and Liam. What did they say about you all that made yall come to this kind of stance?
If you wouldn't mined, could you please show me some topics where these incydents happened?
Or was it something off forrum that we weren't aware of?
Now, to start.
I never thought of you all as hypocrites. I was always OK with the idea that audiogame cracks weren't OK to be shared, ovyously because of the smallness of the audiogaming industry.
See, i'm OK with that! I can very much make peace with that, and happilly put that audiogames cracking to bed.
The only time I shared an audiogame crack or pirated coppy over PM on forrum, was for A blind ledgond, and that was because the person was complaining about steem accessibility, and since he already paied for the game, I couldn't use steem so I couldn't help him with that, So I decided to help him with the game it self, so he could get the game that he paied for working, and the company got its money. That, is not dancing around the rules, it's just a win win for everyone.
Now, secondly.
The reason why I like the older forrum with the other mods is just because of the fact that, You had a choice if you did or did not, want to download pirated coppys of software on forrum.
Now, let me get into this. I know this post is long, but please try to bare with me, as i'm more used to this kind of explaining by voice.
In a lot of pirating comunitys, the people are more of a comunity.
The reason why I said this is because you won't find alot of dromma there. I meen sure you'll find it, you'll find it everyware you go, but it was alot less than it is here. You'll probably ask how I know this? DING DING, you guessed it!
Now this is mainly why. People pirate, get it uploaded, get comments on how to fix there issues if any, a bad 5 comments will rear its ugly head, but ya know, If they like it they'd say why they like it, and enjoy there book, or game, or what ever! If they don't like it, they'll say why, and it becomes god of the recycle bin!
the older forrum was almost like this, and to me, pritty dam good if I must say so my self!
it was one that people could listen and download and share these things with out having that much dromma.
Now please note.
I didn't say that I want it to be the older forrum, Although if I had voating choice, I would voat yes, how ever I don't have a disision for that. So please don't think that.
I just would at least appreeshiate it if people weren't being called out for just providing A surch term for pirating. I meen A surch term, really? Not even basic piracy protection sites do this!
now there's just one more thing or two that I nead to write. but first,
So, Juan, I take it, then, that you are perfectly okay with spreading or seeking out ways for the blind to get paid access to material like everyone else? That you don't, in fact, want to spread links to places where you can watch for free, particularly if that's not legal? If you're anti-piracy in this regard, and are honestly trying to make sure that that angle of the topic is handled properly, then cool. If that's the case, I will apologize, since then you will not, in fact, want something for nothing. But if you want to suggest that piracy is okay because there are supposedly no other options, then you're shooting yourself in the foot.
Look, I'm going to be totally blunt and honest with you. If I just give legal websites, it will be A pritty dick move, perticularly because I don't like that if someone wants something, I won't be able to help them with it.
I would at least appreeshiate it if we got the rite to choose on forrum, and we won't have to have this legal VS non legal thing every time.
I and the forrumites could post links E.G. pirate, where I put one pirate link, and normal, where I put netflix and hulu and crontchyrol and all that.
and I will also try to look at the sites to make sure that they're OK.
In short, I can do boath, and although I don't have the money to pay for any of those things, I will stil try to help where I can!
that and pluss, when I do my manga accessibility project, I don't want to get a team to look thru pictures, and cheque for errors, for munths, just to see it all get shut down in one day.

I really hope you enjoied my long ass post, I litorally spoken this one out, so that's why it doesn't sound like me haha.
Think I should be doing that more? ehh? hehheh

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-10-11 11:18:50

Thank you for explaining that, Juan. I appreciate that.

I see where you're coming from, and I respect some of the points you're making. But that's unfortunately where we'll have to stop agreeing.

First off, if you give people one legal and one nonlegal way to download material, they'll probably jump to the illegal one. We aren't going to host such links or tolerate ways to get those links here. That ship sailed awhile ago. It's over. It's done. My advice is to let it go. If you want to share legal means of sharing anime and other content, go right ahead. We encourage that. If you want to pirate that material, please don't do it here. No matter how nicely you word it, you still would prefer the freedom to engage in piracy on this forum, and that's not going to happen. Engage it in your own way, on your own time, outside of this forum, please. I'm not going to lecture you on what you do or don't do outside this forum, but within it, you've agreed to follow the rules, so please respect those rules.

Second point: to the previous system and the mods who often let copyrighted material hang. The biggest issue was that we as a community were okay with virtually any copyrighted material so long as it wasn't an audio game. Why the heck does that even make any sense? Why do audiogame creators get protection while music, book, manga, anime, movie, TV and the like have open season on them? And please, please don't use the money-scale argument where you say that it's okay because these people make millions; that's outside the scope of this discussion. If it's ethically questionable to pirate an audiogame, it's equally ethically questionable to do likewise to an anime, an audiobook, an album, a movie, etc. You're still taking for free what you should be paying for. We cracked down because we decided it was better to be safe than sorry, and better to not have exceptions all over the place. X material is safe to crack/pirate/steal, y is not. No thanks. It's better to just put a blanket ban on all of it and ask you not to do it here.

