2015-05-28 02:55:21

Hi seb. The file you've just posted here is your save file?

2015-05-28 02:57:26

Where can i found your notes?

2015-05-28 03:06:25

Yeah GTA V will never be accessible to screen readers, NVDA gets kind of sluggish in there, and only really reads incoming background stuff. One thing to note, since the game requires s decent graphics setup that if you are not experienceing smooth gameplay it most likely  is due to a limited resources in your graphics card. I might have to make a layout for the graphics options to that people can turn the settings down to make it playable on a wider variety of systems though it probably does some sort of autoconfigure, there's more you can do.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-05-28 03:12:03

@chrisfaelnar check post 17. You have to have the mod properly installed though -- We'll sort out a guide for that after I figure this trainer i guess.
@seb2314, I tried to spawn the boat, but it failed. now, I imagined that whenever i press zero and back out of the trainer and re launch it again with f3, It doesn't put the selection from the top, It selects your previously chosen item in the main menu. so I played around with it, and I could spawn the boat. I also could spawn some kind of dogs too, but It was all luck and fiddling with the controls.
Could our menu orders differ from each other? when did you install the trainer, Maybe because i installed this today, the version is different from yours?
For some reason, It seems like  My main menu is different from yours.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2015-05-28 05:37:09

how did you know what location the strip club was in the taxi menu?

2015-05-28 05:54:53

hi all, I've heard your recording of GTA 5, I think this one will be accessible because of that first person mode.
if you guys can stream the game I would love to listen to it.
I want to listen the madness in this game, like shooting cars, killing many polices, and more stuff.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-05-28 07:53:13

I doubt this, but if I can grab a cab and could learn the layout of the cab menu which would be hard because it would change since I have not completed the game, but you would be able to find the missions, its just a matter of... Maybe we could do certain missions? though I doubt it of course since we can not take cabs on missions and must take the cars. Would be cool though if we could do the missions.

:D happy to help out with games and the like... maybe :D

2015-05-28 12:14:41

@JWoodill21 I did know on what street or part of town the strip club was at, so I just remembered the layout of the menu when you're in the cab and went to strawberry. If you noticed, I even chose the wrong thing at first since you heard I selected the international airport, and Strawberry is to the left of it.

@bradp it's pretty simple in fact, whenever you're currently on a mission you go in a cab and the first option is to go to the actual waypoint/marker so it brings you right at the start of each mission.

@hanif first person view really does help. I'm planning on releasing more recordings and with definitely more action smile this was just to show how FPV really helps with the game.

@ironcross32 you're right, and if you could help with the lower pc settings that would be great. I wasn't able to try anything regarding it, since my pc is already supporting it.

@hadi.gsf try to download the trainer from here
I'm sure you probably did that already, but if not download the script hook plus the asi file loader. Here's a compressed file
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zjq7liw9hmo24 … k.zip?dl=0
extract it and place both dll in your GTA V main folder.

2015-05-28 12:21:40

figured out how to enable autoaim on the ps4? really need some sort of menu guide for that controls menu.

:D happy to help out with games and the like... maybe :D

2015-05-28 12:40:39

@bradp let's try this, but I'm not sure it will work since I have the PC version. Restart the game, when you have control press start, go right 3 times, press x twice, go down one time and press right. Auto aim is now set to full.

2015-05-28 12:58:39

I have a question before reinstalling the trainer:
According to your notes, vehicle spawning is the fourth option...  But in your test instruction you gave me, you said that i have to press numbpad 2 twice, does that mean that when the trainer is launched, your focus is in the second item of the main menu?
I have successfully spawned the boat with your instructions; I had to press the keys very slowly with pauses between them.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2015-05-28 13:12:55

Well, after pressing f3, you're on the options menu. If you press number 2 three times, you will end up at the vehicle spawning menu. I think I know what your problem is though. Pressing it fast might be the problem since sometimes it might skip an option, that is why it's going to help whenever we get to hear the sounds when scrolling.

2015-05-28 13:41:12

dont think it worked. Might ask my brother. And from what he told me a while ago, I was able to hear the random people on the street but the character wouldnt be facing them meaning when autoaim was on, it wouldnt target them. and are you able to autoaim at pedestrians?

