2019-07-01 01:51:48

Does anyone know if Road to Rage's sourcecode is available for public use?


What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2019-07-01 01:52:18

It's not, but you can host a server using the included server application.

2019-07-01 09:01:51

yep it is. Gorthalon AKA Talon made it open-source in 2015 or 2016 I believe.

2019-07-01 10:35:12

no, then he removed it

2019-07-01 15:17:25

It was, but now it's not, there's just a server application now.

2019-07-01 20:13:42

That's unfortunate.

What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2019-07-01 21:16:07

I think mason got it when it was open sourced or changed sounds and removed some, or just didn't update his. I'm really not sure witch one.

2019-07-01 21:25:04

Nah, I believe that he got it from the dev himself. But seriously, you can't make something open sourced and then decide to take it down. Once its open sourced, its open sourced. You can close source newer versions, but you can't take that away from people after you upload it to the internet

Ivan M. Soto.
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2019-07-01 21:52:09

Agree with post 9. If one decides to make a project open-sourced and many people downloaded it, they can't (or actually shouldn't) take down that one version and/or sue those who distribute it since they got it from the main developer who decided by their own will to make it open-source, just like people playing with old versions of Ultra Power or The Killer that come packaged with server applications (not that I'm interested in either game or even in looking at RTR's code, not even in a million years). Anyway, Talon is the one who knows what should and should not be done regarding HIS titles.

2019-07-02 03:58:35

agree with 9 and 10.
I as well do not want to look at rtr's code, at all, but if you open source something, it's open sourced, or at least, that version is. You can not open source future versions, but that doesn't change the fact that you open sourced that other version. What's done is done.

2019-07-02 19:26:57

Is there a particularly good reason why several of you feel the need to assert so emphatically that you don't want to look at the code, as if it's far beneath you? Seems unnecessary.

What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2019-07-02 19:52:02

i agree with posts 9, 10, 11, and 12. a; if its open sourced, and people get it, why remove it? if people want it let them have it. its not like he's even working on it anymore anyways. b: as in post 12, why do you have to make it clear you don't want to look at the code? why would you want it open sourced then. I mean i do want it Open sourced, but i'm just curious is all.

2019-07-02 20:46:11

Regarding myself, I've had enough of the so many toxicities going here and there and the kids stealing sources or modifying one line or two of an open-sourced game and claiming it their own (just like the games based off Mason's Zombie War). As such, the matter here is just one of principles so that no one claim people are wanting the once open-sourced version to continue existing just for the sake of modifying some of its code, but because what's done is done and shouldn't be reversed. Just thinking.