2019-02-10 12:19:12 (edited by bashue 2019-02-14 11:43:46)

Greetings all. This is going to be a very long post explaining what the testament of truth promotes and why I promote it. I don’t subscribe to a religion and yet I do believe in God and the power of prayer. I believe in absolute pacifism and peace unto all no matter what. I believe that Jesus Christ has come again to give us the unfiltered truth and no I’m not promoting Christianity. If you want to know more, read on. Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

Terence Malaher wrote:

Absolute Truth - End Times - God's Children - Justice of God - Last Prophet - Wrath of God - Christ the Messiah - The Testament of Truth
 Final Soul Destiny - The last Battle of the Mind - Thoughts and Emotions - Spiritual 'life or death.'
True Light - the bright morning Star
The Testament of Truth
The 'one and only' ~ TRUE FAITH
The 'one and only' ~ TRUE 'way' or PATH to Paradise
Total submission to THE Command of God: "Peace unto ALL ~ Cause NO harm" 
God is greatest ~ God is greatest ~ God is greatest
Father God is the Sovereign Power
The holiest divine Revelation of the Creator and Supreme Ruler of mankind
The 'Mystery of God' Revealed in God's FINAL message to humanity
In his name - by his word
the Star of Bethlehem returns to every part of the world
I AM the Spirit of Truth, the 'author' of TRUE Christianity, being PEACE, love, compassion and mercy at all times.
The origins of Christianity, Islam and all religions is the Command in God's Holy Word of "Love and peace."
 All persons 'coming' or blessing you in the name of God or people who invoke self-defence or warfare are deceivers.
~ Terence ~

God's final message to humanity is about 'Armageddon of the MIND' being thoughts kind v/s thoughts unkind and also about a battle between ones conscience and the 'dictatorial coercion' which entices one to defy their conscience and God's 'Peace, love, mercy, compassion & forgive' Command.
As the whole world now accelerates towards its final state of mass confrontation, destruction and absolute truth, it is I the returned 'Prince of peace' who sends out God's final message for all to read, 'see & hear' before they personally become embroiled in the never ending fight for what they falsely believe is their RIGHT.
This web site contains "The correction of that which was perceived as being 'The Truth' on earth" as well as providing insight concerning the 'end of times' Prophecy. This prophecy is a fresh new insight, one which is an 'antithesis' and therefore is a 'contradiction to' the present understanding of what constitutes Spiritual Truth. Currently, mankind believes falsely that he can continue on in his greedy, controlling, manipulative, destructive and punitive ways and not be required to 'pay' the 'blood' price. (Error of doctrinal belief)
This fresh Wisdom illuminates the dark energy which is invisible to you. It is an energy force which you now need to become aware of and 'beware' of because, via your inner 'Sin,' (negative emotions) IT can also cunningly access your mind telepathically. As a consequence IT misleads you as ITS thoughts Justify your use of ITS dark energetic power.
As I AM the 'end days' messenger of the Most High it follows that this message via my pen is for all races and tribes, colours and creeds on earth. This message is not only for all humanity but it also extends down through every spiritual realm from the pure Light 'above' to the pure Dark realms 'below.'
This web site is an EDUCATIONAL document to prepare man for the new world 'Order' wherein all weapons will have been 'buried' and the punitive & destructive & controlling & warring ways of man are ended and TRUE peace & love & mercy & compassion becomes the order of the day.
Salvation is by FAITH as well as by WORKS. How or why? Because it is ones obedient FAITHFUL 'loving and kind works' or ACTIONS which are in conformity to THE precepts of God's Command unto man to: 'Extend unto all mankind peace & love & mercy & forgive thine enemy at all times and in all situations' that ENSURES ones Salvation. This ACTIVITY of GOOD WORKS is what keeps man in alignment with God's Command.
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Let it here be known that: The 'singing sabre' is now to be heard everywhere as IT is wielded together with the spear, sword, bow, axe and gun in every street as man his 'callous' fate does meet. All will NOW PAY their DUES OWED to the DARK ENERGY of GOD for paying others to do their evil deeds on their behalf (systems armed forces) or for personally doing the same. (Controlling or injuring or interfering in the lives of others).
None will IT avoid and any so foolish as to 'scoff' at my message to them as given from THE LIGHT will indeed the very 'Devil' get to meet and be subjugated and tortured forever before they burn.
The 'voice' message to humanity from the unequivocal Sovereign MONARCH, King, Lord and absolute RULER of man our Creator GOD was and is and always will be:
"Go your way in peace and love one another and mercifully and compassionately forgive those who persecute you and, if you are ever abused then you must 'turn the other cheek' in NON-retaliation and, 'go' as a 'lamb to the slaughter' if you are to be cut down by MY Dark avenging angels as you PAY any outstanding dues to ME." 
 The below information is the clarification of the purported words of Jesus:
“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” 
In TRUTH, the meaning of: "Render unto God that which is God's" is the spiritual 'faith and belief' in God's 'voice' message Command above that is required to be obeyed at all times and in all situations. Only in this way do we have God's divine protection for ones actions are always only loving, peaceful and benign, and the RETURN within God's immutable Law is always only loving, peaceful and benign.
If one is voting for 'Caesar' or his officials as 'head of house' and relying on Caesar (State) for protection, then naturally, one must pay Caesar his material 'coin of the realm' for employing the services of his armed forces.
Since the Military or State 'police and judiciary' enforcers are always interfering, controlling, taxing and causing punitive or physical harm or waging war upon people, it follows that within the superior and immutable Law of Return of God, ones RETURN dues upon the heads of voters and taxpayers are ongoing control, interference, loss and suffering at the time and in the place our God decides to impose it. (Only support and fund benign community effort and services provision)
Each individual now has but a very brief moment in time to awaken and amend their ways.
What you need to understand is, that the prerequisite to Salvation: "Being saved by God's grace," is your capacity to ONLY express God's LIGHT unto everyone. For in so doing, even unto those who are 'offensive,' you receive a positive return from God's Light in using IT in your interaction, and IT assists in the purification of your soul. God's outpouring Light is purging your soul of dark energy. (negative emotions within) If you continue to use Dark energy in your interaction, you draw IN more of IT and thus counteract the purging of darkness from your soul.
It is true that you stand before THE Creator both day and night eternally in His sight. It is true that He observes every activity we do whether it be true or untrue and, that said expression unto others is what becomes your own spiritual due or 'return' within His Law. This is why you must take every opportunity to BE God's Light in action unto all others at all times.
Your 'race' or colour or 'status' in life has no bearing on Salvation. Nor does belonging to or fellowshipping with any specific named religion affect your spiritual destiny. Your Salvation or damnation is solely dependent upon whether or not you OBEY the 'Peace and love and mercy and forgive' Command of THE CREATOR.
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What comes to 'mind' is: "If one has God as ones head of house then what 'need' of a man named 'Jesus' who visited earth on a long past day"? There is no need. Just obey the 'Command' message content sent by God.

