2018-10-17 20:02:14

All respect to Nathan and his hard work to bring this game online and for  everyone to enjoy. I started playing a little and beside all the game goodies have had pleasant interaction with the staff and helpers. Good job on that one too.
I just wish, and i again emphasis on wish, that  this moo had a different and refreshing style of space opera. I'm not saying that it's similar to star conquest or miriani, but in some ways it is  designed  to keep the core elements, e.g. activities and such. This isn't a bad thing though at all.
After wayfar1444 went down i do wish that someone with the talents of Nathan came with a space mud that would allow you to run starbases, outposts, trading routes, terraforming planets, designing and building ships, research and fleet management.

Mind you though  i should get up to level 40 to see how space exploration works!
Cheers and once again good job on this game.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2018-10-18 08:04:39

I wander how you can say all this about the game, if you haven't reached level 40 yet? smile If you haven't reached level 40, you can't get a ship and check out the space.
I think having your own factory is what you are asking for. I haven't tried that yet, but you have to build it all from scratch on your own factory. I'm not totally sure on how it works, since I haven't read all the help files regarding the factories yet. I'm not sure if you are getting your own planet, but you are building all the rooms yourself and designing all you want. I'm looking so much forward to that.
You can also build your own houses.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-10-18 14:31:48

SLJ wrote:

I wander how you can say all this about the game, if you haven't reached level 40 yet? smile If you haven't reached level 40, you can't get a ship and check out the space.

Well you don't need to reach a certain level to find out what the game is about, and what things you could do in it and what things you can't. For example, in a moo game you could see the help files for that purpose.
What you can find about when playing much more is how polished it is, how the community is like, How actively it's being developed and things like that. i'm pretty sure that this is a great game with a good community though. I pointed out a few minor bugs and they instantly got fixed

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2018-10-18 14:36:19

I literally just joined last night, very excited to get involved.  though a bit overwhelmed with all there is to do honestly.  haha.

2018-10-25 23:01:15

I have pretty much been playing off and on sense the beginning. I currently got a moon base. See lots of things over all that can be done. Currently, I can see myself getting busy with other things in the next few weeks and I am not to sure what I will do when it comes with my moon base. Could easily drive me into the red if I leave for long enough, but I was kind of knew that that could become a problem. Any interesting game over all.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
DropBox Referral

2018-11-17 06:21:08

ladies and gentlemen. noble ragers of the cosmic universe. It is my ultimate pleasure, after countless long nights of coding and testing, of lack of sleep, to finally reveal to you, in all it's glory... the new space combat system! What does this new system have? I hear you ask. I reply, What doesn't it have. You requested realism, we have implemented realism. You requested not needing to type a thousand commands, we have knocked it down to 3 weapon commands. You asked for low spam, we've done so. You asked for uncomplicated, we've supplied it. You asked for the ability to hit specific ship components, we've done it. To explain this combat system in an announcement would be like trying to explain the hole of cosmic Rage in a 500 word paragraph and I just do not have the words. Considering I have had to split the hole thing up into 6 different files? Well, that just goes to show, doesn't it. To begin reading, check out sHelp space combat overview. We're pretty sure, me being my wonderful team of testers and hosts, that we have covered everything, but, remember that it comes out today! Meaning, we still might have to file off a few rough edges, in particular, the balance of missions. Unlike all my other usual big releases though, this one works, and of that we are sure! To that, I oh a huge thanks to Julia, James, Stormy, Gladr Dealan and Olivia. Both for testing and for giving me ideas, and for tying me back when my fingers ran away with my brain. As far as I know, this system is 95 percent unique. You'll see why it has that 5 percent unsure when you get into it. But... Well, what can I say. It's been a long time coming, and this last week has nearly killed me, but. I think I'm proud. proud of a system that Cosmic can truly call its own. I'm really, really looking forward to hearing your feedback on this new system, so get stuck in, and enjoy!

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2018-11-17 13:13:20

Amazing news! I look forward to try it. My rank doesn't alow me to do it right now, but in a few levels,nI'll be glad to serve the federation in a more military way! big_smile
I won't be able to compare with the old system of course, but I'm sure you did what yo did for the best. This mud seems to get better each time I visit it, and I do it nearly every day.
If my English was a little better, I would gladly make more rollplay (and maybe more understandable suggestions to the team), but I'll do my best.

By the way, I haven't heard about any of the suggestions I made. Tere's no probleme about this of course, you have hundreds of suggestions to deal with, i only hope they weren't to confusing. Do not hesitate to tell me if I need to clarify or just if I missunderstood the background or anything else.

Best regard,

2018-11-17 13:52:26

This sounds awesome and gives me a good reason to get back to cosmic rage, something I've been meaning to do for a while actually.

