2019-04-20 20:02:19

Just an aside, there is a TestYourMight user by the name of DDustiNN who wrote an accessible pocket guide for MKXL for IOS.  He's doing the same for 11, hoping to have an android version too.

2019-04-20 20:55:26


OO, do you have a link to the guide, you got me interested now, the game is not accessible with Voiceover, so how would you go about equipping cards and the like?

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-20 21:07:10

The more I actually see of the game, the less excited I am.
I was introduced a few months back to MKX, loved it but only played casually. I really got into the story and lore in the MK universe. When MK11 came out I went straight to preorder, however due to a lot of reasons, I am no longer as hyped for it and actually thought of refunding during several points. I just don't know ... MKX was the last good game they made, although they absolutely whacked up the story but at least you had no silly gear and stats to mess around with. Then came Injustice II, with weird sounds and lootboxes. Goddamnit I just want a fun fighting game that doesn't sound like japanese anime.

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2019-04-20 21:20:18

Unfortunately, if your bias is against games that sound like Anime, your choice is pretty limitted. lol To me the choice is between Asian kung fu / anime style or hollywood / superhero style fighting games, and right now the market is saturated with superhero everything, with a few exceptions. MK 9 was the ast good game story wise imo, as the MK x storyline went way towards the young superheros / vanilla action theme rather than MK's signature style.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-20 22:48:41

@simba search mkxl or mortal kombat xl pocket guide, should come up.  will try find the link for you.  it's a movelist for every character, great for playing when you aren't near a computer or just want a quick reminder. 

As for this game's story, I've only seen about half an hour of it, but it made me smile the whole time.  Looks like a lot of fun, if nothing else.

2019-04-20 23:37:15

Lol really? How would we play an iOS version of MK X? Its basically a card game. Of course, low vision people can play it though.

For me, a game would have to have plenty of single player content, because for one, there aren't many local players around, and online play won't be all that, because I don't have Steam, Discord is aweful with accessibility, and and it'd just be like playing another CPU anyway.
Besides that, how many of y'all actually play online video games? On PPSSPP, there are plenty of fighting games, capable of running on even MacBook Air 2015 quality hardware, and yet no one is ever online on Dissidia Duodecim, Tekken 6, SF, MK, SC... So yeah, single player content is great.

Devin Prater
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2019-04-20 23:56:41

You're looking at games that are years out of date, so of course noone will be playing them. I don't even know anyone who owns a psp anymore. And when I play fighting games, I spend at least a good hour or two online. So yes, there are quite a few of us who play online. I'm just one of the rare ones that doesn't really care one way or another about singleplayer content. Once again, it's nie t have and I love blasting through singleplayer modes. But fighting real people is certainly different from fighting another AI... it's nowhere near the same.

@DanC, maybe I'm just biased. Mk never really fit the holywood superhero vibe to me... which is probably why I don't like MK X's story that much. Too mch teenaged anxt and drama... MK 1, 2 and 3 had the best segment of the MK plotline imo, which is why I still love MK 9's story mode, as badly done as it was. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-21 00:09:58

Found first impressions from a fighting game reviewer who is probably the most blunt and critical about fighting games that I know of, and I think these impressions sum up my own thoughts very nicely.

Over the years, NRS has stuck with the successful formula they introduced in MK9 (2011). This basic recipe even transferred to NRS's Injustice series, evolving significantly with each installment. While diehard NRS fans already pre-ordered MK11 twice over, other FG players might be hoping NRS changes up the typical "cookie cutter" gameplay mechanics... which, quite honestly, haven't delivered the lasting appeal at a competitive level that other fighting games of this generation have experienced.  For example, Injustice 2 had a huge drop in players only 6 months after its release (and only made 1 quiet appearance at EVO). With MK11 already matching that, and MK11 looking a lot better than INJ2, the future should be looking up for Mortal Kombat in esports.

As any real fighting game player knows... it's gameplay that matters most, and what makes a fighting game worth playing for years, not mainstream name recognition, story modes, shock-value (gore in this case), or in-game cinematics. All that fluff is nice for the casual audience (who usually quits supporting a fighting game after a few short months), but players like those are not who have kept fighting games alive all these years. Of course, there's still something to be appreciated about NRS's ultra-polished single-player content: immersive story modes, unique character-to-character dialogue, and unprecedented elements in terms of presentation. Take it to the bank, this game will sell.

2019 EARLY IMPRESSIONS: After watching the latest gameplay, I think it's safe to say NRS is putting a ton of polish into this game. But what aspects of the game are truly getting the most polish? Character models and backgrounds look amazingly realistic... Next gen stuff! Camera angles and special effects are looking spot on. While I was "wowed" by the spectacular win poses, Fatality animations, and disturbing new levels of violence and gore... I have to say that the actual gameplay seems... slow and simple.  Remember how we talked about gameplay being important? A return to basics is a fine idea, but many fighting game players won't really want to go back to Algebra 1 when they've been enjoying Calculus for years. If MK11 isn't actually fun or complex enough, it could have a short-lived competitive scene.

