2017-03-04 15:01:59

Hi I want compleetTask 3, but i think a mace a mistake. Ever is the result, task not finish unauthorized boarding of passengers
what is the problem?

2017-03-04 20:01:33

@blind-gamer there are some things you can do to check you have no pasengers to comply with the task. You may have boarded them by mistake with control W which boards and unboards pasengers. To check, do control enter to check the aircrafts properties and check the passenger count, if it says 0 you should be good to go. If this still doesn't work, then making sure the door is open press control W which will board pasengers and announce the number aboard, keep pressing until you hear 0.
To anyone who has tried my sounds, the most recent ones uploaded today, then are there any that you think need major improovments or changes.

2017-03-04 23:03:40

to avoid confusion. My username is Blindgamer995. I see that there is another member with a similar name, but I have a number 995. My signature will be Alen ..
@djkw25, now your sounds are much better, but i have advice for editing. Record 4 seconds unchanged sound like my tu154 sound. For example, learjet sound is ok, but every 4 second game repeat sound from begining and the sound is not aligned. It is not so important, but can be heard. I don't know how to explain this because my english speaking skils are not good. It is best heard when the aircraft is at full throttle. It can be heard when open the wav file in the player
I will make some test flights, and maybe edit   your sound mods with  to see if there is something else to change if you agree.
I'll try to arrange landing sound and switches and buttons, and perhaps the sound of rain and storm This is only idea in this point.

by the way, I sent  author of the game e-mail with  list of airports that should be added, but did not get an answer, does anyone know what is going on. It is not very important, but I would like to know. it seems to me that I incorrectly categorized airports
Any suggestions? feel free and write.

Regards, Alen

I play simulations such as Eurotruck and american truck simulator. If you hear the trucks coming, run as fast as possible. Maybe I'm behind the wheel :D

2017-03-04 23:21:57

@blindgamer995, i understand what you mean about the learjet, the sound changes every so often, it's difficult to explain but if this link to it should be fixed now:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/y2lqssdwqq3y0 … d.zip?dl=0

It would be great if you made some more weather and control sounds like you said, you seem good at finding good sounds, i like the new gear sounds, i was also looking for flaps but didn't really find anything. We could also change takeoff successful to "positive rate" for example and the landing sound to the flare.

2017-03-05 10:44:53

DjkW25 is there a difference between the sounds uploaded today vs those you uploaded a few Days ago?

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2017-03-05 13:07:25

Ok, thanks for your help. But i has an other question. I must take of from an airport categories 2. I start from the right runway, but i crash and in the blackbox is the report, wrong direction. Whats wrong?

2017-03-05 15:25:48

@LordLundin, they are slightly but not much, some are just a little louder and I've been trying to remove that annoying clicking when it recycles the sound so it doesn't do it every couple of seconds, I have managed to do it on some but not completely.

@blind-gamer ok so when taking off from an airport with multipul runways here's what you want to do.
You will be given a runway, let's say A1. You taxi along until you here A1. If you are using headphones, which I highly recommend, then it will be on the left or the right side of you. The easiest way to turn and line up with it is to do control and left or right arrow depending on which side the beeping runway is on. You will hear it moving as the plane turns to face it and a ding when it has finished. To check you are defenitly lined up, press s to check your direction, if it says one of the 4 points North South East or West then you can just take off as normal.

2017-03-05 19:29:12

please tell us when you've made a new nice revision. I like the beachcraft but it needs to be fixed because the Engine kinda goes up in pitch slightly then slicks and goes down as it loops back.

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2017-03-05 19:51:48 (edited by DjkW25 2017-03-05 19:53:57)

Here's a folder with some more revisions. @LordLundin I fixed the beachcraft, sorry I hadn't noticed before as I don't fly it that much.
I've also added a DC3, and a new autopilotoff sound, pluss a slightly revised landing sound to make it sound more realistic.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gpf1ypj0ekag … s.zip?dl=0

2017-03-05 21:06:15 (edited by DjkW25 2017-03-05 21:07:11)

just a question for those of you who have made planes, when I do most of them they end up making a click sound when it reuses the audio in the game. How did you get rid of this, I have audacity and have tried the click remover and stuff but it still makes a click noise. Maybe it's not that loud, but on the planes other people have put up here it seems not to be there at all.

2017-03-06 08:15:53

Hi all,
I was just curious how those of you who fly category 2 aircraft, which don't have automatic speed things, handle landing at destination airports.
I like to fly at the max speed for my plane. I suspect my passengers like this, too. However, I don't want to breeze right on past the airport. I don't want to slow down to my landing speed too early, but I don't think going in full throttle then having to circle until I lose speed, which I did once, is the best course either.
Strategies for this would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

2017-03-06 11:26:44


at 20 km from the Airport, I check the landing speed, and depending on the Aircraft and the speed at which I'm going (around 850 to 1000 for most bigger Crafts) I start slowing down at around 13 km from the Airport.

