9,061 NVDA on touch screens, does it work OK?

by sightlessHorseman

9,063 Searching for files in gold wave

by Pineapple Pizza

9,064 Has anyone used WeWalk?

by Rich_Beardsley ( Pages 1 2 )

9,066 Zoom IQ7 accessibility

by Nuno

9,069 Suggestions for Switching from iOS to Android (Pixel 4)

by TheGreatCarver ( Pages 1 2 3 4 )

9,070 Monthly chat December 2019

by Sage_Lancaster

9,072 happy birthday!

by omer ( Pages 1 2 3 )

9,073 USB sound cards

by Pineapple Pizza

9,077 Tips from fellow blind people on Dating?

by Mord-Sith ( Pages 1 2 3  12 )

9,078 2nd Christmas

by AntiCloningDevice

9,080 TrainRadio

by Omar Alvarado

9,082 looking for sound effects

by smoothgunner

9,083 Transcribing Music

by Green Gables Fan

9,084 cheap but decent microphones?

by TheEvilChocolateCookie

9,085 OBS question

by Jonnyboy1991

9,089 my huge decision

by wightfall

9,090 Question for people on the Mac

by brooksfrakerbac