Now, last but not least, to the hypocrite comment. If you dig back about a year (site and forum feedback will be a good place for this)  you will see examples of how things have gone on. When I came around as a mod, I was very firm and brooked no nonsense, and people saw me as a tyrant. Liam helped me out a bit there, and I've since grown a bit gentler in my approach (most of the time anyway). We had some other new members come around who have also been doing a great job. If you want a microcosm of what I'm talking about though, check out the topic where Sam says he's leaving; in it, a bunch of people are saying that rulebreakers and people who are dancing around the rules should be cracked down on. And when we published an update saying we were going to do that (we'd been tossing it around list for weeks by that point) one of the very first posts was like "whoa, this is harsh", basically. I stated that I was certain someone would call us out no matter what I did, and I was right, even if in this case it didn't get crazy-big or anything. The point is, if we have a stance, there always seems to be somebody who wants to cry foul. They complain when we're too lax, and then complain when we get strict. They complain that there are hypocritical exceptions being made for certain copyrighted material, then howl when we blanket-ban it entirely. We just can't win sometimes. We have definitely had users point out the hypocritical nature of the former stance on piracy, and that's one of the reasons we fixed it. It gets tiring to be criticized, let me tell you.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-10-11 16:19:55 (edited by George_Gaylord 2019-10-11 16:21:08)

Juan, I been looking at this topic. I gave you people a legal way to watch anime over 4 times! Its been real difficult to keep my rage in, but i don't want to get banned. I, have, one thing to say. You, are acting entitled. The way you carry about yourself it entitled. I gave you a legal way to watch anime, andh you all just skip over it. Now, you slap the mods in their face and say, give us a legal solution, or we will just keep doing this. Here we have a saying for this.
*sorry for bad language*
The skin of you ass ent even yours and you wha carry on like that?
You don't own anything, and you want to act like you make the rules?
That's how your behaving. The mods say they don't want any illegal links here, they don''t want any illegal links. End of text.
If you want to pirate stuff, go back to your pirate community, matey.

And, @51, if you could say Jade, you could very damn well call the other mod. Where I come from that's called pelting shade, and that's not tolerable. This topic has escalated really fast.
Its an intresting topic. Maybe instead of arguing about legitimate legislation, we talk about actul legal ways we could watch and download anime.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-11 17:12:13

anime tv only allowes you to watch. Then downloading then? Don't think i've ignored it, cuz I haven't.
and what about Manga?
How will we be able to read that legally?
Can you at least give me one legal website that allowes you to read that kind of thing legally with out braking website layout. Remember this thing was for manga, too.

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-10-11 17:42:53

Why do you need to download anime anyway? And manga. You want descriptive manga, you know a computer still can't explain it properly, right? Just watch anime TV, until better could be done.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-11 18:12:53

Or purchase DVDs/box sets/whatever else of the anime you want. That's what sighted people do. they either stream it (without downloading it) or they buy it (at which point they can watch it whenever they wish). You've been provided both of those options. Why isn't that enough for you?
Rhetorical question. I'll tell you why it's not enough for you. It's because you're entitled. Sorry, not sorry, doubling down on this. You're entitled. Own it. You want to be able to stream or download anime, as well as get hold of manga, and you appear to want to be able to do it for free, since anime.tv isn't enough for you. Anime.tv lets you stream, but you can't download. You could buy the anime DVDs you want, but apparently you can't/won't/don't want to do that? Doesn't work. You believe you should be entitled to download anime on demand. That's not how it works.
And as for manga, same deal. Find a legal way to obtain it if you want to discuss it here and share it. If you can't be bothered, don't think you should have to or just plain won't, that's fine. If you share links to piracy-friendly websites, the procedure for breach of rules will be put in place.

To the rest of you, I'm sorry about this stiffness, but I am sick and tired of this. The level of demanding and entitlement going on, from only a few users I might add, is frankly stupefying. I'm going to step away for a bit. If this gets worse or explodes, it will not be me dealing with the direct aftermath because while I do trust myself not to use personal bias, I'm already veering dangerously close to that line I've crossed a time or three where I start really laying into people. So I'm backing off.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-10-11 18:58:07

I have a solution for those who want to pirate:
Let's just form a skype group where you can exchange links to places like this so we can watch anime accessibly, and keep this forum for its intended purpose.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-12 02:55:03

Now that's a more better Idea. who will start it?
and how long will the link be up before they remove it again?
It's easy to start a groop, but it probs won't have much users if the mods keep deling the link.
and secondly Jaid, I guess nun of us are seeing eye to eye on this one, ehh?
look, I am doing this with a perpus, and you're just not seeing that. I'm looking into this far more than just piracy, post 55.

