2018-05-08 18:13:40

My problem with this kind of decks is that I tend to draw Piston Shot when the moment isn't there yet and I'm kind of forced to junk it, but I guess I'll have to rework on this deck anyway.
Then that kind of card being quite devastating in the right circumstances, it of course has to be hard to use.

2018-05-08 19:00:24

Okay, so my findings. Someone come in and tell me something I'm missing.

First, grease. There's just...no point. Not unless you want to do a self-mutilation dark-steel setup, which will take too long and will get you hurt a lot in order to create enough grease. I suppose arguably fire-steel could be interesting, in that you could use Grease Throw to fill your foe's hand full of grease, then torch him with fire. This would probably do well as a primary fire type, so that your attack did big damage, but still. Feels underwhelming. I'm sure Piston Shot and Grease Cannon do some insane damage if you can ever get a lot of grease, but I just don't see that happening too easily.

Railway, on the other hand...well, it takes forever and a day to get a steel level high enough, but it's devastating. Problem? Get hit with a ground move while you wait, even a weak one, and it can mean serious problems. I actually had three Railway Construction cards in my hand at once, and started using them. Ended up with something like twenty-two railway cards in my hand, which would've meant pretty much instant death for Train Tackle and likely insane damage from Train Whistle, but I'm not sure it's worth it.

Mirror deck, on the other hand...this one is interesting. The idea here is to grab every single mirror card in the game (seriously, I'm not kidding here), then slap in Link to the Past (trust me, you'll see in a minute), a couple of healing cards (because why not?), Fairy Aura (if you can spare it), maybe Screech, and a bunch of special steel attacks (the lasers, plasma thrower, etc). You don't absolutely have to stick to special, if you'd prefer physical. Anyway, here's the idea. You're almost sure to end up with several mirror cards in your hand that won't trigger. That's okay, leave them there. Build your steel level up a bit, junk a couple of cards, and once you're strong enough, the strat is simple. Mirror Throw will toss all your mirror cards away. Mirror Repair will give them straight back to you. If you have multiple Mirror Throws you're in business. Alternatively, keep a Mirror Ray or two around for when your hand is big and full of mirror cards. It takes awhile to get going but it's kind of hard to stop. Link to the Past is a potentially good way, when your hand is thus full of mirrors, to get back all the cards you burnt. Fairy Aura, if you're lucky enough to have used it, will protect you from the chance of curse. And even if it doesn't, curse isn't too devastating. basically this deck will ensure that you can use cards over and over again in a cycle, provided you live long enough. There might be a more optimal way to do it.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-05-08 21:44:26 (edited by pulseman45 2018-05-08 21:45:52)

I tried a Grease/Railway deck with SwordFighter and things like that, but if I was disadvantaged by Steel type I would have a lot of trouble winning. I still think I indeed prefer a Steel/Dark deck, though I will have to modify it a bit. It doesn't help that while I was fighting the council and add several railway construction cards in my hand, the first decided to critically fail on me. I was like "OK, I'm out of there". At least there was another time where I managed to get 34 Railway cards in my hand and finished the match with a not very effective Train Tackle causing 86 damage. Note that I didn't win, it was a draw.

2018-05-09 01:25:17

That reminds me of something else. I'm okay with certain specific cards having critical failure chance, just for the sake of balance or whatever...but why am I critically failing and damaging myself while using something harmless like Honey Treatment or Ideation or whatever? Fail? Fine. Wound myself in the process? Not so fine. Especially when it can cost anywhere from 3-8HP, and 8HP is like 27% of your HP in those first fights.

I don't know if Pragma or whoever's working on this takes suggestions about cards, but I have a few in order to make certain strats more viable. I'll give a couple of examples.

Grease Collector: steel type 13; for every steel card in your hand, add 1 Mechanical Grease card; launcher has a 100% chance to lower physical attack by 1 stage, 100% to lower special attack by 1 stage, for up to 4 turns.