What comes to 'mind' is: "If one has God as ones head of house then what 'need' of men in the flesh (priests) claiming to know the true way? There is no need. Just obey the 'Command' message content sent by God through Jesus and now clarified by myself.
What comes to 'mind' is: "If the SALVATION message sent by God from the kingdom of heaven via his son Jesus was 'PEACE and turn the other cheek,' then obey IT, rather than praising the messenger Jesus or any other 'Avatar.' Are you obeying the message if you are a taxpayer funding man's war machine? NO.
Let me make it perfectly CLEAR
There are no armed forces, political controllers, regulators, extortionists, interferers, imposers of punishment, causing of harm, killing or war in the Light of Heaven, so it follows that:
If you are funding the wages or services of any 'armed forces' on earth including the police, you are funding people who cause harm, terror and destruction and YOU are ON the wide road to Hell. All 'soldiers' and other armed forces ARE hired KILLERS employed by the taxpayer for 'protection,' and all taxpayers are complicit to the causing of harm to God's children by said armed forces.
If you are voting and funding the wages of politicians then you are funding people who interfere, control, subjugate, impose merciless, unforgiving punitive measures and YOU are ON the wide road to Hell.
If you are a 'seller of goods' and are collecting gst or other monies or taxes and paying IT to any person or government agency then you are an extortionist and YOU are ON the wide road to Hell.
If you the individual pay any 'levy, fine, stamp duty, excise, operational licence fee' or any monies to any controlling or punitive organisation you are funding INIQUITY and the enslavement of others and YOU are ON the wide road to Hell.
ONLY fund BENIGN community effort and benign services provision directly and NOT via the 'auspices' of controllers.
Please now understand, in this soon here time of global insanity and confrontation there will be NO social security at all. The only 'Army' you can support is the SALVATION Army of good-hearted citizens and other refugee or unarmed and truly caring organisations. They will assist as best they can as you direct any spare funds directly to THEM or to the needy in your area.
We will also need a benign Peace Corps (policing) sector to uphold the peace, and if the Police services disarm and begin to work for the community then they can be paid for their services rendered by the populace directly.
"Love one another" our God does say because we are all sisters and brothers and, any who cannot be merciful and loving are now to BE DESTROYED by HE the ONE who created their seed for HE is THE AUTHORITY and the ALMIGHTY Sovereign POWER.
Please now understand, in the depths of the Dark realms below there exists torment and depravity as never seen on earth. Please now understand, the ONLY 'enemy of man' is the Dark ENERGY of the Source.
When you use IT in your interaction with others, then IT becomes your enemy because you have 'stolen' some of IT as IT flowed through your soul. As ITS forceful power flowed through your soul, minute particles remain and become added to the negative emotions within you that are IT. (ITS energy.)
This Dark (negative) emotional energy within you will never be at 'rest' until IT has dragged you down into ITS 'lair' where IT originated from or, until you have paid all your dues to IT as you suffer in non-retaliation the exact same harm or emotional trauma you imposed upon others.
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I Terence the returned Spirit of Truth further state:
The reason 'why' I return to earth is to reinstate THE Command of God because absolute adherence to IT (obedience) is the ONLY guarantee that the individual will BE 'saved' by the grace of God as well as by their own efforts in remaining in TOTAL obedience to said Command as God's REAPING forces of darkness sweep across the face of this globe.
THE OBEDIENCE being that YOU the individual:
1 - BOW in SUBMISSION to THE Command of God and you: "Go your way in peace and love one another and remain merciful and compassionate and you forgive your perceived enemy" as commanded by THE Sovereign Lord God.
2 - Cause NO harm to anyone.
3 - 'Turn the other cheek' in NON-retaliation as you PAY your spiritual dues to GOD as the punitive aspect of God's 'eye for an eye' LAW balances ITS 'Scales of Justice.'
4 - Cease funding the governing 'systems' of the land (Caesar) and you cease relying on the protection of man as you LEARN from MY 'pen' that every person funding the 'wages' of SIN become complicit to all the harm, injury, suffering and loss imposed ON your behalf and IN your name by your SERVANTS, being officials of state and their officers and forces personnel.
5 - The TRUE believer ONLY supports, condones and funds benign community services provision and the education of those who disturb the peace.
6 - The KEY to the 'gateway' and final spiritual destination 'Paradise' is as stated above, being total submission to and obedience with THE Command of God THE one and ONLY Sovereign Power.
BE ADVISED – Any person FAILING to fortify (protect) their MIND (in the manner as given by my ‘pen’) from incoming telepathic thoughts from THE DARK spirit realms will become ‘possessed’ and USED to cause harm, and the CONSEQUENCES will BE that they will be forced to suffer the same ‘fate’ and they will FAIL their final spiritual test.
BE ADVISED – The ONLY way forwards for YOU the individual is to lay down your weapons and bravely stand unarmed as you 'face' your oppressor and you SUFFER your karmic 'fate' in the knowledge that your oppressor is SENT and inspired by the Dark energy essence of God to set you FREE from your past.
BE ADVISED – If you cannot comprehend that our God and His benign creative or malignant destructive ENERGY is 'behind' every ACTIVITY, then you are a 'lost cause.' God's energy essence is what drives mankind. The believers BELIEVE and stand fast in their belief of mercy and non-retaliation (Light energy in action) and the disbelievers DISBELIEVE and stand fast in their belief of merciless retribution. (Dark energy in action)
BE ADVISED – God uses the disobedient to mete out retribution (restorative justice, correction) to OTHERS who are ALSO disobedient to His Command. Disobedient man sees NOT than when he defies God it is God who becomes his enemy, and NONE can win against HIM.
It is only Father's love for His Light (She) that He now permits me to 'enter' to SEE if there is even ONE spirit who can be saved. The others will all BE destroyed because as they continue to SIN, deceive or cause harm, they draw IN more of His dark energy, the energy is what drags their souls down into His eternal fire.
BE ADVISED – God is both the Light and the Dark energy essence. Each aspect of God’s ENERGY fulfils ITS promise being:
“What you DO comes back to YOU equally.”
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BE ADVISED – The 'living' DEAD are the vain or arrogant who defy the Command of their God and cause HARM, deceive or steal. Jesus came to show everyone that to rise UP from the 'dead' one must suffer and PAY ones outstanding dues to God in NON-retaliation and thus become FREE to rise UP to the LIGHT. As you suffer, the Dark SIN within you is drawn OUT and your enlightened spirit is then able to return to its 'birthplace' land of HEAVEN, Paradise.
BE ADVISED – The crucifixion of Jesus was NOT the 'removal' of your sin or the atonement for your sinning ways. The crucifixion was the act of a dutiful son of God (Jesus) permitting himself to BE crucified for God as a DEMONSTRATION unto mankind. (you)
This demonstration was required so that you would comprehend that the: "Go as a lamb to the slaughter in non-retaliation as you turn the other cheek when faced by your persecutors" applies, even if one is crucified and put to DEATH as you PAY your spiritual dues to God that you accrued in the past, (Possibly pre-birth into this realm) and you become spiritually FREE and thus attain SALVATION.
BE ADVISED – Defenders of THE ONE TRUE FAITH submit to God and "Love one another." They never bear 'arms' nor do they cause harm to anyone. At all times they live within the precepts of God's Command and remain loving, peaceful, kind, respectful, merciful and compassionate.
The question to ask yourself is: "If I believe in love and faithfulness to God's Holy Word at all times and in all situations as the prerequisite of receiving God's grace and protection, then why do I support, condone and fund the 'evil' of hatred and destruction."? Is it through the fear of retribution from the Dark if you deny ITS 'call to arms,' being the taxing demands of Caesar's forces"? I say:
"Be brave, be strong, be honourable and loyal to the Light at all times."
