2019-04-23 09:57:38 (edited by LordLundin 2019-04-23 09:59:13)

Me and Hadi are going to sit down with this game tonight and figure out customize, then we'll let you guys know. We're pretty good at cracking things that are seemingly not accessible. tongue
Oh and I've been playing  a bit of story but it seems I set the difficulty to normal oops. Oh well it'll provide me with way more playtime, lmao.

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2019-04-23 10:49:21

I still have to wait till around 6pm this evening till I can fire up the game for  the first time, I will also record an audio demo on the first time setup and my first steps in the game.

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-23 12:03:50

Well, I am disappointed a bit to be honest. I thought they are going to make the game more accessible by adding talking menus. Next thing is micro transations. Actually interesting if we can do everything in the Krypt and what about customizing the character (stupid injustice 2 thingy now in MK 11).
It's so bad as the gameplay is solid and good as far as I know.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2019-04-23 12:49:02

How to perform all crushing blows:
https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2019/apr … kombat-11/
Also holy sh*t, if you guys were hoping to unlock brutalities i think you may want to wait for a while because the the towers of time is absolutely  horrible and we can't really navigate the crypt, at least i think so because you need different items to unlock secret places so you'd be able to unlock all the boxes before paying to reset the crypt.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-23 13:54:39

For some reason I can't click on the second tutorial. I already completed the first one in Towers of Time and all menu options are locked.

2019-04-23 14:01:00

I will be on MK pretty much throughout the entire day today, if anyone wants to get in some matches. my gamertag is smoovgunner. you all can also leave your gamertags in the comments as well

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2019-04-23 14:12:05

I would if I have PS4 scription.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2019-04-23 15:07:04

I'm thinking of getting a XBox gold membership. I'm not sure if I want to. Is their a trial I could try out before getting it?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2019-04-23 16:41:17 (edited by criticview 2019-04-23 16:42:36)

for those who have the game on disc preordered. To get your bonus, you'll need to enter the 25 digit code in your console's store page where it says "redeam code". this seems to work on both xbox one and the xbox app. You will find the code on a sheet of paper inside the game box, so you can be sure that you won't damage anything while unwrapping it, it's in the box where the booklet is.
Obtaining the code on your own might be a bit tricky, but i'd suggest giving seeing ai a wurl, or if you are the lucky owner of a scanner, you could always try it that way. Once you have the code, redeam it in your consoles store and you're good to go.

<- criticview
   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

2019-04-23 16:43:50

@128, I agree pretty much with everything here. There are accessible menus, though they're fewer than I'd like and not necessarily logically implemented. This is what happens when developers assume and don't ask for direct feedback. But I'm glad what's there made it in, it shows promise.

@129, sadly none of the problems you mentioned will likely be addressed... since that doesn't sound like a balance flaw, more adesign choice. Unfortunatel, but there you go... I'd still like to play this and given that it released the same day as my birthday, I should be entitled to a fre copy or at least a discount! hahaha.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-23 16:53:51

If you preordered on amazon like i did. I received the shao kahn code by email, but the dlc is probably on that piece of paper.

2019-04-23 19:23:06

flame currently on the xbox, you can grab a gold membership for a buck for the first month

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2019-04-23 21:39:41

this is my review about the game
https://steamcommunity.com/id/DarkAlire … ed/976310/
i didn't like the game as much as i liked mkx, the fights aren't as fast as mkx and the first 2 chapters of story weren't interesting, some of the voice actors sound like they weren't paid enough to do their job, and shao kahn, sounds like an idiot. nothing can be mkx's combat, and mk9's story mode. this is not what i was hoping for.
the menu narration is in complete, i think wb only added the announcement of game modes just to look cool. the graphics are a downgrade, mkx's graphics were way better than mk11s, and you sometimes see the insides of your character in the krypt. this is a bug and i'm sure they'll fix it, but come on, fix your bugs before releasing the game and don't get us excited for nothing.

2019-04-23 21:51:00

gamertag for xbox is merin711.  feel free to add me.  I'll be spending some time playin', of course.  so excited.

2019-04-23 22:25:08

man I thought I'd never say this, but I am kinda disappointed in the decisions made in the audio department of MK 11. First, in game play sounds are unbalanced. Dashing can't even be heard while trying to space out your opponent like in MKX or MK9.

