2019-05-09 21:10:41

carpentry is your friend. i would say anytime you don't want to run any challenges then call a balance challenge a plain run purely from the point of view of the resource and helium gains. only use wh's when you absolutely need too i think. keep pushing your explorers as far as they can go so you can build more gateways. at least that's what i'm trying to do. don't forget that the carpentry pirk has a compounding affect. over time, it really will get amazing.

2019-05-10 03:59:45

So a few things:
The 40s are definitely one of the toughest points.  Wormholes are the only housing structures that require helium though.  Once you reach 50, you can buy gateways which only cost gems.  This is why building a bunch of tributes is vital early on.
If you know you're going to power your way to 50, buy wormholes.  They will make the run faster and you will make up your losses and have more helium to spare.  I didn't buy any this run, but only because I was trying to get the 1000 helium per hour achievement.

As for electricity, I have access to it but I haven't messed with it.  I don't think it's worth it given that it still takes me a while to reach zone 80.  Maybe once I have 100k more helium or so I'll consider giving it a try.  I can usually get around 50k per run so maybe in a few days.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-10 05:49:32

How do you get 50k in a run? The best I got was about 16k and that was the one time I reached, but could not complete, zone 70.

2019-05-10 05:55:08

I've managed to do a lot of pushing because I've had to prepare for finals for the last two weeks, so have had little time for the game.  I'm pretty sure you could idle your way pretty far into the game without portalling if you had the time.  I managed to hit 100 last run.  I also occasionally treat myself by buying bone portals on Kong.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-10 08:50:08

I'm hoping to amke it to 35 before I start my second run, we'll see though eq is expensive as heck I'd have to build like 5 more forges to use the books i have just sitting around I might start the mining challenge for the perk that reduces costs, suggestions on first challenge are welcome though

2019-05-10 12:19:40

that moment when your balance stack is at 250 but you still have a negative number for health against an enemy. so instead of being 1 shotted i'm not being touched so now i have fully boosted resources yay!

2019-05-10 13:29:48

I assume completing challenges, gives you more challenges?

2019-05-10 17:53:01

it's more about the zones you reach i think more so than challenge completion.

2019-05-10 20:46:06

Post 508 is correct. It's all about how far you can go in the zones.
As for me, here's my issue.
I bought 22 wormholes
I pushed to zone 45.
I can barely scratch things now. Funny thing is, they can't hurt me. My block is insanely high. So, the problem isn't taking damage... it's not dealing enough of it, lol.
Guess it's time to wait for 3 or so days, god the equipment upgrades are getting stupidly expensive.

2019-05-10 21:00:15

if you got any garden maps spare go into 1 of them and just sit and gain res. that's probably the quickest way you can gain them now you don't have any stacks. right now my metal is at over 1000000000 a second. sounds a lot doesn't it but i still have to wait a while for upgrading weaponry. i sort of have the same issue as yourself, i need more damage.

2019-05-10 22:01:48

That's weird. I don't have trouble with damage so much as my upgrades are in the trillions, and even a billion a second is slow when you need 26T for one level of upgrade. I have been running through balance to see if I can mitigate that a bit. This time I focused a lot on artisanistry, and I think it has helped.


2019-05-10 22:28:29

yeah i might do a bit of that actually. well carpentry and that. has anybody tried the decay challenge yet? what do they think of it? i'm not sure i have unlocked it yet but am looking at it. that or meditate.

2019-05-10 23:00:14

I did meditate. Have not done decay yet. The meditate perk looks good if you idle a bit. Otherwise, it's kind of a waste. I'm sure I'll want it eventually, but I'd rather get what I can that would make it easy to get to zone sixty quickly.


2019-05-10 23:26:22

it's odd this sort of game isn't normally my thing , I never liked crafting kingdom, but I like this

2019-05-10 23:28:12

yeah crafting kingdom only held my interest for so long. this is far far better.

2019-05-10 23:49:54

I've attempted Decay. My main problem which eventually caused me to abandon it was that my Science couldn't keep up with the speed of my progress, so I couldn't get speedbooks or Gymistics as fast as I wanted, and in Decay you can't idle or you're basically dead in the water, so I eventually had to give it up.

I'd leave the game idling for a long time if I thought I'd get anywhere beyond a certain point. Too often I have run up against getting most of my health taken by an enemy's attack, if not all, while my damage to them is minimal, and the cost for upgrades is too  high for me to get the needed resources without idling for four hours on a map lower than my current level, and even then the progress is not as fast as I would like.

2019-05-11 00:25:07

Yeah.  I've never been into this kind of game.  I always got bored after like two hours, but here I am still playing Trimps. lol
One potential solution for increasing damage between zones 45 and 60 is only upgrading weapons.  use wood on building gyms instead of your shield and use all of your metal on your weapons.  It's still really slow going, but eventually, that point does get easier.
Also, regarding science in decay challenges, why not hire more scientists or research yourself?  You're supposed to be researching yourself anyway, as having a bunch of trimps doing it isn't very efficient, though I tend to anyway.
Keep in mind that this is an idle clicker game.  You are expected to idle to a degree.  If map farming for four hours isn't as fast as you would like, spend more helium on loot and/or motivation.  Purchase more imports once you have the bones for them.  Try running slightly higher level maps. etc.
make sure to adjust the difficulty slider as high as you can afford each time.  Also, make sure your trimps can oneshot any opponent they face.
One last thing, have you maxed agility yet?

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-11 00:34:24

i haven't maxed agility yet i must admit. i've been focusing more on carpentry at this moment in time. i'm at z47 hoping to make it to z50. can't say if i'll make it or not but i guess we'll just have to see.

2019-05-11 01:14:04

I'd max agility if I were you.  It will make grinding lower level maps several times faster.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-11 06:12:31

Okay, so I know researching myself is more efficient, and have for ages, but with Decay I'm proceeding at such a rapid clip that even researching myself isn't keeping up with demand, although to be fair I'd switch to building whenever I needed to boost storage or build housing and then forget to switch back. Maybe I should be more on the ball next time I try.

See, maybe I need to start prioritising some pieces of eq over others. I always prestige everything in one tier before moving on to the next. I don't want to be low on attack, but also I don't wanna die too hard either. Getting to the point where I oneshot everything would be nice, of course, and there are times when I completely splatter anything that comes my way, but that's usually just after prestiging or in the early zones where I'm stronger than everything. I know there are some challenges further down the line, like Mapology, where focusing on the first few eq pieces is the way to go because of limitations set by the challenge, but I'm not sure how effective that would be in a normal run and I don't like being oneshot myself.

2019-05-11 06:19:59

When I did science, I only upgraded the shield and dagger.

Right now I'm not getting shield block and running the shield normally, and it looks like a better deal overall. I try to prestige as soon as I can, but I generally just go with whatever is the cheapest, right now in the low 30's, most of my stuff is not getting past level five, and the more expensive stuff sometimes sits down at 2 or 1.

that has been my biggest issue so far too is that by the time I'm making enough resources to level my current equipment, I can get the next one so I might as well wait because it's already ten times better.


2019-05-11 10:11:42

so why can't you idle when doing the decay challenge?

2019-05-11 13:49:03

Because within 10 minutes, your health and attack can be reduced to like uh... 5% of their original values.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2019-05-11 16:11:53

Exactly. You end up dying hard and not being able to do much in the way of damage. I made it to zone 42 before I hit a wall and had to quit.

2019-05-11 16:52:34

Iirc, if you complete it you can select garden maps though. I'm looking forward to that.
