2019-07-05 07:15:23

There have been many posts that I haven't read, nor do I intend to, but yes, its reasonable to say that jade and co went ahead and did what they wanted to, the movie vault topic is closed that's well and good, but seriously you will have to be off your bloody rockers to consider removing crazy party and the like. I mean come the fuck on, give the powertrips a break.
Rant vent up coming (if you couldn't tell), sorry need to do this. lol
As disappointing and saddening it is that jade and friends (other moderators) have essencially decided to do something frankly they don't have no authority to do, despite a significant number of users being against it, but we all know by now that saying anything that doesn't agree or gives a nod to jade's liam etc's posts simply is so much buzz down their ears.
Sandaman for sure keeps an eye on the forums and responds if there's an issue although be it technical in nature, when you guys reached out and they didn't respond you could have taken it as they don't really mind the status quo, but of course not, we simply can't have that, can we?
As much as jade etc say that they wish they didn't have to do it, or could have it any other way, ironicly enough, its they who have been pushing for it the most.
  You are able to call it as entitlement call us thieves or what have you, because you already have access to this kind of stuff, or could get it easily if you wanted to. Guess what, not all of us in the world are given $$ every month for just existing. and even if we are, there are no legal ways to obtain ADV for example.
No offence at everyone living in such countries as many of you have been the ones supporting us financially and you obviously have some humanity and principals which aren't bound to follow anything just because its a law but know the difference between what's  law and than what's right.
, but yes every offence intended at people who are were pushing for such. if you take a look see, almost 99% of users that have posted agreeing with jade liam etc, are from countries that does not require them to be employed for them to get money.
As examples, (rough estimates/ guesses here)
Ethin from the UK,Jayde from Canada/ US, Liam from Canada/ US, Exodus probably from UK US or CA, JaceK from the US etc.
so cheers, for forcing this down everyones throat, I hope it was satisfactory/ made you feel good.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-07-05 07:16:24

Ok it's a bit far back in this discussion now but going back to my original statement and jayde's response:
I actually don't know much about liam and what he has developed, but from what he's posted it it doesn't seem like this is an issue from a developer's perspective, but rather a personal moral issue. If I'm wrong please correct me. Also, by that same logic of scaring away developers, couldn't this discussion of cracking down on games with copyrighted sounds also do that? They might just decide that if people seem so strict on this, it might not be worth the hassle to develop an audio game. At the very least it doesn't seem any less likely than them being scared off by the audio described stuff.
Also, this thing of us having agreed to the rules and only now complaining isn't true. Most of us have disagreed with that rule from the very beginning because of this possibility, and left it alone after the mods agreed that the things we were concerned about were a bit of a gray area and they essentially conceded to leave it alone.
I'm also not convinced that your slippery slope argument that talking about audio described stuff leads to all kinds of other piracy is valid. The things you mentioned are distinct phenomena, and it is very much possible to crack down on some of them while leaving others.
And lastly, you keep calling it stealing to bolster your argument, but piracy and stealing are two very different things. Consider this, why is stealing wrong? The way I see it, it deprives someone else of what you have taken. Let's say you steal something from someone who created it, it not only deprives them of the payment they would have gotten for it, but also of the item itself that they put their work into, and consequently they can never get payment for that item. Piracy only possibly deprives that creator of money they could have made for that sale, assuming the pirate would have bought it if they didn't have another option, which isn't always the case. So even though both might be wrong, they really aren't comparable, so please stop calling it stealing, because it really isn't.
Actually, with regards to audio described content, where it isn't possible to legally obtain it, obtaining it illegally has no negative impact on anyone what so ever as the fact that there is no legal route to get it means there are no lost sales. I mean we do have a netflix subscription, so they get that money anyway even though a lot of their content is not available in south africa. So what does anyone lose if I get it somewhere for free?

2019-07-05 13:27:34

Again Let me reiterate this point. Also I promise to do it with much less snark.