Movement speed and combos look very simple, with easy inputs across the board -  something that could be viewed as both good and bad. An "easily accessible" fighting game is a good thing for the casual audience, but being able to "master a character in 1 day" doesn't help the competitive longevity of a fighting game either. MK11's new Offensive / Defensive meters look interesting, but the idea is questionable... and remind me of some (failed) mechanics from past obscure fighting games in the 90's. In short, I hope NRS actually designed MK11 to be a fun game to  play (not just to watch). At the reveal event, when Ed Boon himself started talking to the crowd about actual gameplay, he used the term "geeky" to describe the act of talking about gameplay mechanics... Red flag?

Thankfully, NRS seems to have taken fan criticism about "animation quality" and made some solid changes since MKX. MK11's animation seems significantly improved over MKX's in some areas, while other things still look a bit wonky (like jumping). The core fighting animation is a very important part of any fighting game, so hopefully MK11 will be a solid step up from the last few prequels.

Regarding the "gore factor"... it's a bit much... but it's definitely Mortal Kombat. I'm not the squeamish type, but I'm not a fan of horror movie gimmicks either. The things I love most about fighting games are complex gameplay systems designed around competition (and longevity), unique character designs, artwork, martial arts, music, and many other elements. (The same way I enjoy my favorite movies and TV shows - for actual plot & storytelling, character development, artistic value, and substance.) In short, I'm not the "easily entertained" type. In recent times, Mortal Kombat as a series steered itself in a direction geared more towards Hollywood movie cliches (shut up Johnny Cage), gore fetishists, and typical horror fare. Watching "virtual murders" repeatedly play out on screen in a video game isn't usually my cup of tea... but I'm definitely going to give MK11 a fair shake.

Of course, I'll reserve my final judgment for after I spend some quality time with MK11.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-21 01:12:35 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-04-21 01:15:11)

guys, dan_c is talking about a mobile app that has guides written for the game on consoles and PC. it is not about the  mobile game.
@assault_freak that is a fair impression of mk11. I'm happy that they slowed down the gameplay compared to mkx and the combos are shorter, the run mechanic is gone and the game is more about neutral play. I also support his thoughts on casuals but mastering a character in one day? not everyone is a fighting game veteran and you need to think the business point of view. mkx crushed tekken 7 and sfv in sales even though the game died in fgc scene after 2-3 years.
The fighting game community can easily be crumbled without games that are easy to get a grasp on. kids these days would like to relax on their couches and play or watch fortnight live streams while flirting with each other on the internet rather  than  spending hours in a practice stage with a single character training their combo executions.
You see where i'm going though? for NRS money matters the most and they absolutely are nailing it in that regards.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-21 01:14:40

how i can preload this game on steam?

let's rock!

2019-04-21 01:17:56

arturminyazev wrote:

how i can preload this game on steam?

Do you know how to access your steam game library?
if yes, right click on mortal kombat 11 and click on view preload info.
from then, you'll see the download screen, which looks like steam installation screen, so you can click next and i agree to pre load.
just be aware, that the game requires 60 GB of space, and if you pre load, and then when you want to install the pre load data you will need 100gb of space temporarily for steam to uncompress the pre load files and then delete the pre load data.
I am not 100% sure on this but i think this is how it works.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-21 01:22:58

Oh no argument there. I will say this thogh. MK has initial sales, yes. But over the longterm of 5 or 6 years, which game is going to sell more? And mastering a character doesn't mean spending thousands of hours in a training stage... not all of us are pro players. But what I think he was refering to is the substance or lack there of in a game's mechanics. Substance doesn't just mean endless button combinations or multiple meters. It's like the old martial arts comparison that the basics are the hardest things to get right... and in that view, MK is shallow. Yes, it appeals to the teenagers and people who just want a quck gore fix. But what the reviewer is saying, I think, is that people who actually enjoy fighting games look for more than that. That's all. smile But I agree with him. It doesn't take much to master an MK character in either MK X or 11... and I did see the video where Ed boon calls analysing gameplay geeky. Yeah, red flag for someone who is making a fighting game they want people to take seriously... lol. But yes, NRS is definitely raking in the money, at least in the west. Globally though? I'm not sure... though it would be an interesting thing to find out.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-21 01:34:35

Honestly half of the times i don't believe the things boon says. he can be a massive troll at times, Sometimes i feel like he enjoys torturing people  on twitter by saying things that they don't want him to say.
There was a joke on twitter, people were saying that Boon has a button near his morning coffee machine that's solely built to torture Rain fans on twitter, because every morning he posted an image of him teasing, and Rain was not a playable character in MKX, nore will be in MK11

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-21 01:45:43

Hahahaha. Yes, I know of his trolling... but there's a difference betwen that and calling serious players geeks. It's never good to insult one of your target markets. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-21 03:42:55 (edited by Shadowcat 2019-04-21 04:17:17)

An update from the topic I posted yesterday, same guy.
NRS: "Fuck you, casuals! We don't want you here!"
Edit: video review mentioned is here.

Yesterday I posted my impressions of Towers of Time, Augments and the Krypt, and I promised to update you when I get some more time with it. Well since then I cleared Noob Saibot's 2nd Character Tower, and summoned the third. And came across the 2nd worst fight in the ToT so far.

I'm linking a video review of the towers of time at the bottom, but if you are having trouble with my accent or the audio, I'm also going to summarize it here. The towers are more intricate than they've ever been. There's more to see and do and the konsumables are fun distractions, but the towers are currently ruined because of two things:

1) The input/output ratio is bad. Noob Saibot's 3rd tower requires the following for the point of summoning to the point of finishing - 75,000 koins, 300 soul tokens, 100 Krushing blows done, 25,000 pints of blood spilled. In exchange, the rewards you get are: 1 end of round taunt, 1 victory pose, 2 skins, 3 gear pieces, 2 Noob Saibot Augments, 2 variation icons. This is not a good enough reward for the time and effort you need to put in.
Any other game with a different economy would just reward you the victory poses and skins for doing 100 krushing blows and 25,000 blood spilled as a challenge. And the other trinkets could be purchased by spending 75,000 koins or 300 soul tokens. But here, all of that just gives you the privilege of playing the towers. You still need to beat them to get the stuff, which gets me to point 2.

2) The towers have inconsistent difficulty spikes, and some of the worst balanced fights in fighting game history. I know a hard fight from bad game design. This is the latter. Trust me I'm not throwing this term around lightly. I've played old SNK bosses, I've done the MK9 challenge tower, cleared IJ2 multiverse bosses, and cleared SFV extreme survival. All of those are downright friendly compared to what we have here.

Most of the fights in the Towers of time are pushovers if you've been playing fighting games seriously for a while. They're just moderate difficulty CPU battles where the CPU does 3-4 hit combos and occasionally reads your inputs. But then there are occasional fights that make you question your reality. Try fighting a Kano while your normal and special move damage is halved, your Fatal blow damage is nerfed by 75%, while the Kano calls in an unblockable air strike that drops 4 explosives that do 10% of your health each, and also a single missile that reverses your controls, and both of these on a 5 second cool down. You tell me that is good game design.

In my video review, there's a fight which can only be won by losing till the CPU performs a mercy on you, and then making a comeback on him while his assists are disabled. If this is the only realistic way of winning these battles by a seasoned semi-serious fighting game player, then oh boy, new players or casuals are in for a very bad time.

I estimate that seasoned players can do
80% of the battles without konsumables with none to moderate amount of challenge
15% of the battles with konsumables to reduce the considerable challenge to make them fair
5% of the battles are impossible on paper without relying on mercies and mercy + heal konsumable strats

For the casuals, it is much, much worse
20% battles are easy to moderate and can be beat without konsumables
30% battles will be really hard but manageable with konsumables
50% of the battles will be downright impossible with or without konsumables, due to reduced player damage and increased enemy damage, and the reliance on big combos by the player to cope

There are a couple of easy solutions to this off the top of my head. The first is to make every assist/special from konsumables blockable. Even if that means the CPU can block it when I use it. That's a fair exchange. Second, if I'm facing a boss who has additional damage and I have reduced damage, like most fights in ToT, then make the boss not have assists to use. This makes it so that veteran players can overcome the damage limitation of their character and high hp of the boss with their skill, and don't have to deal with bullshit assists on top of that. Meanwhile, newer, less experienced players can use the konsumables to make up for their lack of combos or damage, and use this mechanic as intended.

Keep these assists and hazards for lower tier enemies in the towers who would normally be pushovers for veterans, and only slightly problematic for new players. Also, don't limit the damage of the players for these cannon fodder enemies. This way, rank and file enemies can still be annoying to veterans due to the assist characters, and be a slight wall to new players, who can use the konsumables to even the odds. The current system is similar, except that even rank and file enemy battles have player damage nerfed.

Yesterday, someone asked me if I would recommend this game to someone who's only in it for the single player, and I said yes, especially if you haven't spoiled the story for yourself. After reading a few posts and putting myself in the shoes of the average casual player, I'm not so sure anymore. For me, a lackluster story or a downright badly designed towers of time mode can't even scratch the brilliance that are the stages, characters and 1v1 fights in this game. But if you're not in this for the online or tournaments, then I could see you pulling your hair on some of these fights.