I recall discussions of space combat last year, since I confess the old combat system wasn't something I was exactly %100 happy with myself, much as I have enjoyed a lot of aspects of Cosmic rage's gameplay. Again, huge credit to Dardar and the rest of the team both for opening conversations with players, and then for going away and working on things to make the game better based upon those conversations.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-11-18 00:37:02

Thanks for the awesome news.
I can't compare the new combat system to the old one, since I haven't tried combat yet. I have focused on other things. I look very much forward to check out the new combat system. I really love the mud and feel addicted to it. I still have a lot of stuff to learn before I feel like an experienced player. Cosmic Rage is the best mud I have played, ever!
Keep up the fantastic job.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-11-19 22:35:10

can someone post the new space combat info on here so everyone knows what changed. thanks.

2018-11-19 22:37:29

arg never mind

2018-11-19 23:07:56

I know that there are sound packs for this mud. However is there one that I can just run without installing a client like how the Squaresoft mud sound pack is?
Or is there one that I can install without going through a client like how Alter Aeon is?

2018-11-21 09:08:30

@cyco: I don't get what you mean. There is a huge sound pack for VIP Mud which I'll highly recommend. There are other soundpacks as well.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-11-21 12:53:05

Hi there!
I just managed to correct the different errors ocuring with vipmud, and I can now fully enjoy snap's soundpack. However, my trial period has expired and, having thought about it for a while, I decided to buy the client. I'm not really comfortable with the idea, since paying for a mudclient seem a little excesive to me, especially when you kno that cocomud is lighter and has the same fonctionnalities and even more, but I decided do to it to support GMA games more than as a reward for the client itself. But here's the thing : I log in on gmagames's website, manage to acces the order form, confirm and ... and nothing happens. I don't see any pay button, only a message telling me that my request has been sent and will be answered shortly. I've waited the demanded 24 hours, and still nothing happened.
This is a little of topic I admit, but since I'm using vipmud for cosmic rage only...
Can someone help?

Have a nice cosmic day!

2018-11-21 15:15:06 (edited by Dark 2018-11-21 15:16:08)

@Simon, you have to initiate the buying process through vipmud itself, its in the help menu I believe where you  register the game, or you can do it from the trial dialogue.

Basically you fill in the form and it goes straight to gma, indeed I thought their registration process was automated unless I'm wrong.

You don't actually need to buy it to use it if the trial has expired, you just get a nag message and the client quitting after an hour, but I personally bought the client too for the same reason, though in my case I tend to use Vipmud as my default mud client since its so easy to just pick up and connect to different muds with.

Btw, I'm not sure what cocomud is.
I have tried musclient, and while I like it for Altereaeon with the stand alone soundpack, I do miss the ease of use in vipmud.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-11-21 17:12:14

Oh if you like vipmud's structure, you should definitly try cocomud. It's basically the same, except that you don't have to tab to the history, all you have to do is navigate with your arrow keys, and if you want to tipe a command, you'l automatically get to the botum line and begin writting on it. You can, of course, navigate through your commands history with control plus up and down arrow keys.
It has many more functions, but that gives you an idea of the advantage.
Here's the link I found, if you want to try :
Some parts of the website are in French, but what you need to know is in English in this page, so you don't have to worry about the rest.



2018-11-22 11:58:00

What I mean by a sound pack is this. I got the sound pack for the unofficial Squaresoft mud.
All I have to do with it after I place the folder where I want it is just click on the mush app and it automatically go into the mud.

2018-11-22 12:39:43

While not quite that simple, the soundpack for vipmud of Cosmic Rage is compliant with the Nathan Tech soundpack installer for vipMud, and contains instructions in cosmic rage/help files/read me.txt, so you could look at that..

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2018-11-22 13:00:13

Hello again.
So about vipmud, I've tried to initiate the buying process through the client itself. I redirected me to the page I used the last time I tried, and I got the same result.
I get the form to fill, with the two identification numbers of my version of the client, then I can confirm my order with a button. The next page tells me I just need to click on the appropriate button to pay, the paypal button in my case. The probleme is that the only activable item is the link allowing to go back to the home page. If I try to follow this link anyway, I'm presented my account home page, with the hability to request for a key replacement or buy a new game. Shortly after that, I receive an automatic e-mail, telling me that my order has been sent. But if it has, it was without the money I was supposed to send. It seems like a critical bug to me. What do you think?

