2017-05-29 18:09:29

Kai, you're actually hinting at something that's been pretty central to our design philosophy. For this game, we want to make the finished game as universally accessible as possible. That means considering not only blind gamers but sighted gamers, deaf gamers, gamers with motor disabilities, and so on. I'm sure there are use cases we haven't considered, but we're trying to take as much of this into account as we can.

So another facet of this is making the game accessible to gamers of different skill levels. There are always going to be gamers who want a game that's punishingly hard, but there are also going to be people who may never have had the opportunity to play a game like this, and so we have to keep that in mind in terms of complexity and difficulty. One thing we've been talking about is a way to make the game difficulty adjustable, to better meet different gamers' needs. Not sure how much progress we're going to make on that, but we definitely have made an effort to make certain features that open up the game to players with a lower skill level but don't get in the way for more skilled players who want to ignore them, and then on the other hand trying to build in game elements that reward more skilled or adventurous players without punishing those at a lower skill level.

Dan_C: No randomized stats per se, but I think that would probably lead to more confusion and tedium than needed. If I have a leather helmet equipped, and I pick up a leather helmet, I don't want to have to check to see if the leather helmet I picked up is better than the one I'm wearing.

2017-05-29 19:37:06

Love the design philosophy behind the game. 
I agree, I've played some games where that exact situation happens far too much.
Mind you, others where that system can really work given the right prefixes. smile

2017-05-29 21:21:04

ok, this might already have been asked before but on which platforms are the games going to be sell on?

2017-05-29 22:24:19

Windows so far.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-05-30 14:14:00

Yes, Windows for sure, which will be the only platform for the initial audio-only release. Hopefully the game will be playable on Mac using Wine—it worked that way fairly early on, and we'll be sure to do some in-depth testing before we release to see if that's an option. For the final, full-graphics release we're continuing to look into the possibility of releasing on other platforms, specifically Xbox One, but there are no guarantees at present. A full Mac port is also probably not in the cards for a long time, though it's something I'd love to see eventually.

2017-05-30 15:17:44

Mind you, this is just my opinion, but I honestly don't think it's worth it to focus too deeply on difficulty ratings at this time. You might try doing one harder difficulty where it essentially just scales up npc stats, but for more complex higher difficulty settings, you could follow the Diablo model and, if you were inclined to do so, release later on an add-on package like their Hellfire / Lords of Destruction expansions. In that way, you can gauge whether there is enough interest for such an expansion before committing yourself to it.

As an aside, and purely out of my own personal jealous curiosity (because I have too many things to buy, and so can afford it right now), did you guys get the full Epic Stock Media bundle I referred you to in an early post? It looks so amazing, and I swear I'm raiding Ian's house to get the hard drive it's on if you did buy it. big_smile


Spill chuck you spots!

2017-05-30 15:22:46

Ha, actually the hard drive would be at Drew's house if we had, but no, I think we went with some other options. He said something about the sounds on that library being more pre-designed, and preferring to have the building blocks that he can modify as he sees fit, or something like that. Don't quote me on that. He had his reasons, so it didn't matter too much to me.

And yeah, scaling difficulty isn't a big priority at this point. Just something we're kicking around as we work on things like tweaking unit AI and so on—keeping it in the back of our minds as we think, "Would there be a way to scale this AI to make it easier or harder", etc.

2017-05-30 15:57:19

I would be interested in the harder versions of the game, but I'd rather get the main game first.

2017-05-30 17:42:38

sorry, i wasn't  clear enough lol, are ya gonna sell it on steam? on which bisniz platform.

2017-05-30 19:06:50

They'll sell it on their site (outofsightgames.com).

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

2017-05-30 20:37:13

Sito: The initial release will be locally hosted through outofsightgames.com. For the full-graphics release, we will be looking into other platforms and distributors. Nothing is for sure, and much of it will depend on compatibility and things like that, but things we plan to look into are Steam as well as some other smaller indie game distributors, Xbox One, and the Windows 10 store. This should work well for us since the direct purchase, rather than using a third-party host, seems to be what most blind gamers prefer, and this then gives us more time to investigate the other distribution methods. Plus, we wouldn't want to do the multi-stage release on a platform like Steam; if we release there, we want it to be the 100% finished product for the whole market, not just the audio version.

2017-05-31 00:25:16

Hay Joseph, I'm not sure if I or someone else asked this already, but this will work on windows 7 right?
I don't have windows 10, that's why I'm asking.

2017-05-31 00:26:58

Yes, it will work on Windows 7. This has come up before. smile

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-31 01:06:55

Thanks for fielding the question, AF, but I actually want to answer with a little more nuance. While I can say that at present the game runs fine on Windows 7, until all changes to the code base are finalized, we can't make any guarantees about compatibility—however, at present we don't see any reason that we won't be able to support versions of Windows that far back.

2017-05-31 01:20:40

Definitely helped to have that extra level of detail, sorry if I jumped the gun a little. I simply went on previously known information. smile

Discord: clemchowder633

2017-05-31 01:24:44

No problem. I may not have been as cautious in the past with how I phrased things as I'm trying to be now.

2017-05-31 03:02:40

I think some of the gamers are worried as to what programming language A Hero's Call is written in.
Many audio games are still written in Visual Basic 6, that has problems on some newer versions of Windows.
Other developers have gone to Python, C plus plus, or C sharp which seem to work better.

2017-05-31 04:07:40

Oh I see. The engine runs on C#; I'm not a programmer, so that's the extent of my knowledge...

2017-06-01 20:08:08 (edited by blindndangerous 2017-06-01 20:12:31)

I had to laugh at  A Chef's Call.  Also, it's June, it's  A Hero's Call month! Hahaha.
Now, bring on the audiogame of Dark Souls. I would so pay for that.

2017-06-01 21:05:26

That would be great, because we could just make 1/4 of a game because nobody would ever beat it, hahaha. Everybody wins! (Or loses, technically...)...

2017-06-01 21:25:38

Where are the fireworks?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2017-06-01 23:52:15

That would indeed make an awesome birthday gift, not that I'd be able to buy it if it did come out this month.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2017-06-02 03:38:22

Oh, dark souls! just a dream which will never come true. I always wanted to play games from From softwarelike Dark souls or blood borne.
What is great about those games? audio design, every kind of sword or other weapon sounds differend, the same with armors, it is just an masterpiece!

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2017-06-02 19:32:28

Joseph, thought you might want to see this.
https://www.polygon.com/2017/6/2/157292 … ce=twitter

2017-06-03 05:02:40

Thanks for sharing this. I'm definitely glad it won't be $5,000. Of course since they haven't announced when this switch is happening, it's possible that when we are at the point of pursuing a Steam release they'll still be doing Greenlight. Time will tell, I guess.