2019-03-25 07:36:36


What games outside of the emulators can I use my snes usb controller with/? I would love to use my snes controller with audio games.


2019-03-25 16:44:00

The trouble is if they use the stick for input then you're screwed. Other than that, there's no impediment I can think of that would be stopping you.

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2019-03-25 21:12:28

I use my snes controller with a few games, but most of them require joi to key or another program.
Sbp should work out of the box, just play around with the controlls
Joi to key is free though, my snes controller works as usual with the dpad actiing like the left stick insterad of the d pad and all the buttons configurable and even with multiple button asignments or things with alt and or shift etc...
I do the same with n64, nes, sega genosis, ps2, and my wireless xbox controllers, and with the xbox controller play things like tk, swamp, and other fps and live action games.
I prefer the snes for playing crazy party though, I typicly set up f r e and d as 3 of the a b x y buttons with enter, then the last that isn't on there goes to a bumper, left slash is v right slash is control i for battle info and right bumper is space for jumping in mini games.
Hope this answer your question.

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