2018-08-03 19:50:23

Hey guys. Sorry I took so long to upload this video, but life stuff got in the way, (you all know how it goes.) Anyway, it's here. Feel free to make fun of my terrible ability of speaking Hindi if you want. LOL seriously though, if anyone can, please help me pronounce these words better because this is kind of embarrassing. Here's the video. http://youtu.be/ke0ruXIgXPI?a

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-08-03 20:13:40

Not a video, but....here's my last one...
Me: Hi, got a problem with my computer. Something about a porn warning and shit. I gotta fix this
Scammer: Certain sir what is the....okay what were you doing on the comptuer
Me: I was going to redtube
Me: It's like Youtube but better videos.
Scammer: You were going to Youtube?
Me: Well...yeah in a manner of speaking. Look, can we get this fixed. I start a new job tomorrow and....
Me; *soundd of cellphone* Oh hold on. Yeah hey, hey, look I'm in the middle of something....just shoot the guy alright. Just steal the 40 kilos and kill them all, come on it's not that hard
Me: Okay sorry about that. Now can we fix my computer
Scammer: yes sir we need to connect you to Windows secure server
Me: Okay so.....how do we do that?

Five minutes later

Me: Okay got that code, it's connecting. Right, now...
Scammer: Don't move the mouse
Me: I'm not I got my hands on my joystick
Scammer: I'm sorry?
Me: I play flight sims, I got a joystick and I'm holding it. It's not plugged in
Me: Okay so...ah hold on. Vinnny, this better be important.....just....just deal with it, I'm in the middle of computer things. No I didn't call Jordy. No. He's a dick. Alright fine, yyou go do your thing!
Me: Okay, hold on that said viruses found. I got some software here....Norton 98 or something or Norton 89 or I dunno, I found it in a box in the attic. It has these little plastic CDs that won't work in the computer
Scammer: Okay sir you will need to pay a $500 one time fee
Me: Okay, listen can I get my accountant on the phone
Scammer: Go ahead

At this point I pulled up an Ali G soundboard.....and the next ten minutes were going in circles, then I told the scammer my acountant was putting his bosss on the line. Cue Mr Rogers soundboard....

This was the result:

Me: So uh...bout the paymnt you want my name and stuff right? I'm no good with computers
Scammer: yes sir, or you can go buy gift cards
Me: Oh I got some of those....pornhub premium gift....you want those to pay for my computer being fixed?
Scammer: Don't move the mouse!
Me: I'm not

At this point I'd been running a RAT from my other computer into the target machine. Pulled up the benchod song.

Me: I like this song
Scammer: Fuck you madarchod benchod chutier
He hung up

Called back:

Me: Hi, I was just hung up on. I was playing a song on my computer and he hung up. I'd like to spea to Ben. Ben Chod, he works here?
Scammer: Fuck you asshole motherfucker fuck your sister
He hung up

Called back:

Mee: Hello, this is the madarchod department informing you that you're all chutiers You won the gand prize, gand maru madachod scamma

After that they disabled their number. Win win man.

Warning: Grumpy post above
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Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-08-03 20:14:53

Also your Hindi in that vid isn't that bad honestly. I'd say go check YT for ways to pronounce words....or ask Indian members rofl

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-08-07 23:55:03

I guess the more you say it the better you'll get in time, but I also thought it was pretty funny, it's just a shame he quit talking along the way.
Meanwhile, I finally decided to play around with FireRTC, it allows you to call 50 non-tollfree numbers in the US and Canada per day and it's possible to change your caller ID, so I went to www.scammer.info and looked for numbers and finally found a regular microsoft windows key scam, I managed to waist quite a bit of his time convincing him that I don't have a windows key on my keyboard at all, after which he hung up, prompting me to call him back just to Rick Role him until the number actually shut down! (It took about 3 – 4 calls and I did change my caller ID just to make sure my numbers weren’t blocked.)
Next time I’ll record it, but my setup is a little bit flimsy right now.

There is one rule above all others for being a man.  Whatever comes, face it on your feet.
@bcs993 on twitter, feel free to follow!

2018-08-08 03:15:58

Sounds like an ownage prank wanna-be

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2018-08-09 12:20:34

Absolutely love your Videos, looking Forward to future ones.

Greetings and happy gaming, Julian

If you say you never lie, you're a liar.
Oh, and #freeGCW

2018-08-09 17:57:11 (edited by Dan Gero 2018-08-09 19:55:22)

@ivan_soto If you don't have anything nice to say, consider leaving the topic alone. You're the only one with that opinion. I think I know why you said it too, because I played a gunshot sound over the phone directed at the scammers. Allow me to point you to a couple YouTube sources that do the same thing.
@everyone Thanks for the comments.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-08-09 21:30:29

It's totally an ownage pranks wannabe, and not because you played a gun sound or whatever else, because it just is. The format is extremely similar except you're not funny and he is.

