2017-11-07 18:01:18

With all these changes I decided to give the game another go. Ship combat seems much fairer and I was actually able to do some asteroid harvesting.
I only had two miner issues.
Firstly, I thought I'd use a light miner to  mine asteroids and haul them around, so I did all the upgrades created a docking bay etc etc.

Small problem, nobody told me the docking bay isn't big enough to hold a shuttle, which makes it pretty pointless.

Second rather more major problem. I have my ship, with all the stuff I've run around the galaxy to get, including cargo holds, upgrades for this that and the other, then I slam straight into a star and poof (doubly annoying since I just donated to the game and requested immunity from stars).

my own fault I suppose, but I still don't like the idea of running around and buying upgrades again. Oh well, at least I can get the roid hauler.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-11-07 18:46:17

Since the ground combat system was overhauled, I think that space combat should be as well. That system used by Miriani and emulated in the games after it? That's gotta go. I'm specifically talking about moving to evade fire from incoming enemy fire while also keeping within weapons range to fire yourself. I'd like my character to be able to join the SDL, but don't have the player skill to pass the test for it. Ever since Miriani launched I thought the system was meh. Even worse, Cosmic Rage expects people to have played the previous games to know what they're doing, because the help file implies that it's pretty simple to do. I'm pretty sure this is why the new Star Conquest changed it a bit to make it easier.

2017-11-07 21:34:37

Combat seems a little easier, or at least when flying a horder, that is a level 40 fighter I could take out the easy dracus fighters, and my light miner is pretty tough at doing them in, albeit I'd still like the chance to actually buy weapons for my ship and maybe encounter enemies appropriate to what ship I'm using.

Ground combat is a lot more fun now,  the damage is a bit harder to deal with and the dragon healing command doesn't seem to work to heal mangled limbs, also armour crafting needs some looking at but then again I've already put in a bug about that so hay.

Still, lots of good changes and hay I might actually be able to try new activities and eventually get up to using a factory.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-11-08 06:32:02

Hi there nathan.
So, last feb was my birthday and I got something that I could change to the donation items, is that still usabel now? , I haven't exchange it to anything since feb

2017-11-08 07:36:03

JasonBlaze wrote:

Hi there nathan.
So, last feb was my birthday and I got something that I could change to the donation items, is that still usabel now? , I haven't exchange it to anything since feb

I think you're still able to.

Sincerely yours... Lucy.

2017-11-08 10:22:20

I seem to be a little unlucky here because I keep running into bugs and problems, which I'll mention just to keep this topic going. i'm enjoying the game, but I think I've run into a storm of bad luck.

1: my cargo drone produced a traceback so I submitted a bug report and the drone, fair enough, though now I don't want to buy another or more plates.

2: I donated for several items and haven't received a call back, I submitted a tickit, and indeed a ticket with a copy of the email I got from paypal, though this one I suspect is just a case of waiting for it to be fixed.

3: I crafted some armour, but there were no choices for dragon body parts, and I ended up making something I couldn't wear, which, given it'd had input from other people and was tough armour was dam annoying. I did submit a report and the armour, but this makes me reluctant to try ground combat missions, actually the ground combat I've tried, the combat has been fun, but there are no points rewards anymore, and also the vacus damage seems a bit excessive.
Then of course there is the question of how the various dragon stun attacks work, eg tailwhip, swoop etc, though I know the system is still being looked at.

4: Okay so I can't do anything cargo ish, so I tried package delivery, only to get a package to a planet I couldn't deliver to.

5: Okay fair enough, no ground combat and no ship flying so I tried a farm and am running into a host of uncertainties. For a start, the help file didn't tell me where to get or how to use a hose, and I can't find where to get animals. I have tried growing some plants, but the stats don't exactly match to what the help file says, eg, the help file says I need three times the  amount of neutrients to plants in feed, I can see the plants in feed, but not the amount of neutrients and am not sure how these correspond to the amount of land plowed.

Sorry for the shenanigans, I have no idea why I'm running into so  issues here accept that I do tend to like to go and poke at different activities and try them out, hopefully things will be fixed soon.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-11-08 21:13:10

Can someone do a Starship guide for dummy's? I want it to explain how to launch, find a planet, and land. I looked at the help files, try to do what they said to do, and well... The cleaning drones have more work tonight.

2017-11-08 23:05:38

Well fixed the donator items, got my cargo drone back and the business with the package, hurrah!

Okay I'll try and give some help.

first when you have got your ship enter it and go to the control room then type power just like with a vehicle.

You can also type recharge to recharge your battery at a landing pad.