Boiling Blood: fire type 15; for every blood card in the launcher's hand, deal 1 magic damage to the target and cause 1 level of burning for up to 2 turns; all blood cards enter the launcher's exile.

Exhaust: steel type 10; for every railway card in the launcher's hand, target has a 100% chance to become 1 in poison level for up to 3 turns.

Exploit Fear: psychic type 17; works only while the target is inflicted with fear; does 7 magical damage for every level of fear, and has a 50% chance to raise fear level by 1

Roost: flying type 8; heals the launcher by 25HP; lowers launcher's attack, magic attack, defense, special defense, dodge by 1 level for up to 1 turns

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-05-09 08:30:47

I love that boiling card! Would be very nice. But maybe the launcher should be affected by fire before using it? Like boiling water. I'd also like to see some more interesting electric card, since I think is a little bit boring at the moment.

2018-05-09 13:13:01 (edited by pulseman45 2018-05-09 13:13:45)

I guess electric type becomes really cool but when combined with something else. Makes me think that a ghost/electric deck with hand electrification would be fun, though as I talked about it before it does involve some risks if your forcing your opponent to draw more cards. But yes, outside of electric/psychic or electric/ghost it's not exactly the most exciting type to play as.
As for critical failures that's pretty much what I thought. A Lullaby, Hypnosis or Mental Prepare that critically fails doesn't make much sense. That's yet another reason why I like to combine psychic with something else, you can raise magic attack, success and diminish critical failure chances before dealing a good chunk of damage to the opponent.
The most enraging when it comes to critical failure is if you have like 3 HP, play a card and the game decides that, well, you won't win even if you could.

2018-05-09 17:50:05

I find it especially galling when I hurt myself while trying to heal myself. I mean seriously. How hard is it to drink an elixir or sprinkle myself with honey? I can understand failing, but not hurting myself. I'm totally okay with certain cards having a harm risk though.

Also also? Symphony of the Forest is 90% accurate. That's...no. With so much setup needed and 28 fairy levels to boot...no. It makes me want to design a sound deck purely around the normal type, with fairy as backup, rather than around the fairy type. Fairy feels like it might be fun for a few things, but ultimately doesn't hold up.

I'm currently playing around with a dragon/fire/ice deck. The idea is to get only to mid-level fire and ice stuff, and then higher dragon stuff, almost all attack/direct stuff rather than traps or parries or whatnot. I have to refine it, but it looks mean. Such a combo also lets you switch between three types pretty quickly. Might chuck in a couple Free Trades to make those swaps easier.

Also, freeze status is borderline trollish.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-05-09 18:32:37

Yeah, I tend to keep only 2 types in a deck because I find too slow to rise a type if I have more. But I might try, after all, when I tested the 3 type decks, it was like the fourth time I played, so...

2018-05-09 19:36:04

A tri-type deck (at least the one I theorycrafted) doesn't work. You end up getting hit with cards you don't need, and usually spend most of your time junking cards and hoping you get one of the two you wanted.

I have managed to make a fairy-dragon deck though, and it works pretty well. Mostly just attack cards, but since a few dragon cards are sound based, I threw in a few Audio Power. Probably shouldn't have. Fairy-psychic might be worth a try, though.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-05-09 22:20:57 (edited by pulseman45 2018-05-09 22:23:25)

I have a psychic/fairy type and it works quite well, it's even better now that wrap ray is a thing. Though, to be fair, I only played online a few times.
Agree about the freeze status, in fact in the pre-Beta48 era Ice type was already quite dreaded, and when Beta48 was out I felt like a double-type like psychic/ice was borderline broken. Not invincible of course, but when you throw telekinesis, hypnosis and Ice beam with magic at +5, without forgetting Glaciate which at the time required only level 15 and Sheer Cold during longer, there weren't many things as trollish and powerful as that. The one time I played online with that deck I felt bad playing this. And the few times I lost to the council with it were always on the first match with 30 health. I have seen someone lose a match with such a deck in a youtube video I watched, but it was 2 VS 2 and one of the opposing player was trolled as hell with Hypnosis and Sheer Cold and didn't survive I believe.
Now it's not as unfair as it used too but it still a pretty good double type.