2018-08-09 22:06:51

@59/56, its not. There are lots of pranks not just by ownage that do that. Go get evidence before you make claims like this.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2018-08-10 00:45:20

@Ethin I can sort of see why he's saying this, but his claims are disproved by the fact that a lot of YouTube videos follow this format of intro sound, intro, main video, outro, outro sound, and up next. If that's not the case it's intro, main video, outro, and up next, or you can cut out the up next. Ownage Pranks is not, by any means, the only YouTuber that does this. If anyone can come up with evidence that proves that I'm actively trying to be like him, please show it to me, because believe it or not I do care what people think about my content and I will strive to improve it anyway I can. However, I do not like it when someone tries to bash my content by comparing me to YouTubers with a lot more views and subscribers than me, and I don't think any content creator would appreciate that very much either. Constructive criticism goes a long way when trying to get your point across to other people. Keep that in mind next time you decide to let someone know what you think of their content.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-22 12:55:28 (edited by Dan Gero 2018-09-22 13:03:39)

Hey guys, I'm back with a new video, and I changed the stile a little bit as well. Hope you guys like the new intro and outro, it took me about an hour and thirty minutes total to make the music and I haven't really done something like this in some time. In addition, I think I'm going to be sticking to a schedule of uploading one video every Saturday, if I can help it. Anyway, here's the link. https://youtu.be/YXNMNlOXtsA
Oh and @JaceK, you're actually pretty funny, I'd love to bring you onto the channel if you wouldn't mind doing videos with me.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-22 14:33:33

Lol man, why the heck did you say to him the last part?
You shoulf fuck with them until they will be desperated.
Howp you will have new videos like this more often.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2018-09-22 15:14:48

Damn right I'll fuck with them, until my last breath, cause that's what this is all about. Thanks man for the encouragement.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-22 16:58:47

can you tell me where do you get these scammer numbers? and please post some  i love fucking with these kind of people

2018-09-22 18:11:30

Just look at the description, I usually have phone numbers there unless I lost the number.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-22 23:49:30

If I will get free international calls, I will make aloooot of recordings with these people.

I am myself and noone is ever gonna change me, I am the trolling master!

2018-09-29 18:43:03

What's up guys, back with a new video. This time though, my Dad gets the spotlight. Unfortunately fifteen year old me was holding the microphone, and I was fumbling with it really bad. Other than that small problem, however, I'd say things turned out pretty well.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-29 23:05:45 (edited by SirBadger 2018-09-30 00:02:31)

wow that was hilarious.

your dad is a star. he could be in a tarantino movie without a script.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2018-09-30 00:50:52

No,it wasn't hilarious IMO, your dad had no need to go all full on racist prick in the video honestly. It's one thing to waste a scammer's time, that's a fair game. It's another to not only be a racist jackass and not even for comedic effect, your father sounds like a stereotypiccal Southern American man. If he'd simply have wasted the scammer's time....I'd find it funny, but being chock full of racial slurs doesn't make for a funny video. Look at the big dogs in sambaiting, they don't go around calling scammers sand niggers like your father did in the video, or threatening to kill them. They mess with a scammer and leave it at that, or constantly and compltely waste their time all the time. Not go out of their way to racially insult scammers and threaten to kill them. It's not a funny video, it's more cringe IMO. If I'd put that up I'd take the video down personally and make a better one with less being a dick in it ya know?

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-09-30 01:32:27

@70 it does say that the opinions expressed aren't what the guy really believes and I've shown that video to a bunch of my friends. 2 of which are from that part of the world and they found it hilarious too. they figured the guy got what was coming to him.

Who's that trip trapping over My bridge? Come find out.

2018-09-30 01:34:33

Well, please remove the recording where your dad is boasting killing Muslims. How he boasted killing them mercilessly with bullets in their heads is just unacceptable. I am not debating how true this was, I am refusing the content and your daddy throwing all his repertoire of profanities against Muslims and their God.

The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there!

2018-09-30 08:38:41

The thing that nobody accept SirBadger seems to realize is that not a single bit of this recording is serious. My Dad has never killed a single Muslim in his entire life, and unless someone threatened our family, he never will. The way he acted in this video isn't even close to his actual personality, and believe me if it was I'd clear out of this house as fast as my legs could take me. Also I showed a friend of mine this recording. He's from Iraq, and he didn't take offense to this whatsoever, and he knew as well as I do that this is a joke and nothing more.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2018-09-30 11:21:59

Alright, even though it's an act, try this out. I get my dad to say all blind people are retarded idiots and he'll go around shooting them and cutting their throats out, then go around saying oh, it's a prank, it's not serious. I'd fully expect a backlash against it.

Not so funny now, is it? I don't exactly care if it isn't serious, it crossses a huge, huge line. Like I said, scambaiting, at least from the big guys, isn't about bragging you'll kill scammers or insulting their religion, or anything else but wasting their time and messing with them. Put yourself in a scammer's shoes for a moment. Not all of those guys actually know it is a scam. Yes, what they do is wrong. But they are often times tricked into scamming people and the companies do their best to scam their employees making it seem like a legit job as opposed to a scamoten

TL:DR You and your dad come off as racist jackasses (even if said video isn't serious) that give your country a bad name frankly. Like I said up ^ I'd make something better I feel, I'd put time and effort into making something where you screw up their day and don't just flat out insult and threaten them.

Warning: Grumpy post above
Also on Linux natively

Jace's EA PGA Tour guide for blind golfers

2018-09-30 11:28:28

I saw a comment from a guy on your YouTube channel that he's gonna report the last video you've uploaded. What are you going to do about it? Anyways, subscribed to your channel just now. Cool stuff, bro! Keep it up!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2018-09-30 11:45:39

i'm a muslim myself,    and i don't like speaking about these stuff, but i  thought that someone should   say this here,   first that thing wasn't funny at all, i mean scammer deserved it but speaking like that about gods and stuff isn't funny at all,     imagine you are a christion or a muslim,     then someone starts swaring at allah or jesus? what will you think of him?