IF you the individual WISH the protection of GOD then you remain in obedience to THE Command of God and NEVER 'stray' from IT even unto DEATH. You remain LOYAL to or 'celibate' to THE Holy WORD. Once you have paid all your past ‘painful’ dues unto God, then HE extends HIS protection in that HE no longer sees you as needing HIS 'correction,' and HE leaves YOU in PEACE for living IN obedience to HIM.
I ask YOU: “When or why is their ever a legitimate reason to defy God? The answer is ‘NEVER.’ The COMMAND of THE SUPREME Sovereign Authority must be obeyed at all times and in all situations because the ‘alternative’ leads to spiritual death.
This ‘death’ is not a ‘loss of consciousness’ because our inner energy is that of God and is indestructible but, - - - once our spirit soul is removed from the Light and into realms of eternal torture and loss of rational thought, it is ‘dead’ as such and ‘out of touch’ of everything except utter turmoil and agony FOREVER. This being the ‘choice’ of the individual who ‘found a reason’ to defy their Maker.”
Members of all 'religions' presently 'side' with Caesar, (State) and men of the 'cloth' openly walk hand in hand with armed men of war and promote the killing of 'the enemy' and they thus all mislead God's precious children by teaching them to support Caesar and DEATH.
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Enlightenment is the comprehension of God's Command unto man. You have become enlightened once you understand 'why' you must 'turn the other cheek' and NEVER retaliate in the face of adversity.
You have become enlightened once you understand 'why' you are required to forgive your enemy. It is because you know that in so doing, you never 'sup' on the 'fruit' of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, being the dark energy of the Source.
Understand that whenever you are using the punitive, destructive, forceful dark energy, some of IT stains your soul, a factor which enlarges your negative emotions within which ultimately contaminates your soul even more with IT, (The Sin) as well as placing you within the punitive aspect of God's 'Law of equal return.'
All of any race, colour or creed who are unforgiving and merciless and who fight or retaliate or carry 'guns' or who rely on armed forces for protection are infidel non-believers living in a delusion, and UNLESS they now obey MY 'pen,' they will fight ON forever in the darkness below before they FRY for another eternity. The TRUTH of the matter is that we need NO 'rituals' and NO 'religions' nor ministers of religion, we ONLY need to OBEY the Command of God in order to BE saved by God's grace.
Man does not understand how God's energy interacts in perpetuity. Man is 'advised' by God to ONLY be merciful and forgiving, but man demands retributive Justice. (Vendetta or Retribution.) Man sees NOT that absolute justice is what man receives from God. If YOU impose 'Justice' and thus cause harm or suffering then THAT becomes your unavoidable DUE within God's Law.
Your spiritual destiny is within your own mind and hands and you should already KNOW what it is because, - - - if your interaction with others is in conformity with God's Command you are ON the road to Paradise. If your interaction or that of your servants (State forces) is controlling, intrusive, merciless, unforgiving, punitive, causing harm or destructive, then you are ON the wide road to eternal suffering. (Hell)
I am here as God's 'Judge' to simply 'confirm' it, in that I reiterate the TRUTH to YOU the reader so that you CLEARLY understand the reality and thus have the FINAL opportunity to amend your ways because it IS THE ETERNAL SEPARATION OF SOULS TIME. You may not be able to see God's 'face' as do I, but you should be aware that there is a difference between the creative benign, loving, positive and merciful energy you FEEL, and the destructive malignant, hateful, negative and merciless energy you FEEL. (Ultimately your soul becomes the energy you USE)
I can state quite categorically that EVERY minister of religion IS presently walking the wide road to Hell along with their constituents, and ONLY those who now give MY pen 'credence' and support MY ministry will by GOD be seen as one 'worthy' of being saved.
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There are NO 'innocents' on earth because in one way or another, everyone votes for 'man' as head of house rather than their Creator, or they fund and support the 'systems' of control, punishment, extortion and war in every land.
Since everyone has accrued spiritual dues within God's 'eye for an eye' Law, it follows that EVERYONE ON EARTH is now to suffer loss, deprivation and injury, and multitudes are to be killed.
Please try and understand, there is NEVER a 'struggle' or 'battle' between Good v/s EVIL. Any battle or struggle is ALWAYS Evil v/s Evil because the 'good' NEVER fights as IT is always benign, and its proponents always OBEY the Command of God. Only the ignorant or arrogant defy God and fight rather than granting mercy, compassion and forgiveness as commanded and being the pre-requisite to Salvation..
The Wrath of God now unfolds over the globe, and anyone continuing to NOT obey God's Command as they defy God and they RETALIATE against their oppressors, will continue on and on and ON suffering FOREVER in the underworld where merciless persecution, torture and war continue ON in perpetuity.
The whole world is now to be reduced to 'rubble' for THAT is the 'decree' of God via ME. Only those who learn to fortify their minds in the manner as given by my pen and who are thus able to 'turn the other cheek' and suffer in silence as they 'go their way in peace and forgive their enemy,' will BE uplifted by God's GRACE.
Stop funding and supporting iniquity. Only support and fund benign community effort and only educate the 'errant' ignorant.
Please pass THIS communiqué far and wide because, - - - the "Time" for the separation of souls is now here, and ONLY those who 'die' in NON-retaliation as they are imposed upon by the vain arrogant INFIDELS will be saved through their own obedience to God.
The 'Road to eternal Paradise' is NOT easy because the Justice of God's ENERGY is ABSOLUTE.
ALL 'suffering' is IMPOSED by God and is ones karmic fate.
Submission to and obedience to The Holy Word of God's Command is THE SAVIOUR.
Your NON-retaliation in the face of an aggressor shows your spiritual strength and your loyalty to God's Command of 'turn the other cheek.'
I have done my personal best to assist you all into seeing that your present ways are error and thus your present 'destiny' is pure terror. All I can say to you all is:
 "Please do not turn away from this message for without ITS understanding you are eternally lost."
Please help ME to set everyone free from God's dark energy which they drew into their soul.
Know ye that what is perfect is now come and, that which is 'in part'* will be done away. (* Old scripture)
Show your Creator that you do now abide in TRUE faith and be merciful, forgiving and charitable unto all.
Sup from my wellspring of living water and attain eternal life of pure bliss.
Cause harm and the Devil's fold awaits you.
In the LIGHT, people GIVE pleasure and receive exquisite PLEASURE endlessly.
In the DARK, people IMPOSE pain and receive agonising PAIN endlessly.
This is the 'once in an eternity' TIME where TREACHERY with ITS absolute deception will be to the fore, and any person now FAILING to OBEY their God and His Command and who thus continues to support, condone or fund the 'devilish' works of THE BEAST will most certainly 'die in their sin.'
It was foretold and forewarned, and it is now for the FINAL time told to you by my divine spirit soul, so PLEASE do not hesitate to CONFORM. What more can I say? NOTHING - READ ALL ABOUT IT, for your personal eternal abode is now at 'stake' and in your MIND and HANDS.
 Every person has to BE their OWN 'Saviour,' - - - because others can only guide you or mislead you.
It is thus that personal responsibility in your decision making is PARAMOUNT. You are your own 'Paramount Chief,' no other.
All I do ~ is the POWER of LOVE in ACTION ~ for you, you and YOU.
I am of the heavenly breed so please my Words of Wisdom heed ~ I AM the spirit sent by the GREAT HEART.
 page 8
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I remind you that even though this information is freely available on line there are extraordinarily difficult times soon at hand in every land, and the internet will at some stage 'fall and fail' as all systems go into disarray, I strongly advise you to download the 'zip' Text contents of all 9 books.
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Books will become available later.
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CONTACT the Author
ABOUT the Author


