2017-10-04 19:59:57

Hey, at least you can put it back on if you wanna jump back in again at some point.  I had to do that for Street Fighter V as I just wasn't getting it, and would rather play Injustice.

2017-10-04 20:29:33

Definitely the other way around for me. lol I may not be the best SF player, but I love playing it infinitely better than either Injustice 2 or Mortal Kombat X.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-11-13 07:09:16

Hi all,

Injustice2 will be released November 14th on stheam for those who don't have a console. Lets hope that this port is good.



2017-11-13 09:04:29

Interesting. I'd love to play the story of this game. But this time, I will wait. The last ports were just too disappointing.

2017-11-13 11:33:48

Yeah I'm really hoping the PC players don't get shafted again, don't at all regret my decisian to switch to console.

2017-11-13 18:14:29

I know this question has been asked a lot but there are a lot of messages in the thread to read through. How well does OCR handle reading gear/equipping it?

Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

2017-11-13 18:53:14

The ninja turtles are coming as dlc! So there's that, and as to Stewie's question I was actually wondering the same thing. I have not once managed to do anything useful with OCR within games, however.

2017-11-13 19:12:56

The Ninja turtles are just kinda dumb in my opinion for this. I'd rather see other DC characters.  Also OCR does not read gear well at all so I'm told.  I'll probably get it for Steam at some point, maybe not on release day though.

2017-11-13 19:21:22

I might wait for an ultimate edition, where all DLC's are included.
The way, how they are realeasing it is kind of odd anyway. I mean, last time I checked, there wasn't even a price announced. And, this might be a stupid question. But the system requirements say, that the game will only work with Windwos 7 and 10. Both 64-bit versions of course.
That can't be true, right?

2017-11-13 20:25:30

I am also waiting until the ultimate edition releases. It's been easier waiting for this one, as I'm really not looking forward to dealing with that gear system. Hopefully I can just play the game and ignore it completely. As to the turtles as dlc, I agree with blindndangerous. Though I'm sure they'll be fun to play, there are way too many DC characters to choose from, and I think there's absolutely no need for another guest non-DC char. Honestly, I think having 2 mk chars was overkill as well, but there are some who will fight me tooth and nail on that issue heh.

2017-11-13 21:29:17

Dropped this game a long time ago after about a week of fun... it just wasn't all that enjoyable anymore. The last few NRS games have started adding in way, way too many guest characters, and are selling purely on gimics and guest faces rather than on their own merits.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-11-13 21:56:24

NRS should come up with a game purely bassed on guest characters. I think it could be fun if they got creative with the story and such, but I guess they might run into some problems with  Licencing and whatnot that'd make it difficult. I always liked messing around with Mugen,  which pretty much let's you create your own fighting game with chars from videogames and beyond, because come on! Liu kang vs super Mario? It's fun.

2017-11-13 22:18:50

Yeah, that's why Mugen has stayed the way it is. Licensing would be a pain as everyone would have to agree... and then NRS would actually have to come up with a decent fighting system. I just don't see the appeal anymore. KI is probably still the most well done game this generation from a pure combat factor. Tekken 7 and Street Fighter V aren't far behind. One is complex, the other challenging... KI is just fun.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-11-14 20:24:58

Injustice 2 has finally come to PC. The base game is $49.99, and the Ultimate version is $79.99. For those on Windows 10, it can be purchased through the Microsoft Store, avoiding the fight with Steam.

2017-11-15 17:15:26

To be honest, apart from one captcha when signing up, Steam is perfectly useable.  You can even do most things such as purchasing content through the IOS and I'm guessing android app.  It's really not as bad as some people make it out to be. smile

2017-11-15 17:16:57


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2017-11-15 19:36:47

Well, I guess it's ok, as long as you don't want to invite a friend to an online match, or change the settings for the client or a game, or update the client...
To make long things short, as long as you are happy with what Steam does, and you don't want to change anything, I guess steam is usable.

2017-11-15 20:30:02

You can OCR with steam. Actually I haven't tried it since the windows 10 OCR came out, but unless somethings changed I've been using it that way for years and it works fine once you know what to look for.

2017-11-16 08:59:34

OCR never worked well for me. It always returned some gibberish. But I have heart, that it actually works for some people. As for Windows 10, I can't tell anything about this OCR, since I don't use Windows 10. It would be interesting to see, if it works better, than the current OCR...

2017-11-16 11:38:17

I personally think it's leagues ahead of the older one. It still has it's moments, but I've been able to do some pretty damn cool things with it

2017-11-16 13:15:01

is multiverse mode  accessible?

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-11-16 15:34:31

It's accessible in terms of being able to get into it and start fighting.. but you either need to OCR or find another method to read objectives... so no, I wouldn't call it accessible.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-11-16 15:52:43 (edited by hadi.gsf 2017-11-16 15:53:02)

hey assault freak, overall how fun is this game? I was reading this topic from page 1 and it seems that there's a gear system that is not accessible. Are there more frustrating stuff in the game beside this as well?

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-11-16 17:10:22

You know, by fun i mean, Apparently you can level up characters, get gear for them, then  use them in AI battles.. If i wouldn't be able to do those and just the story mode and VS mode is playable, I really am not going to pay $50 for just that. or 80 for the ultimate edition

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2017-11-16 18:29:52

If you buy a fighting game soully for the ofline content then your $50 wil probably be poorly spent. Yes, there is a gear system which is not accessible... and the multiverse mode is also less than I would like. I personally stopped playing after a week or two, but there are others who very much enjoy the game still... so it's personal opinion. I don't buy fighting games for content... I buy them based on how deep the gameplay system is, meaning how much the engine relies on mechanics and how much it relies on my own thinking ability and the metagame. This game isn't fun for me, but that might not necessarily be the case for you.

Discord: clemchowder633