2017-01-26 23:15:46 (edited by burak 2017-01-26 23:16:49)

Hello Munawar,
I am very happy that you have taken this decision.
Though github server seems to be corrupt.
Downloaded 30.4mb file instead of 300mb. Tried 4g, same thing happened. What do I do?

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2017-01-27 01:29:45

Burak, It seams that you're internet is slow.

73 Wj3u

2017-01-27 01:30:38

As I have said, I tried it on 4g, too. And slow 4g isn't 4g.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2017-01-27 03:26:48

So question. I can get to the island, take out the tower, and then the training grounds, and the airbase, but afterwords is where I run into an issue. I know I need to take out the power plant, but everytime the cut sceen ends, I have next to no time before some how I am  destroyed and the cut sceen with the kernel killing the captain is played. Do I need to head away from the enemies, I know I need to call for the aircraft carrier, but even that doesn't help. I know its something on my end, I'm just stuck. lol

Audio game king

2017-01-27 04:38:14

Wait, you have the scene where Trask kills Chase. If you're hearing punching, you're in what's called cqc, close quarters combat. It's a new mode of fighting in tdv2.
There may be a better strategy for this, but what I'd do is run away, since, you guessed it, the 3d element of the game doesn't go away. You're fighting in a 3d room, so Trask will run to you in either direction. What I'd do is try to get on the same row as him, and he will run and try to hit you. Once he's found you he's gonna hit you right away, but if you're lucky, you'll be close enough to him when you recover where you can start punching him repeatedly. Think of the stun system as a streetfighter like approach, but unlike streetgither, a stun occurs when either one of you throws each other, and boy does the colonel love to throw you around. To punch him, press space, and you can do that repeatedly. If he's hit you first, I'd recommend rapidfire punching so you can get ahead of the game, since the last thing you want is to be on the losing end of his fast reflexes. Once you're ahead, assuming you're on the same row, you can throw him by holding the alt key, running around a little till you're ready or have reached a wall, and releasing it will gently, I mean forcefully let him go straight into wherever you felt like having him land. If you throw him against the wall, you'll inflict more damage. You'll also need to take a breather after the throws, so do keep that in mind. Keep fighting till you hopefully hear a scene that begins like the losing scene did, but once he starts to say mission a...he gets cut off before he can say mission accomplished, because Doctor Larson comes in and finishes the job. Then you'll know you've won the fight.

2017-01-27 08:25:03


so I downloaded the latest release sourcecode, and try to run the tdv.exe file. the program exited with an error.
here's the log

any ideas?

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2017-01-27 08:33:17

Hi Everyone,
I'd like to say thanks for the comments and I'm glad to see so many people are enjoying the game. It's uplifting to check in and see all the messages of support and positive comments, as well as constructive criticism. I am so happy you all are enjoying TDV, since this was one of the reasons I wanted to release it as open source.

burak wrote:

Hello Munawar,
I am very happy that you have taken this decision.
Though github server seems to be corrupt.
Downloaded 30.4mb file instead of 300mb. Tried 4g, same thing happened. What do I do?

Hi Burak,
Are you downloading the binary release or the source code? TDV's divided into two modules now, so if you're just getting the source code your download will be smaller. I describe how to download the binary release on the main page. Look for the heading "I just want to play it".

2017-01-27 08:42:34

nyanchan wrote:

Firstly, I'm glad to see that my most favorite flight simulator is still alive and fully accessible. I bought it when it was v1 and enjoyed it very much.
The version 2 of the game looks nearly completed. All cut seenes are rerecorded and some controls seem to have been completely rewritten. What were things remaining for this actually? If memory serves, V2 was sold at bpcprograms when it was still a active project.

I'm glad you enjoyed TDV 1! That seems like a lifetime ago now smile. You're correct that TDV is near complete. It was never considered stable though, and we were having many problems with the server. In addition, I still had to write all the supporting server-side code such as add-on management. So while there wasn't much left to do in retrospect, there was still a lot to do and test, since there are many "moving parts" to this project.

2017-01-27 17:27:57

Ok that explains a lot. Thanks I know what to do now. lol I was like I can't figure out why I can never get past this sceen. lol

Audio game king

2017-01-27 19:48:29 (edited by GrannyCheeseWheel 2017-01-27 20:12:59)

man it seems like the binary version of the game, the AI in the deathmatch mode are way harder than in the repository, idk why that would be but i can't beat them. and then I keep dying for some reason that I wish it gave you a log or something as to what happened, like I don't think I was hit, I actually think I am colliding with the enemy tbh, because I am high enough, its not the you crash into the ground sound, its like the fireball but I'm not being hit. I do get hit with missiles, I can't always evade them, but like this I am talking of like if I am engaging the fighter and say I do a split S, and shoot some guns or a couple missiles then bank away a while, anyway that's frustrating, I wish I knew where I was going wrong. I never played this before, I actually was gonna buy it then the announcement that it was closing down was given.


OK now I'm straight pissed, so like I can't beat them, I can just get out of range and let 3/4 fighters kill themselves, then I'm on one on one with the other fighter who survived. But no matter what I do, he always kills me, I had him down to one percent and he still killed me, I can't evade missiles no matter what I do, whether I barrel roll, bank, dive, dive and bank, no matter what its assured if a missile launches it hits me.

Also the enemies should launch from another air field so you have to meat up with them, idk though I'm just pissed right now because I can't kill that one but in the repository version of the game, its cake, too easy.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2017-01-28 02:03:14

Ok so I killed the kernel or at least beet him. So then after the cut sceen I am back up in the sky. I call the carrior, and notice myself decending tward it. I hit the intercepters to try an take care of the incoming fire, and I also role and bank but the things always seem to get me. I also tried flying at 50000 but I can only do that for a short time. I also tried flying below 10000 but stil they always seem to find me. Any tips would be great.

Audio game king

2017-01-28 05:50:25

Can someone please post a podcast of this game. It is very interesting and I seriously enjoyed playing it. I believe it would make a great podcast for those of you who are so inclined.   I also had some slight trouble with death match mode but not too much. I'm just glad I can play it again.   I remember a being  one of the coolest things around for a while.

2017-01-28 06:26:25

Would be happy to make a podcast, now that I beat the game and figured out the bug that caused Brutus to give up, lol. Need to buy some stuff for the mixer first, then I'll be able to do a podcast. There was a playthrough of tdv1, but as has been said before the controls and some parts have been completely rewritten, but you can listen to the v1 playthrough if you missed v1 and wanna know what the scenes were like, or just relive some nostalgia. That playthrough doesn't have the ending scene, but Nyanchan posted it a while back.

2017-01-28 15:51:29

hi. can someone write an article about hand combat in this game? I need to see what you guys do when fight with trask and bruters

2017-01-28 19:53:19

Speaking of old tdv, anyone have that prerelease public demo of the game? Would be nice for historical purposes. The racers were actually pretty hard in that demo since you had to keep pressing your afterburners. Lol! Anyway, Mike, here's some tips on cqc. Keep in mind that you are fighting in a 3d room, so this combat system is more complex than your average beat'em'up, mainstream or otherwise. What you have to do is either try chasing him around, or wait for him to get on your row and start running towards you. Run in the opposite direction first so that he doesn't get a hold on you right away, because when he does, boy does he have some fun with you. This goes for all the characters you'll have cqc with. When you have a hold on him, and you're behind in the fight, I'd punch him repeatedly, then grab him and throw him. To grab him, hold down the alt key and start running in either direction. You can run around till you're happy with where you are, and letting go of the alt key will let him go gently, I mean forcefully, up against whatever you throw him at. If you throw him up against a wall or anything else in the room, that'll cause more damage. Keep in mind that if you really wanna score some hits, throw him up against the wall so that when you've recovered from the throw you can keep hitting him and throw him again without having to find him, because Trask is very good at making up for lost time. About recovering, whenever he throws you, or even you throw him, you'll be stunned/have to breathe for a while. Think of it like Streetfighter, you'll know what I mean when the birds start flying, only this time it's every time someone does a throw, not just when their health is below the halfway point. How the stuns effect you or him depends on who made it happen. If he throws you and you're stunned, he'll recover and beat you while you're down. However, if you throw him and you have to breathe, he'll still be down by the time you've recovered, so you can keep hitting him/throwing him till the fight's over.