Hope this helps.

Of course, if  you're doing speeds of say 500 km per hour maybe only 8 km is enough.

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2017-03-06 19:08:12 (edited by DjkW25 2017-03-06 19:09:57)

@Telemachus it really depends on a lot of things like LordLundin said; what aircraft your flying, speed, distance. It's really down to your judgment. It's best to do it gradually or in one go closer to the airport. Let me play out a scenario for you to show you how I would do it.
let's say I''m in a Boeing 747 (at 990 KMH) headed for an airport at 10,000 feet. At about 50 metres from the airport, I would start descending.
because my speed is a little higher than normal, I would start to slow down at about 20/15 kilometres from the airport. In some cases though I have done it much later depending on the situation. In extreme situations, because I would consider myself to be very experienced, I have cut one or both engines on the game (wouldn't suggest this unless you really no what your doing and in a faster plane, you have to get your speed back and if you don't it will stall).
I will always make sure I am at landing speed about 5/4 km from the airport.
hope that helps

2017-03-07 05:17:02

@DjkW25 I hear ya, I do that too. Also feel free to add more Aircrafts.

I seriously only want the devs to tell us how to make a task, or release a task maker, then they can go fuck themselves for all I care. Seriously sad

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2017-03-07 15:57:53

Or airport maker, or, ya know, a physics editor, so we can actually get a decent flight model in Eurofly, or task makers, or....ya know.....make the game more open and moddable so people can fix the bugs and core issues the devs apparently can't or won't fix.

Instead of fixing issues or adding more aircraft aircraft, in the last update they added joystick support....for....a flight model that frankly does not need it, as the flight model is nowhere near realistic enough to warrant using one.

Then they say oh keyboards are not found in cockpits.

Yes, yes they are, on the flight computer, which two seconds of research would have told the developers.

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2017-03-07 18:16:37

someone get in touch with cae Jones and have him challenged at making a task editor and Airport maker. He's good at debunking stuff.

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2017-03-07 19:26:56 (edited by DjkW25 2017-03-07 19:28:26)

Completely agree, only found the game challenging for about a week and now I can play it in my sleep if I felt like it, plus it doesn't simulate flying at all. I thought i'd give the devs a chance as maybe improovments were coming but nothing other than updates that don't really matter or make a bit of difference.
Well, i'm doing the only thing I can change at the moment which is aircraft. I'm a bit busy this week but if anyone has more suggestions for plane then I could have a go at making them. What do you want, more Douglas planes like dc8 or below, more Airbus like Airbus A330 or perhaps others like an Atr72 I was thinking.  No matter how many planes are made though by us it would be much better if more features were added.
That's why I've switched to fsx with IYP instead, just in the process of learning that at the minute, much more realistic.

2017-03-07 20:17:59 (edited by JaceK 2017-03-07 20:45:28)

Here's my picks:


Beoing Boeing 347

Fokker F27

Fokker F100

Hawker-Siddley Trident

Alsk the HS.2 by the same company.

Lastly, as a shot in the dark...

Try the Konkordski concerpt (well it actually flew, but crashed) and the Boeing SST (America's answer to the Concorde)


Wait. How did I randomly gain a karma anyhow? Just noticed I got two for some reason.

Edit #2:

Not expecting much from the devs honestly. It seems like they don't want to fix the core issues from the sim, they don't want to put an actual flight model in. Even a basic one would go a long, long way towards fixing some of the issues wih the sim. I sent in a list of suggestions when I first started playing and heard nothing back at all, and as far as I can tell nothing on that list (and it was a comprehensive list that included taking off in rain and storms, citing real aircraft doing so, and landing in anything other than perfect weather since...y'know, autolanding exists), it cited real ICAO phraseology for the tower, it requested the ability to toggle between feet and meters, knots and km...

And none of that was even implemented. Nothing at all.

I can send a follow up email to the devs, but what good will it do if it's not an airport suggestion? That honestly seems to be all the devs seem to care about. I may just go and post my list on the FB page for the sim and see where it gets me, but again. Not holding out hope.

EDIT #2: Here's what I got so far: This should shed some light on the devs I hope:

So. I'm not sure if this is going to stay on the page as I know small indie developers have a reputation for removing criticism and oh hey, this is both a small indie developer and thus in that zone.

But here we go, developer Eurofly.

My questions.

