2019-02-25 08:24:22

Throwing this to as many places as I know because I'm looking for help.

I have a Goalball tournament held in my city in two weeks, and people have been asking for a live feed. I had planned to use OBS, since most blind people are apparently using that, to stream the gym audio as well as commentary. My problem is I have no idea where to get started with OBS. Here is the scenario I have in mind:
Using Reaper, I'd create my audio setup with separate mic audio for either end of the gym, crowd ambiance, and a commentator. I'd then want to route my entire audio stream in Reaper to OBS, and select the camera as a video source. Anyone know if this is possible and if so, any tips on how to get this to work on the computer end or other tips for OBS in general? Streaming platform will likely be youtube.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-02-25 15:35:26

Well, I can't say I've ever used that streaming software, but it seems like you can simply grab virtual audio cable or vb audio cable, set it as your reaper output, set it as your OBS input, and just role from there. Sorry, I only have experience streaming goalball audio, never concerned myself with the visual aspect.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, how would one commentate a goalball game? Is every play and throw described? Or is it just the key things that get announced, such as penalties, subs, etc? Sorry to go off topic, but I'm generally curious, never having played on anything other than a state youth team.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-02-25 17:04:13

Virtual Audio Cable is an inaccessible mess as far as I've tried, but if you have tips or advice on using it, I'd appreciate it. And a commentated goalball game includes every play, throw, sub, timeout, penalty, etc. The commentator will usually sit up in the stands so they can speak at normal volumes, or speak quieter if the setup requires them to be on the ground.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-02-26 00:42:17

I never found virtual audio cable to be inaccessible at all. Here's what I do to use it.
1. Install the program. It comes with 1 line by default. Be careful when doing this, because you may lose audio. Virtual audio cable will set that line as the default playback device in windows, and because you haven't configured it in the control panel so that you can hear what that line is doing (see below steps) you won't have any audible output. If you need NVDA speech back, simply press ctrl NVDA s and hit enter. You should get speech back. If you're using another screenreader, like jaws, you may want to wait for another response for how to reset speech if you lose it.

2. Open the sound dialog in the control panel.
3. If you're in the playback tab, tab to the list of available devices. Make sure line 1, virtual audio cable, is there.
4. Once you find it, you can, if you want, tab to properties and see if it's at the right volume, but usually it's at 63, which is okay in most cases.
5. Shift tab to the tab control, then right arrow to record. Tab to the list of devices and again find line 1, virtual audio cable.
6. Tab again to properties, then shift tab to the tab control and right arrow to listen.
7. Tab to the check box where it is asking you if you want to listen to a device. Check it, then tab once more to the combo box in which you can choose the device you want the cable to hear. Select your speakers/headphones option or whatever the default is for your computer when you have headphones connected. Enabling the listening feature will allow you to hear the audio that is being transfered through line 1. If you don't need to hear it, simply skip this step.
8. Go to reaper and then to options, then to audio, then select your output device as line 1. Similarly, set the input of Obs to line 1.
Hopefully that helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
It seems like it would be pretty hard to announce a professional goalball game, what with how fast people throw and defend. That might take some practice LOL.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-02-27 11:18:20

Yeah... that's not what I would use VAC for. I get that. Setting audio device to VAC would mean not being able to use my audio interface to plug in mics and the like. What I really want to be able to do, although off-topic for this thread is to be able to figure out how to route different aps through virtual audio cable so I can multitrack with reaper.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-02-27 20:39:31

So for anyone else who is using the software... this may be more relevant. When streaming games, which are you using as your source to stream audiogames? I'd like to be able to use a mic from my audio interface, and would prefer to route the whole thing, game included, through reaper so I can control levels through the DAW, but if there's a more efficient way to do this I would appreciate the tip! I guess it basically comes down to the same question... how do I route the master track of Reaper to OBS? Or does noone actually do this...

Alternatively, is there an option to monitor the audio portion of the stream offline so I can test and experiment before going live?

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-02-27 20:49:06

What you could do is have all your mics, or your audio interface, listen to line one, thus all of the audio would already be going through the cable. If you set Virtual Audio Cable as an output though, it shouldn't be a problem in reaper, because your microphones are the input.
However, if you want to use VAC to route apps to reaper, keep in mind that the latency isn't too good. There's about a half a second to a second of transfer time between when whatever you're using to make sound plays and when the cable transfers it. Vb Audio cables, on the other hand, have nearly instant feedback. There's pretty much no delay at all. In either instance, you'd have to go set whatever line to your reaper input, and like I said, if you still need to route external audio to it, have the external listen to the cable, as described in post 4.
As far as sending other apps through a cable, simply set it as that app's output.
Is that at all helpful?

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-02-27 21:30:07

Have you ever used an audio interface before? Just curious. Interfaces have multiple inputs, and each of those would have to be sent through to virtual audio cable which can't be done through the windows sound pannel as that sound pannel doesn't support asio connections. Even if I enable listen on a VAC line, line 1 for example, nothing will come through it unless you can set the individual mic input to go through that VAC line which has to be done within the app itself.

And I'm not sure what you mean by having my interface listen to line 1... even if you do, that line would have nothing coming through it... and in order to record or stream, that line has to be assigned to an input on the interface. Unless I am missing something here. You also can't set individual output devices for Reaper, you can only choose an overall audio device and the output is handled on the hardware end. Post 4, step 8 is impossible if you're using an audio interface and if you choose line 1 audio as your device, you will not be able to use all the mic inputs on an audio interface because it's the wrong device. You only have access to all inputs and outputs on an audio interface if yu are using Asio or if the interface is class compliant, part of how stupidly windows handles audio.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-02-27 22:32:04

And if VG audio cable has less latency issues, I may give that program a spin instead. Thanks for the tip about it!