Best regard,

2018-11-22 13:51:57

I think you would be better off flagging this up to GMA Games themselves

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2018-11-27 11:30:40

Since I have some questions about the mud itself, and since those questions are probably a little to long to be simply asked on an in game channel, I'll post them there, hoping that someone will have the time to answer some of them.
You can't probably even imagine how frustrating it can be to be unable to follow a fully rp path, ask thos questions in an rp way and make a two hours rp session based on this. I've been playing French muds for many years now, and you really don't know how hard it is to drag people in a scenario, forcing them to play as their character, especially when the univers is not entierly made for this purpose.
In cosmic rage, I found everything I was waiting for from a mud. Of course, my curse is to find this in a language tht, for the moment, prevents me from building the complexe  rp character I would have created in French. But I'm working on it and maybe someday I'll find the courage to make entierly part of cr's univers.
This introduction has nothing to do with my questions, but I wanted to show you that, if I could make it differently, I would, and I would gladly.

My questions are related to the space combat system. Not the system itself, but the weapons as they're displayed in a ship's status. Some similar elements seem to tell me different things.
As an example, let's take the alivary sphere.
IN the status screen, it says, for example, missils : 1 available. The same goes for torpedos. The alivary sphere isa one room ship, which means there's no weapons room, and then, no place to load any missil or torpedo. So what does this info mean? 1 : if I want to load missils or torpedos in my ship in a weapons room, I have to load them one by one. 2 : I can load as much ammo as I want, but they will be launched one by one. 3 : none of this options?  Further more, what's the impact of the warhead bank status displayed at the end of the weapons' status screan?

About the repair command now :
I understood that most of the repairs should be done in a battle station or using an engeniering room. But some of them can be made from a control room with the repair command. what's the difference between this two functions?

About the rooms now :
If I summarize correctly, only for space combat, I could install a weapons' room and an engeniering room to my ship. Does it affect my ship's maniability or stability? IN an rp point of view, how can the system prevent me from buying a ship, and turning it into some kind of universal fully equiped ship used for salvaging, fighting, asteroid harvesting ... etc?

I hope this post was understandable enough. Thanks for reading anyway! And, if you ever think of a cosmic rage translation project, even if it sounds crazy, I'm totally with you. I know French people who would probably be able to kill, be killed, revived, and killed once more to be able to play such a game, participate in such a dynamic rp situation. I really hope this will be possible one day.

Best regard,

2018-11-27 17:50:20

the worlds best muu

Suffering's what keeps me alive.
If one never suffers, one doesn't live propperly.
So embrace the pain, the suffering life has brought you and will bring you in the future

2018-11-28 09:03:06

Hi Simon.
I can not answer all your questions, but I'll answer those I can:
Regarding weapons: They can be fired and reloaded from the control room. If I understand it correctly regarding the weapons rooms, they are basically ment for RP.
Repairing: The most critical stuff can be repaired directly on the ship itself. Just type repair, and you'll get a list of choices. The less important stuff needs to be repaired on the battle stations.
I don't know if it's possible to install extra rooms on a ship. I haven't had the need for that.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2018-11-28 09:56:10

Good day to the awesome staff of Cosmic rage and thank you for bringing this wonderful moo to us. I personally enjoy lots of activities in the game, not to mention the staff and fellow players are very helpful too! I just need some clarification regarding my queeries. 1. Language channels. So english is the only language allowed in the game in public, that's understandable because most players speak English. In character channels, even with private ones, I meant really private like your own clan, english is still the only language to be spoken. Problem is, I can't see any storyline prohibiting other language to be spoken even in rp and timeline. Also clanchat is in character channel, is that mean non-english speakers aren't allowed to have their own clan? And right now, my clan is composed only of non english speakers, we can speak English but we're more comfortable speaking our own tongue, that made the clanchat obsolete for us, so we're back to spamming the pn. 2. Forced rp. I've read in the policy that you should rp at all times, the only exception is if you are with your friends and that's it. So, how can we prove that we are friends so that when my character encountered a friend character, we don't have to role play, because for us who are not used to role play, it's weird. if, in case we encountered each other by chance, what channel can we use to speak freely. say, and pa cannot be use for other language, just the same old pn again? when I use pn even my friend's character is just in front of me, I feel like he's so far away lol. Additional: Wondering why i chose to ask the question here? because i cant do that comfortably on the game. Yes the staff and players are nice, but what bothered me a lot is the fact that you have to consider whether your question should be asked in newbie or in those role play related channels. Say i am really in a difficult situation, in emergency ones, like if i am losing the oxigin on aspace suit and other things and i am a newbie, i wil ask a question in the newbie or ooc channel then they will tell me go to this channel and ask players to help you there. Before i can figgure out what they mean i might probably die because of ignorance. I knew someone who likes the concept of the game but chose to leave simply because he was not fond of role plays most of the time. Many times he says that he keeps on asking questions in the rong channel so might not try because he might be pointed out. Then there will also come a time when player or i dont know if that's a staf will mention your name in rp channel and point out your mistake just because you dont know how to emote properly in a channel. People can easily get discourage if too much role play is involve, specially the none english speakers. And can it just be a notice, and not mentioning names in other channels too? just asking. I just hope that we all understand that what you think you can do can be quite difficult to others, and must have taken some things in to considerations. too much of everything can be somehow frustrating than relaxing, Let me clarify this, i am just sighting some observations and not telling anything bad about cosmic, because the mud is awesome. thumbs up to the team. 3rd, system combat. Defencive armour upgrade equals the ship sise? i think the ship sise isn't connected to the defencive armour of the ship. if armor is equals to ship size, then we can assume that that huge armor covering the ship can be said to be protecting everything inside it, that makes the enemy unable to hit any of your ship components until the armor is destroyed, because where the shots could pass from that armor? is that mean shots could go through the defensive armor? which again, doesn't make any sense, or we can argue that the armor have holes, which again, doesn't make any sense. I hope someone can answer my questions, and have a nice day.

