2017-03-25 17:02:22

@Aaron, I was thinking for the card battle just as you have minigame squares, you have card battle squares where you battle each other. In single player this would be against the computer, obviously in multiplayer it'd be against your fellow players. For hp amounts maybe either have a stat 90 hp battle in case lots of people landed on the square.

As well as the board mode though, I'd also however love to see more random battle opponents, indeed I loved beating all the gyms and would love to see that expanded too, indeed you could make a pretty good rpg out of the card battles if you stuck in some levelling mechanics, earning cards from monsters  and a story.

Imagine a manamon style game with gyms for card type unlocks, item uses in battle and monsters to slay. I'm probably dreaming at this point but who doesn't think that's a cool idea? big_smile.

Actually i suspect the reason we've not heard of a new crazy party version for a while is that Pragma has something pretty awesome up his sleeve for next time, indeed the lnext public version might be beta 48 or even 50 with lots of changes, suffice it to say that I'm really! looking forward to it, whatever gets added, and hay we're still waiting to see what we can do with all those perminant coins added to our boxes and all that xp.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-03-25 17:05:45

As far as I know, as of right now, there's no way to get gems in single player battle mode. I wish this could be changed. I find the fact that you can only get gems in online mode, a little frustrating. Well, there's the mini games, where if you get over 100 points, you can get them too, but I think you should be able to get them in battle mode.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-03-25 17:28:04

Actually if you defeat the grand council gym, since you usually have 100 coins you always s get a gem from that.
I do agree though ways to get more gems would be nice, particularly if they gave more reasons to replay previous gyms.

Another way to get gems in single player mode aside from beating a world with more than 100 coins, is to play board games, since several of the later boards, especially the  mischievious castle  have prize squares where you earn gems.

This matter of unlocks though is something I wonder about, especially since we keep earning those coins for finishing games and those xp points, plus of course, at the moment there aren't that many things to unlock and once you've  unlocked the three extra boards  and the six player battle mode, unless you want to spend a gem to play a minigame or have a solo game party (both of which don't exactly seem worth while to me), there's not a lot of point in gems, ---- or at least not currently, though what might be coming in the next version who knows.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-03-25 18:16:37

Ah, thanks Dark. I didn't know about the grand counsel, I haven't made it there yet. I just unlocked the Psychic gym. So, almost there. lol smile

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-03-26 11:26:43

@Staindadict, I'd actually recommend starting on the grand council rather than replaying the other gyms to get the cards, at least when you've beaten some of the earlier gyms and have a decent deck.
While it's a longer game since it's six battles rather than three, you get ten cards of any type for beating the council (making it great for finishing your collection), you get a gem for every victory (assuming you don't lose too much), plus you do have the chance to try your deck against random opponents of different types which is imho more fun than playing opponents of the same type and a better test for your deck over all.
Actually i'll miss excuses to play the grand council or at least miss getting anything meaningful for it (besides the gems), now that i have unlocked all the cards, since generally I find it far better to test out a deck by trying it in battle and then perfecting it, and I still only have 8 different elemental decks where it would be nice to have one for each elemental type.

Ah well, hopefully we'll be seeing more gym battle options and unlockables from Pragma in the future, btw, can you tell that I really! love crazy party? both in it's minigame and battle aspects.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-03-27 15:50:31

I had a quick suggestion:
Don't know how others would feel about this, please post if you have an opinion.... I think we should have a key to press, or something should be said in the beginning of the game to let us know if there's a bonus game/path that opens up if you get 20 points in each specific game. I.E. If you get 20 points in this game, you will open up a bonus game/path.
Any thoughts?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-03-27 16:36:54

I think when you start a world, you should be told how many bonus paths it has.

2017-03-28 07:05:29

@Staindadict definitely agree.
In general I'd like to see more information on where the minigames are, especially when you've already finished a world, and even more considering that boards have minigames too, imho you should be able to see on the main menu which worlds still have minigames for you to unlock.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-03-28 11:24:48

Yeah, there should be an option in the menu, with all the worlds you've unlocked, and the list of games in each world. You can see which games you've unlocked, and wich ones you still have to unlock.
How many adventure worlds are there? I have like 10 of them unlocked, can someone tell me what they all are? If you don't want to spoil things for people, you can email me at [email protected]
Thanks so much.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-03-28 18:38:58

I agree about having more info about what's in each worldo r how much more things there are to unlock.