2018-05-10 12:37:11

Yeah, the first time I played against ice I thought I was going to break my keyboard... That freezing status is so so frustrating! Unless your're the one who plays it ahahah. Anyway, I still have to create a satisfying ice deck, I've used it with the sword card and taking weapon and all the related stuff... Can't remember very well. It wasn't very powerful, altough it was funny.

2018-05-10 20:00:12

Ice-dragon looks good on paper. So does ice-ground. Ice is just a sort of underwhelming type with not a ton of strategy except praying for freeze and abusing Freeze Shock or whatever it's called. Honestly, with the less inspired types, I feel like the best thing to do is stack attack cards, jack your level and just outrace to a KO. When I see decks like my bug-dark bleed deck, I get all excited because I think this is what the game's all about.

I have made a psychic-electric deck, and it smoked the Council pretty hard. Mostly just attack cards with a couple of stat-ups and Hypnosis/Dream Eater combo. I added the Electric Lock+Telekinesis combo just for fun, but only actually used it once. Hand Electrification did some pretty nice damage. I wish there was a way to make a foe's hand really large before using that. Heh.

I think I've burnt myself out just a wee bit on all the theorycrafting now, though, and since I now have all the cards, there's really nothing else left to earn. I'd say I'd fight some of you for fun, but meh.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-05-11 03:02:38

A new deck I like is a dragon/psychic/part fire panic deck. Most of your attack cards are dragon cards, including reptile panic, which you can boost up to incredible poewr by holding dragonmind and using dragon dance. Psychic trauma thne set up for 7 turns and then let the reptile panic activate wihle you are dragon type to do enormous damage. If you have to deal with steel or fairy types, that is why you can switch to fire type, and play your oppressive heat card. The red dragon posture benefits both the dragon and the fire cards. I think it's used better in a team setting, so that you can set up a bit more safely against the other team though. I owned a few of my existing decks on the training bot with it, but I have yet to actually kill a human player with it.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
Follow @TheGreatAthlon5 on twitter for humorous facts and game updates!
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2018-05-11 04:44:35

Dragon-psychic with Psychic Trauma and the panic card sounds neat, actually. I'll have to play with that one.

I have yet to make a strong water deck as of yet, too. I am considering water-ground or maybe water-grass, though grass has this issue where most of its best cards put you to sleep. Meh, I dunno. Does anyone know if this dev is actively interested in making new cards and balancing old ones? Or does he/she want to do that alone?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2018-05-11 08:10:08

I still have problems creating a server. I redirected my port, changed it to 2500 after discovering that it was 15, but my friends still can't connect to it. I also gave it permission to bypass the firewall... What am I missing here?

2018-05-12 12:01:47


Yes, even if don't write a lot in the topic, I read the messages. Of course, I'm interested in improving the balancing of the cards game. So, thanks for the suggestions. It's probably more interesting to play the cards battle with other players, because the AI is basic and does'nt play very good.

Damien Sykes has written a complete documentation for the game. The battle system is described. You can download it here: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/sf11rmrfh7zd62 … .html?dl=0

About the impossibility to make a server, it's generally because of the port redirection, or the firewall, or the network (for example a limited school network). The game works with the UDP ports, and not with the TCP ports. So maybe you redirected a TCP port, and in this case it doesn't work. Unfortunately I can't really help more.

2018-05-12 16:16:17 (edited by wightfall 2018-05-12 16:19:08)

@pragma and other main translator in English could you give opportunity for us who want translating crazy party to their own language like me and other need to translate could you put the string files in to your website if you can or if just the private so could you please tell us what method we can contack you for receiving translation file
then if we get the file and finish working how we can submit this file to you for putting at the next wersion
I hope pragma or one of the team in translation process will give the answer
I love to make translation from the game can be playable for those of people who can't understand English quite well
in thailand hopefully I will receive answer soon

the bestest reward for people who are working so hard they should receive their experience of their own life.
everyone can collect in everyday.