No one is telling you what you should and shouldn't do outside the forum. If you want to amass a collection of audio described TV shows that is so large your hard drive creeks in protest then that's fine. If roms are your thing, then rock on.
The decision isn't being made because the mods and admins want to stick it to those who can't acquire the content legally. the decision is being made to protect the forum so that it can serve it's purpose. Now I know you have all said " Well gee. Let's wait for Richard and that other guy who's name I can't spell to show up and say one way or the other."
the problem is. They haven't spoken up. So it falls on the staff's shoulders to make a decision.
I originally brought this up to the staff at the end of May because I was really concerned. Whether we like it or not, AG has become the face of accessible gaming. It's where people go to find out about accessible games, and discuss them. We lack the luxury of a multitude of forums like you would find inthe sighted community. This forum is also very important as industry professionals tend to stop here from time to time. EA is a prime example of this.
I have always believed in being proactive and not reactive. Just because a problem hasn't reared it's head, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We build a house in such a way so that we can both minimize and contain issues like fires and earthquakes if and when they happen.
Here's the point you guys need to take away from this. No one is telling you not to do something. You're just being told not to do it here. That's all. What goes on outside the forum? Heck. That's no ones business but your own.
One good thing that has come out of this is I've seen discussion open up about legal ways to obtain materials. Now what would be really amazing is if that discussion could spur groups in to action to open dialogues with these major studios.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-07-05 14:01:29

@grryfindore, it is not about who can afford what, although I certainly respect and actually agree with your point.
It is much more about protecting the forum. It is not, and I will say again, it is not, about actually stopping the vault in it's tracks, at all. In fact, when Jayde locked the thread, I told the list as much. "have we stopped the vault in it's tracks", and I will just say again, that is something I did not and still do not want to happen.
I will also say, I begrudgingly agreed, after reading about various copyright cases.
but I would rather protect more than a decade of history on the *one forum* that we currently have, rather than risk it all being closed down because someone asked for a movie. Now, I also think that yes, the chances are a bit slim that we might get caught if we were to continue, but the chance would be there, nevertheless. At the moment we might be dealing with a simple takedown request and can go from there. But what happens if, say, in five years time, things get even more tightened? Plus, who would be responsible? Richard and Sendermen are not responding to things. If they didn't respond to a request, what would happen then? WOuld you rather have a forum that's been around for more than a decade, be seized?
Richard and Sendermen did not respond to me at all. This actually means that I do not even know if they received my email. If they are fine with it, I wish they'd told me then I could have told the list. Keep in mind, I tried contacting them three weeks ago now. They might be busy but why couldn't they have sent me back a short response saying yes we don't mind this continuing, or no, lock the thread immediately and stop it from happening? They didn't respond either way, which meant we were stuck with it once again and the staff had to make a decision.
We're trying to run a forum here, and I had to swallow my personal feeling regarding audio description because of it. This is the price we are paying as staff members. The forum's getting bigger, more devs are coming, but what if they are noticing a bumped up thread saying can I have this or that movie? Would they really stay?

2019-07-05 14:06:09

aaron, we won't know for sure unless we see.

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-07-05 14:08:23

We can't think that far into the feuture, and lets not just be giving it bad thoughts shall we,

My sync key for the chiptune archive is. BQHTXTVRWGMFSI3BI3ZVQ4TGEOGNJJO64
The key to the old Vocalizer folder is. BHYHYEYDHREVIF3P55OTK7SOTZS67HG35
Mastodon is @[email protected]

2019-07-05 15:13:34

it's my first time loging on to this forum after 2 weeks and wow some crazy shit has hit the fan.
firstly the audio vault topic has been closed down. i was actually surprised with this decision. a community that does not listens to it's user will one day fall. just like a country that does not listen to it's people.

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2019-07-05 15:49:00

The thing is @307:

You do not have 'freedom of speech' on a privately owned and operated forum at all. You agreed to the rules when registering, like it or not. You agreed by registering and if you didn't read the rules beforehand.....then....

