2019-02-22 12:34:26

So has anyone ever got miditext to run on win10? I used to get it to run on win7. I keep getting this error message and I'm not sure what it means.

The procedure entry point _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE4findEcj could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Users\seth\Downloads\Miditext500b\miditext.exe.

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2019-02-23 06:32:39

Actually, various people have the same problem. I'm using Windows 8.1 and I don't have that weird error. Maybe the event viewer can help you with more details...

PS: Apparently nobody uses this tool? I think I'm one of the few who do it.

Yamaha YM2608

SAY! - Sonic the Hedgehog CD (Dec 4, 1992 prototype)