Second, they should've implemented a screen reader like MindCraft or The Division 2 in order to be able to read the rest of the menus that Price didn't or was not able to read. Customization is totally not accessible. However, I see that people are gathering all the information for everyone else to follow suit. That's awesome.

My only hope now is to talk to them directly as I will be at Combo Breaker in Chicago. Yes, they have the WB accessibility page, but I rather discuss with them in person about these concerns.

Overall, I think MK 11 is a great game, but competitors like myself will have difficulty with the audio this time around.

Follow my Youtube channel for high level MK 11 gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/user/Chvasquez86

Follow me on twitch for live streaming. https://www.twitch.tv/obsrattlehead

2019-04-23 22:29:46

I've played for about an hour, and love it.  Luckily the moves customisation is the same layout as the beta, meaning you will always know what moves you'll start on when trying to select new ones.
Storymode has multiple endings by the way.

2019-04-23 23:21:58

They could of mention accessibility voice menu on KombatKast. Didn't look like they add much accessibility.

Hearthstone Tag ID: RobotWizard#1265216

2019-04-24 01:48:45


For reference, I am playing the steam version of the game.

I seam to have two peculiar and strange problems.
Firstly an audio issue, the game is really quiet. I checked the settings for audio, music and the like, but they are all at 100 percent.

Second issue regards the characters, I went through the roster in classic towers, but characters like Cassy, Kotal, Ggerris or even Shao Kahn, whom I have preordered are just missing and are nowwhere to be found, from the 25 characters announced at launch I only seam to have 12 or so.
Do I still need to unlock some?

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-24 01:58:21

So far I'm very impressed. I won't repeat what everyone else has said but if you go to youtube.com/marrie125 you will find the mk stream I did last night, if it is done processing. I'll say this much, i did rage a bit. But have fun with it. I work today but I'll see wht I can do in terms of maybe the first tutorial or so. Maybe another classic tower. I do hope more reads and I'm sure it will. I've ben i contact with them since the beta, at least I contacted them during the beta so we'll see.

Follow me on  my podcast twitter and feel free to listen to my music. Also subscribe to my youtube channel. Thanks.

2019-04-24 06:17:03

The character selection screen is not a grid anymore. you have to explore carefully and find the characters. they are there, but you need to find out  where to go exactly. so explore more and you'll find the layout and learn it.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-24 06:39:57


Ah, that's why, now that makes sense, I actually found the characters now, thanks for the hint.

I just uploaded a quick clip of a novice tower with scorpion, I still need to get used to the mechanics and the slower fighting of mk11.

Link is.

Greetings moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-24 07:59:31

Sightless, I would absolutely love a tutorial guide, as completing all of the turtorials, minus the character specific ones, unlocks the shao khan announcer voice, which I desperately want.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2019-04-24 08:18:22 (edited by Shadowcat 2019-04-24 08:21:14)

So I was watching Maximilian's stream, and it seems like this time the krypt is... completely unplayable, without question. Tough luck for anyone else who was hoping to at least unlock brutalities... locked doors, puzzles, stuff to collect, enemies, swinging blades, map is huge... and that's on top of everything being RNG, lol so if you don't have access to OCR...
Quite unfortunate, really.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-04-24 08:26:17

and what's more, crypt wise then, forget tutorials, that's a no go, since everything is randomized for everyone, so there's no fixed structure. If my sources are correct though, an update should hit not too far away to at least fix some crypties and who knows what else.

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   akilor ->
My folding at home statistics

2019-04-24 09:19:09

Hello. So I was reading this, And I would like to ask. do you guys know of anyway to contact the developers? I would love to give my feedback on the accessibility, and only the accessibility problems that we have as of now. My little brother always reads the screen when he sees me mashing the up, down, left and rite buttons for games. He also reads when he sees a, that i've not moved from an item i'm on, or when a amount of time has gaun, and I have not pressed anything. Such a thing takes a lot of payshents,
withwhich my lil bro has, but why not build apon impruvement? The xray sucks, the gameplay takes away from mortal kombat, but the accessible menus, and just mortal kombat it self, are the things that'll keep me as anMK fan for ever! If someone can give me the devs contact info, that'll be grate! I have a lot of ways to make it accessible, and my little brother has been playing audiogames since he was five, and now he's eleven, so i'm sure we'll think of something! also, I don't, nor have I ever had OCR, nor do I  know how to use it, nor have I ever had windows ten, so my brother will have to do for now

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