2018-05-31 19:10:25

Hi folks

I found this pokemon TCG simulator and I just registered on a whim.  To my surprise I actually got quite far before running into trouble.

I am not very familiar with the TCG so I was losing in the match I played.  I clicked on something which required me to reorganize cards which I could not figure out how to do.  Since you play against other people I decided to quit rather than waste the other player's time while I figure out how to get passed the screen.

I am sure someone can figure out how to play this and write a guide or contact the dev and ask for accessibility help or whatever.

Try it at https://tcgone.net/index.php

It is called TCG one.
What makes it potentially accessible is the game log that keeps running in text to the side of the screen telling you exactly what your opponent does in his turn.  In the deck editor you can also see what each card does, but I had trouble during the match figuring out how much energy is required to perform certain actions since I could not figure out how to see a quick card description in game. 
Since I am not a very experienced NVDA user and I don't play browser based games much I could not figure out much, but someone who knows how to play the TCG and who knows how to navigate fairly cluttered browser games can definitely figure this out.

This seems like a game worth checking out.  It has a career mode and booster pack stores and just about everything you want from a TCG.