Your ship will either  be at a  landing pad or a garage, if it's in a garage type transport to get it moved to the landing pad and visa versa.

You can type launch to take off, but there is something to do first.
Planets have atmosphere, and if you try landing or launching into a planet's atmosphere with no shields you can say bye bye to your ship.

So you need to find out the atmosphere class of the planet so you know what to set your heat shields to.
If your taking off from a planet you can get this information by typing atmosphere, and if  your landing on one you can type scan and then select  planet or space station scan.

Your heat shields need to be 100 times whatever the atmosphere of the planet is, so if the atmosphere is 4 (I believe Earth is 4), you need them at 400.

To set them you can type heat-shield boost, or just hsb and then the number, eg hsb 400.

Once your  heat shields are set you can type launch. You will then launch and be in the planet's orbit, you can do a couple of things hear (particularly orbit cleaning), but probably you want to just type orbit to get out of orbit so you can go somewhere else.

The easiest way of getting to another planet or station is by typing plan and then it's name, eg plan mars to rift jump there directly, then just wait until you get there.

once you arrive type orbit to get into the planet's orbit, then do the scan, set your heat shields and type land.

Docking and undocking with space stations is basically the same, accept you don't need to worry about heat shields  just type dock from space or undock.


I'd very much recommend looking at the shelp getting started help file since it's intended for newcomers to flying ships, also there is the starship exam where you will need to fly around and talk to npcs who give you pointers and information (you'll have to pass this to fly better ships anyway).

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-11-09 04:10:46

Starship exam? Where? When? Why? How do I take it? Why doesn't galactic academy mention it?

2017-11-09 05:00:52

type shelp quest

2017-11-10 09:34:03

Well things are going well, I'm over level 200 and have tried several more activites.

A few things still mildly confuse me, for a start farming and how the balance thing works, eg, how much plant food you get for the area you've plowed and where to get animals.

I am thinking about building a factory, but I'm not absolutely clear on where to get the resources, because while I found metal scraps on planetoids, there doesn't seem to be wood or plastic anywhere else which is strange, actually since you can chop down trees for hut building it is sort of odd you can't chop your own wood big_smile.

I also wonder about cargo barrels, since I did a combat mission, slaughtered some vacus fighters and collected the barrels, but only got ration packs which don't seem of much use, no blueprints. And if you get cargo barrels when you destroy enemies, how do you find enemies to actually destroy if they no longer turn up in asteroid or planetoid fields? Though on the plus side, I did manage to complete a mission with 10 vacus fighters, though mostly thanks to the obscure field I think, and I won't try an attack ship one.
Indeed I don't really get where you find better starship weapons to go and do combat missions or how you fight enemies if they're not around to be killed.

On the other hand ground combat rocks, though I'm looking forward to using swoop and tailwhip again, actually it would be cool if swoop would let you  an enemy in another square and get a couple of free hits, eg, you land on them from above, or if smoke cloud could give you the chance to take cover.

I am a little sorry though that there are no rewards for killing monsters anymore, since it makes  ground combat missions much less lucrative if you don't get points for each enemy you slay.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-11-10 13:20:06

As for factories, you need to have enough metal to build a refinery, storage room, and a drone bay. After you got those rooms, you should be able to collect or make the rest of the resources you need. For example, bring in debris that you can transfer and get metal,  plastic, and wood. Then, you should, at some point, be able to build a room to crush planet chunks. It is the chunks that bring you the bricks. After you got the bricks, you should be able to build a debris transfer room. This should allow you to land your ship, step out of the air lock, and type transfer followed by your ship’s name. Such a room is useful when you wish to pay others to bring you debris. It is also worth noting that your factory has debris drones which is not useful if you place your factory out in uncharted like I have done. In short, a factory is a good way to craft things. Yes, even the factory itself. HTH.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
DropBox Referral

2017-11-10 13:30:07

@dark: Unless things changed in the last few weeks, there's a collection terminal at Mission hq that will allow you to collect rewards for ground combat and space kills.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2017-11-10 18:30:40

@Cw, I've not really looked into all the factory rooms yet, though I do know the debris transfer thing as it's been how I've been making my money, good to know there is a way to get things going, though I think I might wait a little while until I can do some activities that give more resources, sad to think of those asteroids I've crushed and the bricks going missing, but hay I can always get more, actually I do like how fast levelling is in cr.

@Aaron thanks for that I found the terminal. I suspect I lost a few kills worth of credits through not knowing about it but hay, at least I know now.

