2017-09-17 00:25:04

@Sito, thanks for the help, but for some reason when i go into defender to turn it off, i go to the realtime protection checkbox and press space to uncheck it, but straight away it checks itself again, thus i cannot turn it off.

2017-09-17 11:09:07

Hi, another question. When playing with NVDA the speech gets interupted, for example if i am tracking someone with o and then i press up arrow to move forward the track report is stopped. Same for if i have the chat enabled, if i am holding the arrow keys then i don't get messages. any ideaas how to fix this.

2017-09-17 15:19:42

I  am not my self shure. but in the case of chat messages, you can re read them by comma and period and left bracket and right bracket .
Kind regards

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-07 12:28:10

for everyone who missed it. the new redspot update is now out.
if you get any problems with extracting the file with windows. simply use another program like 7zip and extract it from there and it'll work

2017-10-07 12:52:46 (edited by omer 2017-10-07 12:54:16)

some how, i cant access the sam's website, no idea why though

2017-10-07 14:57:11

Okay. I try to connect with this new version, but all it keeps giving me, is, "Connecting..." "Logging in..." and then, nothing. I don't  know what's going on here. Is anyone else having this issue?

Jonathan Candler, A.K.A, Jonnyboy

2017-10-07 15:55:42

I can't even extract the new folder. It just goes straight to one interrupted action. I know not what else it says.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-10-07 18:38:42

I think most of us are getting huge lag spikes for item pings or just things in general. My pings also seem to be a bit higher as well. I'm putting up as first day release bugs and am sure that it'll get fixed quick. But major lag at the moment.

2017-10-07 19:34:11

Forget the game bugs. There's a bug within the zip file itself. What are you talking about?

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2017-10-07 19:49:11

agree with 909.
I don't care if the game is good or bad if you anyway cant extract it. BW Can someone rezip the game and send it over dropbox or something?

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-07 19:50:08

hi guys. i would like to try the new update. but when i download the game i am still geting the same version i don't know what's the problem, can anyone help? thanks

2017-10-07 20:21:41

I could extract the game just fine here...

2017-10-07 20:33:47

If you really want it here. But I'm telling you to not bother connecting until the lag spikes are fixed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pylhiq56gfyhu … 0.zip?dl=1

2017-10-07 22:18:00

HI all. It's a super good game, and he has done a lot of work to the latest update. People on redspot are sometimes very rude and childish and even disrespectful, but with that said RS really whip the lama's ass. I lke it! For such a young developper Sam really is a talented dude!

2017-10-08 00:11:38

didn't expect a new update to come so soon, and, btw thanks blinddangerous, I will give a thumbs up.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-10-08 01:36:23

Your welcome. Looks like he got the lag problems fixed, so join the fun.

2017-10-13 02:19:15 (edited by keithwipf1 2017-10-21 00:45:52)

Is the server down now or something? I can't connect.
Edit: I couldn't connect for about a minute, after that it was fine.

2017-11-05 18:37:37

Yo people. Since this one is the main topic for redspot I decided to post my suggestions here.
First: Please, increase the backbreaking time a lot. People backbreak you and you can die even if you have 30000 health. Today i was about to die if that stupid didn't miss shots lol or probably he was a bit slow. Please, Those newbies kill high stat players in a second with that back breaker combo. Everyone got scrude up of it.
second: Could you please add shields for bases, So we can turn them on with the computer, and boost them with base_shield_booster, Something like this. Thanks for listening and reading.

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2017-11-05 19:22:48

@kianoosh you can stop back breaker combo  with a  Long baralled machine pistol

sam can you add shield removers to store our shields and    return the jets again?
now we have store, and   you can sell jet's for 50000 dollars   so no newbie can get a jet and start boom boom boom

2017-11-05 21:09:56

What would be the point in a shield remover. You can just blast them with a fireball or such. ANd, I don't get how would a superpowerful machinegun help you in not having your back smashed.

If life gives you communism, become a communist dictator.

2017-11-05 22:15:52

i mean, we use shield removers and store our shields

2017-11-05 22:46:47

what point would a base shield surve? Firstly, sandbags can already be used quite well to protect a base from damage, and secondly if you want a base to last, buy metal and upgrade its hp.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2017-11-05 23:25:28

connor, metal is useless now

sandbags are more useless

i think base shields are, if they will be added, my idea is this for example a shield, if a player break's it,  they can get past the shield for 60 mins, and after 60 mins, the shield regenerates and they have to break it again and shield boosters are something to decrease the 60 mins for example, i have a base with a  base shield, and it have 60 minutes  to regenerate   i use a booster and 60 mins is 57 mins
i think base shields   should be around    50000 dollars to buy

2017-11-06 06:10:43

At post 923 and I presume that if one managed to buy 20 of these boosters, their shield would regenerate every 0 minutes?

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2017-11-06 08:09:40

no, i think they should have a limit