2016-12-26 17:20:21

I've been playing this game since Beta 37 or 38 but I've never actually posted on here.  I love this game and have a few suggestions:

1. More Boards:  We've got tons of worlds available, but only three or four boards.  Having more boards would both offer more content for us to enjoy, and provide more items to spend our gems on.  I've got a vast collection of gems that is just sitting there, and I'd love to have more content to purchase.
2. A minnigame mode where the server host chooses the 10 games that will be played.  A few friends and I love playing the minnigames mode online, but hate that we have no say over what we get to play.  Sure, randomness makes things fun, but there are quite a few games that aren't all that entertaining to us.  this is a little disappointing because there are lots of very amazing games that are a blast to play in multiplayer mode, but we only get to play them once every 10 games.
thanks for producing such an excellent game, and I hope some of my suggestions are considered.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-12-27 03:31:04

Hi, I have found a bug. In the floating ice game, if you die when a polar bear attacks and it's close to the starting point, that bear will come close to the starting point and instantly eat you as soon as you spawn. You'll die, and then get eaten faster than you can take one step to the right, and of course to the left is the wall.
Also, for, say, more than 50 gyms, I think that to compromise with the last post's suggestion, you can buy one chosen mini game, so that when the game party starts, as many times as you've purchased it, you can select a desired game and the turn you want it played on.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2016-12-27 05:25:26

i have noticed same bug every now and then, but i managed to pass that game and score above zero to gain passage. I also have a valcano world query how can you navigate the search for dragon scales game because the lava zones you are supposed to avoid don't make any kind of sounds so if you are looking for a scale splash you die since lava pools don't make any kind of bubbling sound when you are near:(

joseph weakland, the crazy party fan:P

2016-12-27 12:22:30

The lava pools are in fact surrounded by mud, so if you find yourself walking on mud you must go the other way or you will probably die. That having been said though, I do think that it would be very helpful if this game would have bubbling lava for the pits so that you could navigate a bit better. That game is already hard enough as it is LOL.
I just discovered something which makes life a whole lot easier in the polar bear games and probably a fair few others too, most notably all underwater stuff. You can in fact move diagonally in a lot of games, including the ones which are side scrollers but also allow you to dive down. For example in the polar bear hunting game, you can dive down while continuing to hold down the right arrow key to move forwards. That way you can swim under the bears, then when they are behind you you can surface again while still holding down right arrow and they will not catch up to you. The only problem is sometimes finding a suitable place to surface, but this made that game a hundred times easier for me. I only discovered this last week and I've been playing for over half a year, so needless to say I felt like a bit of an idiot when someone told me. But apparently there are other people who do not know about this either, so just posting it here in case a lot of you never realized this.

2016-12-27 17:37:44

Wow, I assumed that didn't work.  I always waited for one footstep sound to end before pressing another key.  that is amazingly useful.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-12-28 17:55:29

Just really getting into this game and am loving it! The battle mode is fantastic and could very well be its own game... but I think there needs to be more explanation about the battle mechanics, how you build up to using more powerful cards in a match, etc. Not everyone is familiar with the pokemon type and matchups, so that would be good as well... just an indepth explanation of how the system works would be huge. Also working my way through adventure mode... but am stuck in the coral reef at the moment. Ah well... just gotta try harder, I suppose.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-12-29 00:26:41

Howdy. I wanted to make a list of a few things I found along with some suggestions.

In a board party, special bonuses are not counted when tallying final scores,
fish in hungry penguins and polar bear chase games are hard to hear. Could they have a secondary sound like hedgehogs do?
ambiance in some areas is too loud. IE in games with waves. Could this be adjusted for those who have hearing difficulties?
More boards. Pretty please? I want something to spend gems on.
Possibly a jukebox mode where music could be unlocked via gems?
a minigame party which allows the host to pick the ten games. This could allow for themed minigame parties
Offline microgames

Much less active on this forum than in the past.

Check out my live streams: http://lerven.me
follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/liamerven

2016-12-29 16:15:37

This is still a really fun game. I don’t much care for the adventure or board modes, but they’re still fun to play every once in a while. I’m more interested in the battle mode.
    For those who play battle mode, what are your thoughts about the Fairy decks? Confusion is very powerful in my opinion, but it seems over utilized in this deck. Combined with its use of multi round sleep cards, it is  a really frustrating  deck. I haven’t built one, so maybe there’s a balance to it that I’m not seeing. I’m not going to say it’s OP because I still manage to win more times than not when fighting against it.
    One idea I would like to have considered are innate stats associated with types. I know there are type advantages and disadvantages, but I think adding inborn stats would add an extra degree of strategy. It could also be added to the rewards menu. To unlock a type’s natural stats could cost gems. It would also be nice to have some extra cards for each type available for purchase with gems, since the only thing you can buy right now is the 6 turn battle mode.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2016-12-30 05:33:56

I only have one suggestion, and that is, can you make it so that in a battle, if you accidentally hit give up, can you make a confirmation dialog to make sure you don't wanna resign from the game?

2016-12-30 11:41:50

how menny worlds can i unlock in the the intellectual? what game is after the mastermind

2016-12-30 13:10:22

Fairy is sometimes frustrating yes. But if you truly want annoying, try ice. That is, I think, the only type which could be OP at the moment, because you can just shut your opponent down for the rest of the battle once you used sheer cold, not to mention numbing and glaciate will eventually make you skip turns too because you have no cards. Ice can win against stuff its weak against, and fairly easily too. I can beat fire opponents pretty consistently as ice as long as its one of the later rounds with a lot of hp, even human opponents.

2016-12-31 15:24:15

What is the six turns battle mode? I keep hearing about it, but have no idea what it is. I posted some questions back in post 729, I'd appreciate if someone could answer them. lol
Thanks for your help!

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2016-12-31 18:58:46

1. Purchasing the six turn battle mode enables you to host online battles with six turns; you can still host battles with only three as well, like you used to.
2. No, you can create only 12 decks in the "manage your decks" menu. However, you can make new decks by creating new files and putting them in the decks folder, located in the game's directory. For reference, create the reference file, which you do by hitting "options" in the game menu then generate the reference file of your fight cards". After that being done, you'll find a file called "cards reference.txt" in your game folder.
3. I usually just stick to the borders, and side step when ants come directly towards me. If you are at the southern or northern border and ants come at you from both sides, you could try taking any of the middle paths to get away from them, which can be tricky though since you might bump into a wall and get eaten in the process of finding your way through.

Errare humanum est!

2016-12-31 19:09:47

Thanks so much for your answer. I have a couple more questions if you don't mind:
1. I'm stuck on the game where you have to race that stupid turtle. lol I actually unlocked the game, but now I can't beat it again. Any tips?
2. Is there something special I have to do to unlock all the adventure worlds? Like, I know there's secret worlds, how do I unlock them? I'm not even sure how many worlds there are in total, but I'd like to unlock them all if I can. I noticed some worlds have two paths, does it matter which path you take on some of them? Do different paths open different worlds?

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2016-12-31 19:39:58

1. I tend to slow down when I'm near the beeping sound. Because remember to stay on the path, since if you don't, you either die, get lost or slowed down immensely. If you are fast enough, you could also press another arrow key as soon as you hear the sound that indicates where to go on.
2. Different paths do indeed lead you to different worlds at times, so play through all the games just to make sure, and I do think playing through and unlocking more games doesn't hurt. And here's another tip, to get to some of the bonus games, you have to score 20 points on certain games.

Errare humanum est!

2017-01-01 01:57:45

Does someone know if there's possible to unlock the other worlds without having to pass the intellectual one? It drives me crazy, especially the multiplication game...
Or if there's no posibilities, any tips for the maths games? thanks.

2017-01-01 05:35:01

You don't have to play it. I just skipped.

2017-01-01 15:16:39

How did you do that?

2017-01-01 19:42:42

So, have you unlocked the volcano? If not, go replay the circus. there are 2 paths. The bouncing ground, and Wig off. Pass through wig off and finish the world. Play through  The volcano till you're at the game called survive the lava. Don't play it but  instead go south of it. Well, what you want is sort of southeast. The game is called  search for the Dragons scale.  It could be hard, but if you win it, you'll be able to finish the world through the other end. I could be wrong about the games location,  but I doubt it.

2017-01-02 17:55:24

I could be wrong about this, but I think you can now unlock the darkness world by playing through the ice world. That would solve the problem of people not being able to get to darkness because they have trouble with math.
There are no real secret worlds, its just that some worlds have multiple paths from which they can finish. The circus world has already been mentioned, the castle is another one. You can either go to the forest or the beach there.

2017-01-02 20:00:54

i wish there was another way to the desert besides that blasted volcano game

joseph weakland, the crazy party fan:P

2017-01-03 01:28:02

Really haven't been keeping up/posting on this thread as much as I feel I should be. I just finished running all the cards a few days ago, and I noticed ice has no mirror cards, which I found kind of odd. Also, icicle spear isn't considered a weapon type card. Other than that though, I love the rng tempered strategy that goes into designing a really good deck, and of course all the games in adventure mode. Well other than that evil polar bear one but yeah. Thanks for the hours of gameplay, and keep it up. smile

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2017-01-03 13:27:27

Has anybody had an issue with the game not selecting the right deck? It's only happened once. I was away from the keyboard when the round started, so maybe a timing issue caused it?

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2017-01-04 16:42:51

what is the alt f5 and control f5 for

2017-01-09 01:24:59

hi. i've made a recording of crazy party, playing through the ice world, and both kinds of minigames. i didn't thought anything when the recording started, so i just played. hope you guys enjoy. oh, and sorry for skype stuff.