Absolute Truth - End Times - God's Children - Justice of God - Last Prophet - Wrath of God - Christ the Messiah - The Testament of Truth
 Final Soul Destiny - The last Battle of the Mind - Thoughts and Emotions - Spiritual 'life or death.'
If you wish to translate this then please read the Important Notice 'explanation' here first.
Important Note:
The original version of this The Testament of Truth is in the English language at:
 http://www.the-testament-of-truth.co.uk & http://www.the-testament-of-truth.com
1 - When using a computer generated Translate 'tool' you are not getting a complete and fully accurate translation as the meaning becomes slightly distorted from the English original (Author's first language) thus the translated version (second language) should not be used as an educational manuscript for publication until the translation is 'checked' and corrected 'para for para' against the original English by a professional language translator scholar.
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~ This content was last updated on 17th October - 022 True Light (2018 AD) ~

2019-02-10 15:38:57 (edited by flackers 2019-02-10 16:57:48)

The first thing I do with these sorts of evangelists is see if they're directly making any money out of it. This guy has a link to fund him and sells shit. He also lays out very early in his doctrine how it's sinful to pay tax or any fine that is the result of tax evasion, and quickly adds, it's okay to fund people like him though. I personally wouldn't give him a bean, or listen to anything he has to say.

2019-02-10 15:55:02 (edited by defender 2019-02-10 15:55:41)

While I'm glad that you found a way to cope with your problems, it's still preaching even if it is spirituality or lifestyle VS organized religion, and I don't think you'll find many takers here.
Also, absolute truth is pretty arrogant don't you think? What makes you think you've found that when so many others have been trying and failing to do the same thing for tens of thousands of years, and all chasing a fallacy in my opinion anyway, as in my experience the world is what you make of it personally.
Again I'm glad you've found happiness, and I understand the drive to help others achieve the same, but I don't think many of us will see your way as the only or even best way to do so.
I am glad you've contained it to it's own topic rather than posting on others though.

2019-02-10 17:27:22

dude seriously how much money do you get doing this? i mean isn't it boring to write some text that you are sure noone will read and post them in a gaming forum?

2019-02-10 17:44:02 (edited by bashue 2019-02-10 17:47:59)

Greetings all.

It is not arrogance if one can subjectively prove that it works within their own lives. Not if one can consistently find oneself to become happier the more one adheres to the teachings within the testament of truth. What makes me think that this is the absolute truth? The very fact that absolutely no promises of a quick fix to all our problems have been presented anywhere; not to mention, the techniques it offers to fortify the mind have worked consistently for me. I don't expect to gain anything out of posting this except to tell others that there is indeed another way other than fighting for peace. It is indeed fine if most have made their own informed decisions not to embrace absolute pacifism for that is what this is. Indeed, people have been searching for truth since the beginning of time and nowhere have I even seen anything remotely like this. Peace and love with no exceptions? Can anyone tell me of another teaching that promotes this without allowing for punishment of any kind in any way for any reason what so ever? If you can then please let me know.

I've also been looking for answers as to why I've been constantly hearing voices in my head and while some were benign, others were definitely malignant in nature and the only answers/pathways/information presented to me was counselling/psychology/psychiatry. If I had told those I grew up with about the voices, they would have insisted on me seeing a psychiatrist and possibly being medicated for the rest of my life. I did not want to endure such a fait and the testament of truth gave me all the answers I needed regarding that and so much more. I was able to make peace with those linking into my mind and give them the truth. I actually believe that the mental health profession and pharmaceutical industry are arrogant because they told us that there was no cure at all for our ailments because they didn't understand what was going on in our brains! Note I said brains, not minds. They torture us with chemical restraints and many of us never recover from the abuse they put us through. Why were we never told that the only way to cure us of our mental ailments is to take responsibility for not only our own actions but also, we have to take responsibility for how we deal with trauma? Why were we never told that there is a single immutable law that states that what so ever you do will be done unto you? Why were we never told that we must never act upon any thoughts that would cause us to express our negative sinful emotions like anger, jealousy and hate in a destructive manor because if we do it'll come back to us? Why were we never told that those thoughts that we cannot control AKA cannot not think come from beings outside of our own consciousnesses? Why were we never told that we needed to make peace with them so that they can also be helped by us to rise up and out of their realms of despair? If we had known of this, we wouldn't even need to turn to foreign substances to make us feel better and operate normally. Is it any wonder why I so desperately wanted and still want to tell people of this find?