@Juan Riena: Given the way the EU is going with tightening up copyright and copyright holders are acting, it's perfectly valid to assume the worst. See how trigger happy the music/movie industries are for example.

The moving of direct links to n off-site forum is a fantastic idea....because it ensures that forum/subreddit/whatever it is will show up on serch engines and then show as hey, we're linking to other people's copyrighted material. Or, in short, it protects this site/forum.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2019-07-05 16:20:00

I'm more than willing to take over hosting of this forum for you if you'd like to protect yourselves without damaging the community, Aaron.

2019-07-05 16:35:36

I have to agree with the statement that the chances of some huge ass cumpony like hollywood or 20th century fox seeing this site among the billions that exist sharing around copyrighted stuff is pretty much non existent. I also agree with the argument that what we're doing right now can hardly be considered copyrighted, seeing as these are just mp3 files, no visuals, none of that stuff most sited people actually buy there films for, nothing. So even if some huge ass film directer spotted this site and the bmmv topic, I seriously dout he'd give a shit. We're already a huge huge minority as it is, and considering there's no chance in hell any sited person, AKA the rest of the world, is going to want to watch a film with no graphics, they really wouldn't have anything to worry about regardless. No way would it get to the point of them sending a take down notice. Heck, if they wanted to do the hole cort thing, I'm pretty sure that'd lose them more money than just leaving it alone would.
Now to liam, jayde and all others who are in agreement with there viewpoints.
First of all, I am from the UK, and am fortunate enough to live in a country where audio described content is sort of mostly available on things like netflix, but even there is very, very hit and miss. Even if you find a film with audio description, they're usually done with some crappy tts voice that sounds both robotic and distorted and seriously takes away from the enjoyment of the film. Now, this last point isn't intirely netflixes falt since they're pretty much working with what they've got and probably can't aford to be hiring human voice acters to describe litterilly billions of films, but it's still a huge huge issue. And then there's those films that are actually audio described, but for whatever reason the publishers just don't sell them with it in a lot of cases, that happens a lot over here too, both in shops and when buying them online. It's actually a pretty huge problem.
So with all these reasons combined, I personally don't see a problem with asking for / receiving these mp3 files for free. I receive a small amount of money every month and am hoping to find a job soon, and I have no problem paying for audiogames / supporting audiogame developers, AKA people who actually need my money, but for people who have billions of dollars, but can't be half assed to spare a couple hundred to get there huge ass film audio described? That film, mind you, that is probably gunna earn way more than that in return investment anyway? Yeah, you can take my money and shuv it up your ass.
Now I think I've made my point well enough, I am not going to start demanding that the bmmv topic be re opened. What the mods choose to do with there forum is intirely up to them and them only. I can only say what I've said here and hope it at least opens up there eyes a little bit. Steeling / piracy isn't just black and white. The line between legal and illegal can be a lot more blurred than you might think most of the time.
With all that said though, if someone does open up a new forum, I'm all for it. I'm personally getting sick of all the ag net drama that's been going on as of late. I'd really like a place where I can talk about games / give game updates and the like without having to scroll through pages and pages of drama to get to what I'm looking for. So if someone could do that, I'd be very greatful.

2019-07-05 17:26:36

Okay, a few things here:

1. Piracy vs. stealing. Okay, technically this is correct, and I will be mindful of the language going forward. It is not my intention to criminalize everything or everyone. Please do bear in mind, however, that I've said multiple times that what you do on your own time is really not my concern. See how I keep waving that flag? It's because a lot of us have probably done this at least once. This is not, absolutely not, a matter of moral superiority.
2. The argument that "well no one cares" or "well it's not really piracy if it's just the MP3"...that's kind of busted. If I download the OST of a game I like, and I do it illegally (i.e., don't pay for it), I'm not getting to play that game, but I'm getting to play the music of that game. Arguably, if the game itself isn't accessible, then I'm taking what I -can access from it, the same way someone does by taking the MP3 out of a movie or TV show. Is it a horrible, heinous, god-awful thing? Absolutely not. Does it bring complications? Me, I'd say yes,. And while I'm not universally supported in this - which I totally understand - I'm not totally alone either. At the end of the day, taking parts of copyrighted material is still taking copyrighted material. Whether you have it in whole or in part, you have things that don't belong to you. And I remind you again that none of these things are life's necessities; they're useful, they're fun as hell, they make life a whole lot more interesting, but they do not, in and of themselves, make the difference as to whether you or your family live or die.
3. Some of you are trying the "imagine how it feels to be in another country without such good access" argument. Again, irrelevant. We can't stop you doing this. We can't even get close. All we can do is tell you to stop doing it here. We're even making a point of giving you time to try and organize someplace else, because as morally questionable as some of this is, I've made my stances on it known well in advance of this shitstorm. Some of you are acting like we're removing your rights by doing this; we aren't. You seem to imply that now you can never ever watch TV or movies with audio description again; this is patently false, and essentially equates to a form of scaremongering. Get your sources elsewhere, where we don't have to see it. As one of the primary faces of the audio gaming community, we essentially do not want to be officially sanctioning piracy; it's really about that simple.
4. Griff and co: the snark really and truly has to stop. It's not productive and it's only going to stir things up again, just when they're beginning to calm down. I respect your right to vehemently disagree with this decision, but the overlord/dictator/lord and master-style comments are wholly useless, antagonistic and ill-aimed. This is not me controlling anything; as often is the case, I simply stepped into a role and am now taking most of the heat for it. One of the reasons I have stuck it out here on staff is because I have very thick skin. It takes a lot to really upset me; you have to know how to do it, or ultimately I'll just shake my head at you most of the time. Some of you are legitimately upset but are making excellent points and providing food for thought; this is awesome, and I am totally down with that. This is not an end-of-discussion brick wall. But many of you are saying and doing things that serve no purpose, things which might be construed as personal attacks under other circumstances. Referring to me as Hitler, for instance? That's absolutely uncalled for. This is not okay, and there will come a point when the bill comes due, so I advise a bit more courtesy, no matter how upset you might be. Put more bluntly: I am not violating your human rights, threatening your livelihood, impugning your humanity or otherwise ruining your life; get the heck over yourselves and put this whole situation back into perspective.
5. By remaining on this site, you are tacitly accepting its terms of service. One of you made the argument that you never really agreed to this rule, and stayed because you expected it to be ignored in perpetuity. Well, that's not happening anymore, so if you stay, you accept this; if you go, it means you no longer accept it. We'll be sad to see you leave, but your autonomy is important and we'd rather you be happy than feel constrained, if that's what it comes down to. Most of the problem here is precisely that this rule was ignored for so long; that's on us, as a staff team, and we apologize for that. We are not at fault for deciding it's high time to enforce a rule. We are not at fault that you are still here, and for the time being, still essentially agreeing to the rules. If you stay but continue to break rules/push the issue far and hard enough, there may need to be consequences. Civil discussion, btw, is not pushing, and won't be seen as a threat, so don't even go that way. In other words: stay or go, it's up to you, but if you stay, there were rules you agreed to, and now we're expecting you to honour that. At the end of the day, it is important to remember that, while the users absolutely do make up the community, and while we do want to listen to the users, that doesn't mean you're always right, and it doesn't mean you'll always get what you want. However, I'd say that by and large, this has happened. You wanted more transparency; you got it. You wanted better accountability; you got that too. Clarified rules? Done. Public record of punishments? It's not perfect, but it's there. Open dialogue? Again, it's there, even if you don't always like the result. Cracking down on unauthorized code forks? We're on it. Staying on top of restricted users to make sure people don't wait too long? We're trying, and now that there are more admins, this will get exponentially easier. Official punishment system instead of just relying on the whims of a few people and lack of precedent? Got it covered. You may not always like the way I present myself - totally legit concern - and you may not always like what we decide - same deal - but I think if you step back and look at it, a lot of things have actually been done right. We made a lot of promises back in November when the whole Lori/Walter/Dark fiasco exploded; in essence, we vowed to be better, and on pretty much every count, we've succeeded to one degree or another. I'm not patting the team on the back; I'm asking you to bear in mind that despite the things you don't like, we've actually been doing a lot of the things you said you wanted, a lot of the things that will actually improve the forum and make it a more cohesive and welcoming community going forward. Some of that change, though, means that certain areas which have been historically played loose are now a bit more official and tight. In the grand scheme, I'd hoped that you could see this as a necessary part of the process, and fairly small potatoes next to the good that's been done. But I feel as if many of you have come to expect an extremely loose, informal style of moderation, and now that you're not getting it, you're jumping all over it and freaking out. This is an unwinnable scenario though, I hope you know that; if we sit back and do what used to be done, everybody howls because nothing gets done and virtually no one gets punished, and people are insulted, run off and generally mistreated by folks who really ought to learn the meaning of respect and tact. So if that happens, we fail as a team, and people scream because we're not protecting them/not supporting them. But then, if we step in and play a more hands-on role, everyone gets up in arms about that too; suddenly there's too much moderation, too many warnings, too much intervention. I think the reality is simple: many of you, in lots of cases due to intersectionality, mistrust power by default, and when you see it wielded firmly, it makes you nervous. So when that happens, I just want you to go back and look at the big picture, instead of magnifying one gripe in one situation to gargantuan proportions.

