2017-12-13 14:43:45

I am a day late on this, but realized late last night that Judgment Day turned 11 on the 12th which was yesterday. So Happy birthday to a game I had tons of fun creating and sharing with all of you. Anyone got any fun Judgment Day memories?

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

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2017-12-13 15:51:29

I remember playing it back in 2011. It was one of the first games I ever played, right after Zompocalypse, and I played the demo for hours.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-12-13 16:51:04

Happy birthday Judgment day, thats an awesome game! The theater, bonuses, also the main game!

2017-12-13 17:07:02

Happy birthday Judgement Day! It's always a fun game to turn to when all you want to do is shoot anything that moves. It's a great stress reliever.

2017-12-13 17:57:01

i remember getting it for the first time, and basically shooting at anything and everything. i soon learned that rockets would deal with the annoying hellecopter

For me, the new coding age begins!

2017-12-13 18:52:23

I remember buying this on day of release and having so much fun with it, the trophies are a blast to collect. Got to play in the morning before school but didn't manage to beat it, went straight back to the game when I'd finished school for the day!

2017-12-13 18:55:27

Jd was I think the first major audiogame release I had to wait for after joining the community and playing through most of the then 140 or so games in the database back in 2006.
One irony however is I didn't heavily get involved with the game or earn a lot of trophies until three years later, when i wound up sitting on a boat, travelling down the river Nyal in Egypt wondering what to do on a very hot afternoon with my laptop on my knee.
I was there for 10 days holiday, and having  spent several days running around pyramids and other interesting things, the boat we were staying on was heading back to Luxaw, giving us a day's break just to sun and enjoy ourselves.
Having spent a wonderfully decadent afternoon sitting in the on board hot tub with a large cocktail in hand, I wanted something relaxing to do.

as I was reading one of the Starwars Thrawn books by timothy Zahn, the idea of space bombardments sort of was on my brain. That was the first time I think that |I finished hard mode, clocked several minigames  and got a lot of the trophies in one go big_smile.

I installed Judgement day quite recently on this desktop, and not only was I very pleased that it ran fine on windows 10, but it was also lots of fun. Also, I was quite happy that I got through hard mode comparatively easily as compared to that first time, so nice to think I hadn't lost too much of any edge I might have previously had big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-12-13 19:09:51

I remember very well the release of Judgementday, and how excited people was world wide. Many people world wide played the game to death, hunting all those awesome trophies... big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
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2017-12-13 20:47:21

All I know is that this was the first game that ttruly taught me that I had to deal with life; given most of my hearing has gone and my reflexes aren't what they used to be owing to possible nerve damage and such I'll never beat it.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2017-12-13 22:45:18


You're not alone. I have tinnitus in my right ear which makes aiming in games like Judgement Day interesting, plus my reflexes have never been good enough to excel at games, but none of that has stopped me from enjoying them. Like you, I just realize that I am never going to beat some of these games, so I just enjoy what I can do with them.

2017-12-14 02:57:05

I remember playing Judgement Day when I was 10 years old; laughing my head off at the movies in the theater and not really knowing what I was doing. It was one of the first Audiogames I have ever played, and it will probably always be pretty special to me.
P.S. I still have never unlocked all of the content in the game.

Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. - Mark Twain

2017-12-14 04:27:59

I think that kind of mindset is precisely  why playing mainstream games was always ok for me personally, because even though I've always been totaly blind, I just, always knew it'd never be my high point in life.  Fun?  Absolutely, but altogether possible?  Not so much, which is why not beating JD was never a big disappointment

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2017-12-14 11:02:20

hi guys
Judgement is great,I bought the game first day of release, it was amazing.
Now, you want a good new stress reliever? Try audiostrike, boom boom boomboom boom boom.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2017-12-14 11:14:44

Judgement Day was the second audio games that I've played back in 2012, after I found Q9. It kinda fun to play. I never got to unlock all the contents in the game yet, but I think one day I'll try.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-12-14 13:51:19

Yeah, I downloaded Audio Strike, but when the installer came up in some foreign language, I aborted and deleted it.

For shoot anything that moves stress relief, I have Judgement Day and Space Encounter and that's enough.

2017-12-15 20:26:01 (edited by ogomez92 2017-12-15 20:26:34)

so you delete a game only because installer is in japanese?
You know there is a zip version of the game right?

That's a stupid reason to delete a game... the developer of the game is Japanese.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2017-12-15 20:40:39 (edited by Orko 2017-12-16 13:45:45)

You have a lot of nerve calling me or my reasons for deleting the game stupid. Not wanting a program that appeared to be in a foreign language I don't understand isn't stupid, it's normal.

2017-12-16 02:43:21

Guys, stop trying to come up with flame wars whenever you can. Orko he didn't call you stupid, he said what you said was stupid. Now, back on topic. I really loved Judgement Day, though honestly Super Egghunt took its place because I liked the longer achievements and multiple game modes. Still, Judgement Day is a really fun game to play.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2017-12-16 03:57:35

I've had lots of fun playing Judgment Day. One thing I remember quite well is registering the game and think that now I could finally get access to those cool features. I think it was on the 25th of December, 2008.

I live in darkness, forever in darkness.

2017-12-17 16:16:50

yes judgement day is a very nice game, I can never forget this game because I play this game in my engagement days!
today I am playing the judgement day.
I am also trying to unlock all difficulties, I have unlocked easy & normal, trying to unlock hard!

2017-12-22 11:27:08

did the game have cheate codes,i remmember afer i compleated the game sum1 told their is a cheats,but how can i ge it,i presst the  delete" key  but nothing happened

And as anyone who's gone mountain climbing knows ,The serene snow-covered peaks that look so tranquil from a bdistance, Are the deadliest
sound is my vision
i rarely check my private messages on the forum, so if you want to contact me please use my email, or dm me  at oussama40121 on tw

2017-12-22 12:01:59

To the last poster, you have to earn 10 trophies in order to use the cheats.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-12-22 17:35:46

I think you need at least 10 trophies for the cheats to work

I live in darkness, forever in darkness.

2017-12-23 12:47:34

And, after you got 10 trophies, if you don't get the cheats in the game directory, you can press the "Delete" key and type "cheatsplease" into the cheats console.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-12-23 16:25:22

I remember buying it I believe the day it came out. I remember I was in college and spent time playing the game that I probably ought to have spent on homework LOL.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!