2016-11-17 09:39:47

I don't think so. Czech numbers are much more similar to Slovak than to Russian ones.

In any case, you may want to try Google Translating the following page:
http://stefankiss.sk/modules.php?name=C … amp;pid=23
Find a download center link there, and there is the Czech language pack available for download.


I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2016-11-18 04:47:30

hi. I have one problem. every time rich the end of the mission which is the destanitaion they want, the game crash. what can I do to solve this. thank you

2016-11-18 16:29:52 (edited by hannes 2016-11-18 16:37:29)

Hi i just wanted to know how are things going with the translation?

I am dying to properly play this game.

keep up the good work!

Hannes Fouche
Access gaming my YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC8CshzvGHEy2eR5L86nMM5A

2016-11-18 17:45:15

Hello guys.
For the person who asked how the translation is going, I think we've already had an update, and even a date. Come onn, leste be more patient, I know some of us are erally, and I say really really looking forward to the translation, but heck, lets wayt until at least something is announced! a date was given, few days left, so lets just wayt for it

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. he gives to the human being complete joy and happyness. Why don't you receive him today?

2016-11-18 21:18:09

AT@Andy, if possible can we collaborate for the spanish translation of the game?
First we have check and slovak, then english and Spanish for the internationalisation of the game.

73 Wj3u

2016-11-19 08:14:21

when that happens I am happy to voice flight attendants and towers in Spanish if needbe.

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.

2016-11-19 15:19:08

how about Indonesian language and also Arabic language

2016-11-19 19:44:01

Hello all,
there was one question, that is good to answer I think, so I will do It in this post.
About new languages, we want to have more active players by supporting theyr languages, because we know, that no all people can speak and understand english language, our countries are good example.
You can do as many language packs as you wish, there is only one condition, and that is that there will be not need to work from our side. I will explayn It more concrete, when you want to have translated eurofly to your native language, well, this is no problem, but It will be only under your manage. So, you must translate english manuals, english texts, find people to record towers and stewardess etc. You can do It how you want, make annoucements on audiogames, on your websites etc. that is completely at you. After It, when you have all needed things to make language pack, you can send It to us, and we will add It to our websites and possibly also to installer, ofcourse with names of authors. This is our imagined progress, we can not and do not want to make language support on request like in case of english, so It is completely up to you. WE will also make translation guide, if there will be interest.
What are you saying on this?
Best regards


2016-11-19 19:57:28

that sounds good enough...
anyways today should be the released of the english translation , right?
this is gonna be awesome big_smile

2016-11-19 19:58:34

no, tomorrow, the 20th.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-11-19 20:09:56

oh lol, here is already 20th big_smile

2016-11-19 21:00:30

Oh, the same day of my birthday?
Unfortunately I don't have time since I'm having a presentation, so yeah.

73 Wj3u

2016-11-19 23:25:27

we have here still 19th, 20th will be tomorov. But It is not important, I sayd in post where I published this date that there should be some days +/-, now It looks like we hat not completed all recordings, so there are factors that we can not influence on, It can be done tomorov, but also in monday, depends on speed of speakers which was to this time good, so I guess not big time needed to release. All people from whose are missing recordings have been already contacted, so we are waiting for answer.


2016-11-20 00:27:30

It's going to be awesome when the english version comes out

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2016-11-20 04:32:13

I'm waiting for you! smile

I'M COMING! (James Potter)

2016-11-20 05:57:32

Hi all! Is there the possibility to add new airports or aircraft by ourselves in the game or we have to ask the devs about adding such things? Thanks!


2016-11-20 05:58:38

And also for my birthday, but isn-t important yet, or I-m I say I'm wrong?

73 Wj3u

2016-11-20 06:02:03

I have the two scripts, but I'm not sure I understand how to do the tower voices. Can someone please clarify how to do this?

2016-11-20 08:08:44

I can pretty much play this game, because the Slovak is simular to Serbian, but I am really lookin gforward for the english translation.

Don't care.

2016-11-20 10:13:13

I'm also looking forward to the English translation. Then it's easier for me to play the game.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter @thecoolgamer4 and subscribe to my Youtube channel

2016-11-20 18:26:01

I'm excited about the game in particular as it involves flying. well, I sent an email to the developers but no response as of now.
also, I recorded the tower voices for the game, and looking forward to record steward voices in a few days.

let's wait for the response then.
in case anyone would like to hear a sample just let me know.


He picked up the wrench and broke the guy’s wrist with it, one, and then the other wrist, two, and turned back and did the same to the guy who had held the hammer, three, four. The two men were somebody’s weapons, consciously deployed, and no soldier left an enemy’s abandoned ordnance on the field in working order.

2016-11-20 19:51:30

I'm looking forward to playing the game, too. Could all the needed links be posted again? I'm talking about things like the one with the files for
mission 2.

2016-11-20 21:10:09

OK. Today is the announced date. ¡today is the day! I don't know when, and at  what time are you guys gonna post it,  but I'm way too excited! now a question: you have been asking to post airports with its GPS coordinates. Does this means you cannot freeflight everywhere yet? I was planning to make a flight from somewhere in the states to my country when it gets releaced. But now this doubt stroke me

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. he gives to the human being complete joy and happyness. Why don't you receive him today?

2016-11-20 21:14:14

I think you will be able to fly, if they add the airports you want that is.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2016-11-20 21:17:28

What voices are missing? I can always record something for the English translation to speed it along.

skype name: techluver
Feel free to add me.