2019-06-05 02:27:08

So many of you know my previous topics, ultimate destruction, TK source, calling ultimate destruction my own game, etc. The reason why I did it is because I had never actually been successfull in coding games. I tried, but compilation error every time. Even though I haven't made a successfull game, I will still not lone, because 1, I saw the topic about sudden attack where the guy got banned, and 2, I was on the road to a banning in a previous topic. I originally did that because, it was simply fun. Cloning is so fun! I will get all the source code and clone a thousand games and release them as my own games!,"I thought." But it is not good when you say it's your own game. so i just wanted to say that I won't clone any more, and I don't think other cloners should do that anymore. and if you think i'm just saying that because I am afraid of getting banned, I am not. i have thought about it long and hard, and found out it is wrong and can get you in trouble. so yeah. don't clone or banned.

2019-06-05 02:42:33

Ok, well keep in mind that there are plenty of example games that can get you started. Not an example game persay, but Mason has a lot of open source *actually open source* projects that you could learn off of, even Zombie Arena's open source. You could even release games as your own *long as you give credit to the original source* when you're using an open source project.

2019-06-05 04:09:45

@jack we all knoo what'll happen if he does that, many people did edit mason's source code and posted it and creditted to the developer but they got bashed for doing it

2019-06-05 04:48:19

That still doesn't change the fact that as long as someone is actually using open source code, crediting the original dev, and not visibly stealing sounds, then all it amounts to is is there game actually good or not. Better still, it sure as hell is better than clones that's for sure.

2019-06-05 05:32:56

There are samples to learn from as others have said. Instead of taking a sample, changing one line of code and then releasing it like you did. Look at the sample. Understand how it actually works. Change things around to understand what your changes do. Then. Take what you've learned to build something completely different and new. Or. Why not make the sample better? Sound fall for example. What can be added to it? Can the concept be changed in to something else? the world is your oyster. You just have to be creative and willing to experiment.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

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2019-06-05 05:34:48

What he said. That's the long and short of actually making your game good. Open source is great, but you actually have to put work in if you want to make something truly original.

2019-06-05 20:59:53

Hello folks. I sort of used the sound fall code to put up a small, well, thing a while ago. Just changed the sounds a bit to change the theme and added a more elaborated menu, but that was all. I called it Canine Ball by the time. You play as a dog and have to get the bouncing balls. Had fun bringing the dogy to life.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2019-06-06 01:38:09

a little off topic but i'm making a game where you kill zombies. it uses source from zombie arena. I just need to find where to upload it when I release it.