Okay, rant over.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-05 17:56:42 (edited by Ethin 2019-07-05 18:42:55)

@309, I have told you that doing that is pretty much not possible -- unless, of course, you want to start from an empty database without any users, topics, posts, etc?
@301 and co., you, sir, are a melodramatic drama queen. Jade and co., as you put it in another thread, are not taking away your rights. Your just bitching and wining because a rule, a rule that you *agreed* to, is finally being enforced. You are bitching and wining because a rule that has been there for ages is finally being enforced. This is not taking your right to watch audio-described movies. Wait! That's not a *right*! That's a *privilege*! Woops!
The thing is:
1) There is a rule on this forum that strictly says, without exception: "The sharing or encouragement of illegal material or activities (game cracks, copyrighted torrents that are not in the public domain, etc.) is not allowed." This does not specify "on this forum", "on the internet", etc., because it does not have to; context tells you that it is a rule strictly to this forum and this forum only.
2) This rule has been in existence since the forum was first published, though with varying language.
3) This rule has not been enforced until now.
4) You are unhappy -- no, outraged -- that a rule you agreed to when you signed up is, at last, being enforced by the administrators, and you are outraged that you can no longer violate that rule freely on this particular sector of the internet.
But wait! Sites like Reddit have a similar rule/policy in place:

Content is prohibited if it
• Is illegal
• Is involuntary pornography
• Is sexual or suggestive content involving minors
• Encourages or incites violence
• Threatens, harasses, or bullies or encourages others to do so
• Is personal and confidential information
• Impersonates someone in a misleading or deceptive manner
• Uses Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving certain goods and services
• Is spam

That "s illegal" (surprise, surprise!) covers copyright violation.
So, no, this little rule you agreed to is not new. You've agreed to a similar, if not identical, rule on every site you've signed up to. The difference is how said rule is enforced. Sites like Reddit use copyright reporting mechanisms; this one uses deliberate moderator action. (Technically, the report function also functions as a copyright report mechanism.) Thus, stop bitching and wining that something you agreed to is finally being enforced by the administration of the site, would you? Acting as though "oh, it'll never happen, companies will never notice" is a stupid viewpoit and only makes you and co. look even worse.
Edit: also, the user agreement of Reddit says...

