2019-05-30 02:45:30

Hi, is it true that in paladin of the sky, it is possible to include the protector in the post game as long as Stella is not one among your group? If so, how to get the protector join your group? There are two main reasons why I tried playing this paladin of the sky for the second time despite its being half decade old and one of the main reason is the one I mention above. The second is that according to someone, there is a way for you to train your stats for free and i already discovered that And its true, you can train the stats of any of your character unlimmitedly without cheating. In fact, all of the members of my group has 500 strength and 300 impact points at this time. So my only problem right now is how to get the protector join your group if that is really true or if you really can do that.

2019-05-30 03:06:44

Unlimited stats without cheating? How does that work? I don't know a lot about the postgame as I got bored with all those silly scrolls and the timing. I freely admit to having cheated those especially toward the end; and once you start doing that you quite literally take all the challenge out of the game. I'd dare say that's where all the game's challenge is. That and all the randomness. It got old fast.

2019-05-30 04:06:22

I would like to know how to train all of your stats for free as well.

2019-05-30 04:30:18 (edited by UltimateBlade 2019-05-30 04:35:07)

to train your stats for free, you can do this. As soon as you get that essense of resurrection from the protector when you first fight him, isn't it you can go and resurrect Stella already if you want to? Now, when you resurrected Stella and you return to the organ room, you can use her to fight and let her die so you can be transported back to your cabin, dont save your game yet but instead, go to the statistic shop and start training your char for free. By the way, before you  go to the statistic shop, transfer few gold coins to stella so she have something to use instarting training her stats. let say 300 gold is enough? and if you are in statistic shop, train the stats of stella first and you can notice that she will pay for the first train but all the rest are for zero gold coin. now you can start training all the stats of your character for free. O but dont logout your game until you are satisfied with your stats cause ones you logout and return, you have to pay for your training again.

2019-05-30 13:28:19

hey, what is that construction room for, i kno thats where you fight the virus but it dont make a diferent, and why cant we aksess the control central after getting the employ card, and how menny tropheys are there in the game

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2019-05-30 21:03:10

Using tricks to cheat in a game breaks the fun of it imho. For the protector, I don't think you can make her join your team unless if I'm missing something major in this game that I wasn't knowing since this long experience with it. I've got something in mind to try concerning the protector but I won't bother replaying the game for the 14th time unless someone confirms this fact.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2019-05-30 22:45:24

As to why you cannot access the control room after getting the employee card, only the developer of the game know the reason.

2019-05-30 22:58:13 (edited by UltimateBlade 2019-05-30 23:02:30)

wow, you play this game for the 13th times then before? Me, I only played this game ones 2 years ago and i cannot stand to play it again because of the way you cast your spells, until this months of this year because of the reasons I already mentioned. And I agree that using tricks to cheat in any game is not fun, however, if those tricks were to be found on the game it self as in no third softwares introduction in to the game is needed, whey not take advantage of it. O and by the way, speaking of cheating in a game, 3 hours ago, I discover a softwares that will allow you to alter some of the stats of your char in any game! It can even allow you to slow or make faster your game. In fact, i am using it now to play this paladin again and wow I almost dont miss in casting this dragon scrolls when i slowed down my game! Because of this software, maybe, I going to play this paladin of the sky 2 more times to try what i cannot do before. and of course, to enjoy casting those dragon scrolls that i cannot cast before.

2019-05-30 23:59:49

UltimateBlade wrote:

As to why you cannot access the control room after getting the employee card, only the developer of the game know the reason.

This is not correct:
This is for story reasons.
Think back to when you finished business at the church. You were privy to a conversation between Pierre and the ship's director, in which Pierre comments on how all of the equipment is at the top of the craft, that heat rises, and that a fire aboard would cause the ship to go down much faster with the machinery being at the top.
Now think forward to when the virus hits. One of the ship's staff tells Director that the virus is causing the temperature to rise uncontrollably.
Therein lies your answer. The ship is self destructing from the top down, and the control floor is the uppermost point. Therefore, the top floor becomes inaccessible at the point when the evacuation begins. It's probably an inferno up there by this point.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2019-05-31 01:04:36

Ah that make sense. heh. The door of the control room is malfunction or is damage so you cannot open it. but i have some questions about this game alsow. What happen to the mother of ross? She has not mentioned any more since Ross left there cabin when the director ask his help. It was not mention whether she died or escape and there are no indication as to what happened to her base on the action of Ross. This doesn't make sense at all cause the mother of gabriel was given proper attention when the game allowed her to die but what about the mother of Ross? She vanished saddenly near the end of the game as though she is not part of the game at all. And alsow if zopolus plannet are for hallings only, why are there so many human on the paladin ship on its journey thward that plannet?