1> Did you get a license to use the airline's name and logo? If not that is blatant copyright infringement, or if you're too stupid to understand that. You can't just call yourself Eurofly without getting a licensing deal and pass yourself off as part of the airline. That's blatantly illegal, even more so than just using the name.

2. When are you actually going to work on fixing the core issues?

A. There is zero flight model at all. I have sent you an email about this and got zero reply, yet instead of taking the time to look into the issues, you go and add in more airports and a joystick support

B. Speaking of, your fact checking is inaccurate, You state there are no keyboards in aircraft cockpits, this is blatantly false, as flight management computers have keyboards for data entry, a fact you'd be aware of if you have researched how planes work rather than slapping together  a basic game engine and calling it a 'fight simulator and atlas for the blinds'

A name, by the way which may be a translation issue but I for one don't feel comfortable with.

That's like callling it a 'racing simulator for the footless'.

Yes, you can use it if blind but you're pointing out oh look I made a flight simulator for blind people, aren't I special?

No. No you are not. How about you spend time instead of adding airports, how about you spend time actually reading up on how flying works, and how forces act on an aircraft, and actually model those in your sim.

Hint. Gravity makes planes descend and they always fly at a slight nose up angle.

C. Your ATC phraseology is godawful.

Read up on real life standard ICAO phraseology. I was told you actually rejected several tower voices for using the correct real world phraseology, which boggles the mind. Why? Why do you persist in using inaccurate information in a simulator, or, what claims to be a simulator?

That doesn't mkae it a simulator at all, that makes it, and I hate the term, simcade, it is not a simulation of anything except walking around on a flat plane going from area to area.

D. Aircraft

I highly, HIGHLY doubt you have paid licenseing  fees for Boeing, Airbus and so forth to feature those aircraft, Yes, PMDG and freeware aircraft exist that flout the same issues consider this. PMDG actually have their payware for FSX licensed by Boeing. PMDG also have their Douglas planes licensed by Boeing. Where are your licensing details, you have to disclose what you have licensed upon request. Oh, have you actually licensed anything?

E. Flight 'model'

It's an absolute joke. You spend time adding in a joystick control scheme for a sim that you can literally just push one button and walk away and do nothing with? No, to quote your last update, flying to an airport is not exciting. THere is zero to do in the simulator. FSX, X Plane, Flightgear all have things to monitor, and things to do in flight. This has absolutely nothing to do, period. The entire flight model needs a redoing from the ground up with actual flight dynamics implemented.

F. Sounds

The sounds are beyond awful. It's one thing if you took an engine sound from a video, but the default sounds are beyond awful, they are in some cases unable to be heard over the airport sounds, and the background aircraft sound a lot more relaistic than your own aircraft.. That says a lot about your ideas for this simulator.

G. Oh it's a one man show?

I'm sorry but you're just one man working on the sim? Oh pity me, I put out a simple flight simulator for blind people, aren't  I wonderful?


Look. Austin Meyer made X Plane by himself in 1993 that far outstrips what EF has in 2017. And the original X Plane was a DOS release. He has shown it's possible to make a decent, or great flight sim from the mind of just one man. Stefano Casillo made two racing simulators on his own, ahnd high fidelity racing simulators. So it is possible, are you just that lazy you don't want to put the work in?

H. Lack of updates

What, did you go and put out an update then go quiet? THere's a lot of people on the Audiogames forums who are wondering what the hell happened and who are frankly disappointed in Eurofly once the luster wore off and there was nothing to do. Peoople want a task maker, they want to put their own airports in but no, we have to email you and hope you add it in. We have to hope mor tasks come in updates instead of useless features like joystick support or new dispatchers (which I have seen mods for that anyhow)

So.....what do you think to that FB post? I'm still writing it as I'm typing this but it's a start, right?

Maybe if w all get togethr and construct an open letter to Kissoft between us?

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2017-03-08 00:30:17 (edited by DjkW25 2017-03-08 00:39:56)

@DracoSelene89 agree with nearly everything there. I too wrote to them in January and got no response, basicly saying the same things as you; the aircraft, the sounds, the awful flight model ETC. It's so disappointing that this game, which had potencial, is still exactly the same as it was when it was released. It seems to me they seem to want to just add more rubbish to the game, like airports, well yeah that's nice but why not try and get the basics right first. They won't listen to feedback and I can't see any change. I think, in the end, it might come down to someone who is good with creating games in the community having to do it, or this game will end up having a very short life. You can't just make a game, say it's for the blind and that makes it great, and then just abandon it adding in the occasional tower voice submitted to them by someone else and airports submitted to them also by other people. I thought, when it started, the game might become something great, now it's becoming really boring to play it.
P.S, thanks for the aircraft suggestions, think someone made a DC4 and I put it in one of my uploaded folders but i'll have a go at the rest at some point. I'd rather have a game rich in detail and with fewer aircraft than the other way around but it's the only way I can make it more interesting right now by adding more planes.
Edit: I just really want this game to advance and become something I know it could become with dedication from a dev. Fsx with IYP is good, but there's nothing like manually controlling an aircraft yourself, being able to make the inputs exactly how you want them. There's also nothing like eurofly in terms of a windows audiogame, which is why I really would like for it to continue getting better, just don't think it will happen sadly.

