2019-09-12 18:39:58 (edited by Nightblade 2023-01-16 04:45:37)

EDIT: you can download the prototype here for the time being: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o4t3zv … share_link


As an experiment, I'm prototyping a game that's made for blind people first, then sighted people. I would like to get more feedback, if possible, especially from blind players, as I develop it.

It's a dungeon-crawler of sorts, where you have rooms and monsters to fight. I am in the process of adding items, puzzles, skills, and more stuff. Here's a link to a tweet with a video (or rather, audio) of about a minute of gameplay so far: https://twitter.com/nightblade99/status … 2055065600

If this is something you're interested in, please let me know. I will tweet about it (among other things) for the next little while as I am actively developing it. Also, if the forum rules are amenable, I will post updates to this thread also.

While prototyping, the goal is to come up with a fun set of mechanics, without any of the real audio production yet, such as sound-effects, background ambience, and other things. Please keep that in mind when you provide feedback.

Thanks, and hopefully someone is interested in this thing.

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2019-09-12 22:59:55

It sounds interesting so far. So is the game terminal based, or does it have an interface to interact with? It sounds like you are entering commands to perform actions.

Trying to free my mind before the end of the world.

2019-09-12 23:17:34

BoundTo wrote:

So is the game terminal based, or does it have an interface to interact with?.

The game is terminal based. I conversed with someone on Twitter who suggested that typing commands might be OK. They said they prefer voice-entering commands on Android, but text-to-speech and speech-to-text on Android requires an internet connection, so I went with Windows instead.

Are terminal commands generally doable? As far as I know, it's just a console app, so any screen-reader should be able to read it. If not, I can probably easily change it to a Windows app with a text field thing - I'm sure that will work better.

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2019-09-13 05:14:42

On a tip via Twitter, I added back round-by-round combat, along with a simple options toggle to turn it on or off. Monsters also drop items, which I need for the next feature (puzzles).

Link to the audio/video on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nightblade99/status … 6957974528

Sorry if the audio is a bit jarring, I skipped from room to room in the latter half to try and find/kill the monster that had the door key.

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!

2019-09-13 11:45:25

have you tried playing some audiogames to see what the interfaces are like? have you played a MUD by chance. Your game sounds like similar idea to Alter Aeon, being a room based fantasy RPG. I'd suggest trying out Alter Aeon with the MushZ client. That's a very good interface for this kind of thing, although there is of course room for improvement.

Best way to find out what interface works well for screen reader users is to turn off your computer monitor start up a screen reader and try different interfaces.

2019-09-13 16:40:47

I agree with 5, though I would like to chime in and say that terminal will work equally as well.

2019-09-13 17:11:41

Thanks for the feedback. I love (and used to play a lot of) MUDs and interactive fiction, maybe that's why I jumped to prototyping with a terminal interface.

At this point, I will probably have to experiment and see what people like more - a terminal, or something with buttons and fields that a screen-reader can understand.  The user interface is a secondary concern (after the gameplay), because it has to be fun no matter how the interface works.

So, if anyone is interested in play-testing, please drop a reply in this thread, so that you can get a notification when I have something playable (probably in a few days).

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!

2019-09-15 21:55:25

I'd love to play test.

2019-09-15 22:05:34

I wouldn't mind bayta testing. It Sounds fun.

You ain't done nothin' if you ain't been cancelled
I'm working on a playthrough series of the space 4X game Aurora4x. Find it here

2019-09-16 04:07:32 (edited by defender 2019-09-16 04:08:30)

"Warsim" is played in the terminal and lots of people from here play that so...
As long as you can get the main screen readers to speak the output in realtime, or get "SAPI" TTS to do it, I see no issue with the terminal as an interface.

2019-09-17 04:20:16


Sorry for the confusion for anyone who wandered onto Twitter to find more details. This game is still in-progress (still prototyping) and I post about other games on Twitter, too. I will post updates here linking my relevant tweets, and I will also let you guys know as soon as I have a playable version ready - because I do want actual feedback from playing it, not just the audio.

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!

2019-09-17 10:44:01

I will beta test happily!

2019-09-19 15:57:06

Hi all, I wanted your thoughts on something. As a sighted person, when I make item descriptions, they refer to things I have references to, like "shiny gems." Do these make sense to someone who was born blind, or do they break immersion? What kind of adjectives/descriptions can I give items, to make them distinct? For rooms, I named each after an animal, but for items, I'm not sure.

I was thinking of making the gems in my game colour-coded, can you advise if this is a good idea or if I should use something else?

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!

2019-09-19 16:25:16

From a completely blind person, personally colors are fine, infact, I feel that it's more emersive for colors to bee present. What is a world or a game with out color. items of corse should have other things that help them stand out.

I would rather listen to someone who can actually play the harmonica than someone who somehow managed to lose seven of them. Me, 2019.

2019-09-19 17:11:35 (edited by amerikranian 2019-09-19 17:12:49)

I dono. I don't particularly care about colors mostly because I was blind pretty much at birth, but I don't mind them either. Do know that at least for somebody like me, colors will be nothing but words.
Several people have tried to explain to me what colors are. It was quite amusing, two girls tried in vain for 45 minutes before I made them question their own sanity. I still get a chuckle from that. A quick tip: Don't say something like "Red is like fire" or "Blue is like ocean or being cold" because it still doesn't get the point across. How will I know if red will contrast with something I'm wearing? Diddo with blue.

2019-09-19 17:35:47 (edited by stewie 2019-09-19 17:36:16)

I feel like adding visual descriptors to descriptions is a good idea. It helps those who have had enough vision to visualize them. Blind people also have associations to words, for example they know which colors are brighter or that shiny might indicate value, even if they haven't experienced what those actually look like.

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2019-09-19 18:58:15

Great, thank you all for the feedback. I look forward to giving you a playable version of the prototype in a few days.

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!

2019-09-19 20:17:04

Hello!  Sorry I did not understand.  Is it an audio or text game?  I only play audio games.  If it is I would be happy to test it.

2019-09-19 21:09:50

Maranatà wrote:

Hello!  Sorry I did not understand.  Is it an audio or text game?  I only play audio games.  If it is I would be happy to test it.

Thanks for offering! It's an audio game with a text interface. Actually, it's a prototype (a test of an idea). If the idea turns out to be fun, I will commit to creating a full game out of it.

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!

2019-09-20 00:09:11

There is only one problem: unfortunately I don't understand English very well, I'm Italian, in fact I'm using GoogleTranslator to post here.  If the games are just audio there is no problem, once you understand how to play, I understand them.  But if there is some text in English then the question gets complicated ...

2019-09-20 13:56:52

Maranatà wrote:

There is only one problem: unfortunately I don't understand English very well, I'm Italian, in fact I'm using GoogleTranslator to post here.  If the games are just audio there is no problem, once you understand how to play, I understand them.  But if there is some text in English then the question gets complicated ...

It's complicated. The game is simple English and the commands are simple enough to learn.  But, the game assumes you know English. It drops hints and expects you to figure things out, and I don't know if that will work for you.

We can try it and see how it goes. If it doesn't go well for you, I see one of two possible options:

1. I can add a hint mode that gives more information. It would make the game easier also for anyone who finds it difficult.
2. Maybe you can help me translate it into Italian. I can use Google Translate to start so it's less work.

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!

2019-09-20 14:23:17

I'll be fine with English as it's my first language, so I'll also be up for testing as said earlier. I hope we can get the project translated into more languages though, that'd be cool. I'm sure there are people around here who would be willing to help with that.

2019-09-20 17:02:49 (edited by amerikranian 2019-09-20 17:04:59)

@Nightblade, a small suggestion:
When writing a reply, you don't need to quote the original post unless you want to go over it line by line. The approach a lot of us use is mentioning the post number or the poster's nickname,  such as @22 thanks or @ACuteKitten, no problem, I'll get to it now.
The way you do it now is fine, it just adds another layer of info we have to scroll through to see what you have to say.
Somebody should register with that name, lol.

2019-09-21 01:21:20

If you still need beta testers, I'm down to help. I've got a long history of playing games, both audio and mainstream, and I've been involved with a few games on a dev level in the past as well, so I know what constitutes good feedback vs. bad feedback. Not sure if you're still looking for help here, and if you're not, that's totally okay. I got to this party a little bit late.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-09-21 04:27:01

@Jayde thanks, I appreciate the offer. Will definitely take any and all feedback once I get the prototype done (looks like it'll take a few more days - still working on it). I will try to post updates here too instead of just saying "yeah still working on it."

Join the Games for Blind Gamers community Discord, and help us create better games for blind gamers! Your feedback could really help! Click here to join!