2019-05-31 02:43:15

Plot related spoilers here.
I don't think it has anything to do with the door -- as it is not a door you use to access that area but rather a staircase -- but rather it has more to do with the overall safety of entering that area.
Would you climb a set of stairs leading to floor filled with smoke and flames, and probably falling debris and collapsing structures?
As for Ross's mum, you're right in that I don't think she is mentioned again after Director comes to Ross's cabin to recruit him in finding Pierre and stopping the attack on the craft.
Sometimes stories do leave certain plot lines unresolved for the audience to speculate. They evidently got separated. Did she get off the ship safely or did she die?
I would say that is left up to us to imagine.
The ship is not intended for dragon halflings specifically. In fact, if you remember, we are told that Starwalkers is an interplanetary cruise line for humans. The company secretly rescues the halflings from earth and brings them to safety on Xopolous. The humans aren't supposed to know that the halflings are aboard, however the information got into the wrong hands somehow, hence the terrorist attack faced by the ship and its passengers.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2019-05-31 02:56:58

I think it is more accurate to say that Paladin's plot is a hot mess than to try and explain its various points. Look at Ross and Shauna. 'Nuff said.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-05-31 03:01:22

right the ship is not intended for hallings only but it is currently bound to plannet zopulus which according to the game it self is inaccessible to human. Or maybe, let's say that the tragedy did not happen and that the ship rich the plannet safely, those other passengers will just stay inside the ship and not suppose to go outside while the hallings are disembarking? is that it. O well. heh right the fate of the mother of ross is left to the imagination of the players so my imagination as to what happen to his mother is like this, she was rape by other passenger who thought to him self, if i am going to die, i might aswell enjoy my self as much as possible for the remaining few minutes of my life. And when ross found out what happen to his mother, he just shrug his shoulder and said o well, its ok, at list, she tasted the heavens menue before she died. So this bring me to the conclusion that ross is a heartless person or halling. afterall, they are only partly human. rofl.

2019-05-31 03:06:33

But i think, the developer has really considering to update this game as he is saying that he is going too if he'll get enough money to do so but instead of updating this game, he develop others instead which is the manamon. Its too bad, this paladin of the sky to be honest is realy really cool. The musics are great, the ambiance is good and though the story is not let say good as some were left to the imagination of the gamers as you have said, it is alsow good. So he should have really updated this game. I hope after 5 years, he will take into consideration in updating this game and include some areas and bosses to be fight with in the post game. More power to the developer of this game.

2019-05-31 03:21:33

About storylines:

As Jade said above, best not to try too hard to explain or decipher the story. This developer makes decent games, but his writing leaves something to be  desired if one is a critic of such things. I personally love a good story, so the storylines of this developer’s games don’t really do more than give me something to follow. Perhaps if someone could improve on the storylines of games like Manamon it would add to their appeal. The developer doesn’t seem to be open to suggestions, though, so I wouldn’t bet my iPad on that ever happening.

When the wandering fire strikes the heart of stone, will you follow? Will you take ... the longest road?
Guy Gavriel Kay

discord: tayo134

2019-05-31 03:31:05 (edited by Muhammad Hajjar 2019-05-31 03:51:44)

@Trajectory: can you confirm about the protector's matter? Can she really join the group at some point?

