2019-05-23 06:16:51

First of all, Thank you Nicandro Bonilla for the donation to the server, every bit counts, specially now with the upgraded server and backup costs.
@guitarman, Thank you for the uploads grabbing them now and should put them up asap, and downloads should be all done in about 10 Minutes after this post is submitted so feel free to delete them if you so wish.
Also, Heros is already up on the vault smile
@keyIsFull, the search by date feature should allow you to see the files added on a specific date. I.E 22/05/2019 will show everything that was added on that date and after. use dd/mm/yyy
@leibylucw, believe me I have done that quite often and later realise oops, no, different movie lol.
Guitarman's sendspace links are pro links hence the fast speeds. smile

Shows such as Hannah season 1, hand maids tale season 2 etc have been added Along with Game of thrones season 8, just mentioning these as people have been asking for these for a while now.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-05-23 14:45:57

Lol, wonderful timing on the Movie Vault's part. big_smile
Thank you Guitarman for uploading these!
And thank you Grryf once again for doing what you and your friend do.

What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

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2019-05-23 15:15:56

audio vault is getting better everyday. I just want to thank you all for keeping us able to watch TV


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2019-05-23 15:51:33

Haha, I had the same reactiono about Endgame. I saw the movie at a cinema without descriptions, but was quite surprised to see it so early in the vault. Then my brother looks at my screen and just says, that's 2018... different movie... Nice bait uploader.

Host of Sightless Fun, podcast about visual accessibility in modern Board Games.

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2019-05-23 16:12:28

wow, thanks for adding hand maids tale season 2!

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2019-05-24 22:50:47

I found star trek discovery on the audiovault, it reminded me does anyone have the three seasons of the original series as well as the first season of American dad? I did have them a while ago but I lost them because of a stupid mistake. I'd really appreciate it if somebody could upload them.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

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2019-05-24 23:02:16

Star Trek the Original Series is already on the Vault, though in the movies section for some reason.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

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2019-05-24 23:33:21

Thank you very much! They sure are there, my stupid mistake was not to look in the movies section lol! Thanks again!

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

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2019-05-25 00:20:46

Is Star Trek Next Generation available anywhere with AD?

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2019-05-25 04:18:15

If anyone could put riverdale season 3 in the vault I would really appreciate it.

Why didn't the Romans find algebra difficult?
because x is always 10!

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2019-05-25 06:01:49

shout out to Jakub Lukowicz and Ahmad Al-Bahar for their donations to the audiovault, thanks you guys, we can certainly use the support atm. smile
my hand is a bit messed up after meeting with a wall, hence I am not able to write much or do much of anything at all, apologies but hopefully this thing is better soon and I can get back to stuff.

@st.mc and leibylucw, Thank you, we couldn't have done it without the support of many awesome people here. smile and the kind words are always encouraging!
@ryok, you are welcome, one of our uploaders worked real hard on this one.
@guitarman and LordLuceus, if you see things like that, please do point them out. will get to them soon and fix em. Thanks!
@flackers, I don't think so, no. although would be happy to be proven wrong in case of all ADV big_smile
@zub0, that is on the to get list, but maybe a while.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2019-05-28 03:53:51


The season 1 of yes prime minister appears not to be described.

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2019-05-28 12:56:06

Have you ever considered setting up a Patreon for the Audio Vault for donations? I know I would support it every month. I also find Patreon a little easier than fighting to get logged in and recognized on my Paypal. Then again, maybe it's better to keep this on the down low. smile

Sugar and spice, and everything ....

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2019-05-28 23:37:17

Does anyone have The Gifted season 2, and The Passage season 1?