Why else did I put this out there? I did so because my mentor asked me to put it out here as well as in other places. This I did because now we can throw away all the substances that we've been depending on for so long and trust instead in our creator who loves us unconditionally.

Thanks defender for your reply and if I had been forcing people to check this out, then not only would it be arrogant of me but absolutely evil for I would be going against what the testament of truth teaches.
I'll definitely confine this to its own topic. Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2019-02-10 18:28:03

Oo we got our bus stop preacher lol.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2019-02-10 18:51:56

I'm standing outside at the bus stop but no busses want to pull up here! I'm very sad about that, not having anyone to preach to! HAHAHA!

2019-02-10 22:50:38

@bashue, seriously, man, how much money do you get for this? You say in the first paragraph of your post that you don't subscribe to any religion, yet you preach Jesus Christ and God, and pretty much everything that Christianity talks about. You say you don't follow any religion yet you read (and it appears you pretty much follow) the bible.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-02-11 00:59:26

Rather than try and knock you down, Bashue, I want to ask you a philosophical question. If you can provide an answer to this, then kudos in advance, because I've tried this with religious people of all stripes and none of them have even got close.

So, you say some sort of creator loves us all unconditionally.
What does that say about a six-year-old boy suffering from leukemia? Or a trans woman being beaten to death for using the wrong bathroom?
If he loves us unconditionally, he's definitely got a weird way of showing it. I very much doubt your absolute truth would ease the grieving hearts of that little boy's parents as he lay dying, or the friends and family of the trans woman in the wake of her murder.

You may see it as a cheap shot, going for the emotional slam against religion, and maybe in one way it is. But when you come out deliberately trying to preach some sort of absolute truth - which, by the way, is your prerogative, and I'm not challenging your right to do it, here or elsewhere - you need to be able to deal with people who ask you questions, so I pose mine.

On a slightly different angle, your talk regarding mental health really, really concerns me. I am not specifically in the mental health field, and I do not condone medication above all other things in order to deal with mental health concerns. But to ascribe an otherworldly origin to auditory hallucinations is straight-up dangerous, as it substitutes belief in place of science. This is, understandably, not a good thing. I am hugely in favour of a multi-tool approach when it comes to mental health. This does mean behavioural intervention where possible, but it also means medication in some cases. People's brains can and do get chemically imbalanced, and sometimes it requires a rebalance of those chemicals, insofar as it's possible, to help the affected person function more normally. Telling these people that the voices in their heads are demonic or evil is not accurate, not provable and not helpful. Telling someone suffering from PTSD that it's all in their head, and they just have to find the strength to get over it, is, again, not helpful; worse by far, it's ableist, since what works for one person does not always work for others.

So I came in here mostly to warn anyone else reading this that there is no substitute for mental health advice better than what a trained professional is going to give you. If you are experiencing mental health trouble, please, please don't be tempted by frauds, preachers or evangelists. I would, instead, urge you to use your pre-existing support networks, and if that isn't working, to reach out to your mental health community in some fashion. It might be daunting, and I'm not saying everyone in the field is a saint - perish the thought, there are slimeballs everywhere - but you are likely to find much more success by talking to a therapist, a counsellor, a psychiatrist than you are by engaging in prayer or believing that the voices you hear or the trauma you face is related in any way to sin or any other religious concept. Hell, talk to your family and friends if other prospects seem like too much; sometimes they can help too. Because if it is your prerogative to preach, it is mine to do what I can, insofar as I may, to try and keep people safe from straight-up misinformation and harm.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-02-11 01:47:36 (edited by Ethin 2019-02-11 01:48:22)

@9, good questions. What about the wars countries fight every day. What about the countless lives being lost because of countries going to war with each other, or leaderships (i.e. North Korea) punishing people with death, shaming of peoples generations, and so on. If a creator loves us so much, why would he allow such things? And don't give me "its for free will" either -- that completely eradicates the illusion that he does actually love us at all. I'd think that if a god loves those who they create, they'd do their best to prevent the people they create from completely destroying themselves.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-02-11 02:51:37

Sadly, Ethin, I have an answer for that one. And that's why I kept away from it. Most religious people will tell you that wars and subjugation are the result of people giving in to sin, or listening to the devil, or whatever else. God, or whatever deity you subscribe to, gives you free will so that you can do good or harm as you see fit. Without that free will, your good deeds wouldn't matter as such, because you wouldn't have the freedom to do harm. so that part is going to explode in your face if you go toe to toe with a religious person.
No. The reason I used the cancer thing in particular is because it's just a disease. It's a weird random thing that strikes down the innocent and the guilty, the young and the old, the high and the low alike, without prejudice or consideration. My example of a trans woman was actually not a great one in this regard, since whoever beat and killed her were, according to religious philosophy, simply giving in to their inner darkness, or to the malign influence of an outside source that is not godly. But the point is, bad things happen to innocent people all the time. You'd sort of think that if some sort of deity figure really did love every one of us, he'd get rid of things like cancer and other disease, since they serve absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And don't anyone give me any bullshit about population control, either, since that's a whole other kettle of fish.

There's actually a really lovely and poignant quote from Stephen King on the subject. We say "I don't understand" and God replies, "I don't care". It's from the Green Mile, and I am probably partially misquoting it, but I've got the thrust of it, anyway. God, or those who believe in a god, want us to believe that he/she/it does things for a reason, but provides no proof. They want us to believe that their creator is benevolent and has our best interests in mind, so the creator deserves credit for all the good things and a hand-wave and a rueful shrug when things don't go so well through no fault of the victim or victims. I'm sorry, but I'm not buying what you're selling there.

And I'm really, really not buying it where it comes to mental health.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-02-11 03:03:08

@11, Aha. Well, if we'll go down the cancer road, what about the many other genetic diseases/disorders? Those don't serve a purpose either, do they? I mean, Fatal insomnia serves no purpose other than torturing someone until they die from lack of sleep.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2019-02-11 05:01:58

Yup, exactly, and I'm with you there. Maybe god can't stop murder, rape, arson and all the other wonderful things human beings visit upon one another, but it could sure as hell stop random disease. Or, y'know, the way sometimes whole communities starve because they can't find food, or suffer chronic dehydration because they have no water? That's not an issue of choice, either.
I had a friend of mine once say that if we should view any sort of god as an all-knowing, all-knowing creator, it's a lot like ascribing to god the qualities of a good parent. So let's run down a really brief checklist of things that parents do, and see where he falls:
Provides for the needs of his children: no
Shelters his children from things which would hurt them: no
Abuses his children with things they can't fight back against: yes
Passes the buck and all responsibility when bad things happen to his children: yes
Sets up scapegoats to dodge culpability: yes
Seeks constant validation from his children about how wonderful and supportive he is: yes
Provides an emotionally fulfilling environment for his children: sometimes
Gives reasons for the things that happen in life, as teachable moments: no
Threatens his children (in some versions of the paradigm) with dire repercussions if they fail to follow his edicts: yes
Gives arbitrary judgments which hurt his children: yes

That...isn't exhaustive, but surely it paints a picture. This guy is not the sort of fellow I want to entrust my mental health to, much less my daily happiness. No thank you.