And you just keep blabbing that word with out looking past what i'm trying to tell you.

I get that you're trying to be professional, and I respect that alot, but being like that lets you miss inportant details.

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-10-12 02:56:51

I don't think the mods should hamper this. Its a way for people to share links off forum, and keep less people banned and happy.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-12 03:00:03

you're not a mod, but I agree. Finally, someone being reasonable!

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-10-12 03:12:07

I think you should set it up. I'm not a mod, but i'll defend you on this one. I usually share simular stances with the mods, but I don't think they'll hamper this. If they do, I'll defend it.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-12 03:27:23

And as for manga, I said in one of my posts, I have a team, a team of four, very small I know, we would get the manga, whytch is a picture, and extract the text out of it, cheque for errors, and make some descriptions for anything that's not described, and email back so I could post.
each of my friends are in diferent parts of the world, so chequing manga on the fly would be pritty hard.

until better is done, we as the people have the oppertunity to make it better, if we will try and do it? Is another thing.

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-10-12 03:43:16 (edited by juan reina 2019-10-12 03:53:17)

I will set up that skype groop for yall!
and when it comes to downloading anime, it's very much optional. You don't have to if you don't want to, I do it for me and my bro, to take it where ever I go.

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-10-12 05:26:41

I'm just seeing this now. Creating a skype group for the distribution of material and then posting it here would be an extremely bad idea. I suggest this stops now before we start having to hand out punishment.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-10-12 07:08:44

A slight amendment to my previous post.
You're free to do what ever you want to do off forum, so creating said skype group is not grounds for any punishment, but posting a link to it on the other hand is a different story. Especially since there are many posts in this topic both official and otherwise discouraging the posting of links to illegal material. A skype group falls under the same umbrella

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-10-12 15:37:29 (edited by George_Gaylord 2019-10-12 16:37:18)

Yeesh, Liam. Yeesh.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-12 16:17:30

Ok so what? If he sends it in PM, mods controll that as well so he'll get banned.
You know, when someone's already scared to do anything because everyone will be warned or banned, that's, a problem...

2019-10-12 16:24:55

LOL. I never thought i'd go against the mods. I think this is a good way to clean up the forum. Maybe you could have a sorta treaty for this. Like keep the link up for a week then remove it. Come on guys. You can't be in opposition to everything we try to do. It will make your jobs that much easier, as well.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-12 16:26:39

I've given myself some time to cool off. Liam, thanks for holding the fort in my absence.


Moonwalker, please do not try scaremongering. We've been through this.
It has been said multiple times that we cannot actually check your private messages. It has been demonstrated on numerous occasions that this is an area of the forum that we do not control and are not trying to change. Please don't follow a post where Jaidon is clearly rocked by Liam's statement of fact with an attempt to make this look worse than it is. We are not controlling your PM and you are not going to be banned unless, say, someone came to us with proof that you sent them private messages of an extremely harassing nature. That, I think, we'd have to investigate and chase down.
As far as someone "being too scared to do anything"...come on now. The scaremongering really and truly has to stop. The only people who should be afraid of anything are the people who are bound and determined to break rules. If you break a rule truly by mistake, you aren't going to get banned unless the harm is really, really huge. If you try hard to sidestep the rules and go against what we ask, then yeah, we're going to come down on you. That's not draconian, tyrannical or a real problem in anyone's eyes except maybe yours.
Need I remind you that you're on watch? I'm telling you right now: if you keep stirring things up, keep trying to make this look scarier and more dangerous than it is, the community failure clause can be invoked and you can spend a little while away from the forum. We don't need you, or anyone else, fanning the flames or trying to make us look harsher than is reasonable.

We want to keep links to piracy, and links which encourage piracy, off the forum and out of the public eye. We know we can't stop you doing it overall, and we aren't even trying. We just don't want it in public view on the forum. Is that so difficult to understand?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-10-12 17:40:45

72: When it comes to the sharing of pirated material via public means on this forum, we will always be in opposition. I'd say that's pretty cut and dry.
71: We can not read your PM's. Simple as that.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-10-12 21:00:47

I will make the skype groop by today, and anyone who want to join can send me a pm.
I will also make another topic for this. and also, if you put a ban on anything, Please, I ask that you don't do that with games, and manga.
manga because well, when someone tries to come to the comunity with this motivation to actualy let the comunity have something that it couldn't read, readable, why would you shut them down?
And as for games, I think this could be more worded, like revised retro games by other devs, or something like that, because I always wanted to give the comunity the exact coppy of sor, or streets of rage. Don't worry though, I will give credit where credit is deu!

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]