6. Things You Cannot Do
When accessing or using the Services, you must respect others and their rights, including by following these Terms and the Content Policy, so that we all may continue to use and enjoy the Services. We support the responsible reporting of security vulnerabilities. To report a security issue, please send an email to [email protected].
When accessing or using our Services, you will not:
• Create or submit Content that violates our Content Policy or attempt to circumvent any content-filtering techniques we use;
• Use the Services to violate applicable law or infringe any person or entity's intellectual property or any other proprietary rights;
• Attempt to gain unauthorized access to another user’s Account or to the Services (or to other computer systems or networks connected to or used together with the Services);
• Upload, transmit, or distribute to or through the Services any computer viruses, worms, or other software intended to interfere with the intended operation of a computer system or data;
• Use the Services to harvest, collect, gather or assemble information or data regarding the Services or users of the Services except as permitted in these Terms or in a separate agreement with Reddit;
• Use the Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other users from fully enjoying the Services or that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functioning of the Services in any manner;
• Intentionally negate any user's actions to delete or edit their Content on the Services; or
• Access, query, or search the Services with any automated system, other than through our published interfaces and pursuant to their applicable terms. However, we conditionally grant permission to crawl the Services for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials subject to the parameters set forth in our robots.txt file.

Must I go on and get you googles TOS, too?

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-07-05 18:41:37

Who needs audio described Keeping up with the Kardaseans when they can just come here anyway?

I really think that if it was your intellectual property being pirated, most of you would be shouting at the moderators to do their jobs. What I think this boils down to is just people don't like change.

I don't know if the average age of members is going down, or what, but I don't remember being anywhere near this level of dramatic... well, ever.

I get being blind sucks, and it would be nice if the world would grant us a break, even if it is something nonessential like audio described stuff for free. Still, the moderators are right, and it is not technically legal, and falls under the rules, and I agree with Jayde and many others that on a personal level, they don't mind it if it is the only way and isn't hurting anyone. All they're asking is to keep this forum as professional as they can since it has a certain stature among developers looking to make their content accessible. I don't think that is unreasonable at all.

Seriously though people, this forum is getting out of hand. There are quite a few people who's posts I just skip because I so rarely see anything of substance from them, and that number is not shrinking.


2019-07-05 18:45:13

@313, yep, my point in 312. People hate it when rules they've agreed to aren't enforced for ages and then are finally enforced by a compitent administrator/moderator team. I'd think that thy'd be overjoyed, but hey...

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-07-05 19:08:40 (edited by defender 2019-07-05 19:09:10)

Agreed with post 313.  It's easy to blame everything on the mods, and they did and still are making mistakes in my opinion, but a too large portion of the forum members are causing just as much damage with their over negativity and drama whoring, rather than putting that energy into truly helping make things better, or at least shutting up so others can.
If you don't want to here it from Jade (and I can't say I blame you given he talks like a politician/debater constantly) and contradicts him self almost daily, than take it from me instead.
Screaming louder doesn't get your point across better, and neither does exaggerating the issue to a ridiculous level.  It just makes you look like a crazy loudmouth who should be ignored to everyone who isn't doing the same thing.'
The faster some people understand this, the better.  And while we've all had outbursts during this situation (my self included) many of us have been able to reel our selves back in and try again more calmly.
Losing control of your self isn't bad ass, it's weakness.  Your not going to lead some kind of revolution and save audiogames.net by toppling the moderators, no matter how many other fired up idiots you might get to agree with you.

2019-07-05 20:40:59 (edited by flackers 2019-07-05 20:44:22)

This is a done deal, , but if people want to carry on discussing the implications, fair enough, it has aspects that are interesting and stimulating. But for God's sake will the people on the side of viewing the rules as some kind of Gospel stop accusing the opposition of bitchiness, whining, and drama when you yourselves are still here arguing and sniping. I'm sure you're so convinced of your own innate righteousness that you can argue indefinitely and it's only those opposed to you who are causing drama because you're clearly in the right and they won't listen to reason. On the whole we should abide by the rules, but they're just principles not physical laws. It's fine to challenge them. Just because you're defending the rules, doesn't mean you're inherently right about everything.