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-02-28 02:17:20

I have in fact used an audio interface before. The way it worked for me was I'd plug it in through USB, and then I would control each individual mic from the interface itself. But I could set the whole of the interface to listen to line 1, and it would then be put through there. Listening is kind of what plugging in means in windows. You don't have to assign line 1 to any input on an interface, or at least I never did. Have you tried doing this before with the latest virtual audio cable 415?
Sorry, I just can't seem to explain this right.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-02-28 09:05:18

It's ok, you're doing fine... I think I'm just not getting it, and I now there are experienced people here who I wish would chime in a little. lol My point is that in Reaper, I can't assign a track to receive input from the line 1 in virtual audio cable if I use my interface as an audio device, which I need to use in order to use the mic inputs. I'm just not sure how listening to VAC on the device will change that.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-02-28 17:00:17

I see what you're saying. But having your device listen to line 1  will take the devices audio and put it through the line, which you can then set to be going into reaper. You can put as many devices and apps through the same line as you want, so in theory, you could have your device listen to line 1, have another app output to line 1, and input line 1 into reaper. Does that make any sense? If you can sort of imagine this, virtual audio cable is just one big pipe. By having devices listen to line one, you are taking another pipe and joining it into the larger pipe that is line 1. By setting the audio output of an app to line 1, you're taking yet another pipe and putting it into the big virtual audio cable line. Then, when you set the input of an app to line 1, it's like you're telling that app to go get everything coming out the pipe and use it instead of what it was using.
And yeah, I know of a few audio files on this forum that should really speak up haha.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-03-01 18:42:19

I get the concept. But that kinda takes away the whole concept of multitracking in reaper, doesn't it? And again, I haven't founda way to set inputs for specific apps in VAC, not accessibly anyway. I mainly got confused because you said that I could send audio to the line by having my device listen to lin 1, which seems backwards... line 1 should be listening to the audio interface to get what's coming through it. But I'll play more with it...

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-03-01 23:07:31

Not exactly. You could still use reaper to get you're mics the way you want them, then use line 1 to send the audio somewhere else. But you could just as easily use the interface and have it listen to VAC. Yes, I understand completely. This whole backwards listening thing is pretty odd, and threw me for a couple of days when I first started using it. But yeah, the whole listening concept is another stupid way windows handles audio.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-03-02 01:55:49

No, you can't. If you set Reaper to use the audio interface as its audio device, the only outputs will be the ones from the device, unless you set Reaper to output through VAC through the VAC app itself. Unless there is something I'm missing.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-03-03 02:50:38

Ahh, you are correct. If you are using Asio, then you can't set the output as line 1. Sorry about that. But if you don't use that, then you can do it as normal. However, if you are using win10, than I think you can actually use the built-in sound manager in settings to route one app to another. If you'd like me to look more into that, I can.

That Guy. Serving those people since that time. To contact, use that info.

2019-03-03 16:55:52 (edited by austingrace 2019-03-03 18:51:20)

Hello. How did you guys install VB audio? I can't find the button with NVDA in the installer.
EDIT:  I did use JFW to install it but had to use jaws cursor. How did you all get past the installer with NVD?
Also what is the difference between this and virtual audio cable? From what I see, VAC costs more and it seems like it has unlimited cables and this one gives one for free and you get get another with donation.

2019-03-04 00:44:50 (edited by Orin 2019-03-04 00:50:31)

You can make audio input/output capture sources in OBS for whichever audio source and simply control levels of each through OBS.
Reaper isn't necessary. But, with your situation it might be handy. There's a whole OBS tutorial on youtube that goes extremely in-depth including how to set up a mixer/daw, but I'm sure it'll take more than two weeks to comprehend it all.
I'll try and find it and report back.

Edit: Here's the whole video, but there's also a playlist.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK-Mu7n … mp;t=9566s

2019-03-04 09:30:02

Can you multitrack in OBS? As in, take 6 mic inputs from an interface / mixer on separate streams, pan them, and treat them with eq, compression eq? The reason I chose the reaper solution is because I would already be familiar with the bulk of the work I need to do and would simply need a way to send Reaper out to OBS.

Discord: clemchowder633

2019-03-04 17:40:42

You can multitrack in OBS, but I'm not sure how accessible that is interface wise.

2019-03-04 19:47:01

i haved used obs for a bit.
did you know you can set up more than 1 input to be used at the same time?
and as for video, you will have to add that as a source, just tab from the controls to the left and next to the seens button, then press shift 10 and it should bring up some things about sources, there you can and take away sources.
have a nice day. if you want you can check out my obs studio guide here.
lol not sure how to use bb code, so had just put in the url.

Have a lovely day.

2019-03-05 22:16:31

So noone has ever tried routing a DAW with a full multitrack setup with effects into OBS? That's unfortunate... yes, I had an idea that one could multitrack in OBS, but am not quite sure how accessible adding compressers and eqs would be. Just figured there was someone else who had already tried a similar setup to what I'm suggesting in terms of routing a DAW to the software directly so there's o need to fiddle with possible accessibility issues in OBS.

Discord: clemchowder633