2018-06-06 03:30:23

is it possible to trade with yourself in manamon? I don't know how that would work with getting the other two starters.

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2018-06-06 06:26:04

I'm thinking probably not, for several reasons. Or, let's put it this way, if you could, it probably would entail more trouble than you're willing to put into it.

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2018-06-06 08:51:04

If you two computers, my answer to that is yes.

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2018-06-06 12:10:24

2 computers, yes, certainly. I haven't tried through virtual machines, but if the VM is using your hoster IP, then the answer is no. with that said, I may be able to help you out, PM me somewhere, or find me on skype and twitter, and I can trade with you.

2018-06-06 17:01:22

Yeah, they'd have to be on different networks, it wouldn't work if they were both on the same LAN. You'd need access to your computer, the easiest way would be to use NVDA remote, I'd start the game, start the trade from the machine you're physiclly on, then do the same for the NVDA remote home computer and go at it that way, though keep in mind they could generate a string hash of the save file on both ends and compare the two, and deny the trade based on if they match, i.e. you're using the exact same save file, though I highly doubt this is the case.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2018-06-06 20:09:37

here's what I believe is the case. you can be on the same public IP, but your private IP must be different. so if you have a PC on, and one at, 1.2 could connect to 1.1, using the 192 IP as the host name. since with virtual machine, your VM uses your main PC's IP, this wouldn't work, but using the same network how I mentioned above, should work. as for save files, you can have the same user names, manamon doesn't check for those. pretty neat.

2018-06-06 20:27:10

Short answer, it works! Just use two different computers, and move the save files around to make it happen. Most people who beat the game completely do it this way. No need to concern yourself with all that IP business. smile

2018-06-07 01:55:36

so how are you going to connect the 2 computers without the IP address? is there an easier way I'm not aware of?

2018-06-07 02:23:12

I don't see how it could be done without using IPs. You would need to connect the two computers.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2018-06-07 19:26:51

Well, to some extent, you may need some knowledge of how your router works. If DHCP is enabled, different internal IP addresses are assigned to computers when you connect them. Just use these IP addresses internally and it should work. I just don't want to make it too complicated for OP. Although, it seems like everyone in this community tends to know about networking and such. Otherwise, the poster wouldn't have asked this question! smile

2018-06-07 22:42:47

ah, K. the same as mine then. the method I described won't require port forwarding either. thanks for the clarification.

2018-06-08 00:20:24 (edited by muhammad chafid 2018-06-08 00:21:08)

If you want trading with yourself with 1 computer, go to http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?id=21452

best regards, muhammad chafid

2018-06-11 20:32:00

Yes, you can self trade. IF you have 2 computers with different IP addresses, simply have one computer host a roo9m, and the other computer join that room by entering the host's IP address. It defimitely works. How else can I have so many level-up herbs? haha

2018-06-11 20:39:40

you could also use cheat engine, is actually what I did. if you can get gold, you can buy stuff. my manamon were out of balance, plus I wanted a full manapedia. the first  and last game I ever used it on.

2018-06-11 20:41:56

Now learning how to use cheat engine would be something I'd love to learn! I don't understand how to use it. If someone would teach me that would be amazing.

2018-06-12 04:31:26

Though using a Cheat Engine might be hard in this game. First, you need to find one value that works.

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