2019-09-23 07:56:34

Hello. Who on this forum thinks that redspot will ever come back?

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2019-09-23 07:57:29

Hello! Who on this forum thinks that this will ever stop?

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2019-09-23 09:05:30

it will be back, but I do miss those red spot angry, why did the mods block me, everyone with high power levels are cheaters, the game is not balanced weekly post

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

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2019-09-23 10:28:54

redspot is already back. but you'll never be able to play it. there's a group, you know, sam, carter, stevo, ivan's in it too even though he had sam so depressed at one point he wanted to kill himself, but all that asside, there's a new python version all in the works for ya. You wanna play it? well you'll have to wait forever. because they are too busy playing with each others hair ball its. Yeah you might see red spot again in the future but sam will probably be a whiny baby and take it dows because he'd rather play miriani or crazy party than deal with the likes of other forum members and what have you. anyway, I've already probably sealed my forum fate on the other toppic so I'm gonna sleep and just let it play itself out. if I get banned and anyone wants to know what I said encase it gets removed, contact me.

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2019-09-23 10:36:25


Sediment, consider this an official warning. When you said this only once in one thread, I was thinking it was some sort of silly personal grudge. The fact that you are 1. saying the same thing in multiple threads, 2. dragging others into it and 3. not really caring much what happens to you means this warning is well merited.
Stop with the personal attacks. You're entitled to feel how you please, but coming here to bash Sam, or anyone else, is just not going to happen, all right?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

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2019-09-23 10:45:54

damn i missed that old days when on combo arena, someone get punched or in battleground, someone get sniped, or in melee arena, someone get cut throt with sword! ahemmm redspot i missed this game!

Yours kindly

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2019-09-23 11:24:05

He's stating true facts here jade. Whether you want to hear them or not is your problem.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-09-23 11:38:29

It’s not a question about Jaid wants to hear it or not.
it's a question about breaking the rules, wich sediment clearly does.

I used to be an aventurer like you. Then I took a knee in the arrow.

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2019-09-23 11:51:06

So speaking truth about someone, even though it may be offensive, is not allowed? Man oh man. One would wonder what's next.

"There is beauty in simplicity."

2019-09-23 11:53:23

Okay, for clarification.

"redspot is already back. but you'll never be able to play it. there's a group, you know, sam, carter, stevo, ivan's in it too even though he had sam so depressed at one point he wanted to kill himself, but all that asside, there's a new python version all in the works for ya."

First of all, why exactly are we sharing info about someone's mental health state? This does not seem like public knowledge. Not a straight-up breach of rules. Yet, but a pretty shitty thing to do. If Ivan really and truly did contribute to Sam being suicidal, that bites and I'm sorry it happened, but is this the time, place and method to share that information? More importantly, is Sediment the person who should be doing so? Me, I'd say no. Hell no. Let's continue.

"You wanna play it? well you'll have to wait forever. because they are too busy playing with each others hair ball its. Yeah you might see red spot again in the future but sam will probably be a whiny baby and take it dows because he'd rather play miriani or crazy party than deal with the likes of other forum members and what have you. anyway, I've already probably sealed my forum fate on the other toppic so I'm gonna sleep and just let it play itself out. if I get banned and anyone wants to know what I said encase it gets removed, contact me.

The "whiny baby" remark. also, what exactly is meant by "playing with each other's hair ball its"?
Nah, there's clear antagonism here, and he's said this in another thread as well, which he mentioned all on his own. I've certainly seen worse, but this is definitely a personal attack of sorts. "Whiny baby" is not a "true fact", it's an opinion, among other things.

Please believe me when I say that I can utterly destroy what a person has said or done without coming close to personal attacks. If I can do it, then so can the rest of you. The sentiments in Sediment's posts could have easily been expressed without attacking anyone. Since they weren't, he gets a warning.

Now let's have no further attempted defense of the indefensible.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

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2019-09-23 12:00:12

The truth hurts the most, as wise men say.

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2019-09-23 13:08:15

@10, the suicidal thing can be found in the redspot topic, but it was almost deffinutly a huge exaduration. Sediment is just bring it up here because it's soemthing he can use against Ivan.

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2019-09-23 14:16:43

if redspot doesnt come back; i will suicide

my new youtube channel. click subscribe if you like my stuff
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzL-l8 … YCkjOm3FIg

2019-09-23 14:21:35

na mike wait maiby we will get redspot in 2069, or ahem i don't know when. Dude if python ver is something done on it, please show us! damn i missed that amazzing thing!

Yours kindly

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2019-09-23 15:14:30

some people are just wierder then normal

2019-09-23 15:36:24

Oh, muh god. When are these topics going to stop? Before ah damnit! and constant motion, i still had hope for it coming back, but now that those two projects have been released? Hell no.

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2019-09-23 15:36:26

Hair bawllet is an inside joke. And why does it matter if Sam has a private version of Redspot? Guess what? It's his game. He can do what he wants with it, and if he doesn't want to allow people who say things like this to play it, that seems like your problem not his. And for the record, whatever group you're talking about, I don't think Ivan is in it LOL.

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2019-09-23 16:01:31

I believe he means the beta group, and i've no doubt that Ivan is in it. And yes, it is his game, true enough, but if people are requesting something, he might, oh maybe, just might? Consider doing what they ask? that's called, listening to your customers?

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2019-09-23 16:19:47

Trust me, Sam gets plenty of customers that actually pay him from STW. Also I'm not actually sure if Ivan is in the beta group, I doubt it but I'm not going to say with certainty.

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2019-09-23 16:23:06

Nope, I can tell you right now that he is not.

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2019-09-23 16:39:00

Don't you just love when people make claims about someone's personal life without actually knowing?
@18 There's a such thing as developing for the fun of it and not for the so called customers. Considering redspot is a free game, customers don't really matter the same way that they would with something payed. Honestly, if I were Sam I wouldn't want to develop for the public because of the general attitude of people. Most of the time it certainly doesn't seem worth it. Also lol, Sam doesn't even talk to Ivan.

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2019-09-23 17:07:28

Interesting how such simple a question can make people react like this. Seems like some people just don't have better things to do. What a shame...

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2019-09-23 17:25:15

aha as i guess new amazing drama here.
post 1 asked something another, and from sediment's post appeared new argue, whitch soon became drama.

Yours kindly

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2019-09-23 17:30:18

it wasn't a breech of rules so it's a fact. I said it and I'm sticking by what I said.

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2019-09-23 17:31:54

against ivan? dude I heard sam and his mom talking for a good 20 minuts about the subject. I might! have it recorded on my other lenovo but that's a long shot.

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