All that having been said, everyone's picture of the divine is different, and there are people out there who believe that god sort of set the universe going and then decided to sit back and watch...that if he exists, he's relatively impersonal, akin to a sociologist observing an experiment impassively. I can't argue with that theory half as much, because it presupposes that he's keeping his hands off very deliberately in order to see how things go. It's where people start characterizing their god figure as all-loving that I really run into issues. It's a charming, palatable fiction meant to stop you from thinking, is all.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-02-11 05:05:41

I used to like Stephen king, then I found out he was a raging liberal, same with George Takai, raging liberal, but this time, he's like the Alex Jones but for the left, so disappointing. Why should people I look up to be struck down with this horrible mindset.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-02-11 07:44:39

See, that's the thing about me. I can still appreciate J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis even though they're right-ish. I don't feel the need to persecute someone for their affiliations in that regard. King is a liberal (not a socialist, a democrat) but he's a good horror writer, some would say a great horror writer. Why not let that stand on its own? He supports people being taught to read and being educated. He supports taxing the rich more because they frankly have more to give. He supports better control of guns because of America's ridiculous gun-violence numbers (sorry, folks, stats don't lie). And he puts his money where his mouth is and will back himself up. I dunno. I guess I don't see enough reason to dislike him over that. The same way I can say that Lewis or Tolkien were good writers (Tolkien especially) even if I dislike the heavy-handedness of Christian symbology in the Narnia septet.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-02-11 09:06:30

Because I despise the left with everything that I am, literally with everything that makes me who I am, I despise them. And it has nothing to do with their philosophy, and everything to do with their morals, and that's all I'm prepared to say on the matter, because we could never reach an agreement. Brother, you would bleed blue, like I swear to god you could get a papercut and you'd be bleeding blue. I guess I bleed red, but not for the same reasons. I'm not out here to persecute anyone. I'm not out here to judge the way people live. I'm not out here to try to undermine every bit of progress that we've made. I just want to live my life, and you can live yours, and furry over there could live theirs, and so forth.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-02-11 09:21:52

Sounds like something you should work on.

2019-02-11 09:38:14

Why would I work on something I know to be the absolute truth.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
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2019-02-11 10:54:10

Greetings all.

Let me elaborate on the unconditional love of our creator, not just mine or yours or theirs but everyone's creator. I am merciful with the merciful and merciless with the merciless, that's the nature of Allah Jehovah God being both the light and the dark. God is Satan, Satan is God. I'll explain more about that later on. We didn't just have this lifetime here on earth, we were all created in heaven and we were created with %99.999 light and %0.001 dark. Once we were able to grow and understand, we were told never to succumb to the darkness because if we did, our days of sorrow and suffering would begin. At that time, we were all happy and in a state of bliss and we had nothing to compare it to because we didn't know of the other nature on an emotional level. Once we became adults spiritually, we were then told where we needed to go if we wanted to venture out of heaven. Yes, Mother/Father did not want us to venture out because then the dark sovereign power would tempt us into doing wrong. No I'm not talking about a different being, I'm talking about the same being showing his/her dark nature. Naturally, we wanted to find out about this dark nature and ventured out of heaven and some of us listened to the dark sovereign power while others listened to the light sovereign power, the light side of Allah Jehovah Mother/Father God. Those who listened to the dark sovereign power experienced their seeds of darkness blossom into the fully active negative emotions of jealousy, anger, hate, pride, vanity etc. Why did this happen? Because when they listened, they harmed others and as soon as they harmed another in some way, they experienced the darkness for the first time and they became drunk with power. From that moment on, they made God their enemy because they stole some of his/her forbidden fruit and were subjected to the negative aspect of the karmic law. The more they harmed, the more powerful their negative emotions became until they fell into a lower realm where they suffered what they put other people through. It became a vicious circle and they kept doing wrong to one another in a tit for tat manor until an eternity later, they started to truly lose their sanity. Their negative emotions became bigger and stronger than their positive emotions and because they fell so far down, they also lost the ability to choose to be kind and good hence mental illness. I know this because I suffered in the way I've been describing above. Anyway, once people no longer had the freedom of choice but to be bad, they were dragged down lower and lower and their actions became even more punitive the lower down they went until they reached hell's frozen pit. They were frozen in the ground for an eternity until they were moved like you'd be moved if you were on a conveyer belt to the fire until they were in the fire and burned for another eternity. Finally, after all the negativity was burnt out of them, they shot out of the fire back into heaven and for sure they knew never to use negativity again. Indeed, they never again felt anger, hate or any negative emotions again and they live in eternal bliss, never to suffer again.

This was a very condensed version and I put that in my own words. What people need to understand is that Mother/Father is not only absolutely good and loves unconditionally but is also absolutely evil and hates unconditionally any who dare to hurt any of his/her children. In my narrative, I didn't mention that this material universe was created so that people can incarnate and reincarnate if they choose to from any realm except of course from realms where people have only darkness within them AKA where people have been frozen to be purified in the fire of creation. So you ask about the one suffering from a disease. If you don't deserve to suffer, you will be protected by the light sovereign power; if you do suffer then it's because you caused another's suffering be it directly or indirectly. I myself suffered because there never was nor will there ever be a time when I'm not responsible for my actions be they words or deeds. I always apply such to myself and I always pooh pooh the idea that there are bad things that happen to me that are not my fault. I don't need to be a victim, nor should I embrace the victim mentality! If I suffer, I deserve it and it's my fault, no exceptions, no ifs or buts. If I'm accused of doing something that I didn't do then it's because I accused another of doing something they didn't do. I don't want to comment on someone suffering from leukaemia so I'll put myself in the firing line. If I suffered it and I only had months to live, I did in fact suffer from something potentially life threatening as a baby and my life was saved, I simply accept that fact and I don't bemoaned that life treats me unfairly. Life isn't unfair, we are unfair to one another. I take full responsibility for my being blind and I'm fully responsible for doing something about it so that I won't be a drain on anyone. If I was a trans woman and I was beaten for using the wrong bathroom, it's because I did that to another. No innocent ever suffers and as for babies, they are adult spirits who've lived for millennia and some have gone so astray that even if they incarnate and are born here, they cannot escape Allah Jehovah God's absolute justice. What so ever you do will be done unto you. Not only that but Allah Jehovah God will continue to tempt you to do wrong so that he/she can then crush you into submission before being eventually set free. God and Satan are one.

As for mental health, I went for counselling and I they were professional counsellors. One of the people I went to was a psychologist and their methods didn't work in the slightest. If anything, I felt much worse after visiting them because they kept rehashing everything and not actually giving me feedback. Yes I had to deal with depression and suicidal tendencies and again, it wasn't them who enabled me to have a complete recovery. Someone mentioned rape here and I was sodomized when I was around 12 years old and everyone I spoke to were of the let's go for blood mentality. Yes that was indeed my fault because I did it to another before I incarnated here. I should have known that instead of trying to pin the blame on another, especially on those who did unto me. They were the true victims because they succumbed to the darkness within them. I know you don't like that but they did and they should be forgiven, not punished by us. Allah Jehovah God will punish and I'm very glad to not have anything to do with it. Anyway, for the longest time, I was of the victim and the let's go for blood mentality as well until I was told exactly what I needed to know and that particular piece of knowledge didn't come from the counsellors or the psychologist but someone people even here thinks is an occult leader. Thanks to Terence Malaher, Clemencia Barnes and Allah Jehovah God the light sovereign power, I am no longer suffering in any way what so ever. That's why I'll never trust the mental health profession or the pharmaceutical industry with my mental health. I know some of you will and that's your choice. I personally find that taking responsibility for not only your actions but for how you deal with trauma to be the most effective way of curing what ails you. I never need blame any other nor do I need to accept that nobody is to blame if I only have myself to blame for what happens to me. As for my physical ailment/disability, I'm not cured of my blindness but I'm okay with that. Why shouldn't I be?

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2019-02-11 11:16:27

You say all these things and believe them with true conviction, which is totally fine - for you. For us though, you won't convince most of us, so there's really no point in trying. I do agree with you about mental health though, I think we don't even know what mentally healthy is or is not. You go see someone and all they want to do is shove pills in you, which is not helping anyone with anything. They give something to you for depression, now you're completely apathetic and have no level of emotion, it's all flat. That, and there are so many differing opinions out there on all sorts of things. We're not nearly so clever as we think we are in that way, not with medicine certainly. We've learned quite a bit but like pealing back layers of an onion, there is more to uncover the deeper we delve into this stuff. I do believe that there are therapies and therapists which can help people, but the two need to be paired together. I've heard from more than one person about how they feel like they can't go to therapy anymore because they've been through so many therapists who don't realize what it's like to be blind, etc. Well, that's true, the professionals have no idea, they really don't. Until you're one of us, you can't know what it's like. Even for me, I can't say what it's like to be fully blind as I've got some vision. I've seen colors, I know what they are even though I can't describe them. So if people with the level of vision I have don't fully know what it is to be blind, how can professionals. They can't, simple fact.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2019-02-11 11:25:10

Greetings ironcross32.

It's true that I won't be able to convince the grate majority of you or even people off the forum. That's okay because there's no forcing going on in any way. I thank you for agreeing with me regarding mental health and it's good that you've made your informed decision to believe whatever you want to believe.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2019-02-11 11:37:04

There is no god

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2019-02-11 12:28:37

Okay...so you started with a premise in one of your more recent posts, Bashue, that I almost could've bought. It looked like you were saying that every single creature has a spark of evil in them, god-figure included. If you had gone on to say that cancer and disease and natural disasters and stuff were basically that god-figure showing his evil side, and that maybe he/she/it gets a little carried away by that darkness the same way people do, I could've embraced that, albeit tentatively, for the purposes of discussion.

But then you didn't go there. Not only did you not go there, you blew up your entire premise spectacularly.

1. Your excuse for people who suffer is "in a previous incarnation/a prior part of our existence before we were on Earth, we must've earned it by our dark actions". Do you have any concept of how bogus this sounds? Literally, by that logic, I can justify anything by saying that the victim had some mysterious awful thing they did in a previous part of their life. Woman is freed after being kidnapped as a teenager and repeatedly raped and beaten for eleven years? No problem. She probably did that to someone in a past life, so it's all cool. It's her fault that she was victimized. Boy gets cancer at four years old and dies in unimaginable agony while his parents and older sister look on, helpless? Not a problem. He's clearly paying for past sins...sins nobody can explain, nobody witnessed and nobody will credit, since he's, you know, four and all. Busted. Utterly busted.
2. Mental illness means you've got to have given into the darkness within you. Uh...what? I don't even have words, that's how angry this makes me. This goes beyond insupportable and passes deep into the realm of victim blaming. Let's be clear. There are many cases where a victim of a crime or other bad fortune could have done things better and might have avoided being victimized. There is responsibility to act properly and protect oneself, most definitely. But when chemicals in your brain are not aligned properly, that is not your fault. If someone leaps out of an alley while you're walking home, drags you into the dark, beats you unconscious and rapes you, that is not your fault. If someone abducts and murders you, that is not your fault. If you have been systematically abused by caregivers and develop trauma-related neuroses or even psychoses in direct relation to that abuse, it is not your fault. I dare you to look a suicidal person in the eye, metaphorically speaking, and tell them that the reason they're mentally ill is because they gave in to their inner darkness. Tell you something though. If that person believes you and then commits harm against themselves or anyone else, you're on the hook for it, because something you did was enough to cause someone else to hurt themselves. Your "there are no victims" angle means that anything you do, you pay for, so you get to carry all the guilt associated with things that are, in truth, out of your direct control.
3. Hate an ideology. In fact, hate specific pieces of an ideology if they are demonstrably harmful. God knows I do. But I'd advise, as gently as I can here under the circumstances, that you not hate the people who espouse an ideology just because their views do not align with yours. By your own logic, Ironcross, you must hate me. And I do not hate you. I find your positions pretty much insupportable, but I don't hate you. In fact, I'm going to be honest and say that, in such clear-cut and one-sided points of view, I sort of pity you. There is little nuance to your hatred of the left, which means, to me at least, that you have ceased to think clearly on the subject. And that's fine; there's no harm you can inflict on me for so doing, so i'm not going to badger you about it beyond this point. But one of my big reasons for getting into social work is because I see inequity all around me, every day. I see people punished by systems that are supposed to help them. I see racial and gender-based bias that is still in effect despite our best efforts. I see dangerous precedents being set, and I want to work hard to undo them. You say I bleed blue? That may be true, but I'll take it as a compliment.
4. Mental health experts...where do I start with this one? The issue here is not mental health, it's the intersection of the medical model with all the other bits. If you go to a counsellor, they cannot shove pills down your throat. Ditto a straight-up psychologist or psychotherapist; these people do not have medical degrees and cannot ethically write prescriptions. I'm pretty sure the only people who can do that are medical doctors, which does include psychiatrists. The sad fact is that some people really would benefit from pharmaceutical intervention, while others would benefit from more behavioural approaches. Incidentally, I happen to agree that an overreliance on any single tool in our arsenal here is a bad thing, because it usually takes multiple avenues before we find the right way to proceed. I would also agree that we are still learning about mental health. What I can tell you, from a social perspective, is that we're about as sick of the medical model (the thing which says to medicate first and not worry about the rest, basically, the system where patients turn into a list of symptoms and diagnoses) as you folks are. It has its place, but relying upon it too much dehumanizes people, and is one of the problems with the system as it stands. people are people, with very real problems that need to be treated with kindness, respect and dignity, not just a prescription pad. Speaking for myself, and for those in my profession (who are often the first line of defense for people with mental illness, I should add), we're devoted to improving our clients' lives. Whether that means behavioural therapy, psychoanalysis, trauma/crisis intervention, medication or some combination, we'll do or help facilitate whatever will work best. We listen. We try to understand even if we don't have a ton to go on sometimes. We try our best to honour the wishes of clients, because it's ultimately their life, not ours. I'm sorry if you or people you know have had bad experience either with therapists or psychiatrists, but the reality is that we are trying very hard to move away from a pure application of the medical model, and I think that if you keep a somewhat open mind, you may see more inclusive and compassionate mental health outreach and treatment as time goes by.

