2019-05-02 06:46:53


The link above leads to one of the cooler games I've played in a long time. If you've always wanted a trading card game that truly rivals magic in depth, tact, and addictability, this is is definitely a game to try. The community is extremely helpful, and there's a pretty active player base. Plus, there's a real easy to use in game browser and in-game chat. Develeper has also been extremely willing to hear out any and all accessibility issues. Changes have even been made in the short time I've been playing. Honestly can't recommend enough.

2019-05-02 13:33:47

I've joined this game already just didn't had patience to learn the rules smile

2019-05-02 20:17:05

Can't be bothered; it's gone up and down enough times for me to call it a yoyo.  It is a great game, and I've donated it to it twice before, and that's more or less why I'm put off now.  When you make enough progress on something only to have it taken away with someone's whims and discontent when the chips are down or when lack of motivation strikes or when life goes up in flames, that's one thing.  But then you bring it up and take it down and bring it up and take it down to where you can't even be sure it's going to stay up for a year?  I just, don't know.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2019-05-04 18:41:17 (edited by Dark 2019-05-04 18:57:57)

I'm still having a bit of trouble getting my head around  what is going on between the interface and the rules being complex.

For example, I don't really get how you know which are your cards in your hand and what is in play, or when you can play what. I also don't get what all those x marks are.
I just had a game, and what I thought was one of my cards was apparently one of my opponents since I clicked through and got attacked.

it would really help if there were some headings EG "cards in play" bs cards in your hand, and also if the battle log told you when your opponent was actually playing stuff not just when you gain or lose resources.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-05-04 19:52:32

The battle field is divided as such:
First are your opponent's teritories, followed by their creatures (and attachments), followed by a logo graphic, then your creatures, then your teritories, then the cards in your hand.

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe