2019-04-12 13:05:41


I just wanted to announce that I'm now releasing a Chrome Extension for automatic captcha solving.

You can download the extension here: http://www.screenreader.ai/download_captcha_solver.html

I'm a sighted machine learning researcher that recently have caught an eye on the field of web accessibility.

Websites are primarily designed to be interacted with visually which is hard to do if you have a visual impairment. Here I think there's big potential for AI to help and look at the web page visually and then give correct and helpful information to the visually impaired or blind user.

I'm also the creator of the newly created but fairly popular NVDA add-on, "Image Describer", can be found at NVDA add-ons list, (if you're interested in trying out): https://addons.nvda-project.org/index.en.html

I'm looking towards doing much more than this, please contact me or reply to this thread if you want to get help with something accessibility wise or have any kind of feedback.

2019-04-12 13:14:30

cool, wish firefox users could use this too.

2019-04-12 13:22:40

Yayayay finally. You’re the best. smile

2019-04-12 13:30:00

Although I am really grateful for that I would like to nicely inform you that this forum is for games. However moderators will probably move your thread and inform you.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2019-04-12 13:49:22

Thanks a lot for this cool extension! I've tried it and works!

2019-04-12 16:14:27

I have tried the addon just now, and It works perfectly! thanks for this usefull addon. You rescued me from lots of Issues smile

2019-04-12 16:22:08


You forgot to say four words:

"The Off Topic Roo."

That's where this thread will end up.
Also, mods  can "quietly" move a thread without fuss ya know, especially since folks have been "clamoring" for a free captchya extension for years!


Thanks for making this available!

I'll be spreading the word.

2019-04-12 16:37:51


2019-04-12 17:18:38

Great extension! I will try it now.
Thanks a lot!


2019-04-12 17:19:02


Thanks a lot for creating this, Very useful big_smile A+1 for this.

Greetz mike

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2019-04-12 18:07:08

Yeah, that's good. I checked and it is fast and accurate. Bloody avesome!

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2019-04-12 21:35:43

A big help, thank you very much!

2019-04-12 22:15:58

thank you, oliver! This is realy helpful.

2019-04-12 22:44:36

Lol captcha solver rendres captchas useless, I can see the headlines now. Nice work, I'll check it out.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-04-13 02:19:11

Fast and accurate. Wonderful. It helped a lot. Thanks for the great job.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2019-04-13 05:33:13

Wow this is awesome, and it works!

The only other captcha solution I knew for Chrome has now been discontinued, was commercial, and was generally not very efficient either, so thanks also for filling a well needed hole in the market.

One question, will I need to install this again when I run Chrome on another machine? or will it Sync with my chrome account the way other extensions do.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2019-04-13 05:38:29

I'm also wondering if this will be coming to Firefox soon, especially if it's as fast and accurate as people say. I'd love to be able to solve captchas without having to open up a legacy version just to use WebVisum.

2019-04-13 05:46:39

It worked, fast and accurate.
Thanks alot for this.

All the best,
Adel, Akbari.

2019-04-13 10:45:07 (edited by hadi.gsf 2019-04-13 10:47:33)

You are god.

I had a question about your OCR add on. as a PC gamer, I was wondering if there are any plans to  add features so that we could OCR the screen and get a navigatable text window similar to the built in OCR feature?
Sometimes i don't get good results with windows 10 OCR + NVDA, I feel like your add on would be more accurate recognizing game menus, UI items and such.
edit: as a side note, xbox gamers also use the windows 10 stream feature to OCR the console's screen.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-13 12:31:57

Can you please make it for microsoft edge also? Thanks so much

2019-04-13 17:02:31

You, sir, are awesome!
@mazan, no need to make it for edge since noone uses it, and ms are about to drop it anyway.

2019-04-13 17:03:35

mazen wrote:

Can you please make it for microsoft edge also? Thanks so much

Microsoft is redesigning edge on the chromium engine, Don't quote me on this but the chrome  extension might also work with the new edge that is about to be released this year.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-04-13 17:56:14

Thanks a lot for this! question. can this extention be used with Opera as well? I'm an opera user, and since Opera runs on the same chromium web engine, so...

2019-04-13 18:33:32

hadi.gsf wrote:

You are god.

I had a question about your OCR add on. as a PC gamer, I was wondering if there are any plans to  add features so that we could OCR the screen and get a navigatable text window similar to the built in OCR feature?
Sometimes i don't get good results with windows 10 OCR + NVDA, I feel like your add on would be more accurate recognizing game menus, UI items and such.
edit: as a side note, xbox gamers also use the windows 10 stream feature to OCR the console's screen.

Haha, thank you so much big_smile Regarding doing OCR + Computer Vision on the layouts this is definitely something I've thought about and I'm working towards. Please contact me at [email protected] if you'd like to discuss more, since I'm sighted it would be useful to get a more in depth understanding of the problems.

2019-04-13 20:46:40

Hi there. I've read that it can collect any data that:
triggered by JavaScript onchange, or onreset events:
triggered by (a) JavaScript onclick event:
triggered by a JavaScript onsubmit event.
Does this mean that it can collect and send you what we right inside the input boxes such as passwords, and it can track our web browsing?
May I know which part of the sourcecode handles this data collection please?

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