2017-03-08 01:09:25 (edited by JaceK 2017-03-08 01:10:42)

To be honest I've seen one man dev teams make some amazing things (like Aprone's stuff) so the argument that oh, it's just one man does not fly (no pun intended) here, I've seen some developers and small teams do some fantastic things for sighted gamers too, the aformentioned X Plane, Kunos's stuff (as questionable as his antics are), I just simply feel audiogamers are treated with...not really disdain, but crtainly a second class attitude at times. Yes, we got stuff like Aprone's games, like VGStorm's games but you can't play those forever.

My point is...where's the new, decent stuff? Yeah, this is a new title, but Eurofly isn't exactly anywhere near the simulation end of the market, it's on par with those awful German simulators you find for $14.99 on Steam that get mocked online.

Actually...no, it's worse than those. Those, at least, have some redeeming qualities.

Okay I sent the above list off to the devs in an email. I'm hoping I get something back but no.

Oh, one I forgot to ad to the list. They basically told me they weren't sure what an airport was called when I had sent in the data.

Like you, I want the sim to be good, I want a great flight sim, regardless of if it's an audio game or not, I simply want a flight sim I don't have to pay$85  for, or in P3D's case be a student to legally use the software in question.


So....anyone out there got any other decent, accessible sims?

And going off topic, I really, really want an accessible version of Prison Architect to come out, I need to get back to bugging Introversion about that actualyl....wonder if they'd entertain the idea because that game is bloody addicting....>.<

To be honest, I just think, again, a lot of people rightly or wrongly assume oh blind gamers, they won't be able to handle a proper sim or game so let's give them a simple one.

Eh...no? Somebody, or a team in the community needs to stand up and make an absolutely awesome vehicle sim in question covering cars, trains, boats and planes. I mean, I was sniffing around Youtube and heard of making accessible sims, but compared to what's out there, I personally feel audiogames come up short. Somebody needs to take that leap and push things to the next level for all audiogames really.and heard mutterings of making Ilan Papini's vehicle simulator accessible but no clue if that ever went anywhere.

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2017-03-08 07:35:48

gods. I am just disgusted atm.

Eurofly if you read the first post is suppose to be a geographical atlas first and a flight simulator second.
Could its flight sim aspects use some improvements? yes, is it better imo than whatever else we have atm imo, yes it is. at least no game does what this does. I.E allows me to walk on a map or fly sort of from 1 place to another.

DracoSelene89, frankly the way you have worded that list, is a perfect example why blind gamers don't have as many games to play and why developers are pulling out of the audiogame development. I don't mean by this that we should be happy for what we have, although some appreciation of the time and effort that went into development and that is provided for free I might add wouldn't go amiss, you are not happy with it? think that the game sucks? go and make something better. nothing's stopping you. I'll look forward to your releases.


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2017-03-08 08:37:36

There are rejected towers out there that used real-world ATC phrasiology? If anybody has and could send me one, that would be brilliant. Sometimes, just for realism sake, I fly and leave liveatc.net up on my phone.

2017-03-08 12:46:37

I'm torn in half here.

DracoSelene89, while I do agree with your over all sentiment you should've ... been a lot more forgiving and worded it nicer. Eurofly has it's good side too.
Idk what else to say really, I mostly have a whole list of ideas and features in my head but those would be a pointless waste of my time to share.

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2017-03-08 14:06:05

The thing with that list is it is not my first email to the developers. I have sent by my own count five emails to the developers

Email #1 was a polite introduction stating who I am and why I felt Eurofly had good points, and what I wished for in updates

Email #2 was a follow up to email #1, basically building up on the points and features (which frankly people in both topics have stated though) and it was respectful and well worded and took the form of essentially an open letter

Email #3 was a request for information on certain features, and a correction to map data and scaling in certain parts of the world (that has still not been implemented by the way....as well as adding in missing parts of the world)

Email #4 was basically a slightly blunter response to the latest update asking, essentially, this:

Why are you adding joystick support instead of opening up the sim platform more to the community

And email #5 is that list up there.

