2015-02-02 13:48:05

Hi keyIsFull.
yes I use the version of Internet Explorer 11 desktop8.1.
yes, I use the English voice
no, I don't have a voice Portuguese.  in the engine SAPI5
but have on engine sapi.4 but cannot change to the voices in the engine sapi.4
What I may be missing to navigate with the hot keys on the Internet 11?
Pitermach you sure that the screen reader supports fast navigation?

2015-02-02 15:25:58

Ok, that is very weird. It's supposed to be a .zz file, but anyway, here's another link.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttyw2bqz5gibc … gs.zd?dl=0

2015-02-24 00:09:50

Hi all. I have the zhengoo screen reader installed in windows 8.1. however, I cant get it to run. I click on the zhengoo screen reader on the desktop and all I get is a dialog in chineese! how can I run it? I have also tried running it as administrator, but that does not work too! help please!

2015-02-24 00:32:53

and I have user account control off.

2015-02-25 11:24:58

I like that this takes very little CPU usage.

2015-02-28 11:48:00

Hey all,
Thanks for the information about Zhengdu, just downloaded yesterday. Now I know why Zhengdu doesn't really saves any settings I've done, I didn't run it as an Admin. smile
Regarding the zip-file, try to rename the password protected zip-file into zd, this should work the way you want it to.
Because of whatever reason, at least Internet Explorer renames unknown files, for example .nvda, .ipsx, etc. into .zip-files. Don't try to mess around with it's content, just rename the file from .zip into .zd and you're okay.


Feel free to check my blog at
Aut enim do tibi, ut des, aut do, ut facias, aut facio, ut des, aut facio, ut facias.

2015-03-24 16:29:50

brad wrote:


This sounds interesting, but... I got an error when running the program. something about this program needs elivating? The error is in Chinese and i can't translate it.

maybe you were downloaded the business version.
The business version needs the dog.

So,you need download the pw version.
Here the pw version address:click here to download zdsr_pw version

2015-03-24 16:35:11

mayson wrote:

Hi all. I have the zhengoo screen reader installed in windows 8.1. however, I cant get it to run. I click on the zhengoo screen reader on the desktop and all I get is a dialog in chineese! how can I run it? I have also tried running it as administrator, but that does not work too! help please!

maybe you run the business version.
You need download the pw version.
the address above floor.

2015-03-24 16:41:42

Hi all,
I am qt.
I am a zdsr's service personnel.

I am very happy to see you in the discussion and use ZDSR.

Welcome e-mail to me.

2017-10-10 19:52:34

on a somewhat related note, does aneyone know if there is a sapi5 version of skyvoice that could be used with NVDA for example?

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2017-10-10 23:33:49

hi the link for downloading from Dropbox is not working

“The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” —

2017-10-11 13:38:39 (edited by brad 2017-10-11 13:42:25)


I tried the screen reader and prefer NVDA. If I need a backup screen reader, i'll use Narrator.

I'm gone for real :)

2018-10-10 14:09:04

Anyone use this anymore?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2018-10-10 18:22:11

My students use it. Many people in China use it, but unless you want to use internet explorer, nvda will probably be better for web browsing. It's kind of cool that it can tell you where shortcuts to things are, and the full version has some translation features and other things that I don't understand the meaning of, but I haven't figured out how to do too much with it, so I haven't used it much yet, just to test how things read for students. Recently I found the default voice can't read English with different intonation depending on the punctuation used, so I will probably have to tell my students to change voice schemes when we get to that lesson to show the difference. Since I have it, I can also demonstrate how for the few probably older students who are new to using it.  I'm glad I have it, but my reasons are pretty specific and don't apply to most people. lol

2018-10-10 23:26:43

Hi all i can't run this screan reader on windows 10 64 bits i try many times but it gives me just start sound and sometimes a message this screen reader is for visualy ipaired people and exist both comerciall and free licence and after this program closed

2018-10-11 05:21:26

@Arcadia, I wish it supports more browsers. I've tested this thing yesterday, and I really impressed with it.

@40, make sure you download the public welfare version.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2018-10-11 07:45:03

I think i downloaded it but when i start it nothing happened also the droopbox link is broken

2018-10-11 07:58:53

Here is the link if you want it.


Follow me on Mastodon.

2018-10-11 15:40:13

I've been monitoring the updates to ZDSR. Sadly the free version hasn't received any updates in over a year now. The paid version is very much still being worked on, it recently picked up audio ducking, progress bar beeps, automatic reading in command prompt and probably most importantly Chrome support which I'd love to test. But sadly the commertial version can only be bought via a bank transfer in china and requires a hardware dongle to work so importing that would probably be a pain. If the free version ever gets this though or you'll be able to buy the commertial edition via something that's available internationally I'm definitely going to look at it

2018-10-11 16:42:10

I agree with you there. The screen reader is very responsive. And I really love the music while installing it though.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2018-10-12 18:23:01

I have the full version, but I haven't tried any of these features yet.

2018-10-12 19:16:58

Regarding the setup music, I wonder if it's actually something you can find somewhere else. I know it was used in a PG13 stream but I couldn't find it in the program's folders, so I'm curious.

2018-10-12 21:59:35

hi all.
When I try to launch the screenreader on a windows 7 computer, it makes a sound, then my speech says: zhengdu screenreader, not responding or something like that.
how do I fix this?

me and a friend of mine have made a youtube channel where we upload beats that we make. If you want to check it out, you can find it at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD0CxF … PFlCqjOtOA

2018-10-13 07:58:58

@47, I also tried to find the music in the program files folder too. But I couldn't find either.

@48, I don't know, since I'm installing it on Windows 10.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2018-10-14 04:59:32

@Arcadia: Since you're a registered customer, do you get priority technical support? I'd ask about a possible American distributor. Without the bank transfer hassle, isn't the full version not that expensive?