2019-07-06 23:09:10

Hello!I have a question about online movies for blind people.
Until now i lisen to movies online like normal peoples but someone told me that there is a way for blind people to lisent to movies.
For example on a movie there is a scene where 2 characters dont talk but they smile or do a backflip something like that a separate voice is telling you what the 2 characters do when they dont talk.
I know i didnt explained it well but yeah.

2019-07-06 23:34:33

I think you are looking for audio description. It has been around since, I tihnk, the mid 90's at least in the UK.

2019-07-06 23:36:54

try blindmicemart.com if you can access it in your country.
If blindmicemart.com wontw work, try ***
Someone had recommended me this *** when I am making unquiry why blindmicemart is not accessible, so now, I am alsow recommending to you this ***. While you are at it, I going to recommend to you alsow some of my favorite movie which are the following: Brave heart, Iron clad, a fistful of dollars, the good, the bad and the ugly, for a few dollars more.

2019-07-07 05:38:19

Why do yhou need to be in the US to access BlindMiceMart.com or BlindMiceMegaMall.com? Unless they have set up some kind of block filter in their domain to reject IP addresses from other countries.

Ulysses, KJ7ERC

2019-07-07 06:10:25

I don't think you do.

It was blocked in australia until recently.

2019-07-07 12:43:48

the allmighty ***

2019-07-07 14:31:24

I just downloaded from audiovault.com.Damn this its so awsome.Thanks everyone.Its nice to find something new to do on the computer.

2019-07-07 14:39:22

yeah they have tv shows as well, it's a very good website.