2017-03-29 14:59:17

Well we can have info on worlds etc in this topic so long as things are spoiler tagged I think, so in the name of that
beware! here be spoiling spoilers of spoilerage! go no further letst unless you want spoiler information about worlds!

All the current worlds in the game are:

Vaelly, castle, beach, forest, underground, hights, circus, factory, interlectual, volcano, darkness, desert and ice.

Many have two different worlds unlocked, eg, the castle unlocks both the forest and beach.

I'm not absolutely sure which unlocks what, but usually most worlds have alternative paths, and of course there may be new worlds next version the way we recently saw the desert and ice worlds, (I'd love to see a space themed world for example).

Also, once you start unlocking boards, the different boards come with minigames as well. The current boards are  default wild woods (which doesn't come with any minigames from what I know), deep water, mysterious cave, and mischievious castle (which is also a great board for earning gems.


With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-03-29 15:11:42

@Dark the Wild Wood board comes with 6 or 7 minigame squares I think, most if not all of which being from the forest world.

2017-03-29 16:06:14

Oh sorry Riad, I should've explained that betterwhat I meant is that there aren't any minigames specific to the wild wood board that you can't find elsewhere in the game, the way that some boards have, eg I think the king's treasure minigame (the one with the locked doors and bonuses), is specific to secret cave board and isn't in any other world.

As for wild wood, I think most games are from the forest, though I do remember seeing the haunted forest game which of course is in the darkness.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-03-29 17:43:44

Thanks for that info guys. I have almost all the worlds unlocked, still need dark, desert, and ice. I'm trying to get through the factory, lol. That game where you need to catch the frizbies is hard! lol Then, the one after that with the robots and the electricity is very hard too. Don't know if I'll ever get past that board.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-03-29 18:00:24

Beware! spoiling spoilers again!
Well if I remember rightly darkness and ice are unlocked from the volcano, and desert is unlocked from ice.

With the phrisbies it's just a matter of practice. Unfortunately several games in the factory feature the robots so you need to get used to them big_smile.

I was playing darkness today and unlocked a couple more minigames, though cursed field still! is one I don't get.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2017-04-21 11:13:23


Does anyone have the revised English file they can post? The link on Riad's sig is not working.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-04-22 00:27:15

i will have a board mode up for hosting now if anyone wants to join just look for gar as the host name.

2017-04-22 07:30:11

Hey guys, so a crazy party question.
I need serious help.
I'm only on the third world, the forest world.
I can not for the life of me, get passed the game where I'm meant to avoid the ants, and as soon as I die, the game ends.
I really don't know what to do there. I've tried, and tried, and tried. I think I'm up to 10 defeats and 0 victories. help?

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches with in the soul, that sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."
Emily Dickenson

2017-04-23 04:54:18

Silver, my recommendation is just to run around the edge counterclockwise. It's surprisingly effective.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup

2017-04-23 16:29:19

Does anyone have the revised English file? I lost it in a computer crash, I'd appreciate it if someone can post it.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-04-26 06:22:20

ok so i have many cards collected from all the types but there is still some ... well spoiler ... over 200 cards slots blank. Are those moves implemented and i just have to do something to unlock them or not?

2017-04-26 15:09:02

No one has this file, seriously? The dropbox links are generating too much traffic, and the other link doesn't work probably because too many downloads. Can someone please send me this English file?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-04-26 15:14:35

Sorry for the delay, here it is, a final link this time I suppose!
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_GXp … 3ZTR3JIOTg
I'll be editing my signature to include the new working link because archive.org seems to stop direct links after a while.

2017-04-26 15:41:47

Hi there,

Thank you very much. Sorry if I was rude. I lost the language file in my system crash, and I also lost all the progress I had made in crazy party. I had all the cards unlocked, and about 60 mini games. It's just really frustrating. lol smile
Anyways, thanks a lot for the file.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2017-04-26 15:46:34

You're more than welcome, excuse me for my laziness too smile
Anyway if you want I can send you my save with 147 minigames and all the battle cards in case you don't feel you want to start from scratch.