I have tried a couple of missions after buying a ship with phasers and torpedos though I've yet to sort combat I think since the vacus attack ships are quite tough, and while I can knock off five of them I always come out with lots of armour damage, so I wonder if I am doing something wrong somewhere.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-11-10 22:48:08

hello everyone!
No announcements or changes in this one, primarily because its been bug fixes all day.
I do want to reply to a few things though.
First, there is a change, hopefully this weekend, that should help you out with that damage @dark.
Second in terms of resources and where to get them, try planet chunks. help resources may need to be updated.
Also, @dark you did not lose any points, as it stores them over multiple missions.
As for your armour, I swear I fixed that? *boggles*
Never be afraid to suggest books and/or wanted help files!

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2017-11-11 09:53:23

Yep Dardar, the crafted armour I made got fixed and I was able to use it for more ground combat so thanks for that, I particularly like the different creatures in the various missions these days, and the combat mapper upgrade makes finding targets easier.

Nice to know I didn't lose anything from ground or space missions when I used the terminal and I'll be interested to see the upgrade.

Planet chunks is I believe a level 400 activity, so I won't be able to try it for a while, indeed the only source of resources thus far seems to be metal scraps on planetoids, though admittedly I haven't looked into any of the refining factory options yet.

One help I would like to see is a bit more on farming, since i'm not exactly sure either on the relationship between ploughed land and plant feed or even where to get animals, so a bit more on that would be nice if possible.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-11-12 05:26:36

Hello all.
@dark sure thing. I'll let the other hosts know.

Sunday, 12  November  2017 03:08 lara: hello folks! WE've just had our monthly host meeting, and man oh man we discussed a lot. Faylyn chaired it, and man oh man, she was good! I am liking this man oh man phrase, so man oh man I'm so using it in this announcement! So, below I have summarised what we discussed and decided upon in the meeting. As always, you'll get a revised copy of the minutes within a few days on the board, but this should do you for now. first, michael and tora are new htpl's, and fox is a new newbie helper. congratulations folks! A new note about support tickets. Please note, this does not include donator items. At 7 days in which the player has not responded, we will bug you about it. At 14 days, the ticket will be shut by us if you do not respond. Now, lets talk about hosties. there are some big shifts coming up, so hold onto your seatbelts and if you're not wearing one, put one on because man oh man oh man oh man. 1. Roger miars has stepped down from his position as a builder. 2. The investigation into geoffrey o'brien has concluded, we can confirm that no alligations are on going, and to the best of our abilities all issues that were raised to us have been fully investigated. As a sign of respect, and in way of an apology, Geoffrey will be resigning his position as chief justice, and will not be taking any rp characters that involve leadership. Whether he roleplays something like a ship tech is not yet clear. 3. Geoffrey is to be reenstated to coder. 4. Angela, Temperence, and Aenaela are, as of this moment, on a one-month probation due to inactivity. 5. Due to the major shift in hosting positions, for this month alone, any player, regardless of newbie helper, or htpl positioning, can apply for a host position, of which shall be reviewed on decemeber 1st. Please take this chance, if you feel you have something to bring to the team! Next up, builders can now see misc reports, so yay for that! Next, monitoring of rooc. As of about an hour ago, hosts have begun to monitor what is being said on the rooc channel. The disclaimer, which you see when typing rooc on, explains this, but we will be doing this to stop people using the channel constantly, to encourage rp,but also to nip any harassment issues in the bud straight before they happen. To clarrify, we will not be jumping down your throat for using it for a few inutes, but if you and a few friends are sitting in a room, using rooc for over an hour, we will gently nudge you to get you in the right direction. Again, private comms are still private,, its just rooc we are monitoring, again, its explained in the disclaimer. Some changes have also happened to donations. I recently saw a number of posts that spoke about microdonations. i.e donations that are deliberately cheap and pray upon those who have short pacience, such as, "free skill time reset for just 2.50, go on, go ooooon, you know you want too." A lot of*good*  developers refuse to do this, and due to this, the team have decided to remove most of them, and if not remove the pricing on them has gone up to discourage micro donating. A related change to donations. In a month or so, we will be switching to a new, cheaper server. The game will still run as smoothly as it does now[though whether that's a good thing or not is a different matter]. You should notice no lag[or no more than usual]. As the server will be cheaper, we have made an important decision. All donation items are no longer in pounds sterlin. Instead, the are in USD[united states dollars,] This makes them a lot cheaper, and a lot easier to calculate, for everyone else, and only decreased the amount of server funding by a little. So yay to that. Idle, i.e, htpl's who have not logged in in a long time, have been removed. You should now see ilyana returning more, and finally! *pants heavily*, newbie helpers, when you type t-chargen, the hosts now see you entering and leaving to help newbies, we're watching you! smile. I think, that's it. Oh wait, one last thing. The hosts have taken on board your comments, and will be working with select players to try and make orgs, i.e, the jag, sdl, and MI, at least mostly player controlled, hosts will, of course, have the highest leader ship roles, but instead of a hands on approach, we will slowly filter out to a pinkies on approach. Instead we will be instating players as the higher ups. This is after comments that players wished the hosts were not so forceful in orgs. To clarrify, we'll still be there, but it'll be a lot more player reliant. And, that's it! I hope you enjoy all, if not most, of these changes, and thanks for reading. Love ya!