2018-11-28 13:34:20

@SLJ, thank you for your answers. I think that weapons' room is still needed to load huge ammo like missils and torpedos, since I can't do it on my control room. Or maybe it is due to my ship not having hte habilit to launch them, but again, this is not very clear from the status screan...

Regarding language and rp, I've been thinking about it for weeks now. I'm totally with cosmic's team about forcing people to play as their characters in rp situations. But language is a real probleme that deserves to be considered. To talk only about what I know, let's focus on my situation for example. In French muds, I am known to be particularly demanding and insistant about rollplay, if I could make people play in character nearly everytime, I would do it. I think I definitly fell in love with cosmic when I waw we were able to choose the type of shampoo/soap we wanted. Onl that cold cause ten minuts rp discussion to me, and that's amazing. But ubillarosendo is right : language is a strong barrier when it comes to rollplay.
The question is : how to solve this?
Considering the dimensions of the game itself, it's completely uthopic to think about translating it, even if the team allowed us to do so.
The language channel could be turned into some kind of global option, which would change every IC and OOC channel to the selected language. That sounds better to me, and not so hard to create, but one probleme remains, characters will still meet eachother physically and there's no channel there, only real interraction.
A different branch of the server? The game could be exactly the same, in English too (which is also a really good exercise trust me), but people could communicate in their own language, the one they chose and the begining of the character creation process. That sounds a little more complicated and demanding for the staf. Those are only ideas of course, I am just a frustrated fan of rollplay who knows that he's unable to play the character he wants to play even if everything in this univers is made for this to happen.
If any of you, especially in cosmic's staf, has an idea, a different option, or a way to improve one of the ideas submitted here, fell free to comment!

To go back to your question ubillarosendo, I must admit that, even if it kills me not to be able to do it as I wish to, I definitly agree with cosmic's vision of rp. Even in a community that has many reasons to laugh about my English, even with a community I'm not totally part of for now, it's still frustrating to see people ask technical questions about gameplay in IC channels. To take the situation you exposed as an example :
let's say that your in your spacesuit, watching the oxigene level going lower and lower, thinking about the lonly death it is and hoping (in a ridiculous last cause for cocerne considering your situation) that you had not forgotten to put in the cooler the icecream you bought before leaving your home planet. You have two options then :
Option one : Hey guys, I'm... well probably going to die somewhere in sector 15 . If there's anyone around and if he sees a spacesuit that seems to move a little, then it's probably me, even if I'm not able to confirm it due to lack of consciousness . Do not hesitate to grab me by the way if you feel kind today.
That's definitly to be asked on chat, so IC channel. It's totally rp, and noone is going to shout after you about it.
Option two : How can I make my spacesuit recall to a save place if I have no access to my ship. Is there a command or anything else? If you want to help me, I am in sector 15.
This question, , causes two problemes. First, asked on chat, of course, you refer to in game commands , which is of course to be banned from IC interactions. If asked on the newbie channel, the probleme is that the sector you gave as an info for players who would want to help you can't be used, because it was given in an OOC channel.
A third option could be to ask only about commands in the newbie channel. When you discover that there is no way to recall or anything, you're free to ask on chat if someone can help you.
I would recommand to ask directly on chat and in a rp way because it is, from my experience, the best way to obtain advice/help.
Sometimes you get ignored, but I'm not sure about the reason. I'm affraid my English sometimes confuse people more than anything else, and therefor they don't know how to react. To be honnest, I wold prefer that they tell me in staid of just saying nothing. I'd probably learn more about cosmic's IC background and about English I people confronted me about it.

But again, you're right, this game and its staf really deserve that we keep trying and adapting to the univers. I hope someone will consider reading all this and give an opinion.

Best regard,