2019-10-09 12:12:20

I would have to say my go to genre is pop music, because it captures a lot of emotion. I find myself very emotionally moved when I listen to pop music. Of course, nowadays there is a lot of trash pop out there, but I can still pick out good songs over the bad ones. Music is pretty much my entire life. I spend most of my days listening to it, and I feel no greater connection to anything but music. Well, with the exception of my dog and my family/friends of course. What about you guys?

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-10-09 12:26:37

I can’t say. But if i would have to choos. my top 5 would be pop music from 2016 and earlier. a genre of music called metalstep. Dupstep, Edm and heavy metal

2019-10-09 18:45:59

I'm an alt rock fan. I also like indy rock and punk. It's what I grew up with and while my parent's listened to clasic rock my brothers mostly listened to alt rock. I also tend to be a sucker for sad songs for what ever reason. It bothered me in high school when people said I liked emo music but now I don't care haha. Music gets me through the hard days and the good days. I can't imagine my life with out it.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2019-10-09 20:01:09

I have said this a lot before on this sight, probably one or some times too many. But my hart is with Andean music and other native american music. Andean music is the music of the andes  mountains  which go through a large part of south america, spanning several different countries. It has a very noticeable indigenous influence. It's so emotionally expressive,. In the case of Andean music, I love the older stuff the most and the music of the country of bolivia is what I find myself listening to most. I hate to say it, but the newer music from the andes has become less distinct. I think part of this is do  to them playing songs in a much smaller set of keys then used to. It feels like almost every thing is now in the key of A, or E. The native Quena flutes have largely lost the  scales from before the spanish came. In general, bolivia is one of the most connected to it's indiginous roots, and this is reflected strongly in it's music. I just love it, to the point where I own three instruments from the andes, one of them, the quena, having gotten me in to the music to begin with.

Mexicos many different troditional music stiles hold a special place in my hart, because it's what I grew up hearing when my father listened to it, and it just feels very happy. It makes me feel that somehow, far away in mexico, there is a place where I would be at home, and after all it is where my dad is from.

I can say I don't listen to most of the stuff the majority of earths population does. I can also say I honestly don't entirely know what pop music is, as in I don't know how to identify it, only that it's huge. I'm not saying I have a dislike for that sort of music. It's just not my stile.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2019-10-09 21:40:51

I've got a few genres that I like. Fantasy, medieval, folk, shanties, steampunk, rock, pop, metal, in order of fondness. But I'm much more attached to specific artists or song than to genres. I used to just collect songs individually, but I've now found a few artists that I love in general. Here're 3 (selected at random, because choosing is hard), with an example song for each, in case anyone cares. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread for recommendations from others. smile
Heather Dale: That might be a cliche as hell thing to say, but she's an angel. Or, well, as close to an angel as an atheist like me will ever believe in. She's very versatile, good at singing all kinds of songs, be they soothing, sad, happy, silly, war songs, so on. She is most known for her songs about the King Arthur characters.
Alexander James Adams: Some shanties, some love songs, a whole bunch of fantasy. He is a trans man that previously performed as Heather Alexander. He often uses his previous vocals together with his current ones, and I derive a strange sort of amusement from sending people a song and telling them that only one person sings in it, then watching them get all confused. Unfortunately not many of his songs are on Youtube, but they're all on Bandcamp.
Aurelio Voltaire: The goth. The singer of death death, devil devil, evil evil songs! Except he's actually got just as many songs that aren't like that; some fantasy, SciFi, country ... and damn, just so many breakup songs. smile

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2019-10-10 02:33:31 (edited by TheGreatCarver 2019-10-10 02:49:07)

I enjoy all sorts of music depending on my mood, the time of day, etc. I do especially like oldies, classic rock, jazz, jazz fusion, and choral music, but I can find something in any well-crafted and well-performed music. Here are some examples of the type of stuff I like:

Spyro Gyra - Rollercoaster
Groovin’ Hard - Groove For Thought (feat. Rosana Eckert)
Voctave - This Is My Wish/Let There Be Peace On Earth
kansas - Carry On Wayward Son

And, because Christmas is around the corner (and because I love Christmas music no matter the season):

The Manhattan Transfer - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town / Santa Man

OK, I'm done nerding out. Back to your regularly-scheduled programming LOL.

The Beast continued its studies with renewed Focus, building great Reference works and contemplating new Realities. The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through Mischievous means, sent it out across the world.
from The Book of Mozilla, 6:27

2019-10-10 02:47:10

My tastes are so diverse that it's hard to pin down exactly what I like. however, what I find myself listening to the most is classic rock, as well as classic soul, think the Motown sound, but not necessarily the most well-known songs that might come to mind when you think of that genre. I'm also into a lot of modern hard rock and metal. My philosophy, in general, is that most genres have something to offer, so I'm constantly exploring new things and listening to all different types of music. The day I stop doing that is the day I take my last breath. In other words, music means a hell of a lot to me, and I would be truly lost without it.

One of the things that might be unique about me is that I derive a lot of pleasure both from listening to other people's favorite songs, and learning why exactly they like them, and also getting to know someone and being able to recommend a bunch of things they might like. I've been told I'm quite good at that, even if I only know what sorts of genres they're into in broad terms. It's hard to explain, but I feel like I'm pretty good at capturing the general moods of songs that a particular person wants to hear, which is more likely to get them hooked on a certain artist or band.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2019-10-10 02:59:57

You can't go wrong with American music from the 40's.
I love Calypso from the 50's and Soca.  I like pop from the early 2000's and a bit of rnb from the early 2010's however, music from the 90's and 2000's rock. I like alt rock, and music, like teen titans go night begins to shine. I plug in a pair of headphones when i'm sad, bang it out a couple of times and the pain goes away.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-10 03:05:24 (edited by Chris 2019-10-10 03:06:41)

My music listening is rather interesting. First and foremost, music is not a big deal for me, in the sense that if it disappeared from the planet tomorrow, I wouldn't be bothered. Sure, I'd miss listening to a few cool songs, but I'd be fine otherwise.

I find I enjoy rock music, particularly rock music with female vocals. There's something about women and electric guitars that just sounds awesome! I've only found a couple artists I actually like, and they are Halestorm and The Nearly Deads. They both kick ass!

The other type of music is almost anything that's purely instrumental, so no lyrics. I much prefer music without lyrics, as I want to listen to the sound and not have some person spoiling it with lyrics I either don't care about or can't understand anyway. I particularly like electronic music because it just sounds cool.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-10-10 06:54:59

If it's not programmed on a computer or run through autotune, I will give it an honest listen. So, pretty much no mainstream music. The list of things I hate is a lot shorter, so...

Gregorian chant: Musically it's neat, I would never listen to it by choice.
Contemporary music: There are some gems, but as a whole, it is more math than music.
Rap: I appreciate it as an art form, but it's not my thing.
That's pretty much it other than the requirements I mentioned at the beginning of the post.


2019-10-10 07:27:15

Rap is not music, it's talking to a beat. I never understood the appeal of someone going "uh, uh, uh, uh" or talking about stealing, drugs, having sex, and all the other crap I don't listen to but probably exists. The only rap song I actually like is Because I got High by Afroman. I don't know if it's classified under the totally rap category, although it sounds a lot like it. It's extremely amusing and the theme can be applied to so many other things. No, I don't agree with anything in that song. It serves as yet another great lesson of what you shouldn't do.

Grab my Adventure at C: stages Right here.

2019-10-10 08:26:16

Not all rap is as mind-numbingly stupid as the mainstream would have you believe. There were quite a few great rap songs from the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's which have intelligent, thought-provoking lyrics, or, at the very least, tell a really evocative story. For example, try these two songs out for size.



That's not to say that I don't find some of the stuff that's out there highly amusing, but I tend to agree that a lot of rap music is pointless and downright retarded.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2019-10-10 18:29:26

I enjoy listening to, but also making different kind of electronic music. Over the years I have dabbled with rap, some folk and even less metal/rock - no seriously very little of that - just to still find, that the electronic sound resonates with me the most. Yes, I also prefer music without lyrics, but still love very much the use of vocoders: vocoder, not autotune - they are two completely different breedz, no matter what the hell some faces might babble about this.
If tomorrow music would exist no more, I could volantarily and permanently lock myself in a nearest madhouse, because my existance would lose it's point completely.

2019-10-10 18:54:47

In my opinion, rap used to be somewhat good. But now, because of autotune and really repetitive beats and random words like "yah yah yah yah ey," it's just all the same now.

A winner is you!
—Urban Champion

2019-10-11 00:58:36

Hello folks. The greatest song of all times for me is Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Thanks to this song I was able to tell to my special someone all that I wanted but never had the courage to do so.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2019-10-11 03:15:59

Ah, one of those, eh? It really is a great feeling to connect with someone over a song. The only thing that sucks is if that relationship ends, that song is going to be ruined for you, possibly for life. I have a few of those myself, even songs that remind me of a specific person, not necessarily songs that were ours. On another note, I used to be convinced that it would be a dealbreaker for me if the person I'm dating isn't passionate about music, not that they would agree with my tastes, but just in general. However, I realized that the two relationships I was in that hurt me the most were both with people who not only loved music as much as me, but were also more or less on the same page as far as genres we liked. The person I'm interested in now isn't big into music; he doesn't hate it, but it's not really his thing either. Maybe that's a sign. Of course, that's far from the actual reason those relationships ended, but it is an odd common denominator, particularly since not many people feel as strongly as I do about listening to and exploring music.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2019-10-11 18:45:43

It really depends on my mood and the time. I could  start my day with rock,  continue with pop for easy listening,  classic for lunch, then pop again, jazz for afternoon, a piano-only dinner, and no music at night; or do it in countless other ways.  I have no preferences for listening, the only thing that matters is that I have to make a connection with it and find a part of what I'm feeling at that moment in the music. This causes me to listen to a trashy pop song at a second and have it that way, and enjoy  Beethoven's symphony no. 5 at an other


2019-10-11 19:06:30

I feel you number 15.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-11 19:08:51

Skep doodoo boop bah pop! 2+2 is 4. minus 1 that's 3 quick maths, n-*-*-*-*-s. don't mess with me. Whoop! i'm the ultimate blade! yayyayayayay! yeah yeah! don't f*** with me. school's for fools. so is grammar. I an't no old fool. nana.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-10-12 08:08:03

@#19 Is that supposed to be a parity of how rap and pop sounds nowadays?
@#16 Yeah I get you, I’ve had a couple songs that I liked that were ruined for me because they were associated to someone I was in a relationship with, or for other reasons as well.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2019-10-12 16:22:21

@TheGreatCarver thanks for posting those song recommendations! Voctave is pretty amazing. The song that you recommended was already quite great, but wow, their cover of How Far I'll Go is beautiful!
I've also discovered some other similar groups in the recommendations, like Voice Play and Pentatonix. Seems I'll be adding some songs to my collection soon!

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2019-10-12 18:52:21

Mayana wrote:

@TheGreatCarver thanks for posting those song recommendations! Voctave is pretty amazing. The song that you recommended was already quite great, but wow, their cover of How Far I'll Go is beautiful!
I've also discovered some other similar groups in the recommendations, like Voice Play and Pentatonix. Seems I'll be adding some songs to my collection soon!

Glad you liked it. Voctave is one of my favorite groups, and same for Pentatonix. I've never heard of Voice Play so will have to look them up.

The Beast continued its studies with renewed Focus, building great Reference works and contemplating new Realities. The Beast brought forth its followers and acolytes to create a renewed smaller form of itself and, through Mischievous means, sent it out across the world.
from The Book of Mozilla, 6:27