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2017-11-14 13:23:24


Good to see the changes.
There was something else I was wondering related to the official vipmud soundpack which I'm using. Is there a new planned to take into account some newer activities and conditions?
Also, I was wondering if there might be a key to disable harvesting sounds as well as text, since I tend to like to start harvesting going then use my computer for something else.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-12-12 01:20:47

Monday, 11  December  2017 22:59 Lara: hello players. Mainly soundpack users and developres. The interface for soundpacks has changed drastically, so please listen carefully. First off, the @soundpacks command. This command now allows you to choose a pack, then either: 1. View information about the pack, 2. suggest something to the pack, or, 3. report a bug with it. The information displayed includes: name, developer, a description, dropbox, bt sync, and other download possibilities, the last change by the developer, and the last update time, not to mention the client. For soundpack admins, your life has just got much easier. First your command is @spadmin. The @spadmin command allows you to: 1. add a pack. 2. remove a pack. 3. edit a packs info such as name, description, download links, and clients. 4. view bugs. 5. view suggestions, or 6. post a change. The bugs and suggestions interface is also menu based, so you can work on more than one. I have converted all of the hcurrent packs over to the new system, though developers may wish to update their descriptions. Credit must be given where credit is due, and that is why I humbly bow to faylyn, who did practically all of the work. If you want to thank anyone, thank fay. I mean it. Thanks fay! As always, Enjoy!

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2017-12-12 20:11:28

hello to all!Is there any tutorial for play this game?I want to play this game, but i need both links.1. Game download link,2. Mush z client download link.Please

2017-12-12 20:34:49

1, you don't download the game, you use a mud client to play. You can download soundpacks from inside the game, however.
2, I use Vipmud as there are more soundpack options for it.
3, nope. No tutorial, ask on newbie and the players will answer.

2017-12-29 02:46:56

event name: Helping hosts boost you to success
event description:
It is a rather obvious fact, to host and player alike, that a game survives by having users. A product's success is measured by the number of contented persons it has using it. This game is no different.
Our success is measured by your willingness to continually play the game.
Host to player chats are times in which players and hosts come together on an equal field to identify key risks, insufferable issues and raise key points regarding the game.
They are your chance to raise your point and know without a doubt you are being listened too. Without knowing what you are thinking, and what you don't like, the game has no hope, no chance of carrying on and no point to doing so. With your views we can reach success. With your opinions we pave a path of golden opportunities to bridge into future endeavours. You are the key to unlocking this games future.
The question is which door do you unlock?
Join us. Express your views. Be heard.
Todays voice is tomorrows champiin to a bright future.
This host to player chat will aim to address a number of key factors about the game that the hosts are concerned about, while also collaborating with you to identify factors that require improvement. The structure of this htpc will be slightly different from others, as we aim to bring a new feel to the game. More conversational edges will be removed but will be replaced by a more conference feel. Every point will be heard.
To join this HTPC, type the word htpc during the event.

Two event times are available:
1. Event date: Sun Jan  7 20:00:00 2018  gmt.
2. Event date: Sat Jan 13 15:00:00 2018  gmt.

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2017-12-29 23:46:03

It's been a while since I've played CR so I can't remember what ships and/or factories etc  I have. So is there a status command that will give me an overview of my resources?

2017-12-30 00:28:11

there isn't a status command, but there is an info command

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!

2018-02-01 15:11:56

Big changes happening today!
You won't want to miss these big changes from cosmic rage, so make sure you log in from 17:00 GMT tonight to get a piece of the action:
*exploration+1, continuous space, in any direction exploration. In any direction
*can you break the vacus blockade?
*new planet, with unseen items on it
*event tonight
*new activities inbound, find new worlds and document them
*new activity, find stranded pilots and help them to safety
*enemies are developing, is that warp?

Get a piece of the action, join us, tonight, on cosmic rage, the mud that cares.

Nathan Smith
Managing Director of Nathan Tech
It's not disability
It's ability!