2019-07-05 21:13:31

@316, the same could be said about the opposition. This hole time we've repeatedly told you that this is a rule that has been there this hole time and its been ignored, and ow itsbeing inforced. The sudden uproar about such enforcement makes me think that you guys just like the satus quo and don't want something to change, just as 313 and 315 indicated.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-07-05 21:27:29

And you could argue that since some of us registered before that rule was even a thing, self included, we didn't actually agree to that rule at all. When I registered in 2017, the main piracy no no rules were strictly about games. I don't remember seeing any topics about the movy volt or anything similar back then, but I'm pretty sure if one had existed people wouldn't have really minded given the nature of the forum back then. I personally don't think jayde is mod / admin material whatever his other quolitys might be. My oppinion was the same even before the hole bsg drama and everything else kicked off and he was promoted in the first place. He always thinks he's right no matter what, his attatude as of late seems to be more one of act first ask questions later, he can be very oppinionated at times, in fact most of the time, has this kind of strange manner of speaking that makes him seem more like a pollatition than anything, and can acasionally get quite snarky twoords those who disagree with him / criticise him or his viewpoints. Liam has some of these quolities as well, and however good a game developer he might be, I'd honestly never even dream of making him a mod. That doesn't necessarily make either of them bad people or anything, and as much as I disagree with some of his practisses, the way he sort of snarkilly rebuffs anyone who disagrees with him in a similar way to how jayde does, his kind of entitled attatude when it comes to his games and other people borrowing his ideas, see my huntation topic, and his treatment of some game devs like mason, ivan etc, I still have a lot of respect for the guy since he has made lots of very good games before, and has probably helped shape a lot of the audiogaming seen with games like super liam, etc.

2019-07-05 21:42:15

318. I disagree with your assessment of me, but I appreciate hat you kept it constructive.

Also. You are correct that the rules you agreed to are different than the rules we have now. However there was a huge discussion which was very public where the new rules were layed out for people to discuss. To be fair I don't know if the forum software has the avility to show a message for when things like rules are updated for people to acknowledge they've read them. this would be helpful so that there are no surprises later on.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
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2019-07-05 22:15:33 (edited by Ethin 2019-07-05 22:15:49)

@319, it does not. But yes, the rules were very clearly outlined when they were changed. We all agreed on the copyright rule, or 80-99 percent of us did (which overrules the minority), and the rules went into effect. Therefore, you are bound by them. That therefore means that you agreed to them as if you had just registered today and had agreed to them.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-07-05 23:59:27

More importantly, your continued use of the site implies that you agree to the rules. Sites and companies change their terms of service all the time. The general consensus is that if you don't like the changes, you stop using the service.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-06 15:22:38

ok then if the rule was there since the beginning of time then why is the topic about the BMMB  shows still opened and was only closed this week? oh and we are not sharing direct links are we? look at r/piracy. we are just referring to the audio vault.
and i am sure all users, mods and admins has used the audio vault at least once.
again i go back to my argument. if the 2 owners of this forum cenderman and the other guy didn't respond well why not just wait for them? we have 2, 2, years before this article 13 stuff really takes into effect. that's a lot of time. ask the people who actually built this forum if they will allow it. we need their input.

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2019-07-06 15:59:26

The reason the topic was just closed this week is because up until recently the staff tends to move like a snail riding a turtle.
Hopefully with more admins at the top, things can be handled quicker. IE. there won't be a long amount of time between when something is discussed vs. it actually happening.
Also as stated several times. the owners of the forum have been conspicuously absent essentially leaving the actual managing of the forum in the hands of the admins and mods.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2019-07-06 16:46:42

Nice assumption there.
Speaking personally, I have never used the audio vault. I did have a look at it once or twice, to see how it was laid out, but did not download anything from there.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-07-06 17:56:14

Well I'm guessing that's a you thing then.

"There is beauty in simplicity."