It's a 7/10 for the story and 5/10 on towers of time as they currently stand, for a 6/10 overall for the single player suite of the game. If you are in it for single player + online or just for online and the competition, then the game is easily a 9/10 or 10/10. But if you're someone who only wants to fight the AI, use the game to relieve stress, watch fatalities and unlock stuff, then I would recommend you wait till launch or a few weeks after to see if the final product is different. Or wait for a sale.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2019-04-21 04:09:15

ed boon is a troll, anyone remembers fu jin? he made me search google for hours and find out that it was nothing, when doing cassidy's selfie fatality, you'd see boon commenting on her upload and saying what about fu jin? i hope at least they add fu jin as a DLC or something.

2019-04-21 04:26:48

the only time i saw foojin was in mk4. not sure if he was in the other games.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
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2019-04-21 06:17:42

he was in mk armageddon too, they promised that they were gonna add him to mk 9 as a DLC and played with our feelings again, then they wanted to play with it even more and added to mk x's story and not as a playable character if they don't add him to mk 11 i'll be so heartbroken.

2019-04-21 08:39:15

BlindNinja, your points are correct and NRS really brought this upon  themselves, so defending them would just make one look really stupid. Not only they charge $100 for the premium edition but they are ready to rob you much more further by  implementing towers of time.
Saying that, your post just looks like generic internet whining. the game is not even released and servers are not even properly patched. Also if there is enough backlash the difficulties can be adjusted, i hope they do anyway.
regardless of any of that, I don't care for cosmetics because i don't see the screen, so this doesn't effect me personally in any way. also classic towers are still there and none of this living towers bullshit  effects that so i can go play that like old arcade modes if i wanted to play sp.
Anyway, this is a fighting game. You don't expect a super dooper single player mode from it. you could just as well pretend that  living towers don't exist.
I am ironically going to counter argument myself here and say, people like me who payed 100 dollars in advanced are the reason NRS went ahead and boldly pissed on their fanbase by implementing the towers of time, but There are not too many video games accessible to the blind by design. It is not like we could boycott Mortal kombat for these stupid decisions and move on and play battlefield V or ARK: Survival Evolved. but like  you mentioned,  there is a very good option of waiting until you could purchase the entire package for 40 dollars or something a year later,

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-21 09:22:29

@hadi.gsf did you pay 100 dollars now did you? tongue

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2019-04-21 14:24:54

i've preloaded the game and was curius to see game files, so i went to mk 11 folder but there was nothing... steam says downloaded 60 of 60 GB and  it also took 60 gb from my disk space but i still can't see the files.

2019-04-21 15:36:31

@58, from the post:

> As any real fighting game player knows... it's gameplay that matters most, and what makes a fighting game worth playing for years, not mainstream name recognition, story modes, shock-value (gore in this case), or in-game cinematics.

Aside: I wish this forum supported Markdown...

Anyways, this is why I still love the PSP games. I use NVDA's Windows 10 OCR on menus and character select screens, and it all works great. I feel like, nowadays, fighting games are just more towards casual players and "eSports" than great, fun combat.

Devin Prater
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2019-04-21 15:37:45

@DanC, I got curious and bought the pocket mk xl guide, so far it looks quite good, only problem is that the button inputs which are on the directional pad don't get spoken and to me it seams to be trial and error to get them right.

Is there something I can do about it like changing a voice Over setting and the like?

Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2019-04-21 16:19:34

@72, those fighting games you mentioned, especialy tekken 6, are geared towards competition... MK is the only series I would venture to say has a casual audience as its target demographic, and you can see that with the gear system and all the extra gimics. Not that that is a bad thing, but I think you need to do some more updated research on current game... the great, fun combat  you're talking about is what the good fighting games that are in the competetive scene still have. You don't think anyone would want to compete in any of those games if they weren't fun, do you?

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-04-21 16:20:56

@hadi sure, of course they can patch it. lol But the question is... will they? And yes, the majority of the cosmetics don't affect us. But if you want all the brutalities? I personally would, you're gonna have to go through at least some of that and hope the RNG favors you. And yes, I'm aware that the game isn't even technically released yet. But even if this is just a thing to troll leakers, someone also made a good point in that it'll also screw over any early reviewers. It just... gives off a really, really bad first impression to people. But hopefully, they do the right thing and actually tone this crap down a bit. There may be a day 1 patch, maybe not. We'll just have to see. I'm personally glad I didn't shell out the 130 CAD for premium though. Having said that, I also see where you're coming from... I just disagree, as I'm not in any way a competitive player, and I'd like to be able to enjoy any singleplayer content in my games. lol And it's been shown by MK9 and X that they can in fact make challenge modes that are actually fun to play... MKX living towers also had unblockable attacks that did like 30 percent, but at least they could hit both of you.

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.