2018-11-23 17:45:56

Subject says it all. What are the worst audiogames ever?

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2018-11-23 17:56:55

The gate. One of the worst games I've ever played. Ultrapower. let die. Topped. No replay value and plus boring. Alter Aeon, okay but gets kind fo boring but oh well.. A blind legend. No replay value.

2018-11-23 18:07:29

Hmmm, Eric, I thought the topic was "the wost audiogames ever" not "okay and gets kinda  boring", but hay your entitled to your opinion, though I confess I am utterly confused  why you mention alteraeon, and even though the gate has its issues there are still things in the game I really enjoy, indeed before this topic descends into flaming one game or another for a few inequities remember that xenothrax said "the worst!" not games that had some good points and some bad points, or games  were really good to play through once.

to me, the worst audiogames will always be those that either A, I coluld not run in the first place, B, did not work properly, or C,  had no playability.

I don't mean games you play through and finish once, or even games you play through and finish once in an hour or so, I mean games you stick on, play for five minutes and think "why the hell am I actually  bothering?" 

In the former category, ie, games that never work I'd count things like the American printing house  for the blind games such as termite torpedo and armadillo army, since honestly even on  an xp machine I've never got these to run, aside from the  the instructions aimed at the sighted  teacher presenting a game to the "blind student" were down right patronising.  Then there are games like space colony cleaner which was so buggy that you would randomly die for no reason (and that used to be a commercial game). 

then in the latttter category, games with very little playability at all were games like  goalball one on one and acefire, games that were essentially random number generators with a few  sounds   thrown in.

Again, nothing wrong with dice games or guess the number games, but really if all I'm actually doing in the game is rolling one of three numbers what is the point in me being there?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-11-23 18:23:02

guess the number from l-works.net big_smile

2018-11-23 18:45:39

the worst audiogames for me are:
The Gate: for a Commercial game, this game is the biggest bullshit! Story: sucked, Music: didn't fit the game, gameplay: was repetitive and after some time it just didn't feel fun anymore.
all the blindfold games: I don't even know where to start with These. the same crap over and over again gameplay-wise, outrageous Prices for IAPs, no interesting concepts, ... you get the idea.
all the experimental audiogames: I couldn't even get most of them to work at all. And those that were working wer not good at all.
I have some more games that I truly dislike, but those are games with some good Points and many bad Points, and as Dark said, the original poster asked for "the worst".
And I didn't specifically mention one certain game because that would instantly start a flame war.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2018-11-23 18:47:47

Well, the gate is one of the worst games. It has no replay value what so ever.

2018-11-23 18:52:03

No no no!  You've all got it wrong!  No matter who says what, this, is the worst game ever!
I will outline why, but before I do, please click on above linkage and see if you agree with me, and then do us all a favor and do not, I repeat, do not, bump that topic up to the top again...
1.  It was the best game ever discussed.
2.  It wasn't a game.
3.  A ton of people fell for it, including myself!
4.  I wanted to write a news article about it even after I found out to keep the matter going.
5.  You're reading about it right now and wondering how it's possible that anyone fell for it, possibly including yourself.
6.  People will look back in 10 years and still wish this game were, ya know, actually a game.
If you come up with something better than that?  I'll give you a thumbs up.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-11-23 21:18:17

Yeah, I can come with something worse, need for weed from Conner, too lazy to search for the link, but I will come and edit the post with the link.
In the mean time, go search it and, probably, give a thumbsup!

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2018-11-23 21:27:30

I still wish Need for Weed was a game. I would pay 50 bucks for it, if it was really well done. big_smile

"The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers." - St. Maximilian Kolbe

2018-11-23 21:36:45 (edited by Nocturnus 2018-11-23 21:51:19)

Whaaaat?  I think I have some vague recollection of that being discussed on Swamp, but I dunno.
Actually, now I think about it, I have it on good authority that is not my own, that this, is in fact, the worst game ever played.    Scuze me while I go fill my pots full of ultrapopcorn and go surprise a child.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2018-11-23 23:36:58

Yeah, probably you found one worse than mine.
smile I really wish Rastley was a real thing, I would pay more than 100 dollars for a thing like this, even I will never have that ammount for buying games, hell, Need for weed was worth for sure more than 50 bucks.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2018-11-24 00:23:00 (edited by defender 2018-11-24 00:23:35)

I've played the gate probably 20 times, beat it on hard and everything. yes, spawn events are scripted (but this makes for some great challenges and endless mode is a thing) and some of the voice acting sucks, also their are enemies that break the theme, and some sub bosses that aren't that complex. It's also not what I would call horrifying though their are some creepy sounding enemies. But the story is fine over all if a bit disjointed and with a rather rock headed protagonist. Also I thought the sound design was good and the last boss fight was really great! The guilt over not letting some of the nicer ones out was an interesting touch, but I mostly played it for the challenge, and in that respect I liked it better than adventure at C: personally.
I liked the tutorial system too it really helped, it was not worth 40 bucks though, 20 maybe 25 would be more like it.
Actually, I think I'm gonna go play it again right now big_smile

A blind legend may not have much replay value, but try it on hardcore or in french mode and that helps. Come back to it in a few months to enjoy some of the more difficult bosses... That's what I did.
I found the sound design to be very nice as well... not just with the various weapons and such but also with scene elements, and the binaural stuff was really cool. Voice acting was hit and miss, better in the french version IMO, but it wasn't horrible or anything and it was all well recorded at least... Combat could have been faster paced but, again on hardcore some of those fights are pretty intense... The variety of environments to fight in was pretty neat too and I liked the dark past thing that made you suddenly feel like an antihero two thirds of the way through.
For the incredibly low price I really can't complain.

I find that Alter can get kinda boring after a bit too, yeah the huge amount of areas to explore and all the cool quests is truly awesome and the sound pack, especially with attack aliases and a bunch of skills under your belt keeps things interesting, but blazing through giant enemy hordes in groups feels so much less personal after a while, and all the conflicting info about what gear is the best, along with the paid locker slots and weightless bags thing gets kinda old after a while since you start needing it for basic stuff at around LVL 30. Also their are some zones with stupid spelling mistakes or bland as hell mobs that no one cares to deal with, but most if it's really great.
The massive selection of cool looking armor/weapons/magical items, player run shops, and now these crafting skills though really add to it for me.
Also annoying when you can't even see an area or form a plan really because of all the aggro mobs... MUDS are not a good platform for a beatemup or hack and slash, had some great times with friends on that mud though and their are allot of cool people their along with the addicts and control freaks LOL.

I actually enjoy the Curb game my self, you need to play it with IE ideally. Click on the play link under the play heading, and it will pop up a dialog to install shockwave flash. Install it and then try again, now just play. The higher level you get the better it gets, all sorts of crazy cars like space ships and marching bands and robots and stuff... It's great. And if you get run over by the first fart hog, the giant farting elephant sounding thing that goes stamping along, you can play the burb game, which is a bit different haha.
Also apparently the visuals are pretty great too.

Most of the games I really hated were either A. experimental and so I really couldn't blame anyone or B. are so small and lost to time it's just hard to remember their names...
I do get frustrated with RS Games allot though, it's got several long standing, incredibly annoying bugs with admins that don't answer reports about them, and yet I know people are still around because they do news posts sometimes and new cards got added to cards against humanity recently, a bunch of games that are kinda shit, most of the radio station presets don't work, the web interface is slow and doesn't play sound or looks good for sited people, ETC. Over all though I still enjoy it, especially Farcle, Uno, Monopoly, Cards against humanity/apples to apples, and Rummy. At least it's got good English, doesn't require you to memorize keystrokes for everything, and has mostly high quality sounds/music.

2018-11-24 18:15:21

@2, No, the Gate is awesome, although personally, I like Psycho Strike better.
As for the worst games, I really hate games with bad sfx, like the bary bary games or the old Spoonbill things, although I like 3 or 4 of the games by Jim Kitchen.