2017-01-28 20:51:10

For anyone who wants it, here's that old topic about tdv It appears that though the tdv1 gameplay recording's gone, but the ending's up there, Ukio still has it up. So, those who didn't get a chance to hear it/beat tdv1, or wanna relive a bit of tdv1, now's your chance. Lol.

2017-01-29 07:13:38

Can someone please let me know, how do I shoot a ground target if I only have missiles and I do not have a cruise missile anymore? I'm betting you this is a very easy answer but I haven't been able to figure it out quite yet.  Also what is the difference between the Sam battery and the guard tower?

2017-01-29 07:28:56

The Sam batteries are just ground missile batteries, and the guardtowers, well the name says it all. Generally, though, you don't need to spend too much time with those, in deed you should really only fire at things you absolutely need to shoot down. Don't confuse guardtowers with radar stations, either.

2017-01-29 08:23:21

I just blew everything up with the guns, missiles I find are just too easy to dodge... that or I suck at aiming in a flight sim... lol

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2017-01-29 15:05:25

Any news about Th?

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2017-01-29 16:47:10

For get in, get out targets like the traininggrounds or anything else heavily guarded I just let'em have it with a cruise missile then turn back around so as not to get shot down myself. I am using a flight controller so that does make things a hell of a lot easier, all be it the controller sometimes doesn't recognize that I've centered the throttle stick considering it slowly turns when I'm not turning from time to time. The controller's just too sensitive, then. And the game never did take me through calibration with this thing, and game controller setup in windows says it's dynamically calibrated and doesn't need calibration. For the record, this is a logitech extreme 3d pro. Oh and btw, that bug where Brutus didn't appear could've been because of me visiting the aircraft carrier, who knows. Didn't happen on a different save with the game now beaten on that save.

2017-01-30 01:44:27

Regarding TH, i would be interested to know any news or at least, if it is allowed to crack it, if it is still around so you could get it.

2017-01-30 03:07:25

Yh, since enjoy play Th very much.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2017-01-30 03:45:57

don't have a flight stick, do have a afterglow 360esque controller and a ps44 controller, which, when coupled with DS4, pretty much is an x360 controller but I can't use it with this game because you can't map throttle and rudder like it would be nice to have the rudder on the right analog stick, but you get none at all with the controller, just bank on the left stick, meanwhile the throttle maps itself to the triggers, and that's fine but you have to hold it down so I wish there was a way to config the game to work better with a controller, not necessarily a flight stick since it is the only game that uses such and I have no interest in ordering one.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
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2017-01-30 04:00:02

The problem though is that I think the game may not recognize that setup. Do you have something that can be the equivalent of a throttle stick, a viewfinder, and a throttle lever? If not I'd highly recommend a designated flight controller. Shortly after preorder time, Munawar was raffling off one from Thrustmaster, well known for great flight controllers. If you're not interested in force feedback, then I say go for the thrustmaster. In all honesty, even if you did get your setup to work, it'd probably be a hell of a lot more sensitive, since that joystick doesn't have as much of a moving range as a throttle stick. If you're looking for force feedback, I don't know the best one around, and unfortunately Thrustmaster doesn't have any. I had one, the Genius Metal Strike FF, but the force feedback wasn't bus powered, and I couldn't test it because they had sent me the wrong ac adapter. But that thing was ancient anyway, so much so that Amazon just refunded it and ditn' even ask for the thing to be returned, which was nice of them because it's a fairly decent controller, although personally I'd recommend the logitech extreme3dpro over the genius because the spring for the throttle stick is much stronger on the logitech one. Even so, while the Genius Metal Strike has force feedback, people who got it to work said that it wasn't all that great. Logitech Extreme3dpro doesn't have force at all, and even though they have the force3dpro, I haven't had much luck finding it on Amazon, and people have criticized it for the cheap design, short life, stuff like that. So I'd stay away from those. Meanwhile, haven't found a good force feedback one yet.