2017-06-14 10:39:59

Hey, someone in PS4 can tell me how to download the first DLC? I knew that Its out

I am a gamer from the begining of my life, and that will not change :p

2017-06-14 14:51:14

attention, if anyone wants to ttake the new dlc character red hood for a spin, you can play has him in the multi verse event going on right now. to get the the event, from the title screen, hit x on single player mode, this is the mode you automatically start on. go down twice, that is multi verse hit x. once inside, hit x again on the first universe. hit x a couple more times and it will take you into the fight. to see if you have him, watch the intro before the fight, and you should see him there, enjoy.

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-06-14 14:55:31

I sent you a message on psn. my name on there is smoovgunner305. also if you are trying to purchase red hood, I would suggest to try and do it from the psn store website. that is how I have been downloading demos themes and what not from there. actually picked that up from asult freak

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-06-17 00:55:18

No, I bought the Ultimate edition, but I don't know how to download them

I am a gamer from the begining of my life, and that will not change :p

2017-06-17 14:32:25

attention, I made a guild for us VI audio gamers if anyone wants to join, I can post specific instructions on how to do so. ulisesmonge40 did you figure out how to download red hood?

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-06-17 16:17:33

That could be fun . smile
Mainly because I haven't found a full move list yet, does anyone know how to lower difficulty on story mode ?

2017-06-17 20:16:40

Granted, I know the basics, but what point is there in joining a guild if one can't read the multiverse events, or access the gear sets you unlock? Those are the biggest aspects of joining a guild, playing through online events and the like to get guild points which then unlocks gear and the like? Haven't played this in a while, since I beat story mode, not sure what the point is now without being able to accessibly enjoy multiverses.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-06-18 01:35:03

Can you give me info to access the guild?
In other hand, no, I haven't. A friend said that if you press down arrow on the game you can access a menu, the last option is store, there you go to the bottom and press X to select all, and there. But he did it

I am a gamer from the begining of my life, and that will not change :p

2017-06-19 01:54:40

instructions for accessing the guild.

first off the guild name is cane slayers. it is a private guild, and it will mainly have VI gamers in it. to access guilds, when on the title screen, go down 5times and press x.

this is the guild menu. it has 3 options. Note: this menu changes once you join a guild

you start off on enter guild id
guild lists
create guild

instructions on entering guild id

the guild id is h01a6
when the keyboard pops up, tts will not talk, so here are instructions on how to enter the id

ok so once inside the guild menu, you will already be on enter guild id, so press x. now if you are in the correct spot, you will hear the keyboard pop up. the curser starts you off on the letter g. ok now lets start entering in the id
go right once, you will be on the h, so press x.
go up twice, now go right 4 times, you will then be on the 0, so press x.
go right once, now you will be on the one, so press x.
go down twice, you will now be on the A, so press x.
go up twice, then go right six times, you will now be on the 6, so press x.

if done correctly, the guild id should be entered in, so to confirm it press r2. you should hear a sound, now press x. on this screen it will show the guild members and stats. now press circle a few times and go back to the main menu. once at the main menu, you will still be on guild, so hit x. now you will be at the guild home, with a different guild menu.

here is the new guild menu

you start off on your profile
players in guild

go right and it will take you to multi verse. if you go down from here, this is whats under it.

when you hit x on multi verse. it will bring up different universes we have to complete as a guild. if you go right and left and hit x, some of them will be locked until we beat other ones. find a universe you can access, and start racking up those guild points. note: the difficulty in the guild multi verse is pretty tough, but just by playing in it, the guild recieves points even if you dont complete it.

here are the guild challenges so far

daily challenge earn 500 guild points. we currently have 350
weekly guild challenges participate in 200 ranked matches as a guild. we currently have 7. note: even if you lose in a rank match the number will still go up. when you play a ranked match as normal, you are automatically representing our guild, cane slayers, it says it on the screen so there is nothing special you have to do.

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-06-19 02:00:10

dan here is how you lower story difficulty.
from the main menu, go up once you should be on extras, hit x. now the first thing you should be on is options, hit x. now you should be on controller config, go down once, you should now be on gameplay settings, hit x.

this is the gameplay settings menu. note: once you are on top of story difficulty, go to the left once to change it to easy.

gameplay settings menu
you start off on vibration
round time
rounds to win
player starting side
story difficulty
subtitle language
audio language
record matches
vs session stats
lower health bars
health bar details
pause delay
gear drop character bias
low screen tips

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-06-19 02:47:16

Thanks for that Smoothgunner! Both the guild instructions and menus.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-06-19 04:54:59

attention players, here is a tip for attaching gear that is a bit useful. after a match is done, and the announcer states who won the match, gear drops, and yes it makes a distinct sound. after hearing the sound, you can attach gear quickly from this screen. what you do is hit triangle on the gear. if done correctly you will hear another distinct sound letting you know it attached. if your level is to low for that gear piece, or if the gear that dropped is not for the character that you currently were using, the gear will not attach. so when you press triangle you will hear no sound. if several pieces of gear dropped for example 3, you will be able to move up and down the gear list. luckily this small minu does not wrap, so when you get to the bottom, you wont be able to go down anymore. you can attach more than one piece of gear in this menu, as you go up and down, try and hit triangle on each piece of gear and see what attaches. unfortunately we don't know exactly what we are putting on and the stats, but its a little something that should make fights easier when fighting against higher level chars in multi verse

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-06-19 07:52:20

The guild sounds awesome. This might be reason for me to buy the game. Is the guild feature a new feature in the series? I haven't messed much around with the online part of the first Injustice game.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2017-06-19 08:24:04

Yes, it is new to the second game. Similar to the faction system in MK x.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-06-30 01:37:05

breathing some life back into this topic.....im curious, has anyone joined the guild that was made?

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2017-07-08 05:57:03

I have not. I've lost muse for the game because of the gear thing.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2017-07-10 14:36:37

I posted on this Microsoft forum in regards to adding Narrator support to Injustice2. I highly suggest you guys go and vote on it, maybe Microsoft will doing something about it:

https://xbox.uservoice.com/forums/36318 … or-support

2017-08-06 07:25:18

Smoov, I just got the game today. I'm going to join the guild as soon as I get a chance here.

2017-08-06 17:26:47

assault_freak wrote:

Every game before MVC2 only had 2on2 battles

Eh, how strictly do you define the number of chars in play? MVC1 had Crossover mode, which was a weird sort of proto 3on3. The catch was that you only pick one of the 3; the other 2 are a copy of your opponent's primary, and a randomly-selected assist. If the assist doesn't count for not being fully playable, then I agree smile

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2017-08-07 12:27:54

is there a PC version?

2017-08-07 17:30:40

Everyone, there's  a watchtower stream today. Use #askthewatchtower to ask a question about TTS support, maybe they'll write it down and address it.

2017-10-04 17:13:23

Well... is anyone still playing this? I haven't been, mostly because I lost interest in the gameplay and characters... and not knowing what gear I was getting, I haven't even touched the gear system. Didn't even finish the story mode... lol. The game still feels like more flash than substance to me, and I'm feeling similarly about MVC Infinite.

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-10-04 18:27:57

Yep, I am. Just did a guild run last night and we took out both bosses.  I'm also going to try this with NVDA OCR and see what I can get out of it with PS4 Remote Play.

2017-10-04 19:55:25

I'm still playing this occasionally.  Raiden's out as well, for those who are wondering.

Sightless Kombat.
***If you wish to refer to me in @replies, use Sightless***

2017-10-04 19:57:11

Wel, glad to see there are others playing it, anyway. Think it'll be moving off my drive to make room for other games soon, though.

Discord: clemchowder633