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2019-05-29 06:04:14 (edited by grryfindore 2019-05-29 06:09:10)

First of all, I would like to thank Cala Estes for their donation to the audiovault, Thank you for your help in keeping the audiovault running. smile
  Speaking of which,
@Cinnamon, Thank you for that sentiment and your willingness to support us. as much as I wouldn't want it to be so, money is the lifeblood that keeps it all going.
So yes, I have actually considered a patrian for the vault, but I am not really sure if it would be efficient for our purposes. I.E paypal already eats up a lot of the money we recieve from people like you every month, and I am guessing if I were to get a patrian it would take its cut of the pie too, and I wonder what we'd be left with after paypal and patrian were done with it all lol
Patrian would be good in 2 ways though...
1. it would give us an good estimate of how much money we are going to recieve that particular month and thus enable us to plan better I.E backup online costs offsite backup and server bills, and whether or not we'd be able to meet those.
2. it would be easier for most donators/ supportors as its a one time process and they wouldn't have to go through the paypal login hassel (as you said) every time they wanted to donate.
I have had a few people ask me whether there would be a way to recieve automated payments everymonth as they'd setup a monthly donation and forget about it. so I'll look into it soon, and come up with something that works for  all of us.

I haven't been able to do much the past few days not all that I had intended, anyway, the hand seems to be worse than I initially thought, but lets hope it gets better soon.. big_smile
@je97, woopsy, I'll take that offline.

Our uploaders have been hard at work as always, and We are delighted to bring captain marvel and some other awesome series on the way for you guys such as the expanse season 3 etc.
@poppop66151, I have those, yes. But the quality isn't that good, so if someone has  decent quality versions of those shows, I would be more than happy to recieve them. If not, I'll just upload the quality I have atm. smile

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

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2019-05-29 08:38:55

I have the HandMade's Tail S2. But I couldn't find S1. I'm sorry if I spelled the name of the show wrong.

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2019-05-29 11:32:15

Yes, The Expanse season 3 is on the vault! Gryffindor you're awesome!

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

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2019-05-29 12:26:08


Does anyone have Narcos season 4,  Big bang theory season 12, and orphan black season five?

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2019-05-29 12:53:36

Nice, was also waiting for season 3 of the expanse. Seems like seasons 1 and 2 of that show both have duplicates, not sure if there's a difference between them. Also, season 2 of the handmaid's tale is spelled the hand maid's tale (hand maid being two words rather than one like it's supposed to), which wouldn't really matter except it meant I couldn't find it initially since it didn't show up in my search results. Another thing, big bang theory seasons 2 and 4 seem to be missing. I'm also looking for the last season of big bang theory, and season 6 of the americans if it exists in audio description.

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2019-05-29 13:00:31 (edited by poppop66151 2019-05-29 13:15:35)

Here is the link for the handmaid’s tale S 1.

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2019-05-29 13:33:09

Just to let you all know, especially Gryff, the last two episodes of the Expanse season 3 are missing.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
"Cause in a game of life or death, you either live, or you die."
"Wake the fuck up, samurai. We have a city to burn."

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2019-05-29 14:30:18

I just wanted to say how impressed I am that members of the community have gotten this site up and running, and are maintaining it so well. I really appreciate having this around, and I hope members who are able to donate continue to do so. Audiovault has been by the people, for the people, and of the people. I think that's awesome. Thanks to everyone who is making this a continued reality.

Sugar and spice, and everything ....

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2019-05-29 15:08:19

I' working on a couple of films to donate to the vault that are not there.

My Solo album, "A Life Seen Through Broken Eyes", available now:
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2019-05-29 15:40:51


Upon listening more to that yes prime minister season that isn't audio described, it's one of those programmes (like blackadder or red dwarf or south park) that really doesn't need it. It'd be fine to keep it up. That being said if you're happy to host programes that don't need AD in a non-AD state, I've got all of southpark from the beginning to the end of last year.

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2019-05-29 15:45:56 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-05-29 15:50:16)

OMG, the expanse season 3 is there!
This is a must watch if you're a space/sci fi fan.
EDIT: oh, didn't realize the last two eps is missing. hopefully it'll get fixed sometime

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

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