It's important to note that with the exception of email #5, at no point did I basically state Eurofly was a pile of shit. I stated in my first email that the sim had good and bad points, and stated why, and what I would like in updates. That went unanswered and none of the suggestions were in the update in question. Same for emails 2 and 3. went unanswered asidee from a remark that my data must be wrong for the third email (in which I had used math to work out where a missing chunk of a country was as well as cities, towns and airports should be) and I was told, point blank I didn't kno w what I as doing when it came to the map and it wasn't my job to add anything but airports to the map.

Side note: The area in question....? It's one of the biggest areas in this particular country and it is nowhere to be seen in Eurofly, so to be told basically, I don't know my own country's geography or how a map works was an insult.

So, email 4 came and went. I put the question to the devs....

Why are you adding joystick support instead of spending that time and effort on other, more important things such as more tasks, modding tools and so forth.

Guess what? No reply at all.

So, email 5. That list.

I may have come off as caustic and nasty but the thing is, I have tried being nce. I have tried putting my criticism and suggestions in a calm and rational tone. I have tried providing evidence. I have tried roviding real world data back up my claims on certain issues.

And all that is met with silence and nothing from the dev at all. So you can quite probably understand why I put that list together out of frustration about the silence and progress. I specifically in my 4th email, asked for a task creator to be made public. I asked for an easier to use plane maker without having to dive into the documents, and the ability to....ya know....something as simple as to bee able to....ya know....able to allow us to autopilot land in all weather conditions. The code is already in, we have autopilot code, we have weather, but......absolutely nothing from the developers.

But, I kid you not, the moment I send in an airport request, bang, email back from the devs with a reply for more info about the airport....despite the fact I had provided a lot of info about the airport in the original email in the form of links, and typed in information about it.

So. In short.

Yes....I'm angry, yes I'm frustrated with the sim and it shows in that list. But, it's understandable when I have tried being nice, I have tried being calm, I have tried explaining my points, and I have got nothing but silence. I have essentially been ignored by the developer except when I dare to send in airport requests, then bang, suddenly the developer is active. I've tried contacting the developer directly on FB, I've even tried alerting the developer to possible licensing issues before, but no reply. When an aircraft manufacturer is willing to shut down free mods and games for using a virtual model of your aircraft....thtat is something a developer should know about, but no......turns out Kissoft didn't want to know about any possible legal issues with Eurofly.

So....yes, you can get why I got frustrated in the end after this, and going back throug h the topic shows I'm not the only one  who is this way.

It sucks because the sim COULD be so much more, if the developer would simply ya know....make the sim better and take the time and effort to do so. But...no. Instead of correcting map errors he adds in joystick support. Instead of taking constructive feedback in January and February, more updates, with no new content bar airports is pushed out. No new official planes or tasks. No response to any requests for information on how to make tasks, or how to extend the longevity of the game, or even any word on if new tasks will even be coming out in the future.

So, yes, if that list is what it takes to get a response from the developer, so be it....but I somehow doubt even that list will get a reply either, instead I'm expecting another FB page post about oh we tweaked the joystick support more and added 1000 new airports.

That's all well and good, but.....when the core game aspects re in need of improvement, you simply cannot keep waving new airports around and hope to tide people over can you? Or putting it another way......if you play a game to death and you've done absolutely everything, what is there left to do? You can only do so many long haul, or short haul flights before the sim starts to wear thin, and you can only wander around so many places before you start to get sick of that mode too.

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2017-03-08 16:55:06

Ahoy there

I don't necessarily disagree with things that could make this game better, but its the entitlement thing and the general attitude that DracoSelene89 has.

To each question/suggestion you demand, you should keep in mind that this game is being provided to you and others for free. which means the developer isn't obligated to take your suggestions under consideration or to reply to you in anyway or form.
Now what you and others can do is request/ provide suggestions, and if the developer thinks that's what he wants his game to be as, or that suggestion is the one he has the time for and so on, he may/may not add that in. You have no right to ask why the developer does X Y or Z and why not A B and C, why he is adding the laser of doom and why not the cannon of distruction and so on.

That out of the way, here are things you may want to consider.
"This game was supposed to be a sort of a geographical educational software first, a flight simulator second" the developer and his english rep has stated that quite a few times,you might want to think on that before you get on the developers back.
Second, English isn't the main developers language, I have no clue if he can communicate in that at all,and the other stuff you see is done by people who understand both languages or volunteers that aren't being payed. at least as far as I know,anyway.

at this point considering not just this,but other shit I have seen people throwing around, even if I could develop audiogames, I don't think I would consider doing so, specially not for free.


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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