:D happy to help out with games and the like... maybe :D

2015-05-28 13:47:24

When I go into the game today, I will write down the menu options on how to turn auto aim on since I am partially sighted and can read the options if i get right ontop of the screen

As for navigating the menu, it scrolls very fast, in the GTA IV you could change this, but I don't know if this trainer has that option, I'd have to look in the INI file to see. It was a value in milliseconds and I think in GTA IV, it was set at 70 or something and you could change it making the menu scroll a bit slower. Although, I think it will be fine when sounds are added in because most of the menus have a lot of options, some even have two pages of options so scrolling slower would take forever to get to what you want.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-05-28 13:52:43

I'm now installing the game to try this out, I've been meaning to do this for a long time anyway so yeah.

@Seb perhaps you could suggest to this trainer developer to do what skullgirls does and copy things to the Clipboard? Not sure how  it's being developped, but if he can write to the clipboard it would be a cheep way of making the menus talk.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2015-05-28 14:32:10

@bradp Yes the character faces the closest ped when auto aim is on, that's actually the reason for it to be turned on. Make sure your brother was not using the free aim option, it needs to be set at full.

@pitermach I'll definitely ask him about that. Great idea

2015-05-28 14:47:13

@seb2314 you're right, That is what exactly happening, smile
@ironcross32 That's interesting, I'm also going to hunt the ini file and see if i can find scrolling speed
@pitermach interesting, I have never played skullgirls, How would that make the trainer accessible?

I might edit my first post and include instructions about modding the game, turning auto aim on and point readers to seb2314 posts for the save files and his trainer notes, so we could get people going with their setup of GTA V, If they like to play it.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2015-05-28 14:48:18

@bradp Let me know when your on your skype.
Also my skype ID is hadi.gsf7 If you guys wanna add it.

"I don't see how having a guide horse will affect my neighbors."
twitter: @hadirezae3
discord: Hadi

2015-05-28 15:37:52

The clipboard concept comes from most japanese audio games For some reason, every Japanese screen reader automatically reads the Windows clipboard when it changes, so many audio game developers there use it as a way to add screen reader speech. There's also programs that do this for every screen reader, clipreader, clipboard2sapi, etc and NVDA at least has a hotkey to read what the clipboard currently contains. The awesome thing about adding speech this way is that, while speaking directly via screen reader requires being able to access external libraries, just about every programming language has built-in functions to put text on the clipboard. So when you turn this feature on in Skullgirls, it causes the game to copy the name of a currently selected menu, story mode text and so on to the clipboard when it changes. The GTA trainer could do this too, and if this is possible maybe the dev could add hotkeys to speak information that we can't see normally like current health, cash, ammo and so on.

<Insert passage from "The Book Of Chrome" here>

2015-05-28 15:42:52

Here's another recording, this time basically showing auto aim. Keep in mind that I'm attacking peds that basically didn't do shit to me, but I needed to demonstrate how it works and especially that you can follow them by holding the auto aim button and walking forward. That's the best way to attack them using melee. You'll also note that I go to the beach and it's really easy to navigate using first person view, and the sound is helping a lot too, you basically know if you go further in the water or go back towards the beach. You'll see what I mean by listening to that. I turned on never wanted so I wouldn't be bothered by police during the recording.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/82w2ahxq6ufrj … 2.mp3?dl=0

2015-05-28 15:50:54

Could you complete missions with this trainer thing? Autodriving could be useful, and autoaim can be used to shoot if you're being chased.

2015-05-28 15:55:35

Yes missions are doable with this trainer. Auto drive is broken for the moment, but it will be fix soon according to the dev.

2015-05-28 19:30:24

Well someone would need to make an addon for nvda to make it speak out the clipboard automatically bacause in the game nvda keystrokes are being intercepted by the game and thus, do not work. Also, guys, you need to realize this is a very resource intensive game so NVDA gets a bit sluggish while its open.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-05-28 21:47:07

Can somebody make a list of the taxi menu?

2015-05-28 22:25:32

@JWoodill21 That's pretty tough, especially depending on how far you're in the game, because you unlock more things as you progress. If you have a 100% complete save file, I'll post something soon.