2018-05-12 20:56:46 (edited by UltraLeetJ 2018-05-12 21:00:21)

very interesting documentation! its missing a few keys though

control + k> kick players
control + shift + k> kick the people who have not pressed enter
shift enter> allows you to Apply the effect of a card (such as mutual normalization) to someone in your team during an online battle.

.. the documentation also says:

Either player can be chosen to make the first move, however there seems to be no discernible pattern as to how the game determines who it will be.

I think there is a pattern when there is a duo fight... whoever has won the last battle gets the first turn. But for online battles and such when there are more than two present, this above sentence is true, its totally random..

A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

2018-05-18 21:07:31

Hello everyone, a friend of mine recently received a new computer, and now, when she tries to run the game, it says "Insufficient system resources." She has PLENTY of space left on her computer, and is barely using any ram. Any suggestions? We've tried redownloading and running as administrator

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2018-06-29 05:37:37

So I've finally started playing this game, and I'm loving it so far. however, I'm having a problem with the circus world. Can someone explain how Minesweeper works? I know it's a common game, and it has nothing to do with Crazy Party itself, but I'm really struggling to understand what I'm supposed to do, having never played it anywhere else before. If there's somewhere else I can read about it and get an idea of the best strategies for beating it, I would be grateful to be pointed in the right direction. Also, any strategies for winning the sticks game would be great as well. If this was brought up before, I apologize, but there's a ton of posts in this topic and I don't feel like reading the entire thing. Thanks.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-06-29 14:22:23


minesweeper is a game where you select tiles and when you flip them, you try to clear every spot on the board except for those with mines on them. The numbers on spaces tell you how many mines are adjacent in the 8 surrounding squares. For example, if you see a number 3, it means that out of the 3 surrounding squares, 3 of them have mines in them. You do not want to touch a mine, so you click somewhere else and use logic and process of elimination to find out what spaces are safe and what spaces are not.

here's an example. to help

x=an unknown space that you don't know what it is. However, in this case you do know what it is. All the adjacent squares say "1" which means that that square marked as X is a mine, thererefore don't touch it or you will lose.

hope that helps.

2018-06-29 18:56:54

When I download and try to run Crazy Party I get an error saying that the file data.dat is probably corrupted and to download the game from an official source. As far as I can tell Vipre is not blocking it and I have downloaded it directly from the website. I tried running it as administrator and taking ownership of the file but that didn't work either.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2018-06-29 19:17:35 (edited by turtlepower17 2018-06-30 02:11:33)

Thanks for that explanation, I'll give it another try and see if I can get past it. I thought I was going to be able to avoid playing it at all, but I don't think any more paths open until you do, so hopefully I'll be able to figure it out.


Well, I thought Minesweeper was the worst of my problems. I was dead wrong. That baseball game is brutal. What are you supposed to do? I've tried hitting f any time from when the first sound starts to when the other sound plays for when the ball drops out of the machine, and it always says I hit the ball too late.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2018-06-30 17:17:43

With the baseball game you need to essentially just practice until you get the timing right.
You here an as sending tone, then a double clonk and then a plonk, and you have to hit just a beat after the plonk.


With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2018-07-01 04:40:58

Hello. Letting you all know that the deck manager is broken in beta 59 of CP is completely broken. I get this when creating my decks. Call stack size: 7

Function: void Jeu::detecteToucheDeplacement(int = KD_TOUT)

Function: void MenuMap::detecteTouche()

Function: string MenuMap::runMenu()

Function: string MenuMap::activeMenu()

Function: string lanceMenu(string, string[][], string[][], bool = true, string = "", bool = false)

Function: void lanceGestionDeck()

Function: void main()

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy