2016-05-15 15:55:41

Just to better understand how it works and what to do about it, in chapter 8 the units in a1 leave their assigned square because they consider the enemy archers like catapults (because they attack back from the other square, b1). This "move to the attacker's square" behavior was meant to provide units a survival reaction to the specifically huge range of the catapults. Now that the catapults are about to have a more reasonable range (probably something slightly greater than the range of a guard tower, or even a cannon tower), it might not be necessary to keep this automated behavior.

@majno So you confirm that SoundRTS is not working with Jaws 17 and that just replacing the dll doesn't fix it? accessible_output2 seems difficult to install (and maybe difficult to setup for py2exe) and there doesn't seem to be an official webpage or a pypi package. I don't know.

https://github.com/soundmud/soundrts/co … 5745966b1e
https://github.com/soundmud/soundrts/co … 5cf2bb5530

2016-05-15 21:28:49

Soundmud, currently instead of accessible output, I use universal speech through a ctypes.

Include these dll with py2exe is very easy, and the wraper is a simply class that you can create :3


And... reading some rules txt, and style.txt... ¿where currently is defined the terrains like meadow, or the passages like bridges and paths?
Are internally defined?

you can add for this the definitions on the rules.txt.
With that, you can define other buildable places, or terrains with atached properties tongue


An other thing that i have thinking, is the question about the buildable aniwhere.
For example, in one match, one player have 50 towers in one small square... It was impossible pass to their base. What do you think for correct this?

Use the new build_limit propertie to set how many of some build you can build per square?, or think something different....

AM... currently you can build a wall or a gate in a meadow? Or it requires that be builded on a passage.

Ham, the inheritance of object is one by one? Or an object can inherit from two object.
for example:
def a
is_a b
is_a c

¿you can do this? Or the second is_a overwrites completely the first.

That is all. Thanks for all :3

2016-05-15 23:18:18

what and Where is the Dll to replace? in my case only work with nvda.

2016-05-16 12:37:46

Don't worry about the dll, I will probably use UniversalSpeech.

UniversalSpeech is probably an evolution of ScreenReaderAPI, so I bet it won't be difficult to install and package. The Free Licence is compatible with the current project.
At some point the terrain might work differently, for example a meadow might have the size of a sub-square, or maybe there could be ways to place buildings more precisely.
The second is_a will probably overwrite the first is_a.

2016-05-16 17:28:36

ok, thanks for the aclaration:3

2016-05-17 11:44:42

For the record, in response to the chapter 8 conversation, I was able to beat it the other day with no problems.  As long as you watch what that necromancer's doing, you should be fine. 
Also, I really love gates and walls.  I hope the crazymod developers will update it and add walls/gates to the different races.  They add a lot of interesting things to the strategy of the game.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-05-17 21:00:32

Congratulations! Because chapter 8 has become much more difficult, I think, because the archers have an increased range, so:
- the melee units are less efficient against the archers;
- most friendly archers die in a1, so the necromancer has to animate the dead from a1 and b1, instead of just b1.

Anyway, chapter 8 is supposed to be a tutorial and a demo of the gameplay mechanics. Potential solutions:
1. Make the first step of chapter 8 much easier by adding enough friendly footmen (and eventually removing friendly archers).
2. Give the area of effect of the animate spell the shape of a circle of diameter 12 (probably) centered on the caster.
3. Add instructions and hints in the chapter.
4. Restore archer range to the old value, even if it might be too short for archers to intercept units from every cliff in the jl5 map. I'll just fix jl5, it's a new map after all.

2016-05-18 03:10:00

so I'm considering writing a campaign, now that I can write maps successfully, but was wondering, do you still need to use the voices.txt file for campaign text? Do you still need to use actual sound files? or can you link text to a certain random number.

also, off topic but will you ever return to sound mud?  that was a great little game and I miss it. sad

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-05-18 06:32:58

Respect the solutions for the chapter 8, I think that the second and third options are the best for it tongue

With the addition of the circle shape for calculate the effect area for these kind of skills, I Suppose that you have to add a and attribute for these kind of skills to modify and set the size of the radius of the spell.
And, thinking on spells, I think that with the new range system, the "nearby" attribute for the skills, you can change for a hmmm skill_range or something similar, to set the maximum distance between the caster and the effect area for these kind of other spells tongue

Well, as other times, I Say. Thanks for all.

2016-05-19 00:38:39

Campaign text can be defined in campaign/ui/tts.txt.
About sound mud, I'll think about it.

Yes, it means that it would be possible to define any range (distance from caster to center of area of effect) and any radius of the area of effect.

2016-05-21 20:08:38

Hi Soundmud,
Could you add an option to the rules.txt to make a unit or a building ressistant to conversion?
I got another idea for better controlmanaging.
What about using a key to switch between the different types of selectable items on the map?
For example f9?
for example. Normaly you can switch to all the stuff on a square with the tab key.. After pressing f9 you only switch through the stuff of the enemy.
After pressing f9 again you only switch throught the empty fields on a square.
and so on, and so on.
Hope you get my point.

2016-05-25 18:57:24

firefly82 wrote:

I got another idea for better controlmanaging.
What about using a key to switch between the different types of selectable items on the map?
For example f9?
for example. Normaly you can switch to all the stuff on a square with the tab key.. After pressing f9 you only switch through the stuff of the enemy.
After pressing f9 again you only switch throught the empty fields on a square.
and so on, and so on.

At the moment, Control + Tab only selects targets useful for a peasant.

Maybe Control + Tab could behave differently depending on the type of selected units. If soldiers are selected, Control + Tab would select only military targets (enemies and blockable exits), and Tab would select military targets first.

Would it be convenient?

2016-05-25 20:11:07

Yeah, would be OK. Could you make it this way so that pressing tab only selects units and control-tab selects only buildings? Sometimes for example when you want to use conversion of a building, you have to switch through 90 archers or something like that. But sure, your Idea is also good.
Another situation in wich my idea would be a little better is, when you want to build towers only on the pathways.

I got another question.
We only have pathways in north, south, east and west. What about northwest, southeast and so on?
We got a little problem in this version now. I will try to give an example.
Your base is on d12. Your enemy sends a flying units to e11. This unit can see your base but you can not attack the unit on e11 with your towers.

What about switching the controls to the numpad? 1 would move to southwest, 9 would move to northeast.

2016-05-26 05:23:07

Hello, again :3

About the custom targets, I think that instead of select the usable targets depending your selection, I think that is better habe two options.

First, the default behavior of ctrl+tab, is that the usable map objects for the selected units are listed. But, you have a certain key (fast key, the function keys are very slow to use in a fast game) to switch the usable criteria for the current selection.
And well, the usable options that i think are simple. Peasant like (meadows, paths, exploitable objects, repairables objects) military like (enemy soldiers and buildings) only buildings (only buildings for fast targeting of enemy buildings for some skills) or... something similar :3

Well, this is all ^^
I've see that currently, you have a lot of work in github with various issue reports xd

See ya

2016-05-26 19:23:03

Maybe units or buildings of the same type could be grouped as targets, so Control + Tab would select "90 archers", then "mage tower 1", etc. Giving an order with grouped targets would randomly select any target in this group of targets (or maybe the closest target of the group).

In the next release units will attack diagonals too, if I remember correctly.

The numpad isn't on all the keyboards so we can't rely on it. It could be interesting though.

2016-05-27 02:47:59

Hmmm the grouping target option sounds... Hmmmm

SOunds interesting, but How works when you have a group of units selected? xD
All of the group cast the selected spell to one target in the group? Or one by one.

Is a really debatable thing hmm ^^

2016-06-24 23:41:51

Would it be possible to make the time the server waits before disconnecting someone configurable? For those of us who sometimes have crappy connections it can be annoying to build up to an epic battle only to be disconnected.

2018-01-22 03:59:37

hi, Is this project still going on?

2018-01-22 15:24:55

I'm also thinking to myself. That game is fun btw

73 Wj3u

2018-01-22 15:51:00

Im interested too, does developers worrk on next version?

2018-01-22 18:20:29

All the developement goes on at github, but the project is not very active at the moment. You can check what's been done by heading to the sound rts github page and checking the commits, if you're interested.

golfing in the kitchen

2018-01-23 19:07:02

The project is at everytime still live, but during north summer is when the git have more new commits with new updates.
But remember, soundrts itself is a game Core, only with a example content.

If you want a more complete game using this RTS engine, is crazy mod of pragma.

2018-01-24 01:04:28

Hmm when we talk about sound rts,  i would like to be in new version some longer campaign with story element and good misions. For example: missions like in blitskrig mod, but much more...

2018-01-24 03:07:51

I hope to improve the details, for example, your army will automatically run to adjacent areas to fight back. This one needs to be optimized.
A counterattack mode switch can be designed. If the counter attack mode is opened, your army will can auto run to Retaliate into adjacent areas

2018-01-24 07:47:50

Completely agree with previous poster. That feature has made someone lose a game more than once. It could be useful in certain circumstances, but it should be optional on units, maybe another mode in addition to offensive and deffensive.