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2019-05-31 04:44:06 (edited by UltimateBlade 2019-05-31 04:46:02)

I am not trajectory but as to the questions of whether this protector can join your group at some point, i think that is not true. I even tried not rescuing Stella and go to the paladin ruins immidietly after i defeated Piere hoping that i can return the essense of resurrection to the protector instead of fighting her but that does not work alsow. However, that training of your stats for free is true though so i really dont know if there is a way alsow for this protector to join your group at some point. Maybe, there is alsow a trick for that but I really dont know.
Heh I am thinking of doing a full walk through my self about this game noting the location of all those galactic dust and and galactic stone in the post game and all of those treasures. How to get the two ending and so on. How to get the ending where Ross died and how to get the ending where Ross and shona get married i mean. HMM.

2019-05-31 08:26:20

Think that's a bug, so the thing you are doing is kindda considered cheating too.

2019-05-31 10:05:02

and how menny trophees are there in the game and what happens if you get all of them, and what is the construction area for in the reck flore 3

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2019-05-31 11:28:27

nothing happens if you get all the trophies.
and, the construction area can be explored when you get all the gallactic dusts, there, you can fight with the null virus, which has infected the paladen.
when you defeat it, you get the null trophy.

2019-05-31 19:41:11

As for recruiting the protector, I can only say this much right now and that is that I'm 99 percent sure this is a negative.
What happens if you defeat her in the holding cell, don't use the resurrection cream and instead go to her in the postgame ruins, cream still in your possession? I have to be honest, I've never tried that but I'm not aware of anything with respect to that.
The specific story questions that were asked by @ultimateblade, with the exception of Ross's mother, are in fact either explained or easily explainable.
The question about the ship and why the halflings are aboard is in fact directly addressed.
The question about the control room and why it can't be accessed later in the crash is addressed indirectly.
Ross's mother is not addressed; it could be an oversight or it could simply be something intentionally left to imagination. I can think of no fiction to which I have been exposed, wherein I have been left with no unanswered questions, as much as I may hate how much time they leave me fixating on them.
I'm sure I could write an essay on Roald Dahl's book the Witches, and all the unanswered questions and speculations I have with respect to it, despite how much I love the story.
As for the supposed infinite training glitch, I definitely have to try and verify that when I have the chance. I'm a speed run junky, and I wish there was more interest in speed runs among the audio games scene (though I guess there aren't enough games out there that would make a good speed run).
If it wasn't for the lower chamber mechanic, Paladin would actually be an ideal speed run game. If you know enough about the game, it can be finished in under five hours (provided you get decent key fragment placement in lower chamber 3).
If this infinite training bug works as advertised, all though a bit too late game to be overly helpful, it would certainly be good speed run tech that would bring the time down considerably since it's currently necessary to do the galactic dust quest in order to get a time anywhere close to five hours.
Being able to give Shauna an extra hundred strength points for free would allow her to easily defeat Pierre single handedly at level 50. I suspect that it would knock quite a bit of time off the run, as doing to Stella side quest will no doubt be faster than gathering all the galactic dusts and defeating the virus (which involves scaling the infinite matrix three times).

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2019-05-31 23:27:04

You're quite right about the control room and that bit of it, I agree.
As for the halfling thing, I just...there's a whole floor devouted to halflings on this ship and people don't notice them just, uh, disappearing at random? That whole idea is weird. How are you supposed to go to a planet for only halflings, offload them and then take your regular passengers back to earth with no one being the wiser?
Nah, that one's a bust, if you ask me.
And Ross's mom? Well, she was window dressing, just as most of the characters in this story were. I mean, the best of them was probably Gabriel, and that's saying something.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-06-01 01:29:43

Interesting point with respect to the halfling floor. Although I've seen far greater sins committed in works of fantasy far more popular. Perhaps that's one of the ways in which the society or whatever they're called found out that they would be aboard in the first place?
Perhaps they can fly over Xopolous and then reroute one of the teleporters to send the dragon children to the exterior of the craft with parachutes on?
Just speculating.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2019-06-01 04:03:05

Heh i am in a hard mode now on this game and i want all my characters to have regular stats but I am going to use third party software so i can successfully cast those dragon scrolls spell.
2 or 3 years ago, I completed this game wthin more than 1 month cause no matter what i do, I just really can't master to cast those dragon scrolls so I did not enjoy this game at its fullest during those time.
But now, I am going to.

2019-06-01 09:15:58

I tend to stick to the go-to scrolls for each character. Also, hard mode is easier than normal mode IMHO, since you get extra dice.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1