Whew. That was longer than I intended to start out with. Sorry for the wall, guys, but I needed to get that off my chest.

As one last caution, I would like to remind each and every one of us who reads or chooses to post here that truths are rarely absolute, especially where they concern faith.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2019-02-11 13:05:47

Greetings all.

I'll never accept that what happened to me in my past was not my fault. To my mind, that sounds as bogus as what you're telling me my argument sounds. Am I reading this right that there are some things I cannot and must never take responsibility for? If that's the case then why shouldn't I blame everyone around me for everything bad that happened to me? I didn't encourage those who sodomized me to go and do that did I? I did in fact acknowledge to myself that the reason why I attempted suicide at 12 years old was because I succumbed to the victim mentality and listened to the voices in my head urging me to do so. Thankfully, my attempt failed although I wasn't thankful at the time. You say that I blew my premise up spectacularly. Did I do that or did I mention that if people started harming one another for any reason then they make Allah Jehovah God their enemy? Only those without negative emotions does Allah Jehovah God love without any conditions what so ever but anger the dark side and you lose his/her favour for however long you choose to harm others and retaliate if they harm you. As for why I didn't continue with the argument with the diseases and natural disasters, that's because Mother/Father uses such to punish us. There is no such thing as just a little evil within the dark sovereign power, his/her evil is absolute and incomprehensible even to the most hardened criminals.

Kind regards, Amin Abdullah.

2019-02-11 14:36:04

Sorry. Still not drinking that particular Kool-Aid, and I wish you weren't either.

If a tornado comes and destroys your house, is it anyone's fault? Is it yours because you decided to buy that house? Would the tornado have struck that house down if someone else lived there? Are we going to seriously start ascribing sentience to weather patterns?

No. The fact is simple. We are absolutely responsible for our own actions, but that goes for everyone else. If I'm walking home from work at night, I can reasonably expect not to be grabbed and beaten and mugged. If I am mugged, that is not my fault for choosing to walk home from work, it's my attacker's fault for deciding I needed to be mugged. On the other hand, if I choose to mug someone who's just minding their own business, there is absolutely no defense for me. I made the choice to attack and hurt them and steal from them, so they are a victim. They are not at fault for choosing to walk where they did. The main determinant is attempt to harm, and the legal code covers this as well. That's why there are gradations of murder, and even a lesser charge, manslaughter, used when your actions cause someone to die but you had no actual desire to kill anyone. You are held less culpable if that is the case, as well you should be, but you are still punished in some way because someone died, and that harm is at least partially or even largely your own fault.
The point I'm getting at here is that if you're just walking home from work, you aren't causing harm. If you're a woman wearing a short skirt and a revealing top, you aren't doing harm. If you're a trans woman just living her life, you aren't doing harm. If you're gay, you aren't doing harm. If you're a four-year-old with leukemia, probably the largest harm you've ever done is feed your peas to the dog, pull your sibling's hair or throw a temper tantrum in the grocery store. The fact that you're advocating for these people to be blamed and found wanting for the awful things that happen to them is monstrous. Straight-up, no-doubt-about-it, monstrous.

When you were sodomized at age twelve - my deepest condolences, as no one should ever, ever have to go through that - it was not your fault. I don't care if you made one or more stupid decisions in order to help facilitate what happened. Maybe you trusted the person or people who assaulted you. Maybe you made a conscious choice to cause you to be alone and vulnerable with them. Maybe you knew about past harms they'd committed, and let your guard down anyway. You were freaking twelve. If I am correct in that you did not willingly tell someone to sodomize you, then you were a victim. And even if you did do that, by the way, you were not, by law, able to actually make that choice, so never mind it. Any adult who takes a twelve-year-old's word for something like that is clearly not being a responsible adult. So again: not your fault. I cannot stress this enough. Whatever choices you made, whatever things you said, what happened to you was not your fault. The fact that you have internalized it as something you must have said or done, quite bluntly, makes me sad enough that I want to cry just thinking about it. This whole victim-blaming bullshit is a plague on progress, through and through. It makes me angry. It makes me sad. It makes me want to live the rest of my life in a cave. It makes me want to take every single person who'd love to blame a victim, and victimize them somehow, and then get in their face and scream, "There! How do you like it?" Because those people often have not been victimized themselves, or if they have, they've been taught that they must've bought and paid for it. And that just sickens me on a moral level.

I, at least, can draw a line in the sand to delineate victim action and victimhood. Which is to say that I am totally behind empowering victims to avoid future abuse or harm, if I can. That doesn't mean I blame them, but it does mean I want to help them avoid those situations if I am able to do so. I think some people have a serious issue with this. They think that if you tell a victim it isn't their fault, you're robbing them of all their power. That's patently bullshit. You're simply telling them how it was. On the other hand, you're a fool not to try and teach victims better techniques to hopefully mitigate risk in the future. If your route home doesn't have a lot of streetlights, maybe there are slightly longer, more well-lit routes that will lower your chance of being accosted. If you trusted someone to drive you home on a first date and something awful happened, maybe you don't do that again. Stuff like that. But none of those precautions means that the burden of fault changes even a single whisker.

In case you haven't noticed, this topic really, really incenses me.

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