2018-11-24 18:18:48

I do agree with you on games that have bad sound effects, like scrolling battles for example. They have Ok sound effect, however the enemy sounds are unrealistic.

2018-11-24 21:14:37

For me the worst game ever with the most stupid idea behind it is computer simulator, I remember it being around the forum a few years ago and I was completely flabergasted. I mean why the hell do you need a computer simulator when you're playing it on a computer? It's like trying to play a driving simulation game while driving your car around, it makes absolutely no sense lol.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2018-11-24 21:18:38

zenothrax wrote:

I still wish Need for Weed was a game. I would pay 50 bucks for it, if it was really well done. big_smile

So what you're saying is, you have a need for a Need for Weed? tongue

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2018-11-25 04:29:40

Aw come on, the classic edition of Scrolling Battles was quite amusing actually. True, it doesn't have much replay value once you become extremely overpowered, but I love the enemy sounds, personally.

Ditto with Acefire, it's not something I'd play every day, but the taunts you can use are funny, and I like the sounds when you hit your enemy. There's something quite satisfying about whipping and blasting a computer to pieces. My main gripe with that game is that it can be a bit unbalanced if your enemy obtains more bombs than you.

Let's see, I think the worst games I've ever played are Danger City, since I couldn't get it to go more than a few seconds without crashing, and Grail to the Thief, which, while the story and voice acting were excellent, left a lot to be desired in terms of playability. It was very hand-holdy, and lacked any sort of replay value whatsoever. Also, a game is not a game if there's no ability to lose.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-11-25 05:08:24 (edited by defender 2018-11-25 05:11:58)

Yeah acefire was stupid but that bonus round was kinda intense on higher difficulties and it was funny.

2018-11-25 14:51:15 (edited by boy 2018-11-25 14:57:14)

Personally, I think the worst game is the Alchemy version of Montezooma's Revenge. You can't even play it, you start the game, it loads fine and none of the keys accept for the status keys work. I mean you can't move, can't jump or anything unless you have a numpad. Since I have a laptop, I literally can't do anything with it. All the other tomb Hunter games were much, much better. Mysteries of the Ancients is fun to play even if it's only 2 levels, and Mysteries of the Aztex was good when I had it. I might have it someware on my old xp computer. About the person who said computer simulator being the worst, it's not exactly crap, but it simply doesn't need to be played. I mean, we have our own computers. Why would you need to download a simulation of something you have rite in front of you? Regarding Acefire, both it and Demise or Domination (a game by Game Madness Interactive) can be fun the first few times, but they get boring after you play them over and over. I like Acefire over Demise or Domination, only because you destroy Computers and not people. I mean, a baby, with a gun? That's just, violent. I know that shootings happen in life, but that's different. No offence to Game Madness Interactive, but I don't play games ware the point is just to kill, kids. I'd much rather blast a computer.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2018-11-25 21:13:08

Guess the Number? You wound me.

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

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2018-11-26 02:24:22

The worst game to me would probably have to be either vanished or blindscape. Both are iOS games. Vanished because it is completely inaccessible, and blindskape because the story is too quick

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PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2018-11-26 02:57:01

I never heard of Demise or Domination. Also, I completely forgot about Blindscape. I played it once and promptly uninstalled it. It's a shame the story wasn't further developed, because it was actually a cool concept.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-11-26 05:43:51

The concept of the game is stupid. It should’ve never been updated to support the new OSs

Contact Discord Telegram Threema Signal Facebook Mastodon
PSN ID, Rich_Beardsley

2018-11-26 10:08:26

The gate is kind of messed up. I mean, come on, your final boss is the devil. Paladin of the sky, great game, but the reason it ranks on this list is because of how messed up some of the enemies are. I mean, come on, a god killer, satan's spawn, that boss fight with saint Peter, servant of satan, need I go on?

Add me on Skype, search for The Evil Chocolate Cookie

2018-11-26 11:31:02

i think this post  shouldn't exist at all,  i mean if i was a dev and i made a stupid game and someone came here and said that my game is the worst game ever, i would stop making any games, just saying that the devs maybe get offended  if they read any post  containing their game's name here